HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 507, October 17, 1927IVa 507 Proceedings,of Board.of Councilmen City of Paducah October 17, 1927 At a regular meet ing'of the Board of Councilmen hold on the third floor of the City Hall in the City of Paducah; Kentucky, on October 17th, 1927. President Wat- son presided; and upon the call of the roll the following ausworod to their names: t'Jatson, Brummett, Budde, Duvall, East, Jacobs, Johnston, Kerth, Mayer and Stewart. (10). Member Johnston offered motion to receive and file communication from the Radio Ord- Mayor relative to vetoing an ordinance entitled "API ORDINANCE REGUU-TING THE OPERATION Ord- inance vc- y g � toed. OF A RADIO BROADCASTING S_ATION AND RECEIVING SETS, AND LICENSING SALIE IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH$ KEPITUCh'lt. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (10). Summons Same offered motion to receive and file summons served on the Mayor for the Served on 1„ayor. City of Paducah. :Adopted on the call of -the roll: Yeas; (1). Garnishee Same offered motion to rt:eeive and file garnishee served on the Mayor for served on .,ayor. the City of Paduca h. ..dopted on tho call of the roll: Yeas; (10): Fomer D. Same offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the City Solicitor :':ilson. in refunding Homer D. Wilson ,,,3,35 on tax bill #3954.. Adopted on'the call of the roll: Yeas; (10).' Lxs. R.F. Same offered motion to reduce the assessed valuation on the property of McCarty. Mrs. R.E. McCarty, 428 Harahan Boulevard, in the amount of $750.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (10). Same offered motion to concur in the recommendaidm'of the City Solicitor Gary Higgins. in re=ducing the assessed ;valuation. of },600.00 on the property of Gary Higgins. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas;.(10): Paducah Same offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor and Sewer Committee Tile 'u. Pottery the matter of adjusting sorer assessment against the Paducah Tile &Pottery Co. Company. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (10). and Member Duvall offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor and Sewor '.:attie Hale. Co=ittee the matter of adjusting aewer assessment against the property of S.K. and Mattie Hale. ..dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (10). L.!% Pieke Member Korth offered motion to reeeivo and file and order put to record Jr. and J.C. raoke.deed from L.L. Rieke Jr. and J.C. Rioke for strip of ground,for extending Cla y Streot. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (10). Ordinanco, Member Duvall read an ordinance entitled, "API ORDIIIAIICE DECLARING THAT IT ars,r�xation ,; LSE EDD of now .^.IRtBT i TO 1,1111.! TU Ti:P. C1T'l OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, CERTAIN UNIIICORPORATED tc`rritory. TERRITOR'C, AND ZETTING pUT TPM BOUNDARIES OF SUCH UNINCORPORATED TERRITORY, AND PRO- P051NG TO t.PiNYA Tr 0`XF TO TIG CITY OF PADJJC:.H, KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING FOR THE DUE f:nD LA..71P_', PUBLICATION OF Tla'F ORDINANCE,” and on motion same was referred to the Ord - finance and Finance Commit too.. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (10). Ordinance, Member Johnston read an ordinance entitled, "AR ORDINAL;CE PROVIDING FOR TRE `."healer Aver. ;:e. IMPROYEVENT OF :";iP E;: 1,VEl17r0_, FROV, THE SOUt'i: PROPERTY LINE OF JACKSON STREET TO THE WEST PI?OPE.F,.-1T LINE OF "B" ST1,F. 1, IIi TIL✓ CITY OF PAD'Ct:II, ?:Eunwr, BY TBE GRADING +ND CPAVELLINO OF EAJ.E, TOGETiEEER 71117H A:_L NECE32ARY MANROLF1, INTAY.F,S, CATCH N.IDINS AND CC!i1t CTb`c1% IN' ACCORDA.:ICE ':rITH THE PLAN2 AND SPFCIFICATIOiIa PROVIDED T11RRR- FOR BY ':'fir; CI -TY_ _TIG!.'-.,_', AT TZE CO°: UP "m tB'S3TI'I I PaorER "C G'ta7t{ , A11D i'ROVIDI,,G TTia�^::..'jCTIb.