HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 245, December 21, 1925Proceedings of ..BOARD.. OF_n.LDERL'.F.N. No.—M. _ _ -- - -City of Paducah .-_-_DrCPZ1BER 21, 1925. At a regular cmecting of the Board of Aldermen hold on the Third Floor of the city Hall, in Lho City of Paducah, Kentucky, December the 21st, 1925, President ?tannin called the meeting to order, and upon the call of the roll the following ansVlered to their names: Hannin, Boyd, Brooks, Choate, Cochran, Dunbar, Rieke ani, Yopp. (8) . , The minutes of the previous meetinF, were adopted as read. Member Rieke offered motion that Posey & Cooke to audit the books of the City Posey & Cocke at a cost of 1400.00, as recommended by the Finance Committee. Adopted on the Audit Bocks. gall of the roll: Yeas (8). Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE REPEALING All ORDINANCE ENTITLED Ordinance 'AN ORDINaNCE PROVIDING FOR A CLERK OR STENOGRAPHER FOR THP: JUDGE OF THE POLICE Cl^.rk or Steno- .;ra,her for Uity COIJiT OF PADUCAII, AND PROVIDING FOR THE SALARY THEREOF?. ADOPTED BY TH_: T30ARD OF -1d; e. COhIM31ONERG OF JANUARY 22, 1923." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (a) On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Member Dunbar offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the Sewer Contract .cith Committee that the Mayor be instructed to sign a contract with Black & Veatch to Slack &Veatch engineer work on the new sewer on 13th :3treet, and on Island Creek at price %---: specified in contract. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Member Choate offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Jones . tJounh Jones Councilmen in regard to condition,of South 12th Street at Jonas, be referred to at a. the Street Inppector and Board of Public Works. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion that the matter of locating additional fire plugs fflditiorial fire in business district, referred to in tho report of the Paducah "lator Company, be plugq in bu3ina33 3,sr,rict. referred to Light Pc ;-ater Committee, with power to act. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). aembnr iiekc offer•d motion to concur in the, action of the Board of Councilmen in receiving and filing; the communication of the Vayor apnointinl; 7enry ". SiRder3, as City ";eigher, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of i.: ".. •'.`°�. ;&opted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). ..,, offend notion to concur in the action of the Bo-arrl of Councllmen fFa rrra. q:^.ea or, ;i..r, :e City :�nliei.tor, f,arnishee served on the City. .doptnd on the. :+ )fff:rorl :or.Ion to concur in the action of the Boarl of Counnilmnn :A.n•t :'PO"" it. ': - Lillio ^if:ke Bo;i4 for a plot of ground on 17th ^treat. til." iere. Soy.l. Atop —I or. .... ^"Ii of tr., rill: Y -un (a). tlec-•.er Cro,.t-3 offere•1 xotion to concur It" f'ir-• action of the Board of C an,�a - ., _.. ^^.'l: f; i'Ji R^ tanl a'!lin, tno F.!,Jctlpn Cnftiftentfla of Glle folio"tinv: ,.ert:.,..aL.!g, A. ._. ......'^-9':, ,. ... Tyree, :aildr".ar., ..'r:❑'7. CrilUr, COUn�.ia^an, ::a3COnd -art, •- .. it: ,.. .. <U'< ;, '.'ataon, ';runCilm..an of _- .. _:.. ... ,, .... .. ar,tion oi' ..a•: F,:r•,r1 of Cc a=a !cn cca3 i; �luatiR a ..:i; Cf .e:a! `1 .. .1', _77' " �� r'., %h( l ^.317. CI " -_ . :.... ..ea3 (3). No.. 34d. Proceedings of so-RO o;: City of Paducah 3AdCF.3:SBBR .21, 1925. -.. Same offerel motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Cash Coal in receiving and filing communication fron the u.ity Solicitor regarding refund of License Tax paid by the Cash Coal Company, adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas(8). Same offered motion to refer to the Finance Committee the clait• of Clara Clara Peters of w700.00 to see if paid, and if not, to have same paid. adopted on a Pr..ter'r Claim. tte tail of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board :of 04ainci;lmen Platforms in referring to the Fire & Police Committee and City Solitbr, with power to act, In front o; husiness the communication Prom the Mayor regarding platforms built over the sidewalks in houses. front of business houses. