HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 522, December 5, 1927No.__322-- - - ` Proceedings of. . ;o, City of Paducah - ;:;r 5th, -1927 -. a rec-ular i- i':i r of tao Board of Councilmen hold on the Third 2.6or of tite City hall in tho ;_Uy of Paducah, Kentucky, Docembor 5th, 1927, tronident :ataon p-es:ided, and upon the call of the roll, the following ans'aered i:aot, to tno'ir na:::ec: :atson, 3riam.iett-, 131addo, Crid", Dohorty, Duoall,/Jacobs, John- ston; :forth, 1.:3yor and Stewart. (12.). ' inutea of the previous ::,cetin4; ':core .adopted an road. T:e:aber Johnston offered motion to approve the action of t'rei:ayor in Fosey E: Cocke, con- s+:ring contract with Posoy ;c Coc'ce, tract. to audit the accounts of the City of Paducah, .donted on the call of the •'ell: Year,; (12). C..,. Same oft'ored motion to nay hard surface ctroot asnesament of C.B. • enni^ , Jenni•lra for hard surfacing south Sixth Stl•eet, in fronto£ lots '15, 16, 3.7, on tti7 east aide of south Cixth Stroct; 3s-same.is" property of the City. Adopted on tho call of the roll: �roaa; (12). 3auo offered motion to concur in the r.cownendation of tho City Sol- icitor, in authorizing the matting of a new tax bill against the 1xic.rican Express Co, for the year of 1927, on the assessed valuation of ;,3598.00 at `2.64 per Aund- rad Dollars, amounting to tax of ;;:94.99, in lieu of 1927 tax bill; bsaed uponithe assessed valuation ofb2500.00, and authorizing the City Treasurer to credit tax bill with ;;66.00, which has already boon paid on tax bill •#5254 for the year of 1927, as recosaronded by the City•Solicitor. Adopted on the call of the roll: Year; (12). Torlan. Payne. !'C;iolvey Conat:•.Co. ar..d 'wys .'ember Dohertq off(ared motion to refor.to the City %licitor, the r3nvcot of 11.50 poll ta:, refund of L.A. ^orian. Adoptodr on the call of tln roll- yeas; oll:yeas; (12). rano offered notion to refer to the City Colicitor and Finance Co: - 7. -.00, tt_e ratter of streetaosessment ngainst tho nropc:rty of J.T.L. Pay:,o, on soup :;ixth .-.root south of Bachman. Adopted on tho call of tho roll: Yons; (12). :a:i:o offered :eotion to refor to the City "olicitor and Finnnoe Com- r,__c matter of s'areet anaonsr;e:zt, a^,sins[ the rr_•on- of B. T,. "iard on ne':th Cix.t_': :>treo1. :.dopt,:d on the call of the roll; Yoas; (12). Plc+'nor sat offered notion �.o racoivo and filo ontiilato r, or acr: Bono by the :r.;:elvey Conn ruction Co. prior to Docombor Ict, 1927, on ato=— ..aV.r ;:ewers 1:' 'c,::r . one ":3". Adonted on the call of tho .roll: (.l^). a :3 r`fe:^u'i no tion: that the Board of Public ': oaks bn inntructed to n -t sr, -'•avrl rn "' broe?c :.v3n-.:c and Uava ,%vonuo. Adoptod on the a.^_Il of the roll: -otion that the '4rcet Inanooro,• 1• t ('r 4o..pony x'•enr•.ir daru=p;o ::o olaz•': C•141 e_.i.•:;:' _.d:v-e`1 •'oil ,o1'1tSon •itnapp^ovin,; t:hc r:'i,noslzl o^ tl,e ;c: sat �'o racy npenln^ :h$rtrrrn suet pictua'e shocrx on i:• , .... on . o''ion of _ber 3r -m. -matt sure eas received and M.'' f ' .. ..:y, _ `, ':rty aT(.i -. .... • .!:J: "V'......- , No. Proceedings of Ct'rJ:xII- City of Paducah - :u'; RE` 5th, 1927. Member Korth road an ordinance entitled, '' !I ORDr Ii'G 'M ABU'PT-� ".':Y O".i 80TH SIDS OF CO.