HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 71, July 7, 1924No. _ 71. .._ Proceedings of.._.Bs?-ann__City of Paducah. JULY 77R,.192 At a ro„ular mpetinf.- of the Boar,! of Councilmen held on the Third Floor of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, July the 7t -h, 1924, President 1.7atts called the mectin; to order. Upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: 7latts, Bou`eno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, I.1orrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (1'd). On motion the minutes of the meeting of June the 16th, were adopted as read. Kember Jacobs offered motion that the communication from the Paducah Granite I.iarble &. Stone Company, regarding; exemption from taxation for five ,years, be referred to Request tax ex- an�. er.Dtlon Paducah e City Clerk for investigation And report. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12,). 1'.arble & Stone Co 1:1ember Kerth offered motion that the communication from Guy Harris be referred; to the Police and Fire Committee. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Guy Harris Same offered motion th4t the City donate X100.00 to Loraine, Ohio, for the i Donation ;1100.00 1 --lief or the citizens of that City made homeless by tornado. Adopted on the call of tide Loraine, Ohio. roll: Yeas (12). L'ember Owen offered motion that the City Clerk be instructed to communicate Ferry Landing at Elizabeth St. Pith the contending parties for the Perry Landing at the foot of Elizabeth Street to see if they wish to bid for.oame.and.re-oort.at the next meeting. Adopted on the call of the -ro11:..-Yesm.(l2)...... . I lember erth offered motion th,at.the communication from E.arearet Umbaugh b,argaret Umbaugh regarding the assessment of lot at 17th & 1.adison Street, be referred to the City i Solicitor and Auditor. Adopted on the call of the roll. Yeas (12). Member Lorrison offered motion to concur in the �eco,r:lendation of the City a. R. Toon Solicitor in -deducting ;200.00 from the assessed valuation on Tax Bill 3750 of I7. R. Toon. Adopted on the call of the roll. Yeas (12). I Same offered motion that the Engineer's Estimwte No. 3 on Contract No. 1, Engineer's Est-. =o= work done by Yancey & Johnson, during June, 1924, be accepted and t're Treasurer be r'YContract 1, Yancey & Johnson �i%thorizsd to issue an improvement warrant to said firm in the amount of ?;19870.40, same �1987U.40. ;eine 65jo of the work which is in accordance :-Pith the State Law. Adopted on the call of the -oll: Yeas: Watts, Boueeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, ilason, i.iorrison, OT. -ren, iggle::'oerger, Spicer and 6te'aart. (12). Same offered motion that the Clerk be instructed to is:-•ue warr9nt on the Tr=_azure'r to nay claims of Yancey & Johnson for btrcet intersection cost on contract Yancey Jocnson .+o. , az pi:r ;in ineer's Estimate in the amount of $2111.78 same to be char .ed to Conti -act 3, , € $2111.78. i construction, ac; provided in the 1924 apportionment ordinance. Adopted on the call 1:11: Y'.•: _.a: uat'to, 3ou_ero, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, yerth, :.inson, +..orri`on, nicer -nd .ctewart. (12). motion that the exrenditure of the Cashier's 21and be u.11o 'cid ' Cas ier'sr'tz d. ..' be. .a -,'f YiZIJd to io "1'6 prcrier aar-,..nt on the `'Treasurer char�'in. file -. i shorn mer :i n: - - ...........16.35 ' .1u.00 i Police .9.25 . ...............................•:2 fi4 .....................................18.60 ............................ ......................................... 9.85 _ ..........................33.90 ..............................5.3.65 Proceedings of ..;_:' := -_ _' __ -: _ _ -'_ _':_ _-City of Paducah--JuzY-72-a' --.192 ------- rst'.Ria offered motion that the Y•, --post of tiro Joint Finence Committee be acvapted, ' on 1_ra „ ..h Clork bo ir,01�rllctc:d t0 issue +Yi r. 