HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 109, October 6, 1924No..109... _ Proceedings of ' _ ;__.lit:_. r El;_---- -City of Paducah_OgZOBL!(_ 6,_lgz4,__A._ 192 At a regular mooting of the Board of Aldermen held on the Third Floor of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, October the 6th, 1924, the Hoard was culled to order by President Cole.. Upon the cull of the roll the follo`ain answered to their names: Cole, Alliston, Ashcraft, brooks, Cochran, Davis, Rieke and Yopp. (8). On motion the minutes were adopted as read. 1.ember ?Rieke offered motion that the expenditure made through the Jxai:iar�s ':und. Cashiers fund, as shown by the Treasurer's report, be allowed and the Clerk aut::orized to issue proper warrant on the Treasurer charging the respective departments as shown therein: Cityhall .............................. .35 Printing, Postage and supplies......... 8.46 Police Department ......................41.50 Health " ...................... 6.33 Special Street Oili>i;; _:ccount.......... 43.44 ;adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8), Same offered motion that money due Yancey & Johnson, as shown by the Treasurer's report, be allowed and the Cleric instructed to draw proper warrant Yancey & on 'treasurer for same. The amount due is as follows: Johnson Paid in by property owners.......... 32890.87 Less amounts previously allowed..... 16633.08 Now due ............................. ;y16257.79 :;lso that unpaid bills in the amount of x3052.99 be turned over to the Contractor, as required by law. :,dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion that bonds in the amount of X323937.38 to cover ton year payment agreements, as signed on Contract i:o. 1, be ordered printed, executed and sold. i,lso that the Treasurer be authorized to make final settlement -,t: contractors, Yancey & Hohnson, upon the sale of said bonds according to law. .,dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion that the City Qarbage Company be allowed their City Garbage sc. - regular monthly payment of 4158.33, as per contract. :.dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). Same offered motion whereas, there will becomo due coupon interest on enresnee & .:labam:a Railroad bonds in the amount of ;;1950.00, I move '"' .11owunce be made and the 'treasurer authorized to tran:,for surto to the ;Rational Bonds. :iew <ork, for payment. Adopted on the. call of the roll: eas (8) . Lie: ber Aalicraft read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDIIIG i0:: :'­:7T,_1Y 3L'..t1RS IR4 3: :ER LONE 110. 1, 5U8-DIVII'.I011 C, H o. III _1" Cr Y.. ; i :. '., i:... _1; ,4:Y, AT THE CO3T OF .,I . I _;. nl: CONSTRUCTEb UP014 G:_ 'r,,.ion r.a ,:, n: i'1;• r, pas;,, ,,o upo:: .!;r: call of tia roll ;irookn, CG::::Y..:, :;avie, i{10%0 ... ::,r•,:•:,. , :... _ ..._`� aU:4f:eruir;=1 a:a1 ­r-11:ta:10e W road by .. , i:pl,n, ..1..1 .... .: - .. ,? v,'a:i . _ ..,.. +C, r,:;r! .7,:1 �l :• Ca: Oran., !,ay.3, No— 11Q. Proceedings of_ _ City of Paducah_ ocTo_192`.-. ':onber Ashcraft road an ordinance entitled "All ORDIiIit110E PHOVli:?::G FOR `l.'HE v __ 0? Iii 3li.'ER 'LONE I:O. 2, SUB-DIVISION B, SL'"1ER DISTRICT `ones 2' j:,).;Y, I:' CI'i'= J_ P :LUJ..:I, :..::"UL'1:Y, AT THE COST OF Tii1s YNOI'nRTX O::HERS THEIIEIN, an a 4. _,L BE CONSTiiUCTED UPOII THE 10 YEAR PA MEIIT PLAIN, AND ._...YS U:lG, UNDER ,11D THROU1311 7.RICH SAID S14,11VERS SHALL BE J-0: I:i irCi!