HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 513, November 7, 1927No. Sly Proceedings of .BOARD of CaIRICILMEN City of Paducah . NOVEMBER 7th, .1927 At a regular meeting of the Board of Councilmen held on the third floor of: the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Iientucky, November 7th, 1927, President 1•latson i presided, and upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: Watson, Br#mnett, Budde, Doherty, Davall, East, Mayer and Stewart. (B). Yinutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. !ZLi":."'1. 0::3 On Member Doherty offered motion to receive qnd file summons served on the ay°r' Mayor for the City of Paducah. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (8). rj Same offered motion -to adopt the following: WHEREAS; it was ordered by rav°lung action of the General Council at its regular meeting on October 17-th, 1927, that a sum of Streets along newly not to exceed ,2,000 be made available and subject to the Board of Public 'Norks for the:! Oonstructed Curbs and repair of streets by the placing of gravel thereon along the newly constructed curbs and r3 ..er5. +-utters, in the City of Paducah, and that the Mayor and City Treasurer be,authorized to borne,.,; said money to take caro of such emergency; and, i WvEREAS, it now appears that more than $2,000 has been paid into the City ' :reasurery from delinquent tax collections, which was not anticipated at the time of t hd adoption of the original apportionment ordinance; I now move that the Cityts proportionate part of the above sum be set aside out of said delinquent tax collections, and that the same be not paid into the general fund, but hald as a aeperato account for the purpose of providing Por said expense of repair, which will dispense with the necessity of bo•roiring acid aum as directed in said original motion. Adapted on .the call of the roll: Yeas; (8). Same offered motion to receive and file dpmrluntOation from the Mayor relative iteaurfacing ,,ing contract with the Southern Roads Company, relative to resurfacing bridge Ota %treot t0 6xeCti+ B J.J, over Island rreeLin Fourth Street over Island Creek. Adopted on 'the call of the roll: Yeas; (8). Yember Brummett offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor, three summons <°nyor, nerve` on the Llayor for the City of Paducah. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas` l'o=bor rgirth came into_ the meeting. ,irn!3t!ee Nenber Brummett offered motion that the Police and Fire Department be Jaz 11-ara3e, authorized to pakc'_part in thb,Armisitic@'Day-PArhdeq as recommonded by the Mayor. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). L^er_ber Doherty offered motion to approve the action of Special CommiL-tee, Special com- mittee Com- cor.poeed of 1, nyor Bailry, George Hannin and Frank C. 'Matson, instructing McKelvey Con- oose i of !nil- ntruction Ccnpany to allminate property laterals in Sewer Zone B, in compliance with the .,• 1!an- ;;.I y, triches of the property owners tnercin. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). rember 3rur:cett offered r.:otion to refer to the City Solicitor, communication ;., fMT7. VX-;. Ors, oral Caa rrocaland relative to refund of W7.922 tax collection on ,`300.00 pa roonal !,roperty amici. they +.'Id not own. Adopted on the call of the roll: fees; (g), f" amber :ortt offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alder- Y. lder- coat of Ge`.cier 171L;, relative to mottling auit of Loyd Matl;onoy for „750.00. Adopted on ,':.e call of .tie roll: 'Ions; (0). ble;=tcr Lao cf:'ered motion to receive and file entimato #4 of work dono by t:ze Sc;'<,'_vey C :.:i uctian rcmpan7 on ;ts1fi :'aver ::ewera in -e+sor larva B, prior to 1l0a- 'Ex?9 in •Cne z, $a7x>r `sat, 1>L d:pEed 0:1 tr:e call Cf t::o roll. Y-an3; (9). Baduca of Paducah. .._rgll Gtfenad c,ticn to refer to the City Enulneor and Fire Chief, sten Co. rercr La c-, _ ^r,, ; ':ata.• Corrany 3cr d.a,:cs of C toter 2.51.1, and Nrvrmber 7h, 10,27. Adopted on '}:c ..all <:.f t: -e rai.1: `:e,a; (0). .rfered =Otic':',f t: it 14th a- tc re. er . a 4.v,- - R ;e ter CG _i.'.e©, poLitiea3 £ram ..stir Ave. -c . itry<><s :'cr street i, -:.t a, 14th br.d ... viva :v.c. _-la; re•:i or. t -e aRi of roll - Yee.; No._n4 .._.._ -. Proceedings of nOARD OF MUNCILMML City of Paducah NOVM!BrR 7TH, 1927 Same"o£fored motion to refer to the Light & Water Committee, petitions 'hz oStreo on for vat-er mains on Adana Street from Seventh to Eighth; and on South 17th Street -.� Straot from 8 , 7th to 8th t:rd on from Clark to south end of south 17th Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: 'outh 17th from P Cla_:t to south end of south 17th Stree?F"; (9). Member 'East-offerod motion to receive and file the report of Chief of Chiefmoist of Fire , Fire Department. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). C Same offered motion to receive and file the report of City Jailer. Report Hamotr. of City Tailo Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; �Q), Report of CAief of Same offered motion to receive and file report of the Chief of Police. Police. Adopted•on'the call of the roll: yeas; (9). T.A. Larmonoo. Member Budde offered motion that the City of Paducah deed to T.A. Law- rence, lot #1 in block #4 of,Oa4k Grove Cemetery, for the sum of $50.00. Adopted' on the call of the roll: Yeas;•`9). Yary ",isnon. Sana offered motion that the City of Paducah deed lot ,;'G in block j13 - of Oak Grove Cemetery, to Mary t'linmon for the sum of $50.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; t9): Same offered motion to ratify deed transfering lot #8 in block "E; and Blanche and Som - ors lilkinson. lot #49 in block #4 in Oak Grove Cemetery; Blanche Wilkinson to Somers Wilkinson. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeab; (9). Report of Hospital/ Same offered motion to receive and file the report of the Hospital. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). Same offered motion to refer to the.City Solicitor and Finance Com - zone'_Yater Beeler one A mitten petitions from citizens asking for relief from the � g payment of Storm 'Dater Sewera in Storm slater Sewer Zone "A". Adopted on the call of the roll: Y_eas:(9). rember Korth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of G.7:, 4atterjohn & Son, Aldermen in extending the time of G.t7. Katterjohn & Son on contracts 7M and A. to June 1st, 1928. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). Same offered motion to concur In the action of the Board of Aldermen . :'ollory, relative to the City running an inch and a half water pipe through the property settlement for of '..cry L:allory on Fifth Street, south of Husbands 3troot, so that ewor asaeos- rent nay be made. /Adopted on the call of the roll: lose; �9). �bo12a Kember Duvall offered motion to concur in.the action of the'Board of Reynolds. Aldermen Jr. allowing Dolle Reynolds, 2054 irycrs Street, $200.00 for damages sus- tained on sldowalk on Clements Street. Same to be charged to costs and suite. Adopted on the call of the roll: 1-eac; (9). fecbor Kcrth offs:red motion to concur in the action of the Board of c•;.F. Aldarnan, in allowing 6;G Imr.rovement warrants to J.M. Rouse, on Eatiaate ;i'3, con- t:•4et #71 aidewulk, drivow"yu, curb and gutters, in the amount of $1,379,06. Adopted on the call of the roll; gena; (9). vat.e cffor,d motion !.hat the Niro Dept. bills .for 1,'696.68 be alloceed. Sr•, Dent. B 111. Adopted on the call of tho roll; Yaaa; (9). Sawo affercd motion that 6i' It.provonont warrants be issued to 1ranor Cocke, as follr•;03: Sati ete X13, Contract Gil, Nrr.dinw,, x;d ;travelling Palm ::trent, :forth ; treet, had 11 til :_reef in the emo ii:t of ;3,711.50. catinuta x14, Contract ;,rave'::irg cn "c." t., Jr. tl:e accua of $107.25; Hatiaa'a ?4, Contract #4, C';"1Vjl1ing rn -enrestte �treet, :5th 2trcet, .-lm :trelet, nr.ri Nor -ton "treet, in tl^.e E=' .rt of ,:1, =2.2 f.ati ate :.=4 C nrract =i5 r,?.?: s <i v •;, g. veiling on Little' and 7o:tucky A"., In the amount of :3,4..7.3'. Adopted on ti:a ca'_1 of t,e roll: yeas; (9ii No. 515 Proceedings .Of-Bo.'RD of cou:: iinril City of Paducah LIOVEb1BLR 7TH, 1927 Member Duvall offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alder-, O.T. Ratter- iohn F '°n• men in issuing 6;� improvement warrants to G."?. Katterjohn & Son, as follows: Estimate #l, Contract •i'4, Asheraft Avenue, 213t Street and Kentucky Avenue, amounting to ;'1,600.35; Estimate #3, Contract {F3, Jonea Street, Norton Street, Jackson Strer"t, Adams Strout, Clark Street and .)ashington Street, amounting to };8,361.82. Adopted on the call of 'he- roll: Yeas; (9). L`embor Doherty offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alder - Yancey& menin issuing 6:1 improvement .!arrants to Yancey & Johnson, as follows: Estimate 1-`7, Johnson. Contract yl, sidewalk, driveway, curb and gutter, ;111,552.35. "B" Street, 17th Street and the 1!ayfield Road. Adopte4 on the call of the roll: Yoas; 19). ?:ember Duvall offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alder- r.L. Boyer. r-en.in.issuirg 6 improvement warrants to E.L. Boyer, as follows: Estimate #3, Con- tract x43, gravelling on Florq Avenue, Hendricks Street and Powell Street, for 0,106.74.. Adopted on the call of the roll: 'loos; (9). Member Steviart offered motion to concur in. the action of the Board of Alder- men in issuing 6 improvement warrants to E.L. Ross, as follows: Estimate #2, Contract =2, grading and gravelling on Clark Street for ;;3,198.00. Adopted on :Vie call of the roll; Yeas; (9). L:ember Brummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alder- ?'te-Yancey' ren in accepting grading and gravelling on 24th Street, from Fite & Yancey ©onstruction Company, which -,,as held up on account of not being properly finished. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). r,ember Duvall offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alder - ;os:;. r-cn in extending the time of E.L. Roos on contract #2, for ton days, provided same is approved by bondcman. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). ,`.ember Doherty offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alder- Conlamnation men in authorizing the City Solicitor to bring condemnation proceedings against the S:it, prop- erty on property ownerc on Park Avenue between 19th 3trect and 21st Street, for abtai7Yirl;right Park Avo. of way for sidewalk. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9)1 :gradin; and L:embor Duvall offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alder- �rnvolling men, in accepting contract for the grading and gravelling of 1'dreolor Avenue and "A" l.rv ,A� and "trcc�4treet, contract T76, with Fraser & Cocke. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yoas; (9). L:eaer Korth offered motion to concur in t`,e action of the Board of Aldormen ?sitz i'et- relative to permitting F. E. VotcFer to conatr::ct private sewer on Metzger Avenue and seat Jackson Ctreet, provided m Votz er signs the proper'contract approved by the City solicitor, arircol.nZ to pay ull future sower asaoasments that might hereafter be anceao«d atainst said rropgirty hen it ie 04;bi-,Send in any future nocror zone. :adopted on tho call of the roll: Y<;a a; (9). Extra Ver -ter Brum:.-ott offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alder- a^ean.7,9rma and Ard_t- n, authorizing tha+: the extra '.'rea3•1rer's &• Auditvrla annistont bo allowed an In - art a A]7s1s- ereame in aalary rot exceeding. por month for the -.:optt:o of ltovombor Pr. Doeomber� ?ant. 1527. Adopted or. tnc ca:/ of tra roil: Yeas; t5). Member livall offered ::,tion to eo cur in the action of the Board a A1dor s 41 ti• 1 r i h s 1. illiaua. cen, in allesir.;, Feld L, airs& 8. 0 10. .:a.c i . ural rmavel__r,� 1n aunolsum :_dditicn, Ca;: Grave Cemetery. j::Sopted cra t e call of the roll: Yeas; (9). eras. Ume offered a tier. tc co:.cur in t2_e action of ;he ::oar: of Aldermen, in ,toF3' Allowing Cha^les Bo i ' ig Boyd .._17.48 for labor ar.3 c_atericl& used in bu__d-rg catch basins in Oak - rove Cemetery. Adopted on :..o call of the roll., Yea&; {9). G•"I. Kattierjohn & Son. Proceedings of-.Bc)aD.oi, coulicSl.*„a0. City of Paducah NOVEMBFR 7TH, 1927 ~Member Brummott offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen, authorizing final settlement with G.W. Katterjohn & Son on Contract 1/2, for sidewalk, curb and gutter, also authorizing the Mayor and City Treasurer to have printed, executed and sell bonds in the amount of -,23,223.18. Adopted on L the call of the roll: Yeas,; �9). Member Duvall offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen, authorizing final settlement witji J.P.I. Rouse on contract #1, for side- walks, curb and gutter;, also authorizing the Mayor and City Treasurer to have printed, executed and sell such bonds in the amount of $3486.13. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). Member Stewart offered motion to concur in the action d•the Board of Aldermen, authorizing final settlement with D.J. Ryan on contract #7, for hard surfacing 6th Street from Tennessee to Bridge; also authorizing the Mayor and City Treasurer to have printed, executed and sell such bonds in the amount of 20205.94. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen, authorizing final,settlement with Southern Roads Company on contract #4, for hard surfacing Guthrie Avenue, 19th •and Jackson Streets; also authorizing the Mayor .and City Treasurer to have printed, executed and sell such bonds in the amount of 024985.64. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). Member Duvall offered motion to concur in the action of tthe Board of ' Aldermen, authorizing final settlement with Southern Roads Company on contract i i 777, for hard surfacing on Jefferson Street; also authorising the Mayor and City I i Treasurer to have printed, executed and soil such bonds.in the amount of.