HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 276, March 18, 1926■ Proceedings of._!30. _Lo or__Lnra,:q;;ra__ --_ ___City of Paducah__ IL?ru.�a,._1926____________ A D J 0 U R 1; "d D 11 3 B T I 1? G. 1:1 A R CII 1B, 1 9 2 6. tit an adjourned meeting of the Board of Aldermen held on the Third. Floor of the "ity Hall, in the �it•y of Paducah, Ky., Mlarch 18th, 1926, President Hannin presided, and upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: Hannin, Bell, Boyd, Cole and Rieke (5). ! Member Bovd read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PIXI':I. THE j I Apportionment APPO'TIONY"'NT OF THR PU9LIC FUND OF THE CITY OF Pj,DUC:H,KENTUCKY, FO't TH11; YEAR Ordinance. 1926." On motion same was liven first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: hannin, Bell, Boyd, and Cole. (4). Nays: Rieke (1). On motion the rules were suspended and Ordinance read by '.itle upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Hell, Boyd, Cole and Rieke. (5). On motion same Was iven second and final passace +upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hanntn, Bell, Boyd, and Cole (4). Nays: Rieke (1). 1 Momber Bovd offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of R.C.Jones and Marvin Colson Councilmen ordering the cancelling of bondsof Patrolman R. C. Jones and Patrolman bonds cancelled. 1.iarvi.n Colson. ,dootcd on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). I Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Bour•l of Councilmen in referring to the Light & 'Nater Committee petition from citizens for viater main I extensions on Clark Street from 5th to 6th, an,l on Jackson Street from 5th to f Water mains on Clark 6th. ., opted on the call of the roll: from 5th to 6th; Yoas (6). Jackson from 5th to 6th Sts. Same Offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Report of Paducah referring to the Fire Chief and City Engineer for annroval, report of the Paducah Water Company. 7,aLer Company under date of (.:arch 4th, 1926, of water mains laid ant fir -e plugs installed. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). Street Light at Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen 21st and Madison Sts, referrin, to Lig;it and :'.'iter Committee, petition from citizens for street light at 21st anl:iadison Streets. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). ':ember ?iieke offered motion to concur in the action of the Boara of Printing bids. I Councilmen accepting the bid of hong-Johnson £< Cothpany, of Jackson, Tennessee, 'I Long -Johnson & Co. for printing .lithographic bonds. Adopted on the caill of the roll. Yeas (6). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Re-aeness City instructing the l..ayor to request the State Tax Commissioners to re -assess the City Public Utilities. Public Utilities. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). !::ember Rieke read a re:>olution entitled "A REX)LLiCION AIJTHORIY,I?JG THE BOARD OF Pt --,d: COMMISSIOTEHS TO 1i2 '; CL:'iT,Ii1 Ii.1P',O'1R'.c:':ITS ON FOREST P,1HK 3ELONGING Forest Park, TO TH7, CITY OF Pi:OUC:,H, AS IIEREI1d:eFTEH SPECIFIED, IN ORDER TO ACGZPT.a DON:.TION i OI'' , 10,000.00 FROM R. H. NOBLE, A CITIZEN OF TH': CITY OF Y..DJC7.H." Adopted on the i, call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Boyd, Cole and Dunbar (5). Clays: Rieke (1) On motion meeting adjourned to meet Thursday, March 19th, 1926, at 7:15 o'clock P. 1.1. ADOPTF tJ 7926. AP 20ViD:j CITY CLtdi?K A D J 0 U R 1; "d D 11 3 B T I 1? G. 1:1 A R CII 1B, 1 9 2 6. tit an adjourned meeting of the Board of Aldermen held on the Third. Floor of the "ity Hall, in the �it•y of Paducah, Ky., Mlarch 18th, 1926, President Hannin presided, and upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: Hannin, Bell, Boyd, Cole and Rieke (5). ! Member Bovd read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PIXI':I. THE j I Apportionment APPO'TIONY"'NT OF THR PU9LIC FUND OF THE CITY OF Pj,DUC:H,KENTUCKY, FO't TH11; YEAR Ordinance. 