HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 31, February 18, 1924PROCE_EOIPGS OP VIE, BOARD OF F::BR111^Y 18^1H, 1924. No -7/ rw Fccadxtsx .192 CityScales ............................................. 37.50 Liconan Inspector ....................................... 62.50 City Hall Employees ..................................... 57.50 Oak Grove Cemetery ...................................... 199.50 Y.arkot House ............................................ 82.08 Street Dehartmert....................................... 552.12 Beaor Desert:-or:t........................................ 127.60 CSL, 11,>ht hent ........................................ 348.00 Erwir.e mir:g............................................. IG 2.50 larks ................................................... 24.50 Total w5,47A.22 T;iri Di;;triot Sewer ..................................... 509.09 �T 41 :30 the fol:ovinr� January olninc th!;t have boor aLirovo:i Lut ware r.ot a22o%ai cL 1•at ::.esti:::•. 2unir} 'ies for Cit- Jail Oat?96+.54 ' ...................................... 106.90 :.::............. , rj! r 341; r _, �:�.?;-:;;•.For.oftiolel ad vertl:�la.......... lE'�9G Total az.i tr.e o'era to a'.- :ei to iaa':ee ce_rr r.t an ^e "s"rea.=i:rsr to pa^ iane. Ad ortei a:. zhe ;all a: : f -3 1r. g©r+:e'- AlliVar. Bro ra, C o_hrar,,ole, 3iea Yor-,7t. ✓ At a rer_ular meeting of the Board of Aldermen held on the Third Floor of the City Hall in the City of P^ducah, Y.v., ^ebruury 18th, 1924, Prorident Ynnnedy presiding. Upon call of the roll the follovine answered to their names: l:enredy, Allison, BrooksI Cochran, Cole, Rieke arA Yopp. (7). On motion the minutes of the meetinr. of February the 4th, 1924, wero adopted as read upon call of the roll. Yeas (7). On motion the minutes of a joint meeting February the 13th, 1924, wore adopted as corrected on the call of the roll. Yeas (7). Member Yopp offered the folloriina motion: To concur in the action of the Police 1 and Fire Committee acceptino- the resignation of Charles 7hittemoie, as Chief of 'Police of the City of Paducah, and the bond be ordered cancelled and the Bording Company be released. Adopted on the call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas (7). � Member Brooks offered the follo:vinq motion: That license be granted to handle John Elrod, a.G.Strauss, malt and cereal beverages to the following: John Elrod, #110 S. Second Street, '. .Jones ,ranted Beverage A. G. Strauss, 116 Kentucky Avenue, 11. R. Jones #701 Jackson Street. Adopted on the i !corse. call of the roll by the following vote: Yees(7). Member Brooks offered the following motion: That license to handle malt and Jack Riddle,Bud Turner J..Eong- cereal beverages be refused the follo-vinv: Jack Riddle, #119 Brom,ray, Bud Turner, tor. refused bev- oreae license. ,105 South Second Street, J. H. Longton. 4127 S. Second Street, the above persons having been convicted of the violation of prohibition lewd and also of violatini- a City Ordinance. Adopted on the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas (7). i Member Rieke offered the following motion; To concur in the action of the !)card I of Council allo:wing the following payrolls: - Fire Department .........................................$1,512.79 Police— ................................................1,430.89 Semi-mor.thl.r I.Py Riverside F.ospital...................................... 