`! '.;AY 5E i'.iID IN ACC!i%tD=s:iC:i -5ITNTIN: 'TiUVI%ION:3 OF THE U,r:_r: cetic n esL:b was Eiv3n firat passe,^a uprn the c Fill of t to roll: Yoas;(10). up,L% Nation t':o rules Wena xa.'Mande: W.l orii::artee read by title unan the call of the roll: Yeas; (.10), ;;pc n notion sate Was F;iva,n sa=,.1 and final passa^o upon the call of tike roll: Y®as; (10): Proceedings of - BOARD of eommiLmEx No -50 -8 - City of Paducah . October 17,_1927 _ . Member Johnston offered motion to refer to the Light & l9ater Committeg, mair.e an Jones St. petition for dater mains on Jones Street, from 12th to 13th Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (10). Member Crider came into the meeting. L?ember Jacobs offered motion that the Chief of Polios be instructed as a safety measure, to prohibit parking only on the dost sides of Nigh Street and Parking on Sigh and 14th Streets.. 14th Street between Broadway and Jefferson, and property darning signs be placed on these streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (11). Member Kerth offered motion to refer to the Sewer Committee and City r.77. Clark. Solicitor the claim of M.PY. Clark for {,)84.17, reduction on sewer assessment. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (11). - Member Budde offered motion that the City of Paducah, Rentucky, deed lot Yfilliam Grayson., #78, in block #5 of Oak -Grove Cemetery to William Grayson for the sum of ;=.50. Adopted on the.call of the roll: Yeas; (11). Member Korth offered motion,to concur in the action of the Board of Nannie Thompson. Aldermen, instructing the City Solicitor to bring condemnation suit against Nannie Thompson, property on the Bayfield Road between Guthrie Avenue and 1.11heeler Street, to obtain right-of-way for sidewalks; action recommended by the Board of Public ;forks. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (11). Member Stewart excused from meeting. Member Korth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Fracer & Cooke, Contpact Aldermen in extending the time of Fraser & Cocke for the completion of contracts 1-2-4 and 5. ;--'1-2-4::and 5, thirty days•provided name is approved by Finance Committee. Adopted on the call cf the roll: Yeas; (10). 17ember Duvall offered motion to concur in the action of Board of Aldermen t`.c:'slvcy Constr. Co., Bid rejected., in rejecting -the bid of 012,470.00 made by the McKelvey Construction Co., for the construction of Sower Zone 7-B. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (10). Save offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in 3onthezz Roads, 4th Ct. accepting bid of Southern Roads Co., of ^.1,660.60 for resurfacing the 4th Stroct Bridge. bridge and authorizing Mayor to make cont:rgct for same. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeaa; (10). St. L:embor Brummott offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of approaches of 6th Bridge graded U gravel- Aldermen, instructing the Board of Public .;orks to have the approaches of 6th Street ed. b�--Idgo Craded and gravelled, and same to be charged to Spacial Bridge Fund. Adopted on t're call of the roll: Yeas; (10). ;+file, %ivorside Hca- Mrnrber Inivell offered motion to concur in the action of tl-e Board of Pitel. Aldcrc.en, in allowing; bills againat the Riverside Hospital, not approvod by the Fincarco Crr:itteo, In t1ir, &mount of :2580.61. adopted on the call of the roll: 7eae; (10). Payroll, 1,.ivcro,d, :'ci.:.e offered rc".icn to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermon in !!capital, allcwi.i, the CctcBor half msnth payroll for Fivoruido Houpital for �752.H1., not upprevod by t'_ -,e ?1:.arco Ce-.r.ittoo. Adopted on tho call of tl:e roll: Yeaa; Y:atnon, Crider, Duvall, :s st, Jacob::, Johnston, north and ?!ayrr. (0), I;aya; Hrum- . n"tt. (l;. ^awe cffere c:.titn to concur 1n tho action of t:.a Board of A.lde:con in CanditLo: of l.th St. �' n. '. . + f.r6m tha F.cnrd of 'Public l.orl:a relative to rece_v.r.,; v,: f111..r c...