HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 288, May 3, 1926No..�88 -- - - Proceedings of. aoaRD or_: LDRr,rEr;__ _ __City of Paducah _r. Same offered motion to receive and file annlication of G. O..'. Application. Appleton for the engineering on street paving. Adopted on the call of the roll: G.C.Appleton. Yeas (6). Application. Same offered motion to recelveiand file application of Black & Black & veatch. Veatch for Engineering on street paving. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). Application. Same offered motion to receive and file apnlication of Chicago Chicago Paving Pavina Laboratory for engineering on street paving. kdopted on the call of t',e Laboratory. roll: Yeas (6). Member Cole and i.�cmber Dunbar came into meeting. Member Boyd offered motion to adopt a resolution directing, the Paducah -ater Co. Paducah "later Company to lay its water mains for the connections of water service Mains on Ohio St., Paxton Adams, S. on and along the following streets:. Ohio Street from 3rd St. to 10th Street; 9th, Clark, S. 4th, Clay and Jackson,etc-Paxton from Litt&e Avenue to Alexander Avenue; dams from 9th Street to 10th Itreet; South 9th from Jones to Tennessee Street; Clarl< from 7th to 8th itreets; South 4th from Elizabeth to Broad Street; Clay from 22nd to 23rd Srreet, and Jackson Street from 6th to 8th Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Recessed at 8:30 o'clock P. M. Reconvened at 9:15 !'clock P. M. At a regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen held on the Third FlIor of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, May 3, 1926, President Hannin presided, and upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: Hannin, Bell, Boyd, Choate, Rieke and Tyree (6). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Pay rolls and claims. t:cmber Rieke offered motion to allow the following: Payrolls..g�10558.01; claims .....918.50. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). Same offered motion that the claim of Black & Veatch in the amount of Claim of :950.00, be allowed, same to be paid out of the Special Sewer Lateral Fund. Black & Veatch. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). Same offered motion that the claim of Koller Plumbing Company, for Claim material furnished and labor performed in the construction of the Relief Sewer Koller Plumbing Co. for Sewer District No. 2, prior to ISay 1st, 1926, for $4208.26, be allowed, and the Clerk authorized to issue proper warrant on the Treasurer for same. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). Same offered motion that the report of the Treasurer of Bonds and Bonds and coupons. Coupons paid in the amount of 519.15, be allowed from the special Street Improve- ment Fund, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). !.;ember `'houte offered motion that the City Solicitor be instructed Hard surface Tenn. St. to bring in a resolution for the hard surfacing of Tennessee Street from the East property line of 3rd Street to the west property line of 2nd Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). Same offered motion to accept proposition of Ed, D. Thurman for the Ed. D. Thurman. Opening 26th St, onening of 26th Street through Thurman's Forest Park Addition running from etc. Hinkleville Road to Cairo Road. kdopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). Same offered motion to refer to the Sewer Committee, with power to L. IN. Emery. act, tie matter of selling, old touring car to L. W. Emery. Adopted on the call of Touring car. the roll: Yeas (6). Same offered motion to receive and file the report of the Chief of Report of chief of Fire Ve-eartment. the Fire Department for the month of april, 1926. Adopted on the r,all of the roll: Yeas (6). Same offered motion to receive and file annlication of G. O..'. Application. Appleton for the engineering on street paving. Adopted on the call of the roll: G.C.Appleton. Yeas (6). Application. Same offered motion to recelveiand file application of Black & Black & veatch. Veatch for Engineering on street paving. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). Application. Same offered motion to receive and file apnlication of Chicago Chicago Paving Pavina Laboratory for engineering on street paving. kdopted on the call of t',e Laboratory. roll: Yeas (6). Member Cole and i.