540.74 roll. .................... Board of Equalization......... ...... 195.00 CityJail ............................................... 100.00 Executive Department .................................... 45.00 CityScales ............................................. 37.50 Liconan Inspector ....................................... 62.50 City Hall Employees ..................................... 57.50 Oak Grove Cemetery ...................................... 199.50 Y.arkot House ............................................ 82.08 Street Dehartmert....................................... 552.12 Beaor Desert:-or:t........................................ 127.60 CSL, 11,>ht hent ........................................ 348.00 Erwir.e mir:g............................................. IG 2.50 larks ................................................... 24.50 Total w5,47A.22 T;iri Di;;triot Sewer ..................................... 509.09 �T 41 :30 the fol:ovinr� January olninc th!;t have boor aLirovo:i Lut ware r.ot a22o%ai cL 1•at ::.esti:::•. 2unir} 'ies for Cit- Jail Oat?96+.54 ' ...................................... 106.90 :.::............. , rj! r 341; r _, �:�.?;-:;;•.For.oftiolel ad vertl:�la.......... lE'�9G Total az.i tr.e o'era to a'.- :ei to iaa':ee ce_rr r.t an ^e "s"rea.=i:rsr to pa^ iane. Ad ortei a:. zhe ;all a: : f -3 1r. g©r+:e'- AlliVar. Bro ra, C o_hrar,,ole, 3iea Yor-,7t. ✓ No — .V 'aIissle'a%?�ceedi �gcsij: �'�a; 192 C Rieko offered the follovinr. motion: To concur in the action of the Board: ,`embor of Ahd•errhen in allo:cing the follo:inrr bill;as shownj on the records of the Treasurer, 1923 taxes collected during January 1924, $90.85, and back taxes x'133.83. There is due the Board of Education 75/236 of the 390.85, or :j28-63 and 65/230 of the $133.63, or 47.35 Board of =:du - oat ion.al- Total amount due 176.18 toaad 76.18 ^_nd the Treasurer be authorized b proper -varrzr.t from the Clerk to ay y P P P same to the City National Bank, as Treasurer of the Board. Adopted on the call of the roll by i tiie following vote: Ker,nody, Allison, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Risks and Yopp.(7). Nembor Rieke offered the following motion: To concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in refur.3ing $1.50 poll tax to George B. Tidemell, same having be Goo. o.Tfdwell been paid twice, and the Clerk authorized to issue warrant on Treasurer for sane. j alloned 1.50 -1dopted on the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas: Kernedy, "llison, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp.(7). Member Rieke offered the folio -ling motion: To concur in the action of the Ili f Board of Councilmen 3n regard to allowing A. Y -t Martin, City Solicitor, $40.00 for I expense to Louisville, Ky., to take depositions in the. case of Italian Government alloaed ;40. vs: City of Paducah, ani the Clerk be instructed to call on the Treasurer for same. eX cense t0 ;.ouisville. Adopted on the call of the roll by the followinf, vote: Yeas : Konnedy, Allison, I Brooks, Coeh:an, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (7). Same offered the follo•ainP• motion: To concur in the action. the Board of j Councilmen in regard to communication from Sophia R. Kirkland. Adopted on the call of the roll by the follo-:ina vote: Yoas (7). $a me offered the folloiin4 motion: To concur in the action of the Board of Cour.cilmen in allowing the claim of the Owensboro Sewer Pipe Company for ;.324.9Q 0.9onabar�l- ani $69.38, .vsich is the net amount due them after deducting 2% discount, and the lo -,ed _3%4.93.aii Clark be instructed to issue warrant on the Treasurer for the pa,,mrent of same. 0.36 Adopted on the cell of the roll by the following vote. Yeas : Kennedy, A111son, Brooks, Cochran., Cole, Rieke and Yopp.