_i.:. TaR1 S, Tlli: PROPERTY BENEFITTbD THEREBY .111D Or_.._. OST 01 On motion of sante, same was given first passage upon the dull of the roll: Yeas: Cole, :,lliston, Ashcruft, Brooks, Cochran, Davis, Rieke and Yopp. (8). On motion the rules dere suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of sae roll: Yeas: Cole, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Davis, Rieke and Yopp. (8). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll:; i Yeas: Cole, Alliston, 6si:craft, Brooks, Cochran, Davis, Rieke and Yopp. (8). Same read an ordinance entitled "All 0RDIID:'WE ?ROVIDI!1G FOR THE CONSTRUCTION! I OF S_X.IT:,RY Sa.'ih'RS Iii S:,"3i 7,021E 10. 3, SUB-DIVISIOII A 11ID B, SE'i,'ER DISTRICT NO. 3, I Il: Z1i . CiT, OV P.;DUC:Ili, iENTUCKY, AT THN: COSI' OF THE PROPERTY O :HERS THEREIN, AND r..,:'_DI::,G c.. .: 3:1Ill Ss':."�>? 3IL•:LL BE GO!, 3V'UCTED UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN, AND „,.i,_-YS ALONG, UNDER AND THROUGH V.11ICH SAID SE",ERS SHALL BE SETTING OUT I'll GENZR,,L CEFCiS, THE PROPERTY BEIINFITTED THEREBY AND OF 2Hm COST OF SALE." On motion of same, sante was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Gole, .:lliston, ::shcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Davis, Rieke and Yopp. (8). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the tail of t c roll: Yeas: Cole, :aliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Davis, Riejje and 'fops. (8). On motion sar•.e rias given second and final passage upon t-he call of the roll: Uole, :lliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, .Davis, Rieke and Yopp. (8).; n read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDI:L•tIICE PROVIDIIIG FOR PHE' CONSV IICTI011 7 7,0;; 0. 4, SU3-DIVI IOI; A ;IND C, Sc :'i•:R DT.":TI?TCT N0. 3, Pi:.i CO::T OF TRS: MOFF.3TY 0::11ii iS TM:?_Ill, AILD COSaT J!(j'2ED UPON Tilh 10 Y1w R PAY14ENT YL,iN, AND :! : :.LUi:4, i;:..,_.. T!1 ?OUGH ".RICH &LID SW.-ERS MALL 13E BEVEFIT'PhD THIsRIiBY AND C:: r.o:aon of' n(., 7, su. n wr ,j :-i-.,.n first eussaCe upon the call of the roll: ?c;ia: .Clan, .._,..Ain, ......,: •sf :, Broo!111, tioai;ruP., '.:alis, Rieke anti Yopp. (8). Cr; :cr: ?::•: r::n: rirn su::n t:tel ,::! orallnunae read by title upon the ­11 of . of , __ •, ...:.istor., ...._:rrr,f Iirool:� 1 t, , :oata•un, lIIViJ, Rieke tl: ".ULiC❑ .,. .,.., ^(„ zm:arj d owl flnitl riavm;,o Upon tho roll of thta rall.. '"L: a„ i, ..'i ..r:aLt, 1 roo'x3, +C....^an, .,av!:1, ftieko ArA Yet)[). (8). Proceedings of_ 3_1,";O OF -City of Paducah_ 192 -6, _19M. NtUCL k1ROVIDING PO)i T11E uw3TRUCTM, :arae read an ordinance entitled "All ORDII cr a OF S&.7BHS IN Sj:q1.ET1 ZONE 110. 5, SUB-DIV13101,1 A, SELER DISTRICT NO. 3, IN TFE CITY OF KF:;fUuKY, AT THE COST OF THIi PROPERTY O".iiERS THEREIN, AND PROVIDING Tii..T S.,ID 831hiLL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE TEN Tr.ATI. PaYl..ENT PL,1:, AND NAMING THE S'TRo TS A31D iL.!,r.YS ALONG, UNDER AND THROUGH Y.111ICH S,iID Sh!.',2R3 S11,,LL BE COITST�UCTED, ,71D Sr,M!:G OUT IN GhNEP-1, TERNS, THE' PROPERTY BEITEFITT.,D THEREBY j',ITD SUBJECT TO TiiE'..Y:.: .•_ OF aiE COST OF On motion of same, same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Cole, Alliston, Ashoraft, Brooks, Cochran, Davis, Rieke and Yopp. (a). On -notion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas: Cole, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochral; Davis, Rieke and Yopp. (8). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the cull of the roll: �Yeas: Cole, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Davis, Risks and Yopp. M. Same read an ordinance entitled 0RDlli,.NCE FIX114G THE Cli,,RGES P011 THE 7::G OF HOGS, CATTLE, SHEEP AAD HORSES ON THE CITY SWL-63, AND REPEnLING ANY 0:1 "I'M, Ii! TiiE C K:�IiTUCKY. R Mi—TIONS IN COli?,I(;T 1"ry OF F-LUCAH, On motion of same, same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Cole, ;.11iston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Davis, Rieke and Yopp. (8). On notion the rules were suspe:)ded and ordinance read by title upon the (,all of the roll by the folloaing vote: Yeas: Cole, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, i.;ociiran, Davis, Rieke and Yopp. (8). On motion of save, same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Ycas: Cole, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Davis, Rieke and -ern. (a) - ilember Ashcraft offered motion to refer complaint of Yrs. L. L. Leake ':re. to the City Solicitor; Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). tlember Cochran offered motion to receive and file communioution fror.. o zoard of Public 7,ork3. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yca3 (8). Same offered motion that the Engineering Department of the City connect �;V.*.,o r -,Utn Jeff. f sanitary scaerj at the corner of 19th and Jefferson ;;trecta, and the sanitary "nq 17th 1_t!� oeaer on 3roudaay between 17th and 18th Streets, an per recowmendation of the Board cralbli,, -.ork3, and the Board of Inealtia, and same be charged to new construction, eY.ijcrtao Of rja:co to be refunded to this fund when collected from tno property ln-Ar.,J or, t..,! call of .., ,j roll: Yeas (8). r.otion t­�,; ti,.e -.nginee ring Department of the City be in - r%' to havu tho pond 01, ',tr• c -t, beL-acen 19th and 20th 3troots, filled elcavated on uj%,%l John 1-.arta be charged 20r{ pfr yard for to sull nowl. 'd Onr,...fj cr.11 01, W.0 11011: YOA3 (B1, !iK)partrsvnt OV the amity be ;road 1,ngti;enGa ua p r request of tki. to Pled pipe left r t" �ity r�,. ',3 p". price ".ado bl t. C,` joint rage ;a,. .,ony. r,'L Proceedings of ---_.-City of Paducah o,: I92 4. Sarre offered motion that the request of citizens for a ligat to be placed -;T ' t at the corner of 12th and Harrison :streets, be disapproved, as there is now three li,-i:ts 'within one block of this corner. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). ...,- rl.,on Sane offered motion that the request of citizens for a light to be placed tr:e;t on the corner of 12th and Palm Streets, be disanproved as there is a light on the corner L'^ at of 13tiz & Palm Streets, and one 350 feet south of the corner of 12th and Palm on 12th Street. :.doptcd on the call of the roll: Yeas (8).;, Same offered notion that the request of citizens for a light to be placed .tre:et on •.eyers Street opposite King !Sill & Lumber Company be disapproved, as there is a light ;t. now ore Block north and one one!hlock south.of this place. Adopted on the call of the c .roll: Yeas (8). Name offered motion that the Paducah Electric Company be instructed to place a Street light on the corner of 16th and Clark Streets, the cost of installation . ,120.05. :adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion that the City Auditor render a bill to the N. C. & SE. L. R. R. Company for $180.00 for an are light on the Companyfs property for the *ears 1922, 1923 and 1924. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Member Rioke offered motion that the Purchasing .':gent be instructed to order 4000 auto tags at not over 9¢ each, to be numbered consecutivly. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered notion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen A V in allo:rinr, house & "hittemore, •,:2714.92, same .being 65% of work done during the month - itte::ere of :optember on Contract No. 2, sideaalksand driveways. Adopted on the call of the roll: 'yeas (8). 