`GRY STRY T, FROI; TiiF. 1'i PROPERTY LT 1 OF LI;1COLIT 1 P2GPERTY LINE OF THE CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS & idEl'i ORLEANS RAILROAD CO 14 (;'�'-FOURTH STREET, FRO11 THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF TnE FIAT::LEVILLE ROAD TO THE ::oi ::_ FROi'-_,RTY LIME OF I.MuDR M STREET IN TiiE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, FOR THE GRAD- � I::G :.N1: GRi:VELIhG OF S::I'E, TOGETHER 17ITH TAE NECESSARY 1.ii:NHOLES, INTiKES, CATCH BASINS ND : S:'c i PIPE CO?: cCTIO_iS, IMCCEPT THAT PORTION TO BE PADI FOR BY THE CITY OF PA DUC AH, I D PROVIDIi:G TH,'T SAID COST !'AY BE PAID IN TEIT i.MIUAL INSW;LLMEITTS IN COI:IPLIANCE WITH i 3PROVISIOiTSOF THE KENTUCKY STATUTES APPLICABLE THERETO. On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas; (12). On r:otion the rules gore suspended and ordinance road by title upon the call of �`.io roll: Yeas; (12). On nation same was given second and Final rassage upon the call of the roLLi Yeas; 1.ember East offered motion to receive and file report of the.Chief of the I Cf `'i"'O 'off Fire Pepartement for the month of rovomber, 1927. Adopted on the call of the roll- ! Yost:; (12). Same offered motion to receive and file report of -the Chief of the Police Tx nartment for the month of November, 1927. Adopted on the call of the roll' Yeas;(12)' Same offered motion to receive and file report of the City Jailer for the ! nnth of November, 1927. Adopted bn the call of the roll: Yeas; (12). r« Same offered motion to receive and file reportof Riverside Hospital for Innpit.l. the month of Vovember, 1927. Adopted or the call of the roll: Year; (12). i I'.ember ::erth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alder- cn, in issuing 6'> improvements warrants to Fraser &: Cocke for "A076.4U, on estimate* i contract `�5, for graveling Kentucky Avenue. Adopted on the call of the roll' Mesa; Yenber Doherty offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of :elder- con, in aecepting ;736.52 from 1:rs. Jetta Hobson for storm crater aoviors on Madison St-. and ":Ixth ,tr,)et. :.:]opted o; tho call of the roll: Yean; (12). "ember Jo?uiaton offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Al - d' :ar. of October 17th, 1927, relativo to proposition of T.A. 11iller and Brack Oson in payIr,,7 120.60 r'or lot for str of assasarent against fixe lots on Coxey Street. Adopted c:: tim Call of th,) roll: Yeas; (12). ':girth offer'od motion to cc:.ckir in the action of the Board of Alder - r' a _•'_;:oluticn dirocting the Paduenh ',rater Company to lay eater mains frc°w 'lti to th f:trent; on aautii 12th :'treot from Clark to the south e :i of -oUt h 17':±-.; rn awiti. 9th, from JCoknon to •.onne:i.,m.e; on Harris 2trO0t, frOTA ;,t1: to 10th trc z':; an -1 or, Janes _.tre•Pt, from 12th to 13th ^.t:rcr:t•. Adoptod on the call rea:"e: i:6.:ert'y G: -f. red ro`:i.on to co::cur Ir: tro action of tLe T'-oard of ,:1- -aarra''.ta to -r>ser 'v: Coolie, On ontivate 46, contract fcr ;.;rive Ii: .:• on .traet, i:: tt.n a,ciint of ,204.75. .doptf cl on ti,a C-11 of the re11: .;eau; (18). ic: tV4 actirr of thi Roard of l:etr:;er.- In reeeivei::^...:;d £limn 72rn'.a.tt servc,i cn +.;ire L:ayor for t; -:o ':ity of i'alucoh. _dopted on ;;e c 11 of the :•0111 Yeas; (12;. ..,tcrj ohn 3 - Proceedings Proceedings of_ .ao;,RD_ OF..ALD;R m No.__524_. ____ .. _ -City of Paducah _DECEEBER 5th, 1927 Member Doherty offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen, in issuing 6;., improvement warrants for ;}483,63 to G.'