(7). Same offered the follo:ring motion: To concur in the action of t%!e Board of : ate •.cker '?c:rt,^.7. Councilmen ir: re:,iri to relnasinr" boric of Foti ,loiter, Roy Thirt, and Dr. C. G. 7arnor, •,rirr. er.:or.l a rol,+lec1. their tor:", of office havini? exl:ire3. Adopted on the call of the roll b;, the following :rote: Yeas.(7). Member Yopp offered the follo•.ana motion: That the January 3teport of Chief Raj . :'.Jel:t. 3lau.7kter, C'r:iof of t%c Fire Jape^tmer.t, be rea,.ived ani filed. Adopted on the call for of Lie roll by the foilo'•.rin:r vote: Yea+).(7). Member Rieke offerrrl the folio.ring motion:: That the rol,ort of the sol .sof "roao. Treaeriror for Jaz car;; 1924, be r000ived crl filerl. Adopted on the call of the roll Jar..l?4. by the fello'-Ar.i, vote: Y•)E:3(7). 311-rn offere4 tie f022o ll.o :^ot;0r: :o concur In the action of the Board Chiu 7nlle; of x.71 ;ii 9r.' ir: reirari to a of $200.00 to the Ohio Dalley Imi,roverr,int r4t;oxo At1HO0iat:I:. fl11 42C^.G`i to t?e assissippi 7f:11ny:is:3o0:itlon, for river Improv9R.P.nt7. Val ley r..l: 'r• ..�H3 AloF,t,il �n I%- oall of t,.o x:17 1., the _alo*ir.. vote: Yea:! F - :S�nr.•.i• Alli^on, 2-CC.00 y. _.. oks. C0:lhcar., Cole, .. ei:. _. .,gr,(7). fe_ter Cale J"er:�i Ia f3::0•:'.r<• •.ot!or: That th,e ?'.a; �r, h•- crier of the Co=;ail, be asst"orizel to -:ire er.r7::er.ta'.f.ce Tulliem nr.i Senator Jye'33 ari a _ _ .gree:: :o opj.o_e er.-r.e Bi_.. .0. v2. Flopted 0: t:q rn_ll et' t'r.a r•3ll by the i'ol :- vote: Yaaa ; 7). No. . 33.. C11•l3saaissixrllc{l»1�rz?i{i� Lumber Cochran offered the following motion: That the financial report of + Rep.3iverside Rosp. Riverside Rospital for January 1924, be received and. filed. Adopted on the call of Jar.I984. the roll b:• the follorrinrz vote; Yeas (7). Member Cochran offered the fol1O..ing motion: That the petitions sired by aeveral'adtizerls of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, asking the Council not to go into contract with the Pe.iilcnh Electric Company to light the streets of Peiucah, an' close loam the present Oity Licht Plant, be received and filed. Adopted on the call of the roll by the folio 3ng vote. Yeas (7). i Member Cole offered the followir;� motion: That the Mayor rnl City Clerk � Fad. Eleo.Co. be instructed to enter into contract -lith Paducah Electric Company to furnish street lights according to proposal as read. Adopted on the call oi' the roll by the i following vote; Yeas: Kennedy, Allison, loebran, Cole, Rieke, and Yopr.(G). Nays; Brooks.(1). L:omber Brooks offered the following motion: That the lirrht plait contract be left to a vote of the people. Motion lost, never having received a second. Member Rieke offered the follv7ring motion: To concur ir the action of the Contraot Fest House, 1.:rs.Effie Board of Councilmen in regard to the i:ayor makinf{ a contract with 1'rs. Effie Ashley ',shley. as Pest House Keeper. Adopted on the call of the roll by the follo.ving vote: Yeas (7!). Member Rieke offered the following motion: To concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in regard to ];eying each member of the committee x3.00 for each j meeting attended. Motion lost on the call of the rill by the followirP vote: Plays: Kennedy, Allison, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (7). Same offered the follo.ving motion: To concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in regard to deed from the City to J. G. Rankin, Lot 11. 