'u ` u Y '0Y' C}Ll]'['an� tha rOS;OeCtl VFj Semi-:. onthly Pay roll. as shovai therein: Sanitary Inspector,First; holt of June ................... .41.66 PestF e " n " q ou ::aec:er, ...................... 25.00 Die; e �our.,il " 29.75 a. Co., frr:i ht 'or at'r,et; Lept...................269.69 Postal 'ieleCraph Cable Co .................................. 7.26 Alco tho follo:;ing regular pay-roLI: LeEi3lsti':e ana Executive.................................1449.50 Police Department.........................................1592.98 Do,z Catcher.. ......................................... 55.00 -'ire Department.. .....................................1543.50 3oard of Public Ciorks..................................... 25.02 Street Department ......................................... 934.65 I;e:,i construction .......................................... 392.00 2e',-ieY• & Plumbing...........................................156.10 Li,ht ?iant............................................... 51.00 eti House .............................................. 85.00 En iteering............................................... 137.50 P,.r,c • ; 61.50 Wharf Master .............................................. 8.34 City Scales ............................................... 37.50 Oar. Grove ................................................. :66.40 City Jail ................................................. 100.00 Riverside aosrital.........................................578.05 Health Officer ............................................ 250.00 Health Nurse .............................................. 105.00 Sanitary Inspector ........................................ 41.67 Incinerator ............................................ 45.00 Pest House................................................ 25.00 LFilk & LeatInspector..................................... 70.00 Sever District Ido. 3 ...................................... 102.50 Also the following monthly allo'aance: Carnegia Library .......................................... 625.00 Home of Friendless ........................................ 300.00 -.cCrac.:en County Cou_t.................................... 100.00 _.,hers Club .............................................. 25.00 Settlement House. ................................. 25.00 , Colored Homse of Friendless ............................... 25.00 ; Yeas: d o:: the call of the roll: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Lerth, },:::,don, i:orrieor., Caen, Ki. `gl.:sbereer, bpicer and z-,tewart. (12). ! Cochran offered motion that 5,124.00 be deducted from Louis Looko£sky ! Louiz ax3ill, 7;2251, as per his -request. adopted on the call of the loll: Yeas (12). LOO}:of sky Lr:mb er Jacobs offered motion to concur in the recomzaendation of the City J. Solicitor in regard to :ax bill 4052, J. E. Ciiihelm, Executor, the assessed valuation i'rech`tOI' to be to,ere,i ;:1025.00. Adopted on the call of the troll: Yeas (12). ':cr,:bPr Bon_eno, offered motion to refer to the City solicitor tax bill 892 of J. A. Dickcy a. ..• Dickey for iP.76tif---�iOn- Woptnd on the call of the roll. Yea:; (12). :a_. P.CnicY. L:or. cor 2picer offrired motion that the tax bill of Sam Renick be referred to the. `:i.':y ..olicitor a.-., for cor_i•ction. ,dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12)'. -rr:ad an o-rdir.=ince entitled "AI: ORDINANCE Pi:OHI3I''2ING .3 :I::G C;,RD_ OR 0'_': EF AD'�R'iI:.'37:SIN ON 'i'ELBPHOIE POSTS YoaL•inP -- . . ordinanceir7 ••-..C_.. I ... ! i.: _r..._.., ^.. __LUI �.Y 0. L , a:b J il::.:l .LL" _- OR I:Y Or' On loz; o' _::.r:, seine .: ';on i ir::t p2S:;at G uron ::he cull o.:' the moll by ..... iO1l0.Jl y-. :'J ":c, Y�aJ .;!2oti:, .N.91. i2M, ..00s:. :ki, :: 'far: L', JEar; O;r'u', t:Grtf:, i•.'_a:0zl, On ::.o_io. o: -' _ u1es were suspended and thre ordlnanco '.vas rest by ti.tla, upon ti -c, eC111 0-f the roll: Yeas: utitr.3, Bou, -:no, ::ochr.an, Cridel', Jacobi, Zerth, 11:130!;, }:O -c i'von, O:+en, „i.