.!. Katterjohn & Son, on estimate ;r 1, contract ;5, driveway, curb and gutter on Eonboo Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (12). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of aldermen, in issuing 6jo improvement warrants for ;;3317.85 to G,17. Katterjohn & Son, on ost- icate ;,2, contract ;i4, sidewalk, curb and gutter on Kentucky Avenue and Monroe Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (12). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen, in issuing 6; improvement warrants for ;>4171.70 to Fraser & Cocke, on estimate X14, contract !il, grading and graveling on 11th and 21st Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (12). Member Stowart offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen, in issuing 6,1 improvement viatrbants for :,1374.75 to Fraser &• Cocke, on estimate ;'il, contract iib, grading and graveling 20th. Street and "A" Street. rdopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (12). I<embor Crider offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the Board of Public I',orks in accepting contract ii1, for sidewalk, curb and gutter, con- structed by Yancey & Johnson, contractors. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Same offered motion:to• concur,in. the aotibn of%thecMabdoof Aldermen, it; accepting contract #1, for sidevialk, curb and gutter, construcbod by Yancey & Johnson contractors; and contract ;i7, sidewalk, curb and gutter, constructed by J. Ii. Rouse, contractor, as recommended by the Board of Puplio 71orks. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (12). Member Berth offered motion o refer to the City Solicitor sunnons served on the aldermen and Councilmen, in the case of Thomas B. Russell vs. City of Pad- CIA7 of P'... ; ucah. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (12). Came read an ordinance entitled, "All ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING 'ROPi:RF^I FOR Tr:.c C05T OI -- IMPROVL41isR1T BY THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDE71ALKS, ;D GU T:.RS, TOG Ty.:i; ':.ITH iu.L IMCESS RY VAINIOLES, IETAKES, CATCH BASINS, :;'Lai AND .^...:I: b'IFE COMIECTI011S, ON BOTH SIDESOP 9TH 3TRLiiT FROM THE SOUTH ' ;.1:'•. O '.-.:.... li E wPi? ;iT TO LHTd NORTH CURB LINE OF No1i'PON STRTEI-,T, PSCC,:YTIIIG :.:'t CONaMUCT.iD AT DO TES STREET; ON BOTH SIDri:i OF 12TH S'!7?EST .'L! LINE OF JACKSON STREET TO THE NORTH PROPITTY LINE OF .', MCC%MI:GHE r'.^EC^IOIi i .iLI.6. ,DY CONSTRUCTED AT 0?II0 STM -ET; BOTH ._,_. __ .._.. - .'. ...... .a;. I::OF::I iY LINE OP 19TH S`i'R'•:s"P 'i'0 THE E,^. T PROP- CLMY %TRTMT FRO1 THE 7.7ST PROPi.t','?'Y LIMtc OF r: :::' :,INE OF 2lat STREP.T; IOTii SIDES OF JI.CKSON ''T 9th ,^:M"n? 'i0 THIS 1: :'P li?GPia?'1Y LI Di OF lOTII ,.r r i(, ,:=B :SOUTH s'<x: ; r: TNI: :(i1:: 'l Hp ^�1 C•:. ..' _. F... ,C 1 !:,... l.:I`:. u:: '; SOITIt "II): CIJPB ;,I: E OF '.'I' EXT FROV Ti:. i± ? 1,111E OF JOKE^_ yR1Fr "K. :7A NOIMA PPOPEFTY LIVE � .:.:/... T?i '. '."..:, ..i: T : CTT041S AT C- gL&TI,F,. AND HU3BiHD 'SYP_E iS,t CH 'i .. .. .;.G::: , - ... ::F V. UTB PROP - ".132 OF J4::E3 TO 'na • > T• E BO . T LGI BOUGHT BY PAD:.'C:`01 AN i) TILE. CiMPAIPI PROM t`i Jvf , "iTI . _ C D No._. 