30, in Block 14, 0 1.J.'ar.kin deed lot 30 -hook 14 of Oak Grove Cemetery, New Addi-ion, for the gum of I1inety(?90.00)Dollars. Adopted Oak Grove Cometory, on the call of the roll by the follo':•ing 'vote: Y.ernedy, Allison, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke aid Yopp .(7). Member Cole offered the follo'•rinrr motion; That an or3.ingnoe entitled "AN OR)INAl.7; n ;'.LATII•'. TiI:: O1'::RATIOII ALIO 113!i OF AUTOP09IL:i3, 03 0?1HER Il: 7:,' CITY 0" '.;O.i3, KY., BY R:i!,;IRING THE DI3F1AY OF TAGS !J'n FIAT?3 Ry t_ioenat <aR Orli- 3nIJ C11"1" be :riven its first passage. Adopted on t're call of the roll by the follo:v- r.ance. ire vote: Yeas; Yei.nedy, Allison, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, 11914 and yopp.(6), Nay:Rioke. (1). On motion of same that miles he suspended and orlir.arce be given passage b,; ttL7v Adopted on the call of the roll by the foliowinR vote; !ea9. }kernel y, 1:e;•: Rieke (1). AlliAor., Brooks, Cochran, Cole, V// Jgl arl Yopp. (6;•. On MOtior. of same tho above o•lieJlce was airor, secor.l nr.i final }r'_s:MA'e by the fo77o':aims vola: Yeas; Flennddy, Alli aor, Brooks.^,ochr•.r,^.ole ar.d yoi9;• (G)•N• 's: Rieke (1). i:Omber Cochran offerod ti:e fO]1o•.71nrr motion: An ordir.ar.ce entitled 1:A1.A',':?:"':IT OF ! I`J;:'? '�= !! I1; ^Ifi: l l'.. OSPITAI :I'PX xz.^.zz.,gr.,rt ;liar- :, ,.:c, ._:.l ';!...:'_:,7i, .`. ;': 0' :. ;L'1 I '7r:L'T 0:' !i; 17 1.' be rrivon first :I90 ii of i is orlireroe. I.r-o,;r_rv. ;>fo1:•.e3 a: th•r c1.1 of t'^.n roll b;, t}ry io1?ov;r. vote, Yna3: 1,,r cly, Alliaor., Proofs, Colin n, Cale, ?fake, ori Yopp. (7). 27; Motion Of :7-ne that r�;lns to ;'t—}ar.ded •.r:i or'ilr^!..^.e b0 f.•lver, passa.^.e 1:,; tit15. ti of th3 er-11 of t',.» roll Ly tr.a follo'ini• vote: Yeas: Y.or,nody, Alt liter„ nr )'7d8, :i:^.":r:, ;}19, +!Ol•3 arl yopr.(7). Or. coder. o`' , .n3, t}e ei„v3 oriirr_r” ,^as ricer. aeccrd and fir,"_1 passaav Ly the "0110 Z::' Tete :e^3: z:er e'l'l, .]liP, Or., Ca,^IGk9, ^O^bran, 0019, Rin; a and Yoi•F (7 :. .',4. ia;.lor Hol kips. Ordinance re- gerdinsr revo- cation of It- oenst. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192 1lember Rieke offored t• -o follo:ring motion: To conenr in tho action in the Boarl of Councilmen in regard to communication from Taylor Hopkins. Adopted on the call of! i the r,)ll by the fol107ing vote: Yea;;. (7). L'embar Cole offered the follo'nin� motion: That a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION 'r ,07I7ING i'HAT 1:0 LICENSE sH.t].L BE 0,:1,1T::7 FOR 'THIE OPERATION OF ANY B1J`:III SS ZEGUIR3D TO BE LIC :BS] IN T -M CIT OF IAOUCAH, KEIITUCKY. FOR A PERI00 OF THREE V..ONTF?S AFT -2 ?H R V0 ,?IOiI OF ANY LICENSE F(.r•'. if[ COI(DU'CT OF T113 SAM-' BUBIItESS AT qTF PLACF OR BUIL)IVG" be given first passage. Adopted on the call of the roll by the following vote: Yoas: Yernedy, `•llison, Brooks, Co.:hran, Cole, Rieke ani Yopp.(7). i On motion of same that the rules be suspended andaboire resolution be given its i paoaage by title. Adoptee on the call of the roll by the follOwinR vote: Yeas: Kennedy, Allisbn. Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp.(7). On motion of same the above ordinance was eiven socond and final passage by the follovring vote: Yeas; Kennedy, ^llison• Brooks, Coch-ar., Cole, Rieke, and Y°pp • (71. Member Cole offered the following motion: That an ordinance entitled "Al? OR3INANCE R::GU1A1rI1IG TM, USE OF POOL ROOMS AN'J MALT BE7:RA:R HOUSES 1110 FT?III: TYR loraBeveraae rs p.:TALTY HM30F" be given first passage by the following vote: Yeas: Kenredy, rar.ca. Be :ousel. Allison, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke ani Yopy. (7). On motion of Name the rules were suspended and the above ordinance was river; its passage by title. Adopted on the call of the roll by the follbwirg vote: I Yeas: Yer:r:edy, Allison, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopr• (7). On motion of same the above ordinance vas Riven second ari firal passage + by the follorainr vote: Yeas: Kennedy, Allison, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and I yopi. (7)• i;omber Rieke offered the f>llo'wing motion: That tho Board of Public Works be authorized to buy a combination trader and tractor at a cost of a+•1•roximately lu`,hio ••orr_a 6e $1300.00. �-3opted onthe call of the roll b;; the following troto: Yeas: Y,ernody, au...ori zed to b';;: tractor. Allison, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (7). Member Cole offered the follo;in- motion; To concur in tho notion of the Boarl of 00ur.:11men Ir: regard to Board of Public •7orks in ropnirin Ott? Light Plant'. CIty ;.Iwn t'rticn lost or: the cell of t}.e roll b;r t'r.n fo]lo7inr vote: Pers: Brooks, (1). Ller:t rel •_Ir•ai ?iaya: 7.^rr,nly, A'ltsor., oochran, Colo. Rieke. ari Yopp.(o). Memlor Yopp offored thrs fol]o^ir.g motion: That tho eommunior.tion 'rom the Ir.Lnrr.at=oral As::sclatior, of 7Ire Ft, hters be rofnr•ed to the joint Police ani Fire Lr.torratioraI °T `ttei alol.t 3 or, the call oP the roll by tho follovinrr vote: Yeas: 71• =ire .I,;,Sare. V.o-r.bor Rie?o offeryd the follo7ina motion: That the Finance Committee be •, ., ..^: ad t° recolve bid^- for auto liceroe pletau nr.1 doer ta(ra, rrl to rur :hese b ids auto li- cer:so tavu' isr.t M ler. AIc1 ted o. the cnl' o; to:e roll h;, t*o.follo•rir:g vote: Yes... (7i• jzt:r:er ale offer::d t-:: f113l7'cir:a motion-, That thn :orunur.ioatton from ;iei2er. ° lai.__3 Ir. ro..r' to e rtroot 31,ht et Smith Thirtoor.th erd Alams Street, imj'rovee..rte .. ,: .,::. ::-... tewr.th ;trent, t•.. tier: ;.dar,3 t': j-:'t.:;,,r, 110 ro."nrrs1. to the Boari e" ... ,.. a. AI•,t;tr.3 or. .he or.-.' o" t= -i roll b; the fol2o7ire _Ot1Or'—, Thl-t ...^.e tine of too cualizetior. ayl8liz :.G;: TC�r1 be eat<sr'e. t^ !'Sr -h the 15th. 1:.:!. Ad>Itni or. tr.a ,,sal of 'he ?oar3 time a),t. roll b.: tce .oil=sir. •.rte; Ye.� '7;. . �iOc�k61i�,�81i�}git3x�ci:E•1PL•'P•1�2I3±�;£+��{�i3�C�tx�x�i8[�•}1Ei�i�c No. 35. _ 192 o':rd . Ti;o Board recea:a:d at 11;40 P, li., to go into joint sesaior. Ith the lower Re-cor.ven" 12:10 A' "I' , and or. roti on Board irl Journei . '� iyi`pts3 l/,A_� �.` ",/ , �/ M Member Rieke offered the folio-,iincr motion: That the settlemont of suit of i Barbara Br alley• suit. Barbara Bradley vs: City of Paducah, be ap?roved and ti:e Treasurer be authorized to i Board of Councilmen in regard to instructing the Pay srme. charging to cost and suits. Adopted on the call of the roll bythe follo:^ing L.C.Carter's flaees Force, too men to fill the vacancies of officers vote; Yeas; Kennedy, Allison, Brooks, Ceehran, Cole, Rieke and Yopl.