--lesberger, opicer arn On motion 37 i uIi Second cnd in31 pae3a,,0 11.p0n ti,: c;..11 of why moll: Yeas ..'stt 5, 3O;h;'eI1O,... ,...._`:, C_i�:er , zacol`3, '.ert}:, .'..`aSOn, l:riir 23vI1, :, en, Rig.glasberar, Spicer a::i ::tewart. (18). Same offered motion that the communication of Dr. J. 2rnest Fox, City Elizabeth St. Health Officer, regarding water standing on Elizabeth Street, be referred to the Board nuisance. of Public !forks rrith ro•:,er to act. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same offered motion that the communication from Dr. J. Ernest Fox, City i Caldwell St. -Health Officer, regarding a drain pipe across Caldwell Street, near 9th btreet, be nuisance. referred to t o Board of Public �'Iorks with power to act. Adopted on the call of t!e roll: Yeas (12). Lember Jacobs offered motion that the City of Paducah convey by suit -Claim. uiL-Claim deed to ?'rs. i7. L. Bigham, Lot No. 111811, Block "4", Oak Grove Cemetery, for the Sinn Deed, I'rs. L.Bigharc. of :,37.50, and th t the Clerk be instructed and authorized to sign said deed, and make oiler entry of said conveyance in Cemetery Deed Book. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yej�s (12). Sam, offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of :aldermen in 2•r..vin tite action of the Llayor in issuing an emer(•ency Warrant for � 3000.00 to ::he Ywhell- l i Hunter _"otor Cc -''(:00,00. B)u¢eno, Cochrlr., Ci'idor, Jacobo, i:erth, Mason, Morrison, Owen, Rii-F'?e3berp'er, 5.picer Sa*!e otfr_rod motion to concur in the action of the Board of :aldermen in ':he folli;:inl bills. ..tr­et Lenart:;cant, ,17.,13; New Construction, 241.99• I , rtre•C.t Gent. .. nr:tpd on "'?,e call Of the roll: Yeas: Matte, Bou: ono, Cochrun, Crider, Jacobs, New Cor; Proceedings of '5,h;;D a¢ -----City of Paducah ___juz7r_-7_7H, Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of aldermr.n in payi.n^f the Board of Yduiation x595:31.25, as per report submitted. Adopted on the. call of the n Oven, roll: yc.as: Watts, 1Bou,,eno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Zorth, I-anon, I.Orrlson, 3i lcsber<r, :.nicer and _'tevrart. (1). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in 'he -reasurer to transfer all cash on time deposits to the 3rd District ' U V•. GdBond Fund to the checkinE.-, account of said fund, and instructing the Clerk to issue -roy-cr -,varrxnt on the Treasurer for E. R. Harding Company in the slue of 1.31000.00, to ..pply on final settlement. Also that proper currant be issued to E. Herding Uompany for X9000.00 for the 5necial Se-rer Fund, makin- the total to apply on settlement ;40,000.00. Adopted on i the call of the :Loll: Yeas: Watts, Boueeno, Cochun, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, i Morrison, Oz:en, Rieglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). i ISember Korrison offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of i Aldermen in authorizing the Liayor and City Clerk to enter into contract with Frank i i Brenner for finishing the floor of the Riverside hospital, at a cost of ;7892.00. I i Adopted On the call of the roll: Yeas (12). i Member Jacobs offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in authorizing the Board of Public +orks, Mayor and Superintendent of Streets,; . to sell four mules and tvio street flushers to the best advantage. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). ",.+ember Cochran offered motion td concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in regard to receiving and filing the statement of Chief Slaughter and others on the ,{ �.' �s�.{•.t S4.a.WHTIi 1 1 accident or the re Chiefs car at 3rd do Jackson Street on June the 26th, 1924. Adopted fry ,,..�j�...c..r on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). I Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in permitting Street Department to make left hand turns with all street cleaning equipment. �{ ,✓uoDzed on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). I.emoer Spicer offared motion to concur in the action of the Board of aldermen in granting :..alt & Cereal BeveraE.e license to Charles Zeiss, x`111 S. 3rd St. Adopted 1 on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). 