�:u:-cat.nn , rot avlrg u.f ioien- _ n4a silth Wmlch to rcmady the conditions of 10th Street. Adopted a: ..:e onll of S:-- . i oaa; (10). No.. Soo Proceedings of Bath tub. Board of Councilmen City of Paducah October 17, 1927 Member Berth offered motion to concur in the action of Board of Aldermen in accepting bid of :,-5.00 for bath tub at the City Light Plant, Lost upon the call of the roll: Yeas; 77atson, East, Jacobs and I:orth. (4). Bays; Brummott, Budde, Crider, Duvall, Johnstcn and Payor. (6). Street ltembor Duvall offered motion that the Kentucky Utilities Company be authorized Liehts at 8th t F11 is o place Street Lights at 8th and Ellis Streets and at 15t1i and Clay Streets. adopted 15th S Clay Sts. on the call of the roll: Yeas; Budde, Crider, Duvall, East, Jacobs, Johnston and Mayor. - (7). Bays; `;atson) Brummett and Kerth. (3). 17ember Jacobs offered motion to conour in the action of the Board of Alder- Sale=t.ve. .treemer► relative to referring to TiFht w :.Tater Committee the mattor of placing Street Light Light. at 13th and Saler:. avenue. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (10), i;embcr Bracauett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alder - i .4, A.B. Cole, E.R. Brad- ';on, in accepting rocouauondations of,A,E.Colo and E.R, Bradshaw, for settling right-o£- 3h0.w. way on the Mayfield Road for sidowalk on the property of T.A. hiller and Brack Orions. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (10). Member Korth offered motion to concur in the action of. the Board of Aldermen B.L. '7Ard. in receiving and filing communication from B.L. ^?ard, relative to relief being given to him for street paving assessment on 1252 South 6th Street. .Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (10). Fire Dept. Member East offered•motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen Claims. in allowing claims against the Fire Dopt. of ,>696.68, which were not approved by the Finance Committee. Lost upon the call of the roll: Yeas; East, and Jacobs. (2), hays: Latson, Brurmett, Budde, Crider, Duvall, Johnston, Korth and Mayor. I'enber Duvall offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alder- I?xtra Herz for i.asoss- mon relative to the Assessor being allowed an extra. clerk until December 31st. Lost or. upon the call of the roll: Yeas; Duvall, Jacobs end Layer. (3). Bays; 77atson, Brummott,- .nudde, East, Johnston and Forth. (6). Crider not voting. Member Johnston read the followir_g resolution: !-MEFI AS new curbs and gutters Peool!.:tlon, have been conotr^:cte-d on captain streets, of the City Of Paducah, at the cost of the ly Itrruoted.- abuttin- property canners and it is not no:;' practicable or struo�cd P L- .� , p• possible at this season to Curbs and nutter- urdartnka the irprover-entc of said streets by now construction; and, cravelltng Ctreota iL':'1'S+'.7 it is deemed a necessity to provide for the public oafoty that ,ravel thoroon. be lacod olonq Bair] t« + r; A r;: -.ors, as designated by the Board of Public, and St root Com- eitteo of the General Council. P:1 12 :IG:; ^;7 pLyiL by the General Council of the City of Paducah: That it is ro:^r doomed, and hereby declared to be a necessity for the public safety and for tLo procervation of said streets that gravel be purchased and placed on the streets dosigratod as aforascid, and that an or-argencey requiring same does now exist and is hereby declared for suctn purpose; and that the coat; ofsame, not to exceed ,:2000.00 b0 mode aysiiable and subject to the order of the Board of Public ',:orbs to provide there- for,. Aoeordingly,the Vayor and City 'Ireasuror aro hereby authorized to borrow said money from any bank or ban::a at the rate of in"rest to not exceed C,', intoroat por annum, pay- able at such time as c-ey to deemed adviaab'le. This Ra sal::tion w: ll to offec`.Sve from. and after its pansage and approval. Or moticn ooze aas .