'arse offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in allo•;;ing G. i:atterjohn, Jr.. •;1491.15, on Contract No. 5, for eldewalks, driveways, Ater?o�u,., euro and ;cuutter. 1:do-rted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). . 9ne offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in ailc::inr G. ;. Robinson & Cempany, ;;12238.76, on Contract No. 1, for sidewalks, drivewa;ra, curb and .;atter.. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8), �rc e offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen In al10..1n- he fclfowin. Puy I?011............ 8678.36 CI::Sr-.s........................ 218G.39 4opted on tae cali of t:ac roli: offered ::otlon to concur in the aetion of the 3oard of Councilmen w1000.00 on ,ontrart fo.r pe!-::un:uit improvement on Riverside m :... i. roll. 4as (2). 1r. t.a action of tho Honrci of Councilmen I.ity _o: I,.^.r: 1:=tiaa of ,"ny, .ht::0 a`.:r.:: :o concur in "atiec, of :;, o., .:? of to !Alice 1:rt C...1 ; :'vavol - • anion loot upon tri. coil of :d1 ell .wcs r...te Far!": ir,A 7.. . ctieltc. Adopted cr. t:.• No— 11Z. Proceedings of of Paducah 192 Z-6 1-0t-lon Gcnori:l council exprc2r to Beasley the thanha of the City of Patlucalis for his generosity in dedicuting, dedication.. to the City property ut Caldwell ,van,.(, ,tnd Cald,.-:oll Street, an U' -,c City Clark zo .;.-itc to :.r. Beasley. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). ,.ember Cochran offered motion to concur in the action of tiro Board of Councilmen in referring to the Light Committee a petition for li,��ht at 25th and .25th `.entucl.y .1venue. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas M. barber bar Rieke offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of �ouncilrion in regard to referring to the Street Comnittee and Bourd of Public On oz- ;z. -orlzs for invusti,,;ation, petition of citizens of South Fifth Street. Adopted on t. -c call of the roll: Yeas (8). '.!ember Brooks offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in receiving and filing summons submitted by the Mayor for the City 1,= -,ons .ayor. . of Patiucab, Kentucky, that was served on him. Adopted on the 'Call of the roll* Yeas ..:ember Brooks offered motion that the claim of %amilton Furniture Iton Furn, Co, Company be tabled: Adopted on the cull of the roll: Yeas (8). !!ember Ashoraft offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in regard to Warren Pel3ry's property on Guthrie Avenue being reduced `:arras Peery to $1500.00, the other property to stand as assessed. Adopted on the call of the roll; Yeas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in regard to refunding ,55.32 to the Dark Tobacco Growers .1;ssociation. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen LeaVe in regard to Txt Bill No. 2145 of Mrs. Lou L. Leeks. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). :!ember A31icraft read an ordinance entitled "AV ORDINA'oX.-: .'LSIES-IING '.-f 0:; 3ID3S 01 '-T�: J.' ;!,JInD 3TRELT3, IN VIP, CITY 0: IN X- C, G' WP: r-: ABUTTIcG FOOT 1:Oh Vi'n' 1:1G 07 OIL, IN -.C,.'C) T 'i. ?TIOV�,�;Ici:1�3 OF .111 C.- 1-: '.`O -,.;'IT: VOURTH '20 -'Cj T; '-1)IL;Q:1 STHL;..T ,IGHTH 0 Proceedings of —..---City of Paducah use. t;, _____192-4. I .. „1'it!:uT TU .:1HTiidifii STREzT; I i idIRTEi,;1:'I; ST 1,.' T FRUI:I : J_:;% l 3.: .'.! l:. _'i _...;: 3TRELT; FOUNTAIN U U' 3 -J. 0 'T!IVERSOIT :: ; 1•'01J_: , I iVc;:UL' FRUl" HARRISOII STRbZT ... . . .... : . . .i , i:..,:.L. ..VLI'Ui: Filt}.. ,. '. r;S.b' _"r. :I _ ....T TO TRTRTP;EtITH STREET, AS SHOiIS 'L3_I:.:'a2i OF , .,:M PROVIDING TH::T SxID 1,33ESSIZEHT SIiALL BE i t::IRTY D:.Y3 FRO7! i:.al;.:G -:ii) PUBLICATION HEREOF. a On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Cole, Alliston, .:shcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Davis, Rieke and Yopp. (a). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance was read by title upon ..>,11 of the roll: Yeas: Cole, Alliston, .Ishcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Davis, Rieke and Yonn.(B). On motion of sane, saa:c visa given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Cole, Elliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Davis, Rieke and Yopp. (a). ame offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen ^o;arain7 ;ae Bill of C. L. Bryan and .,ife, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas ta). Same offered notion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen 3. rerurlinr; Tax Bill :(o. 749, of Clara B. Cosgrove. Adopted on the call of the roll: .... :ave. Year (8). I Za7e offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen to the Tax Bill of Ed. Seamon, being referred to the City Solicitor. Adopted! on rn, call of the roll: 'Zeus (8). .:aye offered notion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen i 01 _n re,;ard to cancelling assescr.ort on Illinois Oentral Hospital, as recorallended by ta0 • <1 ;;gi6ai. '.ity :auditor an•i Cit;{ solicitor. Adopted on tile cull of the roll: Yeas (8). cr YOpp offered z:otion to concur in the uction of the Board of ..-"'rt.Ouncilrer' in :'•:r, :':. _.. ;.'1 f _i ing the 3entember resort of tele File Donartmert. ,olopted ,a e offered notion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmoll reeei•41,w ur::l filint' t .,; ;nr,te .b,.r ronort of the Folice Department . Adoptod on ^.:11 of ti:e rol'l: Yeaa (8). :ane offs.r,-d :otion +;o concur in thr, action of the Board of Councilmen 1:•, receivin". filing t:ee crir_>ai nleul;ion from :,..<: i'olice and biro Committee in regard o cioain- ::.;c,;.y storea or: ...::::1: r. iaptad on ...•, auli of tac roll: 'leas (8). coccus acti011 Of tr:c Bour"i of ,ouncilrcll ir.; i:. 7!: •.c:• a •:o i;laee r:nlico:::,n lit Til;'huun _ a.. ._..,... :.oa ;>: '1, atulotic field o:: r,.:': r: ,l:i o:' •ell: 7oua (ti). in t;x- .:,>:ion of .to:., t of >Olitic'Unvn ':' . .. : ...__.. ::ei::�? rslea -.:, srn:•.'.iin'^ t:apt eu:•Cl^;aur ot'_crrs Or duty at Sri, .c.:, and 5th.`3treeLa .&::Craft, 71 _ Attee, Ira .. No. 115. Proceedings of _ _`:' __°` '` ' 1!''`I City of Paducah __ . - _ .- _ -_ _. 192 Member .,llirton offered motion to receivu and file the co:imunication from: J. T. Bass J. T. Bass and J. i;. Torian. .dopted on the call of the roll: 'leas 8). J.E.Toriar. ?.:ember Brooks offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Comnunication Councilmen in receiving and filing communication from L. Rice. ,dopted on the call L. Rice. of the roll: "-ieas (8). !'.ember Rieke offered motion .to concur in the action of the Board of ; Lelia :ap DiF"s Councilmen in deeding Cemetery Lot No. "300, in Block "4", Oak Grove Cemetery, New Addition, to Lelia i:ay Diggs. .,dopted on the call of the roll: leas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen l:rthur :.Laird in receiving and filing the communication from Arthur IS. Laird, Secretary of the Lions Club. :,dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Dember Cochran offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Street Light Councilmen in referring to the Light Committee and Board of Public '.:orks, petition 10th & Bachman Streets. as:3.ng for a street light at 10th and Bachman Street. ,Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in regard to filling a hole along Clark Street for Mr. John Aarts, free of charge. "r. Jowl Aarts. !lotion lost on the call of the roll: Days (8). Member Davis read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTIOI: P@OVIDING FOR TILE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETF: CURBS iL11D GUTTERS ON BOTH SIDES 01.1 14TH STREET FROIj THE Rosa. concrete curb na`i ^utter3l.