1:ember-ochran offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in regard to the .hief or tre Fire Department being authorized to have the ututz car that ;74., (I.rm:,Tied at thE: corner Of 3rd and Jackson btreets repaired at a cocL o'' ar,rroxir..eLely 'f500.00. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). W'-moon Z.:cor:s ofi'ered motion to concur- in the action of the Board of ald^.-raer. rreywdin� the mechanic of the =ire Depc.rt:ivent being' allowed to drive Chief's cal Lt:iou-_h to ifctory at Tndin_napolis. Indiana, expenses not to exceed 5,25.00. adopted O:. -.^_,) c&ll OL 6 17011: Yea's llrmi:Or Jaco!.2 offered r.iofion t0 concur in tale action 02 the Board of -ldermen ,( •.tc j in instructing; Lae City solicitor to file ;ait to recovei. of Fire Chief's car. a:I07'.ted OP. ,-: .1? Oa Lh5 roll: teas (12). ;er „acobs wax excused from : e= t.na r,:, 'sid.6nt ..rifts• er 1or_,i3en of erc-d motion to eonuir ir; '.... >,jction of the Bo+srd of aldarmen in .�egare to reforrinr to -.r:e-ui;lic ?c:•.'a.,::: ::L �jrrrniftce and Fin--nue . r the co ;.-.unicu-.ion from, L. J. Yo f, Chairman of the Police ar:3 Fire CO:Lr:littr..E;, ,:.:o .:rfhux i. _eltir:, i.ity ,o ici rr, rega,.dint' th+, City J-.12. :. ipted on 'he call Of the roll Yr88 (11). :.Axon CO ... . _.. .. .. .. ._V_11; iuC{.Y. " On motion same was given first passage upon the call of t: -.e roll; Yeas: 47atts f Boureno Crider Cochran Kerth Mason Morrison Owen Ri. lesber er 5 icer and 1= eg g• p' i ::tewart. (11). t On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: ',Tarts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Kerth, Mason, I:Iorrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, _ricer and Stewart. (11). i On motion same was riven second and final passage upon the call of the roll: ; ! iatt3, 3ou�eno, Cochran, Crider, Kerth, Mason, Morrison, Ovens, RiCe'lesberger, and tsa�art. (11). Lember Lorriaon offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of :ildermeri in ttuLhorizinn z*r- Layor, Chairman of the Finance '-ommittee, City Auditor, City Solicitor i,. R. Harding Co and City '.':flasurer to m1f_e whatever fin?ancial arranEements neceSt'ary to to e Care of rardinz z Gom_r,,ny cli-im. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). L.E.mb er i;r:rth o;fer(,d motion to concpr in the action of the Board of "I dermen i in authorizin„ the turc::tsing, Anent to=>u0r]cribe for eight copies of the 1924 City Murch s;Ir.g City 1 Directories. Dir. cLai'lr -,t $7.00 each. -dc-.,ted on thc, crll o: tl:erol).: Yeas (11). offered motion i;rv.t the bond of Ben i. :_itchell, rs:a3:= by the Ren F. "itchell Bon- rele'aaed. tinit d r:t,;s ^id«:i,; & Gueranty ::o2: -zany, be: ciLncolled. ..iopted o:.,: tnr; cull of enc 1 (11), ._ ..Oi _'!J9F! .rt•i ii.?: OY lin na(: Ei2l is itl ed "AN T7!I_� .. •T T •r r ii t ORD �;C; .J�:�nl I:t , I)O,rJ Log Ordinance T:3 : r,:. _... __..__._., G_ _.. _..,_ v '.:L._..; �: r._,.L''Y .OR ANY j iT v - " �._ i ...: � 'v:l'E i200 8.11 0. L..e loll: Yeas: i 3ouZ eno Gocrar. ,^ . ::girth, `J:.yen, if.c: , t •ger and Ite.+axt. (5). 2 � Proceedings of __Boo; y2D_a eoul_eHi Ir __City of Paducah^?'nom.---- --- ---_. 192 4• Member Owen offered motion that an ordinance be drawn creating the position of cook for the City Jail, at the City Lockup, stating the sal:.ry for such service. Cook City Jail. Lotion lost upon +,he call of the roll: Yeas: 1. hays (10). Member Cochran offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of i:ldermeri that a settlement .pith E. R. Harding Company for construction of trunk line se.