�cmber Dunbar came into meeting. Member Boyd offered motion to adopt a resolution directing, the Paducah -ater Co. Paducah "later Company to lay its water mains for the connections of water service Mains on Ohio St., Paxton Adams, S. on and along the following streets:. Ohio Street from 3rd St. to 10th Street; 9th, Clark, S. 4th, Clay and Jackson,etc-Paxton from Litt&e Avenue to Alexander Avenue; dams from 9th Street to 10th Itreet; South 9th from Jones to Tennessee Street; Clarl< from 7th to 8th itreets; South 4th from Elizabeth to Broad Street; Clay from 22nd to 23rd Srreet, and Jackson Street from 6th to 8th Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Recessed at 8:30 o'clock P. M. Reconvened at 9:15 !'clock P. M. No._ 289. Proceedings of—BOAR-D-OFALDE"�EN___ ___ _ _ City of Paducah _r.; rc._3,- 1926.. 1,`E14BER Tyree excused from meeting. ---- Member Choate read a resolution entitled "A BE'20LUTION PROVIDING FOR THE Resolution. Il:'' OVEI"ENT OF 10TH STREET FR0M THE SOUTH PROPERT" LINE OF TENNESSEE STREET TO THE Hard surface 10th St.etc. SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF CALD_JELL STREET, IN T1jZ CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, BY THE CON- STRUCTION OF A HARD SURFACE ROAD-iVAY, AND ALL NECE3SARY CURBS'h;1D GUTTERS, TOGETHER ";ITH ALL NECESSARY INTAKES, C.+TCH BASINS AND LIAN HOLES AND DRAIN PIPES, SE"TER PIPE CONNECTIONS AND DRIVE :'iAYS, IN ACCORDANCE, '.SITH PLANS AND 3PECIFICATION•S P90VI IED TnI?R!s- FOR BY THE CITY ENGINEER, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY O'•:IdF;RS, AND PROVIDING THAT COST OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION MAY BE PAID IN ACCORDANCE ':1ITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE TEN YEAR P tY14RNT PLAN." Same lost first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Choate and Dunbar (2). Nays: Hannin, Bell, Boyd, Cole add Rieke (5). Same read a redolution entitled "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE I:'PROT1i- Resolution. P.'ENT OF 6TH STREET, F-30111THESOUTH PROPERTY LI -ITE OF TENNESSEE STREET TO T!:E ".'EST Hard surface P13OPERTY LINE OF BROAD STREET; BROAD STREET FROM THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 6TH STREET 6th St.etc.,, Broad St. TO THE SOUTH PROPER'PY LINE OF BRIDGE STREET, IN THE CITY OF PA DUCAH, KENTUCKY, BY THE etc. CONSTRUCTION OF A HARD SURFACE ROAD -"JAY, AND CURB AND GUTTER, F1HER? NOT IIO'Y PROVIDED, AS SHOWN BY 9ND IN ACCORDANCE 17ITH PLANS AND SPECIFIC_.TIONS, TOGETHER '.'LITH ALL NECESSARY MAN -HOLES, INTAKES, DRIVE WAYS AND Ss iER CONNECTIONS etT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPIE-WY O'VNERS, AND PROVIDING THAT SUCH COST MAY BE PAID UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas:; Hannin, Bell, Boyd, Choate, Cole, Dunbar.(6). Nays: Rieke (1). On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Boyd, Choate, Cole, Dunbar(6). Nays: Rieke (1). On motion Sime was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Boyd, Choate, Cole and Dunbar(6). Nays: Rieke (1). Member Rieke read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUCION AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE Resolution. OF RIGHT -OF -'".AY FOR THE EXTENSION OF JACKSON STREET FROM 21ST STREET TO A POINT NE,Ji Right -of -Fray 25TH STREET, 'NHERE JACKSON STREET i,,S BEEN DEDICATED, IN THE 11IDTH OF 66 FEET; AND extension of Jackson St. AUTHORIZING THE PROPERTY 01iIISRS ALONG SMD STREET, TO THE EXP�,NT OF SAID RIGHT-OF-'.3AY etc. TO BE ACQUIRED HEREUNDER, TO IMPROVE SATYR BY GRADING AND G9_�VELING, AND TO DISPOSE OF SURPLUS DIRT INCIDENT THEREFOR, PROVIDED SUCH GRADING AND GRitVELING SHALL BE P;,RPO'U110)' ACCORDING TO THE PLANS, GRADE ,iND SPECIFIC,,TIONS FURNISHED BY THE CITY ?;IGIPIIF;R." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas t70. On motion the rales were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). roll: Yeas (7), On motion same was given second and final passage upon the cdll of the Member Dunbar offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the Herman Friedman, Special Committee for rights of way for streets, in accepting the following proposition: Cecil Reed, Chas. Bichon,Herman Friedman, $600.00 for strip of ground on North 11th Street, 30 X 400 Street � R.G.Terrell. Cecil Reed, X500.00, part of Skillian lot on North 13th; Bidhon 4500.00 for strip of ground on North llth Street, 30 X 333 feet, and R. G. Terrell, 1,;33000.00 for four lets on North 21st Street, 60 X 165 feet. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Member Boyd offered motion that the L:ayor be authorized to appoint a , Committee to Committee of three citizens, with the payor as Chairman, to make a survey of the City's make survey of Oity's expenditures, and to report to the General Council, any leaks or irregularities. No expenditures. annointee of the kayor shall be a member of the General Council, and shall serve without pay. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). No._ 290. ___ -- - Proceedings of.___! GQARo OF_ALDERiahN_City of Paducah ._tIL s, i92s..__ Member Rieke offered motion that the deed of easement .from John K. Ferguson and Deed of easement wife, to the City of Paducah, Ky., over their property located at 3rd & Elizabeth John K.Ferguson,etc. 3rd & Zliz. St. Streets in said City, be accepted,and that the 'ayor be directed to execute same, property. duly attested by the City Clerk under seal, and that the consideration therefor amounting to ,?461.89, and the damage to a certain skidway of $10.00, be apportioned from the Special Sewer Fund, provided for the Island Creek Re -Location Sewer, and that warrant of said City be issued in favor of said John J. Ferguson accordingly. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). !.Iember Choate read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION P!?OVIDING FOR THE PLAN." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). II'PROVErENT OF JEFFERSON STREET FROI.1 THE 'J'EST PROPERTY LINE OF 17T1I STREET (OR Resolution. FOUNTAIN AVENUE) TO PHE "'IEST PROPERTY LINE OF 25TH STREET, IN 2HE CITY OF PADUCAH, Hard surface Jefferson ot. etc. KENTUCKY, BY THE CONSTRUCTION OF A H17D SURFACE ROAD -WAY, TOGETHER "!ITH inLL NECFS= SARY LOAN -HOLES, INTAKES, CATCH -BASINS AND SZ,!ER PIPE CONVECTIONS, AND ALSO TH',. RE -CONSTRUCTION OF CURBS AND GUTTERS, AND THE RESETTING OF CURBS "IHEREVER NECESSARY AS gllO'.',N ON PLANS, ALL IN ACCORDANCE '7ITH PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDF..D THERNYOR BY TH,. CITY ENGINEER, AT T.T.IP: COST OF TH ABUTTING PROPERTY Ol NF.RS, AND PROVIDING THAT THE COST OF SUCH CONST'?UCTION LAY BE PAID UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF TH'% TEN YEAR PiLYLIF.NT PLAN." On motion same was given.first passage upon the call of the roll' Yeas (7). j I On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon j I the call of the roll: Yeas (7). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the i roll: Yeas (7). Member Choate read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION P110'JIDI1G F07? Tr IMPROVEL.F,NT OF TRIMBLE STREET FROM THE'.,`EST PROPERTY LINE OF 10TH STREET TO TILL Resolution. Hard surface of EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 13TH STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, BY THE CON - Trimble Vit. I STRL'CTION OF i'. HA1?D SURFACE RO,iD-VhiY, CONCRETE GUTTERS AND CURBS OF iiI'CHRR CON- CZETE OR GRiiNITE, TOGETIW^R '7ITH ALL NECESS:IRY MAN -HOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS, DRIVE 'SAYS AND SE'7ER CONNECTIONS, IN ACCO}?DANCE "1ITH "HF. PLANS ATiD SPECIFICti'"IO1tS i PROVID'?D THEREFOR BY TIIF. CITY ENGINEER, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPER?TV 0111,'Ry AND PROVIDING ^HAT THE C05T OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION MAY BE PAID IN ACCO?DnNCE "'ITH TSE PROVISIONS OF THI; T' -1N YIsAR PAYMENT PLAN." Ott mOEion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). j Same read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION PPOVIDING FOR THE ILIPROSLE- j LIANT OF PAKTO;; STREET FROM THE NEST CURB LINT OF BLOO1.1 AVi:IN TO '"HE WEST CURB Resolution. Paxton 5t. etc. LINE OF ALEXANDER AVENU2, IN THE CITY OF P..1A1CAH, KENTUCKY, BY TII?i 01b,DING, AND GR:IVELING OF S6'1E, TOGETHER "7IT11 ALL NECESSiRY i.IAN-HOLES, CATCH-B:13INS AND S' -"'ER PIPES, IN iCCORD,NCE '111TH I'HE PLA'dS AND SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED THP�t7iFOR 9Y THE CITY ENGINEER, AT "HE COST OF TH'? .:BUTTING PROPERTY O":NERS, AND PuOVI DING THAT THE COST OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION 1.1AY BE PAID UNDF•R THE. PROVISIONS OF THE TE Y:?r:R PAY,"ETIT PLAN." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). 