-OHTH :' .OP-,RlY LIKE OF JEFF,,RSON STREET TO THE SOUTH PI?OPERlY LINE OONROE 3TREET, on )oth .,i3::3 14th ',treet Iii THE CITY OF P;:DUC..H, KENTUCKY, IN ACCORDANCE S:ITH THA; PLAITS AIID SPECIFICi,TI01IS from Jeff, to ::o nroe. i•ROVIDi0 BY TiIz CITY E"eiGIIIEER, AT THE COST OF 7HE ABUTTING PROPERTY O'.:iir.`?3, AILD 'r=:0111DIIIs TH,:T 3 ;E STI LL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE 10 YEAR PAYMENT PLAIT." On motion of salve, same was given first passage upon tine call of tho roll by the following vote: Yeus (8). Cole, Alliston, Asheraft, Brooks, Cochran, Davis, Rieke and Yopp. On motion the rules aero susnended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: 'Zeus: Cole, Alliston, ,ahcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Davis, Rieke ani Yopp. (8). On motion of same, sans was given second and final passage upon the Of' tn� roll: leas: Cole, .:lliston, i,shcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Davis, Rieke u'• •''Opp• (a). ".an.e read a resolution entitled "A ituSOLUTION i•"OV_1r'.: ? r:,T CURB LINb: OF BLOGL: :.V: 3 ! i.: , ii ..,....,.. . `]....i..;, I?I :i?^. ully OF ?.,LAE, IN 1G ;O .',.;P.UN :ITT THE PLiJIS, PI?Oi't, .• :CA- TIONS Be ?FiiS ++I' ,:':I:.... (, ,.. :... 0i ..,.. -: UTTIYG i13,( t' �:?T _ On c:aticn o: n :x:n n,iv ::, first paanago upon '',v cull of ti.', ..'InPJ l°rift, Ifr00 {a,-,00.1:ra11, were 3usrendsd and rr.,aolul.ien r,:ad ry titin. upon .s,cl'art, :Brooaa, ::oai:rin, iavia, filoke :•r,:. .. ;ca:.•; ani final paaaane upon t.i,e tall G: ...-. rcl; .... £Gi:.G.:,.. vG'.e: Y"a3: Cole, ...1`...CG3i, —1. -,craft., 3roo:0i . ifi r..-.: •.`ti :., .if1 "f A.i, ...104e U:.i '(ij J.�. (/j •1. - Proceedings of ______City of Paducah._. ;:, -- -192 9. 1;:en:ber ..cchran offered motion to concur in the action oi' ti:e 'ioard of C^ c lc ar.r..ilran in regard to the creek across :eyfield Road being referred to the City across .... i.^.eer. ;otion lost upon the call of eho roll: Nays (8). Recessed at 11:20 to r;o into Joint Session. Re -convened and on motion mectinr adjourned. JOII:T 11.,''-r.TING. .:t a call joint meetin7 of the General Council, held on the Third I Floor of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Ky., October the 6th, 1924, President Cole called the meeting to order. Upon the call of the roll the following ansriered to their names: Cole, ..Liston, .xhoraft, Brooks, P.. E. Cochran, Davis, Rieke, Yopp, Watts, Bougeno, J. i. Cochran, Crider, Jacons, Perth, ]Jason, ::orrison, Oi-ren, Rigglosberger and Sterrart.(19). The =mutes of the joint meeting of July the 21st, mere adopted as re�id. The :.:,yorls call was read. meeting was held for the purpose of considering the report made _..._re Committee in the matter of Lir. Brittian being killed on kills arcct oy a polc.. ,-_ :;bile xalcinF a raid on the home of Pearl Brewer on ;opter.:ber 13th, 1924. ..iso to accent the resignation of ... Baker from the Board of health. cx•:.: icr, e:::uer Oren offered a:otion to accept the rosi•'uation of Lir. E. 7%, Balser . to tu.:e e=C'e;ct t:r,C. dented on the cull of the roll: Yeas (19). Cochran offered :,otion to receive and file the report clic ",::_Attee in the i..utter of th,: killing of i.:r. Brittiun on LlJ 4r., ;,dontcd on th,: culi n£ the roll: Yeas (19).