-iers Settle-:ent E.R.R. , Harding Co. • be made in accordance with the recommendations which are arnroved by the Board of 3rd Dist.Sewer. Public :iorr_s and newer Committee. .adopted on the call of the roll: Yens (11). l:ewbor Kerth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of :.ldermen .Otto Laird in referring the complaint of Otto Laird to the City ;,olicit-or and the Relief 1,ommitteei. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Morrison offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Drain Pine Aldermen that the Engineering Department be instructed to place a drain pipe in the Trible"St• Cemetery. ditch along Trimble Street on the South side of Oak GroCty. Also to connect ` Grove emeerJ' So. side the drain pipe, c2hich is in the Northeast corner of Oak Grove, at 20th Street, 'with the seder at 20th Street and Hinklevi.ile Road. Adopted on the call of the roll:Yeas(11). Member Kerth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of aldermen in -referring to the Relief Committee and City Solicitor, Tax Bill No. 2628 of L,rs. L.R.' D. R, fc_:ish. McNish. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Rigglesberger read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDIN TICE AUTHORIZING Spur RUCTIOV OF A RAILROAD SPUR -TRACK FROLI A POINT ON THE iAILROAD GROUNDS NORTH OF Track. CLAY STREET, RUNNING FRO11 THF: CAIRO ISAIN LINE OF THE I. C. R. R. COIIPA_T'IY IN A NORTHERLY; 1 DIRECTION ACROSS CLAY STREET A DISTANCE OF ABOUT 350 FEET, AND BEING IN THE CITY BLOCKSI BOUND BY 8TH AND 9TH STREETS, AND HA_?RISON AND TRILIBLE STHEEETS, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH,I! ._V_11; iuC{.Y. " On motion same was given first passage upon the call of t: -.e roll; Yeas: 47atts f Boureno Crider Cochran Kerth Mason Morrison Owen Ri. lesber er 5 icer and 1= eg g• p' i ::tewart. (11). t On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: ',Tarts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Kerth, Mason, I:Iorrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, _ricer and Stewart. (11). i On motion same was riven second and final passage upon the call of the roll: ; ! iatt3, 3ou�eno, Cochran, Crider, Kerth, Mason, Morrison, Ovens, RiCe'lesberger, and tsa�art. (11). Lember Lorriaon offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of :ildermeri in ttuLhorizinn z*r- Layor, Chairman of the Finance '-ommittee, City Auditor, City Solicitor i,. R. Harding Co and City '.':flasurer to m1f_e whatever fin?ancial arranEements neceSt'ary to to e Care of rardinz z Gom_r,,ny cli-im. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). L.E.mb er i;r:rth o;fer(,d motion to concpr in the action of the Board of "I dermen i in authorizin„ the turc::tsing, Anent to=>u0r]cribe for eight copies of the 1924 City Murch s;Ir.g City 1 Directories. Dir. cLai'lr -,t $7.00 each. -dc-.,ted on thc, crll o: tl:erol).: Yeas (11). offered motion i;rv.t the bond of Ben i. :_itchell, rs:a3:= by the Ren F. "itchell Bon- rele'aaed. tinit d r:t,;s ^id«:i,; & Gueranty ::o2: -zany, be: ciLncolled. ..iopted o:.,: tnr; cull of enc 1 (11), ._ ..Oi _'!J9F! .rt•i ii.?: OY lin na(: Ei2l is itl ed "AN T7!I_� .. •T T •r r ii t ORD �;C; .J�:�nl I:t , I)O,rJ Log Ordinance T:3 : r,:. _... __..__._., G_ _.. _..,_ v '.:L._..; �: r._,.L''Y .OR ANY j iT v - " �._ i ...: � 'v:l'E i200 8.11 0. L..e loll: Yeas: i 3ouZ eno Gocrar. ,^ . ::girth, `J:.yen, if.c: , t •ger and Ite.+axt. (5). 2 � Proceedings of�,__:,•O� of Paducah------_ JULY 7, _ 192.. t• read an ordin_:nce entitled "AIT ORDIliJ;:1GE Ii0VIT/I::G 0: ROCZ __L?.FYY, TOG iL'HER ':I ii ::LL : CE,�:'::'tY I? :1;HOL S, Rock Alley C.._ .. n,;S_T.IS, L';_._ : ..«..ER -PIPE CJ:Ii :C'_'IOI:S, IN '1Fir CIa OF PADUCAH, I i;3i7CiY� Construction Ordinance. In ACCORD;7 C" .I ::. _ IS :;TD -�P=CIFIC.,TIONS PROVIDED CHER FOR BY Tir CITY ENGII;'?ER,! `1-' ,,.. 1l•,-.,- t P' T r •n n CTS L .;= � .)�?:.'� .,: _.._ .._.�_.._... •;_�_: Y Oi7ITERS, i,D a0lIDII.G �H1 lilF: COJ�.. 