$5144.75 Adopted on the call of. tho roll: Yeas; (9). Member Brummatt offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen, in allowing final settlement with the Southern Roads Company on Contrapt ir6, for hard surfacing Bernheim and 12th Streets; also authorizing the Mayor and City Treasurer to have printed, executed and call suph bonds in the amount of '4600.23• Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9), J.M. Rouse. D.J. Ryan._ Southern Roads Go. !.outhern Roads Co southern Roads Go. Member Duvall offered motion to concur in tho action of the Board of Lic.:olvey Conetr. Go. Aldezzm:on, in allowing final settlement with the McKelvey Construction Company on Contract for Storm Lower Zone "A"; also authorizing the Mayor and City Treasurer to have printed, executed and sell such bonds in the amount of 026466.06. Adopt- ed cn the call of the roll: Yeas; (9), "acu offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldor•J:en in D.J. "y,an. ollowintl, final settlement with D.J, Ryan on contract vi6, for hard surfacing Triable street- ; also authorizing the Mayor and City Treasurer to have printed, . cacc.1:ed and cell such bonds in tho a ohnt of ;;20,35.1.27. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). "cc:t�:ern Roma "c. laze offtre3 cation to concur in thr, action or the Board of-1det^:en in autLorizing the City Treaaur.:r tc pay the S(ut.horn Itouds Comapny i ti512.90, on Centrad (3 for hard surface paving; on 6th ".treot: from ';'em.csaco to Clark Street. ,adopted on the call of ti:9 roll: 'jean; u9). cr"elvay -:91: G. �e of a4,221e i c tion to cone.,:• in the action of t':o isoar.i of ° ldormen, in c:ilowing. L!.'Felvey Ccr.atr:;cticn Comppng :38�4a,'•3, car -a collections on ::wwor 4-)p'0,d a: huA call of tLo roll: Yf.aa; (9). :'Axe otPere! ,.,oticn to concur .in the action of the Board of Aldermen in Favroll. allr*i^� CE',.".?c ., r:. .. 1::1 .,.'.'l. '_dGtcd on t.':9 ovil L: :S9 :oli• •� ��. No. biz Proceedings of BOARD OF COZs.CIU'EN City of Paducah NOVEmBF.R..7th, 1927 Claims, Member Brummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alder- men, in allowing six claims.for ,'967.60. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). Yomber Kerth offered motion to conour in the aetion•of the Board of Aldermen Sour :,ore 77 in allowing extension of time for the completion of work in Sevier Zone P -B, to July lot, 1928. Adopted on the call of the roll; Yeas.; (9), Tember Stewart offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alder Chas. 3c;,d• mon, in allowing Charles Boyd -';)70.20 for building catch basins at 25th and 1.7ashington Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; �9). 1:ember Doherty offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of ,=1dcr- ":504.22 transferred men, in allowing '.?504.22 transferred from the Second District ReliefSower Fund to the to :o'nor Dent. Sevier Department. Adopted on the call of the roll; Yeas; �9). L'ember Stewart offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of iilder- Intorost, men, in allowing bond interest for ?897.00 from the Special Street Improvement Fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). Member Doherty offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alder. ::oiler Plumbing • men, in allowing Koller Plumbing Company 0606.91, collections for servers in Sevier Zones. Co. '42, i'4 and ;r5. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). CachiarIa Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen, in al - Fuad. _ louring Cashier's Fund ;}165.08. Adopted on the call of the roll: Ye an; (9). Nombor Duvall offered motion to concur in the action of -the -Board of Alder - Fire ?Dent. Payroll. nen, in allowing payroll for the Fire Department, for the last half of October, in the amount of y2253.04. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). 17ember Bru.maett offered motion to concur in the action ofthe Board of Alder J. Cl:c0. men, in allowing J.n. Rouse ?2,028.97, on Estimate.#ll, for paving on Island Creek bridge at 6th Street, adopted on the call of, the roll: Yeas; (9). Same offered motion to receive and file communication from the Cities Dso- Cities Tea - ora, $o, ora'aing Service Company, relative to decorating the City Hall. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; 71atson, Brummott, Doherty, East, Korth and Mayer. (6). Nays; Buddo, L*avall and 3te:vart, (3). ".,:tuber Ear.t. offered motion to reconsider the ne-' ion relative to r000ivin, .lea Dao- :reting 9or- and filin; letter from the Citlos Decoratin„ Service Company, Lost upon the call of the roll: Yeas; ✓avall, East and Stewart. (3). bays; Piatson, Brimmiott, Buddo, Doherty, Forth and ?layer. (6). 1•11;,ro1'_ ror Member Korth offorod motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alder- `ivornide "toapitnl. non, in allo.�irg payroll for the laat,half-of October for Riverside Hospital, in the amount of 8,08.81. Adopted on the call of the roll; Zeas; (9). ON [.'.'.71021 VE TIIiO ADJOIIR:II:D. Councilmon