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Member Choate offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in referring to the Board of Public ';-'orks, communication from C. L. Reeder, c, L. ?ee:ier. requesting the City to remove obstruction from the street near his property. Adopted on :he call of the roll: Yeas (e). Member Rieke offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Pa;; roil 9n3 claims. Councilmen in allowing the following: Claims ..... ;?15249.23; Payroll..a7075.38. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen ^r'a in allowing, the Cashier's Fund of *247.25. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas(8). Same•offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen ^e�-ten in allowing former patrolmen claims as awarded by the Circuit Court 1n the amount of nSS E. ,:99.33. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen In cancelling Special Street Improvement Bonds and C®upons 1n the amount of Q1742.60, %•'Sop::^.ei on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). aonoona. Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen C•& Q. F. In allowing interest on the Sl. 0, and 0. R. R. R. Co., Bond Issue in the amount of Co. 3, cr•:e inter- .857.14. Adoptad on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). H7t. s^o offered notion to concur in the action of the Board of councilmen 4n" rt In allowing Robert Thornton, 27.50 for night services to the Council. adopted on th•: ?'h••.an•.rn. call of th, roll: 'leas (8). Memcer :nanbar offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Counollmcn to re, eWiing on,t filing; Engineer' a Lstir ate No. 3 of Black & Veatch for - '.1 s•.c work Sone by th(, Koli•:r :•lunhinrz C-mpany on Sowers in 'Lone Nos. 5. 4 and 1. Adopted an :ell o" rola: 'teas (8). .:'t'•+r•:3 moLlon to conaar In the action of the Board of Lmincilmen fro-: t::' .rc Sr.',,rrinv tc. 3osri of P�ai,11c '•;orka ar �• , } tttion from citizens requcstinF that ''•' r.'et n-3 fron: IrlO^e Itree`. to Po::ell "aroet, if extended. Adopted offtare•3cotior, to concur 13: ;?',r; ar.ti.on of the SSatra of In re:neia'.ns ur.i ",?in eorW>rar.i^ation from City ::nlfnttor in rogar(I to °•. ! _. .... -'. ✓: ^••:: 're �:arc -' L .. G•7"' for in fu-)r a3" Ja%Ted .•G.l i:R r, fonner . na-:'._ ... 77i�`"%'1 Cin '.t:.; ,•2a �: �.'' ..... :aii: Y•iti] (81. <. off:... ........ '.a ,!-.rtrzr in the act > Tan of tk;a ; o•trd of _ . .. ... r•:cei +r. _ Sin fron. ,-:< Mayo^ in re. and to 'd'..... _:LS, -. ,. ._.! ... ,.... , .... 311 on C:.. Rall or .::9 roil: i:•: ticsion of the Board of .': N... r _. .. _., ;O ...... ._ .._ .... ... far ::,.,ea°'.:r.^. frame t.: ;;a ..Trp •t:: -.,.. .. . ._ ..__ .... 31, ..- -._.. .. -... ._ •.. - .:;r... .. ... __ of No.. _.R4.7.-_ ... . _ _ Proceedings of BG;,xv of ArpaISITEN City of Paducah _ DEO1,31BBR 21, 1925. Member Boyd offered motion to receive and file the communication Re-cort of the Faducah ••ater Co. referring to the Light & ':later Committee; the -report -of the Paducah 'anter Compnry. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Member -Rieke offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in regard to raising the salary of Councilmen and Aldermen from Salary Councilmen and Alde:con. i$3.00 to w6.00 a meeting. Lost upon on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Member Choate offered motion to table the following motion adopted by the Board of Councilmen: "That the matter of taxing autos of out-of-town Taring, eutos of residents who use streets of the City continuAlly for business purposes or out-of-town resid- parking while at work, be referred to the License Committee for recommendation." ents. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Member Cochran offered motion that'the following be adopted: "The Mayor is hereby instructed to accept a deed from Lir. Bradshaw and Dirs. John K. MacDonald 7rnd fro,. :.^.I3^,d311"aw •.Jahn 1;.1.'ac- on the same terms as accepted from other property holders on Kentucky Avenue nI orsld. between 15th and 17th Streets, and Kentucky Avenue between 17th and 19th Streets, with the further provisions that the "ity will move the house now located in the street, at the kity's expense. If he cannot secure said deed as above outlined n he is instructed to proceed with condemnation proceedings to secure said property. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Member Choate offered motion to table the following motion adopted by the Board of Councilmen: "That the people working in the City that live outside Occuanticral Tax. of the City limits, pay $5.00 per year occupational tax." Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Member Dunbar read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING Or'31nn;,r. THS' ISWING OF BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING A NEW SCHOOL BUILDING, ol Ron..I RC.TIOD'ELING iND REPAIRING SCHOOL BUILDINGS, AND AC(IUIRING SITES FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDINGS, IN THE CIT- OF PA)UC:iH, KEN?iICKY; AND TO PTtOVID:i FOR THE P..YNENT OF Mr,RtMT ON SAID BONDS, AND TO CREATE n SINKING FUND FOR THE PAW -ell" OF ^:-.I3 BONDS AT MATURITY." On motion of same, same was given first passage upon the call of t1v, roil: Yeas (8). On motion of same the rules wore suapondod and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). On c:otion of name, same was given second and final pasaare upon the cull of th- roll: Moan (8). n•r Cnoate. offered motion to concur in the action of the 3oyrd • - • of Ca•:r.^! ie.• n i:: regard to the Bo•+rd of Hrh'lie 17orlcs boinG requested to open the "• rest i i^ r.. ,..•e'� ?lvd,,frar.. 8ra•vimay to Xenturky Avenue Ior public uso. aeptc•:1 .... ... •':,:1 of the roll: Year (8). '.'•:-...r timate off•ircl motion to conrur in the action of -y,e Boari o: +.a;:r.^il•• •r, in �ntnorizing the Treasurer to tr•unafar on Deeamber 31st, 19,15, to _t:F .hiri :Astrict .=!a, r :3or.i •:tT:kin,a F:uvl, ;3096.43; ;'.chool Tmnrovement °er.i ._:.r.ir. ;r. 'i, ,:ic_`,3.:0; Gene -til ::ir.;tir.I Fund 466-1.00. A:Iaptod on the ?lv-Ttsr Roy, afro.,i—I .,•.ion to .. ncur !n taa anion of the Rcr+rd of a3ap"In.7 • v39Ci„_ la:r..,-_... i, r :al'.ira; :.ra'„F..: Vq::pa::1 to lay .. .. 1fa ••.; n,lns C -n ':'CXsy ara9t frm.1 to :)1,,vYEt1an'l 3::'r.,e'; on Clark r_- _ ... ... ;i:: .., .. , :1.. of :a- broah, i:.., lrpted .. .. ... �:. i .. .�... ,. the rel'.. NO. 247 .. Proceedings of - BC.: -RD OF .ii.MERLM _ _ City of Paducah . _ DnCrnIBER- 21at, AM. -- Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Fire. F i'.i x . ins"_:1_e_ in receiving and filing the communication of the Paducah 'later Company in regard to 2nd S• zw9'% installing a fire pli:g at 2nd &-: Broadway. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas(s).: Member Rieke offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Toile` icor Vity Court, Councilmen in asking the Public Improvement Committee to put spring on toilet door Room. in City Court room. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas .W W. Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Cemetery deed froom. in ratifying the transfer of Vorth half of Lot No. 24 Block "F" in Oak Grove F. 0.Yanc; to Cemetery, from E. 0. Yancy to ".:. L. Yancey, ado,,ted on the call of the roll: Yeas Yancey. W. On motion meeting adjourned AYP'iOVF.D: �r P.: IDrrr_ BO:�.ro OF ALT)" ;.-:3r. --