0. w:L. l.: Y _..ID ..ID_ Tri]i_._,_ _IJ:_.." On motion o 'ame, ssme was �,ivcn fir:;t pas 'age upon the call of the roll : Yaas: •,atts, 3ou:'eno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, '-erth, I.ason, Lorxison, Oven, Rigglinsberger Spicer and ctetiva-t. (12). i On motion of -same the rules were suspended and the ordinance %vas read by title upon the call of tae -roll: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, ::ertih, Lason, is rriaon, Oren, Hig�lesber?er, Spicer and Stewart. (12). On motion sane was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: ..atts, Bouz6no, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, :.erth, Lason, i..orrison, Oven, rti , lesb IY•ger, ::nice;. nd eta:,art. (12) . � Game read an ordinance entitled "AIT 0i LI"1 ZTCE PI:OVIDIITG ::0 'HE COIdbTRUC':'ION i CLTPB :_YU GU -_'L'RS 0_ COITCRETE :'-iIVI•; D DRIi/AY(STR_`,,T) Or, ROCK ASPHALT ON15TH STREET Ordinance ' Street, is Cc: _. -OU 1" _: )_'3::':Y 7IITE OF BROAD -.,AY TO THE NOFIS CURB LINE OF ZEITTUCLI' .01ENUE, Curbs & Gutters, I ; FE ':.TTY OF P. LUC:3i, Y, TOOETH :r, :IITH ALL NECsaaAaY MANHOLES, INT_!sS, CATCH 15th St. D J:_TI. PIPE .i"D Sr:', R PIPE, CONI;EC'1'IONS, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY 0.:=: ??w, 1TH:,T ::1.:E I.;AY 3E P:_ID FOR ON THE TEN YEAR PAYI. :ITT PLAIT." ,D P30'IILS:;� i On motion same vias Liven first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Watt.^., 3ou;_ano, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, i:erth, Mason, Morrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, L6ice1' _:7a :.�e•:part. (12). On mo:;ion of same the rules vrere suspended and the ordinance leas read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: .datts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, rierth, Lason, ::oxvi;:on, Owen, Rigglesberger, 5oicer and :.tewart. (12). On notion :Tame was Eiven second and final pas:3age upon the call of the roll: Yeas: ,,acts, BouCenr), Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, --girth, Mason, Morrison, Owen, i _1=aberer; cricer and Steuart. (12). read an ordinance Entitled "AIT ORDINANCE PROVIDING Ordinance .�F. .::. I :.:... ....... ::Y T ,�=.T.IiU _.._ c::::', 0_ 1HE OLLOC:IIdG S11Ia1S IN rrnding and `vellr., rRO:a 2,02H S_RE..1 10 25TH STREET; 17_._ ..._._..._ 0 b1.,T Sr_'.t LEECH iiTlIaIUE PROP. 10TH bTRSET TO 11TH : J _.,., i /Z1 +i1 _ JACKSON STREET FROI.i THE n, ackson, ...._ ._ ,'c'rroe, 21st, 23rd, 24th, L:. ...,..'..1.. 1. i5_.. _.._.._ 3HR1 ..r..:__. ..r __.= T MOIROE STREET =ROI'_ • nd 211nd It. ?REST '20 '111E ULFY BB" _EEIT I: 7_1='0^ _ ..j,.- TO JEFFERSON 6TR.3 21--T BET --..'SN BRO"V7AY ...). .7.1 _.. ... ..�.J .. ..'... .... '� ._. ...iJ ._, _.Y ..... ... , J.._J.. ... ....., /._:.. Y... ... lI?.. •.�...,�\J:lOily, L. '1.: ,l GI.'Y _._...Y tr..,....:, :.ITIi ...'!:rIuID:; 211:.4 0_. ;rJ :. .,_. _... 7R::i .. .�i: _ i��.. .. li;50n LhO C-11 U_ LJ_e T'o11: Fici: . .Acri:3on, Oven:,, :.ii p..,oberCer, i 1 a ,. Proceedings of " ' _: ,» : - -----City of Paducah_ -a my -.2,_-. .. -. _ . 192 On motion of s_.me the rulno were suspended and ordin^nce ms read by title, upon the c:.11 of the roll by the follo•ainC vote: Yeas: "+arts, Bou eno, Cochran, 'rider, aacobo, Lerth, ...t30n, Morrison, Owen, Ri€'gleuberFer, vnicer and .tewart. On motion same was riven second and final passage upon Che call of the roll: Jas: acts, Boureno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Yerth, Mason, :.:orison, Owen, Ri(' lce sbei•s, i', ::nicer unci ate;iart. (12). Member Kerth offered motion that the police be instructed to prevent unneces:=r._:y Instructions Folio eblo;•:ing of horns, demonstrating and sloes driving of automobiles delaying traffic, .and Dept. regarding autorob_les. continuous unnecessary driving on Broadway. ildonzed on t call of the roll: Yeas::. 7atts, Cochran, Crider, Zerth, Lason, 1-orrison, O.�jen, Rieelesberger and utewart.(9). zvicer (1). Lember Bougeno not voting. On motion meeting' adjourned. .a r�ri.er.� ,dietTtl esf Go�aWLGrnLru. i