HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 136, December 22, 19244. Proceedings of — City of Paducah 17dCLL B1,R ls, ___192 At a call ncetinq of the Board of Aldermen held in the Council Chamber in: the City Hall, Vic• 19th, 1924, ;•.ith President Cole presiding, and upon call of the roll the follm;ing j answered to their names: Cole, Alliston, Brooks, Cochran, Ihnbar, Rieke and Yopp. (7). On motion tv e 9oard recessed at 7:30 to ;;o into Joint l:ieeting. Re -convened at 11:30 o'clock P 1!. !"ember Cochran read ar�I!D ianance entitled "All OR111L,1ICE FIXING AIM RhGUL.;TING '?. 9 :wFCS OtG fi'iiTI1iG �I,D 2`iSUING PAL E O1Q THli VARIOUS B: LICENSE Ti1X,•:S :+_i ,; 3 JF BU'I'_:i3S�OCCUI 11001•'ESSI 1111 T°(2S AiiD C1wLINGS Ili THE CITY OF }iADUCAI , r.:'. �� 1'^:iL. f -1_S 1•' V4FNT THrRW, AND FOR VIOLATION TH RI OF, o iijLUTES OF BUSINESS, OOCUEATIONS, PROFESSIONS, i UT '6:3T PAYTH; iICENSE TA,k a?ID PROCURING LICEIISES AS ^ 0-z lon laid ias given fiZapended pon the call of the roll 1, t'ne foll``otl�+`t�., vote: Cole, Alliston, Bro, Dunbar, Rieke and Yopp.(7). �.• On :btion of sm e, the rules were sordinance read by title upon t^e call of the rbll by the follows g vote: Cole, Alliston, Brooks, Cochran, i D.lnbar, Rieke. and Yopn.(7). On motion of nnme.said ordinance was given its second and final passage upon call of tae roll by tho-following vote: Yeas: Cole, Alliston, Brooks, Cochran, :n:,ar, Rieke ar-•-1 Yoop.(7). On motion the Board adjourned to meet on Monday night, December the 22nd, I _124, at 7:30 P. --..._.-_�_ "-•" prwtdtn6.6oun4 0% :�i..cr„w;.. City Clrrtt J O I N T 11 E E T I 11 G call At a -joint meeting of the General Council held in the Council Chamber of I' ':nll, L-cember the 13th, 1924, at 7:30 P. If., with Member Cole presiding. 4 f ^n roll tnc folio^ring answered to their names: Cole, Alliston, Brooks,i lxinbar, Aie_e, Yopp, '•;atts, Bougeno, J. E. Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, "nrrison, Owen, RiRRlcaberger, Spicer and 73towart.(19). Or. "tion `.ne minutes of the previous joint meeting were adopted as lead. Cn zc;ion th, ::alrora reason for call was received and filed.. I —r,a offs red is:a following nominations as members of the. Board of .,,lc :un, ,eo. 11 lieton; •wd Finis Lack. :keter taking a ballot _ ^" 'n 4,1 ballot, Board tn%n,on motion of '.,. E. Cochran, ailou—ni"i Ca :, .�:79'.,_ ti"; r: ,.._•1, !U';4, at, 7:30 o'clock P.M. ev••..•e: or ne^a.l Ceuncil held in the louncil Cha-:ber or, r:cs :,m:• 22m1, 1924, or, ti!e r F1ricr of . X1%y ,::1 1, at 7:". r', M.,'111U1 Prcaldent Colo, prosi.linr, Upon t?- rai; or r:a roll tht; Poll: ink anaa•orod to tnnir rvi: • -. Cole] Alliston, D.lnba: Rie;:e, :'o^._, T. ... CaPri^.'i, Crl�iut•, Jaeoita, 9tetaart(16) . .....1:nC1A!;Sen .ren fp:... ... � :, o:•� , c:::Lk: for tiYb Wenitli :p 7-! , .:'n r, :•.r, C-." .. _. _ _ • n.1 dao sire !j . a[l. 71 T-2 ire sea fit to a, i ..la appo1:.' ar.t. Proceedings of. --� .,n of City of Paducah_•_ -19Z -- L On motion said communication visa received and .filed. After bulloting for several different candidates the Board finally elected �ouslization „ Alliston, 7.% E. Ram and J. M. Englert, as members of the Board of Equalization 9oc:3.elects,. for tine year 1925, Upon call of the roll by the following vote: ole, Alliston, 'crooks, B. Cochran, Dunbar, Rieke, Yopp, 1'.7att,3, J. E. Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, I:c'th, ::anon, :orrison, Owen, and Stewart. (16). On motion the Board adjourned. Ai Gcc�_ y---40 :F�;PP�:JviT� L'• --- _ Presiilcnf lto¢rd of .fader;,a-.,e, City cin, .. J O I N T 11 E E T I U G. At a joint meeting of the General Council held on the Third Floor of the City Rall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, January the 2nd, 1925, President 17atts presided, and upon the, call of the roll the following answered to their names: Cole, Alliston, Brooks, W. E. Cochran, Dunbar, Rieke, Yopp, Viatts, Bougeno, J. E. Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, Morrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and srewart. (19). On motion the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. On motion meeting adjourned. 9