291 Proceedings of__.Bo1,R-D__OF_.,LDE. "tAN_. ._ _____City of Paducah ____MAY. 3,_1926._ T.:ember Choate read a resolution entitled "n RESOLUTION PIM VIDING FOR T'I'P Resolution. IMPROV,i„IENT OF FLORA STREET FROM, Tll i SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF 313IDGE STREET TO THE SOI1'P1I Flora St,, PROPERTY LINE OF HENDRICKS AVENUE; THENCE ON II'r'„1DRICI'S AVENUE FROT.! TII? ),,,,ST P40PER'PC Hendricks Ave.,by LINE OF FLORA STREET TO THE DIVISION LINE BET''+E]iN THE NAUH.EIT' ADDITION A;:D THE "'ATSOII grading & graveling. PROPEnTK, IN THc• CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, BY THE GRnDING MM GRAVFLING OF 9,,d?F, TOGFTH;?R '"ITH ALL NRCESSARY 1.'AN-HOLES, C—"CH-BASINS AND SMIER PIPES, IN ACCORD.ATTCE ".'ITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED THERI';FOR BY THE CITY ENGINFER, AT THE DOST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY O-J'NI-:RS, AND PROVIDING THAT 'PHE COST OF SUCH CONST`MCTION 1.'AY )3E PAID UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE TEN YEAR P,tYt;ENT PLAN." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7);. On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). On motion of same, same.was given second And final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). I,;ember Choate offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Report of Councilmen in receiving and filing* the report of the City Jailer for the month of City Jailer. April, 1926, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). i Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Report of Chief of in receiving and filing the report of the Chief of Police for the month of April, 1926'. Police. Ndopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Police in the Police & Fire Committee being given power to purchase a Police Ambulande, at Ambulance. a cost not to exceed :2245.00, same to be charged to the Police & Fire fund. :,dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Boyd, Choate,8ole and Dunbar. (6). Nays: Rieke (1). Member Boyd offered motion to refer to the Fire Chief and City Engineer,, Report of reports of the Paducah ",ester Company, under date of March 25th and April the 20th, 1926. Paducah 'ater 1�o. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (714. Member Rieke offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Gradinc & Councilmen in re,gerring to the Board of Public ,11orks and Street Committee, a petition Graveling from citizens requesting the grading and graveling of 25th Street from Jackson to 25th St., Elm St.etc. Tennessee Streets; thence eastward on Elm Street one block to 24th Street in O'Bryan's Addition. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur inbthe action of the Board of Councilmen Frank Block. in referring to the Board of Public 'forks and Street Committee, Communication from Onening Greer St. Frank Block regarding the opening of Greer _'venue. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Member Danbar offered motion to receive and file communication from Hollow at J. B- Acree, President of the 3oard of Health, regarding the lack of proper drainage 8th & of a hollow at the intersections of 8th & Caldwell and 8th & Husbands Streets. Adopted Caldwell, P on t're call of the roll: Yeas (7). L'ember Caldwell St, Dunjar offered motion that the City Solicitor be instructed to Storm Sewer bring in a resolution creating Caldwell Street in a storm sewer zone, same to be charged Zone. to the abutting property owners. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Report of Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of councilmen Riverside in receiving and filing the report of the Riverside Hospital. i+dopred on the call of Hospital. the roll: Yeas (7). Proceed Of BOA13D-0W.-.LOi;tlr;n11- . __City of Paducah. - _ . No. -9_9.2.—. -- - Nember Dunbar read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION PROVIDIPIG FOIL TPIt'; Resolution. EXTENSION OF SE' 1`11 ZONE NO. 4, IN 513':_?R DISTRICT #3, IN Ti?F CITY Oh' PADUCAH, Extension Sewer KENTUCKY, SO AS TO INCLUDE CERTAIN ADDITIONaL PORTION OF SAID CITY PEREINAFTFR Zone No. 4. DESCRIBED; AND DEGi/'IiING THE COA1,'rRUCTION OF SANITARY .1,03FRS IN SUCH EXTENDED ZONE TO BE A NECESSITY AND 3FTTING OUT IN GENERAL TKM,S THE PROPEit T( 87"3JH;CT TO THE PAYMENT OF COSTS OF Sal' -E." On motion same was given first nassage upon the call of the roll: Yeas(7). On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: (7). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll. Yeas (7). Member Choate offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in authorizing the Board of Public works to place an advertisement in Oiling -Streets. the official newspaper advising property ormers if they desire to have a dust preventive placed on the streets in front of their nronerty, they should ma';e application to the Board of Public :'forks on or before a date to he set by the Board. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Kember Dunbar offered motion to refer to the Street Committee, communi- cation from the I.1ayor in regard to':the.::opl-nion of Black & Veatch, regarding the Sewer in alley btw.hionroe &Jeff. necessity of building a sewer in an alley between Monroe and Jefferson Streets, and 19th & 25th sts. and 19th and 25th Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Pdember Rieke offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Island Creek Councilmen in referring to the Street Committee, -and Sewer Committee, the matter Sewer. Street kept open.of keeping street opened during the construction of Island Creek Sewer, as re- located. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to receive and file, two deeds from Chicago, St: Louis and New Orleans R.R. /Company for property for the streets along the west edge of the railroad company's Deeds from Chicago, St. Louis & New property, from Ky. Ave. to Goebel Ave., and for necessary gnound to make street Orleans R. for ground for streets from the Memphis Lead track to Union Station, and -have same recorded. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the act -ion of the Board of Councilmen S. 6th St. bt.v, in referring to the Street Committee, petition from citizens requesting that Broad & Cfashington. South 6th Street, between Broad Street and !'lashinGton Street, be re -constructed. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Member Choate offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen instructing the 9ity Solicitor to bring in an ord6nance providing for Sid•walks, curbs, gutters, etc., the construction of concrete sidewalks and curbs and gutters from Fountain Avenue Fountain Aloe. to 22nd St. etc. to 22nd Street, or the west property line of the new school propert,7, on the south side of the Hinkleville Road or Trimble Street . Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Member Cole offered motion to refer to the City Jolicitor to bring in Grading & gravelin4solution for grading and graveling 24th Street between Jefferson and 11onroP 24th St. btw. 11 Jeff.& Pdonroe Sts. Streets, as recommended by the Board of Pudic '•orks, adopted on %he call of the roll: Yeas (7). Member Choate offered motion to concur in the action of the Boar of Councilmen in referring to the Street Committee, petition from citizens requesting Reconstruction Broad tet. etc. that Broad Street be reconstructed from the West line of Bridge Street inhere it intersects wlth Broad Street about one block North of where Bridge Street crosses Island Creek, to the East line of 6th Street. Adopted on the ^all of the roll: Yeas (7). No.- Proceedings o. Proceedings of___.Banpn_or ,aLD�i,.,,rr.. _City of Paducah ;,+ Ay_ 3,- 1926,_ - Member Choate offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Hard Trimble Councilmen referring to the Street Committee, to bring in a report in.regatd,-to ng?, St., etc., hard surfacing; Trimble Street, Brom 13th Street to the Gity Limits. Also curbs and curbs & gutters fro^: gutters from 13th to 16th Streets on Trimble Street. Adopted on the call'of the roll:' 13th to 16th on Trimble yeas (7). St. On motion meetirig adjourned. ADOPTPD: �% 1926. i l- ,Y;fi�9IDIR�:T a J O I N T M E E T I N G. At a ,joint meeting of the General Council held on the Third Flaor of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, Iday 3rd, 1926, President Hannin presided, and upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: Hannin, Bell, Boyd, Choate, Cole, Dunbar, Rieke, Tyree, Johnston, Brummett, Crider, Doherty, Fleming', Jacobs, Kerth, Owen, Stewart, Vogt, "latson and 9latts. (20). Minutes of the Joint Tweeting of January 4th, 1926, were adopted as read. "ember Rieke offered motion that the matter of sewer in alley between Sewer in Jefferson and Monroe Streets, be referred to Sewer Committee. Adapted on the call of alley btw. Jeff.01onroe the roll: Yeas (20). Sts. Evaluation Same offered motion to go into the election of an Evaluation Board next Board. meeting night. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (20). On motion meeting adjourned. ADOPT'' • 1926. CI'PY CLERK. 9 PROVE .4131 ') ', T BOAT? OF i