1926." On motion same was liven first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: hannin, Bell, Boyd, and Cole. (4). Nays: Rieke (1). On motion the rules were suspended and Ordinance read by '.itle upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Hell, Boyd, Cole and Rieke. (5). On motion same Was iven second and final passace +upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hanntn, Bell, Boyd, and Cole (4). Nays: Rieke (1). 1 No. __ 277. Proceedings of—ao_=: : ]DER: ice_.City of Paducah Vember Boyd read an Ordinance entitled "Aid O i I;d i!CL PILI?!', '.iii; LsVY OR .,,.5 Ordinance. OF T,,X',TION ON PROPERTY I:? ^tilE CITY OF PADUCr.H, 1Cv:3TUCKY, FOR 'PHI." Y' -;.:TY 1926, AAD ! Tax levy. THI: >.., P?: i:4' Pli' POLL TA,X, '7ITH THE PURPOSE OF SAID LEVY ;% tsUY3D a DEFINED. On motion s•.me :vas driven first passaTe upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Boyd, and Rieke.(4), jays: Cole (1). On motion the miles acre suspended and Ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Boyd, Cole and Rieke (5). On motion s,mc was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Boyd, Cole and Hieke. (5). i Same read a resolution entitled "A Rc';OLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE INSTA'_LiTION Installation OF A S?,':P.. FRO]' A POINT 71HERE BRADSHACI CREEK INTFit6ECTS TH7 1I01,iTH PROPERTY LINE OF of sewer _t:,'NT1,CKY -VENUE, TO A POI -7T 011 "f,}i': TTCT:Y : VEY:JE '.;iiERE S:.ID :;1.,; :!ER '.;ILL CONNECT ­!ITI 'NI Ky. Ave, eta. btw. 15th and CONCRETE BOX OR RECEPTION CULVERT :0:! ; F?UC PED 3Y THE ILLIIIOIB CF.'d'PRAL R.,ILRO,M CO1.:PialY• 17th Sts. ON ITS P'30PE2TY RE-77.EEN 15TH -+11D 17TH CT'irETS. On motion same was given first passai,c upon the call of the roll: Yeas(5). On mocio:, �. -L- L- w,,.,, _uspenuecl : + 4 resoluuion _,ci,.ci ';)y 6itlo upon d�!L of tnu .•uli; Yeas (5). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Member Rieke offered motion t6 receive and file communication from the Koller ;,eyor relative to executing contract to the Koller Plumbing Company for buildtng Plumbing Co. Relief Sevier in District No. 2, and re -location of 24" out -fall sewer line on Island Creek. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Same offer,,.. o:otion to concur in L:.c uotioa of the Board of Councilmen Nurses' Home repair -in iving Hospital Committee and Public Improvement Comoiittee, Ynicr to ham: Hurses' _ i ed. Home repaired. Adopted on the call of the roll: Ycas (5). Same offered motion that the Chief of Police be instructed to permit Parking on one and one-half hour parkingon Broadway between lst and 7th Streets, from 7:00 o'clock Broadway. A. t:., to 6:00 o'clock P. ti., and all time parking; after six o'clock P. I*_ including; . Saturday, pending revision of Traffic Ordinance. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). ].`ember Bole read a resolution entitled "A RLiOLUTION 1UPHORIVJ1;G THE Fio-"On Laying of Or' TIT- CITY OF P,ID'TC :II TO EXECi1TR COITTR_.CT HERt:TO ATT. -.CHER BET"IES11 ""Ih: ILLINOIS sewer pipes ;,,:_ n COFPniY -.PDTH? CITY OF PAMG H, KENTUCKY, '7ITH REFE'MICE TO L,iYING OF Sli"Mll under tracks. PIPES UNDER TTIV TRACKS ON Tii_ti ;iTREFTS EER,I11A.FT3'r3 On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yens: Hannin, Bell, Boyd, and Rieke. (4). ]::ember Cole not voting. On motion the rules ;,ere suspended r_nd resolution read by title upon the i call of the roll: Yeas:(iannin, Bell, Boyd gnd Rieke. (4). .:ember "ole not voting. On motion same :vas given s;ccnd and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Boyd and Rieke. (4). ,.:embor pole not voting. On motion rnectin,c; a,i•journed. 4DOP'PsD: 1926. WV: -:D: CI FY G' i, ;;:. i