528 Proceedings of r coi?: (.Iz' City of Paducah i)S:C: nBR 5411, 1927. BOTHSID'.: n OF Cbi•I%:ELL STREET Fi;OP.I Tlfs; ':U CURB LIPS OF STH STREET TO J`r?' L -. OF 9TH STRissT, :,L50 SIDE:7ALK5 ON BOTH SIDh• OF 12TH STRET FR01,3 TIi% LINE OF TENNESSEE STREET TO THE NORTH PROPERTY- LINE OF JONES STREET, Ii1 TH-1; CIiY OF PADI3CAH, KENTUCKY, EXCEPT TI'iAT PORTION TO BE PAID FOR BY THE CITY OF P:!DU- CAR, AND PROVIDIrG .11AT SAID COST I.ii.Y BE PAID IN 'TEN A111TUAL INSTALIMIITS IN COMPLIANCE ITH TN't: PROVISIONS OF THE KEENTUCKY SDITUTES APPLICi,BLE TV2R TO. On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas;(12). On notion the rules wore suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yecs; (12). On motion same waa given second and final passage ppon the call of tho roll: Yeas; (12). i '.iember Korth excused from the meeting. Member Brummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Al- ! c•,;dcr:.en, in accepting the grading and graveling on Coxey Street and 24th Street, by FiteG rx... f ,,.Yancey Construction Co., contractors, on contract ;;'1, as recommended by the Board of Public "forks. Adonted or: the call of the roll: Yeas; (11). Member Johnston excused from the meeting. ember P.ohcrty offered motion to accept the work done by Goo. .1. Katterjohn' 1 &: Son, con 'rooterson sidevralk, driveways, curb and gutter, Contract # , as recommended by the Joint Street Committee. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; -(10). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldormen, that �.n1t he payrolls for the last half of Yovembef( for the Riverside Hospital, unapproved by tho Finance Cormitteo, be allowed in the amount of Adopted on the call of the i roll:; Yoas; (10). I Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen, that the payrolls for last half of November for the Fire Department, unapproved by the Fin- ance Cc^':ittee, be allowed in the amount of $2187.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: Pees; {1C). ^.a.no offered notion to concur in the action of the Board of ,aldermen, that the na•:•c i^ for the last half of Novenber for the Street Department, unapproved by the Finance %t^ _'tt�e, be allowed in the amount of 1;676.50. Adopted on the call of the roll: 'fear; (10). a-.(3 of "tired .otion to concur in the action of t'he Board of Alr'cr,lcn, in referring to the City Solicitor, the matter of the liability of the city of Padueab!; F. fcr the cover:l tax bi:ln cov^rine the cont of construction of 15th Street from :',road - 1 -:_,Y to ":ort -..:c..7 1:vonzze. i.dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (10). .:enber I.rtl=ett offr!.-01 Notion to concur in the action of the Board of i.1- ado;:tic• „rr Tolle:.ir.E;: I ;::ave tie rs.cor::cn:i tion of the 'lreasurorts net- tloC9nt .-,:port On the D.j. (Ydn :;0r:a'. _rurti On 1;o;:pany1:: Con6raet rh'6 for hard surfa0.imr; :rL:._.le :trttt, aleo allc:rarce for t',.o payn,.nnt of •,:24,19%..4� for retiving the Imp+_•ovc- 4Ia:`ra.;.!;M are i':te:cant, 4nd that: t;te cl^rI: :n atltl"!Of':'l,'1 to i.:.r:dr! nropo'. Warrant oil t;:c "^ea^rarer Pc:r se.^_e.-.1opted on .,ie call of rp:o rc,?;: "lar,:,; (10). L"mbar _;tion so c ';- notion of the Fano of 1 I•,sr- ago ...cva -..,. ^o 01 t}le :et -.lo- an t`s.e 2_7 1 t pa .7 L vuot , 7 'or hard cVrfae!nr Fth. i':`Ow':en fsse.; '.. .::•. :sr.:et; .._co c:?iolau%no for th,: pgront of %`34,855.`•7 for ::e ..:`eia::CZt 'Jar,•anto an"' i .sere%% and that the Clot';,, G=i 1;;thorized to Issue or,, t::C for :i%:9. 