(7). Member Cole offered the follo-ainr, motion; That an ordinance entitled "Ali vote: Yeas. (7), i ORDIVANCE PROVIDING THAT TH D:TUTY JAIL -1 Or Tlh: CITY OF PADUCAH SE::7.; HA7F CUSTODY Dept. Jailor ordi- rar,ce. ;irk COiiTRO;. OF3. , CITY PRISON RS IN T ' DOIUC. OF FUBLIC •"ORF: FOR SAID CITY" that was Board of Councilmen in retrard to creating the office of ActirP Assistant chief of riven its first passcge February the 4th, 1924, that rules be suspendedrrd given its Police. Adopted on tho call of the roll by' the passage by title. Adopted on the call of the roll by the following veto: Y?AS: _cl:co.cren_ted. Kennedy, hllison, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke, ani Yopp. (7). I concur in the action of the Board On motion of same, the above ordinance vas !riven its second and final Of Councilmen in regard to havirr belly Franklin pas.^age, on cal] of the roll by the following vote: Yeas; Irernedy, Allisor, Brooks, i:elly r'rarrl.ir.•, Cochran, Cole, Rieke, ar:d Yopp. (7). 410131ttar.t Chief of i Member Cole offered the fol]owire motion: To cor:enr in the action of the Board of Councilmen, in regard to al]o,ving ?Tr. S. i•.. Smith, former Pest House with former Inst 4ouse keeper keeper, removing woven :Tiro, which is the property of 1'r. Smith, from the farm on removire wire. vhich the Pest House is located. 1'.°tion lost upor call of the roll by the fol]oiine i concur 1r, the action of the Board vote: Yeas: Kennedy, cnd Yopp.(2), hays: Allison, Brooks, Cocr,rar., ^,ole, ar3 Of Count ::2-er, ir regard to a17o•.:irg '7. H. Brame, Rieke(5). o':rd . Ti;o Board recea:a:d at 11;40 P, li., to go into joint sesaior. Ith the lower Re-cor.ven" 12:10 A' "I' , and or. roti on Board irl Journei . '� iyi`pts3 l/,A_� �.` ",/ , �/ M Member Yopp offered the fellovine motion: To concur in the action of the two men to fill Joe Iver let and Board of Councilmen in regard to instructing the Chief of Police to put on the Police L.C.Carter's flaees Force, too men to fill the vacancies of officers Joe Iverlett ural E. C. Carter. Adopted or, the call of the rbll by the following vote: Yeas. (7), i Member Yopp offered the follovine motion: To concur it the action of the Board of Councilmen in retrard to creating the office of ActirP Assistant chief of Laciatar.t Chief of Police. Adopted on tho call of the roll by' the fol]o•vin- vote: Yeas, (7). _cl:co.cren_ted. Same offered the follo'vinA motion: To concur in the action of the Board Of Councilmen in regard to havirr belly Franklin male toting Assirtara Chief of i:elly r'rarrl.ir.•, °lice, and inereasirg his ralary 015.00 per month. Adopted on the call of the 410131ttar.t Chief of roll by the following vote: Yeas: (7). Iolice. Same offered the fol]rrir:a motion: To concur 1r, the action of the Board J. H.Brase allo.ReY Of Count ::2-er, ir regard to a17o•.:irg '7. H. Brame, ;;28.36 for oic�ht Says ti e lost 2t:.36 fros ti:e Fire Dolartrert or, account of i]]noaas. "doptod on the cn_17 of ti•e roll t • t7:e follovirz vote: Yra : Yorredy, Allison, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke, aryl Yolp• (7). o':rd . Ti;o Board recea:a:d at 11;40 P, li., to go into joint sesaior. Ith the lower Re-cor.ven" 12:10 A' "I' , and or. roti on Board irl Journei . '� iyi`pts3 l/,A_� �.` ",/ , �/ M