6fa :.•:e era'! rf ti1C =olj, 1'eu0; (10). Proceedings of ao:yRD. or corn amnEit City of Paducah w-Gli BT -m 5th, 1927. Member Doherty offered motion to concur in the getion of the Board of y Aldermen, that the report of the Treasurer for Bonds and Interest coupons paid in .'ealln i. =a oCe 3L. the amount of ,x900.85 be allowed from the Special Street Improvenont Fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (10). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen, :a;;rolls S:ilaf:.a. that the payrolls and claims, approved by the Joint Finance Committee be allowed and the Clerk Authorized to issue proper warrant on the Treasurer, charging the respective departments as shocm therein. Adopted on the call of the roll' Yeas;(10 Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Jildermon, Boller Pllr.�bing Co. that the Treasurers report of collections of :)556.11 on Serer Bills in Zones ''12 mid -74, and the payment of same to the Koller Plumbing Company be recommonaed and the arount allowed from the proper fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (10). Strc' t iiF;int at 1= t_z Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of aldermen, and ?loirnoy .;t• that the ICentucky,`Utilities Company be authorized to place street light at 14th and ^lournoy Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (10). I)cfi Catcher. Member Stowart offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of dldermen, that the services of th.e"dog catcher"be discontinued. Adopted on the call of tho roll: Yeas; (10). I.Iember Brunmiott offered motion to concur in the aetionof the Board of Thornton• :aldermen, that Mr, Thornton be allowed Thirty Dollars (630.00) for services to Jan- nary, 13t, 1928, for past six months at meetings of the General Council. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (10). rembors Jacobs and Brummett excused from the meeting. SS31.":P, Member Duvall offered motion to read an ordinance, entitled "All O�ZDIH- ... � arra✓ • 'I'CE Ii:G THE ABUTITII:G PROPERTY ON BOTH SIDES OF BROAD ,, y FROM THE WEST CURB LI'TE OF 25th STREET TO THE IriST PROPERTY LITIE OF 26 LII ..-,TR''&ET., '!=EPT THAT PU11TIOT; L]' .✓Z CO:: �^_RUCTISD; OH BOTH SIDES OF GREEK STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPEITY LINE OF 12":'_ ;:_::.." TO 'TM, SOUTH eROPERTY LIME OF 11TH STREET; 'dz1ST SIDE OF BRIDGE STRE::T VORTH PROP:311TY LIME OF MORI ATEIlUE TO 'TILE :iOUTH PROP.rRTY LIKE OF KITIKEAD :ITT' OF BRIDGE ST ;:iT F:O:" :'TIE IIORTH PROP8RTY LIUE' OF (;LiM 1!TS C;'t%ET :GkILI PROs-RTY LIKE OF IT, IT: TIAs CITY OF PADUC :H, X i11TUCKY, FOR OF iT0t1 _ J. :v:: . r?U! .'l' ...:o, OL'iU35 AND OUPTERS, AITD THE 2;k:C1s^S.'I'.Y !..:, -'Z-'!ET1 PIPE CONNECTIONS, )iX:-Fr C CITY OF PL-DUCA11, IIID PROVIDING THaT SAID COS': _'_,".Y i is ':C':; ':.'ITH TINT PROVI:;IOIi' 0:1 TITS KENTUCKY Csn m Cirn o Nia; riven "i:-ot. upon the call of Cho roll: Yoan; t8). G :-.otlon t`ie rul::: .Ware sunranded anal or,lirtanoo r, -ad by titlo iApontao et ie s •:• z,r.:: -i-2..n ..Ecomd and final rugs a; u UN!, ch : call oC the roll: ana::co entitled, "JcI1 ?i OII BfYPII Proceedings of .-.%'-'D OF COTRICII,?-TEN City of Paducah DECZ,.B_­.R_5th, 1927- 11i,2 OF 12TH 3TrB-_0T 70 THE NORTH rROPr?TY LINE, OF 13TH 5TRI�,:T; ON BOTH SIDES OF AVENUE FROM THE SOUTH PROP M -TY LINE OF 19TH rTR1ET TO THE NORTH P10PERTY1 LINE CF 13TH Oil THE SOUTH SIDE OF TIE IIIITla;;VILLE ROAD FROIJ THE WEST PROPERTY Ll:.'E OF FOU::T.*,' IN AVENUE (OF 17TH STT�CT) TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 22nd STREET, AS -:_-,01' THE GLEY.700D AD'.ITION; ON BOTH SIDES OF BOYD STREET FR011 THE SOUTH is•its' L-7 OF 8th „TREET TO 'THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF 10TH STREET, ON THE WEST SIDE OF BOYD S' IO!' TIME SOUTH PRO!'E= LINE OF 10TH STREET TO Tl:iE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF ON THE, SIDE OF-BOYD STRT:.-,T FRO11 THE SOUTH PROPERTY LIITE OF 10TH ,T TE -,17:f .— THE EANE ST LIOF BOYD STREET 11-ITERSECTS THE NORTH LIME OF AN LLEL To TRI;BLE ST;ZP-rT; ON BOTH SIMS OF IIA'zRISON STREET PROT! THE O --IRB LINE OF lg---: TO THE ViST PROPERTY LINE OF 13TH STREET, RXT:NDED; ON BOTH 2IMF OF 21st ST_FRONT THE NORTH CURB LINE OF ITADISO : STREET TO THE SOUTH PROP- ERTY L=, OF TPI'rBT.E STREET, '_.'ITH THE EXCEPTIOTT OF THE NORTH-EAST CORNER OF THE INTER- S`zCTION OF 21ST STRET -'17D CLAY STREET HAS HERETOFORE BEEN CONSTRUCTED; ON BOTH SITS OF 21st STPrET PRO11 THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF JEFFERSON STREET TO THE SOUTH CURB 1_11:1_ OF ­.0:7iOE STRE_-T; ON BOTH SIDERS OF 24th STREET FRO11 THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF THE! :VI :IT 1­15.1;_110i.D TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF M 1) ILDR2STREET; ON BOTH SIDES OF FLOURr .�. DY ST"E"T FROa THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF 12TH STREET TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF 13THR SMIET; ON BOTH SIDES OF 22nd STREET FROLT THE NORTH PROPERTY MINE OF M HIBA-Ul— VIL.1'3 ROAD TO THE SUTH PROPERTY IIIIE OF 14ILDRED STREET; BOTH SIMS OF 25r1 STREET FaOill PROPERTY LINE OF THE HINKI;EVILLE ROAD TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF t1ILDRED Hir NVILL." ROAD FRO11 THE :TEST PROPERTY LINE OF 20TH STREET TO .THE ;TEST SIDE 0-o CL' C,:: "7F' '..'ORTH SIDE OF KENTUCKY AVENUE FRO1.1 THE 1113ST PROPERTY LINE OF 20TH 7i CTJRB L177o OF 25TH STRE T; ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF IMITUCYY il AVENUE FR01.1 -—TY LITE OF 20TH STREET TO THE RAST CURB LINE OF 25th STREET; ON BOTH SIDES 21!:t 23rd T.AY TO! STREET AND 24th STREET FROIT THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE Or BROAI Ll: E Or K.FITTUCKY AVENUE; 011 TILE EAST SIDE OF 25th STREET FROTI THE OF BROAD.., -:1 TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF KENTUCKY AVENUE; ON TIIr ROAD PMIII THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF GUTHI IE AVENUE TO ME 17-7 ZIDZ OF THE 1.1AYFIELD ROAD 1,1101.1 THE SOUTH 31U,,' OF B,'..IZIEI .? ALLEY r7l,­ �:!.._­D PORTIONS 1I:4DIC:.TED AND S3107IN ON PLANS; ON BOTH SIDESI i i -Y LINtE OF GUTIRRI,, LVEITUL TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINN! :IDES 6V 19TH T PIC?.! 'T R OPE9 HE 3OUTH P 1,11 �, OF BROAD- RTY ET, EXCEPT TiIAT PORTIOU SHO',111 ON PLANS L!Y:_ J,, D 0 :,,Z 01 _TED; ON BOTH SIDES OF 17TH STR7S, wN'RTH LI::2 OF '.11fEEL-IR SUB -DIVISION, O. 'Ur— TION OF SIDT-TIALKS, CURBS iuND I)MVE",*V:YS AND 911"FR PIPE p 1, W Y OF PADUCilt, ilrli) PROVIDING )IROVVIIONl '.A �4'171 TIN' pa! 1opon t'no call of tite 2-011: Y0Lj,,J;([3j. 2p r:_.-• oz,11rwice real h:7 titl.,3 upon the aaa given 4ec-.2.3 n%d flr:al paasiga upGn the cull of Una the a L�l of Al- .*:, _,JjtL��_