-Sven first pascago u1::,n the call of tiro roll: Yeas; F�dde, Crir._or,z..;vall, I aat, Jacot;a, :chnztcn, north and ?layer. (8). Nays; ':.ataoa and Brm--ett. (2). tin aOticn the rul.ea r=bre e'aec r:.o'1 an''.. e=bl:.t+_r n mond by title opon the onll of ne roll: Yesn; Budde, Crider, iiv_1', :East, 3serl.r, Johnston, iierth and Kayor. (8). Naya; t'atocn sand Brucr_ett. (2), Cn n0tiOn ss::e was Givcn s OCAd an firs: psu.-.age Lptin Zile aa11 of the roll: Yeas; ^,'d?, r_ri dE r, DnV811, L83t, ?teCbS, JG 1_rn, Forth and Mayer. (6). Nays; Tataon and :_MV_-_atr. (2). No. 510 Proceedings of.. Board. of Councilmen City of Paducah October- 17,. 1927 . Member Duvall offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Louis Kolb. Aldermen in ;ranting the request of Louis Kolb to construct side walk on Madison ' Street between 7th and 8th Street., and instructing City Engineer to give grades. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (10). Member Jacobs excused from meeting. Mombor Korth offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor, Board T.A. Miller and Brack Owens. of Public ilorks, Mayor, Street Corm ittoo and City Engineer, the matter of adjust- Ing street assessment on Coxey Street with T.A. ,tiller and Brack Owens. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). Llember Johnston offered motion to concur in the action of the Board ;fell G. Sbarp. of Aldermen, the recommendation of the City Solicitor in refunding `;1.50 poll tax ' tp Nell G. Sharp. Adopted on the call of the roll: `leas; (9). Member Korth offered motion to adopt the following: Pursuant to the Ky. Utilities Co's recommendations of the Board of Public 'corks, the Street CommittOo for report con - Track on 3raadr;ay, curs in such recommendation that the Kentucky Utilities Go. be required to recon- ' struct its track on lower BroGdway, or that said track be removed from said street. Therefore, I move that said Kentucky Utilities Co, be directed to make said repairs at once, and to advise its disposition concerning same. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). Robert McGregor. Member Korth offered -motion to concur in the recommendation of the City Solicitor in refunding $7.37 to Robert McGregor for over -assessment of taxes. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). Member Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of City Lip.1-at. Plant P+:.tlding. Aldermen that the Board of Public !'Works be instructed to confer with Ford Tobacco . Co., relative to renting the City Light Plant Building. Adopted on the call of US roll: Yeas; (9). I.Iember Korth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Fire Dept. Pay oil. Aldermen in allowing October half -month payroll of Fire Ibpt, in the amount of :;2126.06. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Budde, Crider, Duvall, East, Jo'nnston, Kerth and !Sayer. (7). Nays; t7atson and Brummott. (2). Member Johnston offered motion to concur in the Board of Aldermon in D.Y. Vardevoldo,adopting the following: Be it resolved by the General Council of the City of Pad- ucah: :'hat B.M. Vandevelde and J.R.LIcIntyre be and they are hereby granted per- t the it ) i- mission to Install aWSH-ore•exponse a eombinod storm and sanitary sever leading from his property located on 20th Stroet; or 71hooler Avenue, to the sewer lino or r=ain on "G" ^treat, in the City of Paducah, and to make connection with such sewer ey, Said "C" Street. It is further provided said property shall be exempt from any rows r asjcsrxent by reason by tho i::olunion of said property in any sewer zone i:erzinaf`.er ostablisixel, for the ro,,son that: said property is already within the io u dart' of !mw�;r Zore ''$, but was not snrved or assessed for any part of the cost of aai-'_ Zane, provided sas.e is done under supel•vioion of City Engineer. Adopted on the Call cf the roll: Yeas; (B). Korth, not voting. .. -e offered t:otion to concur in the action of the Board of nldermon J.A. McGann. r +� cits. ela.-ve to redacing e aaosaod vai,.at, ion of J.A. McCann in tiw amount oz' :;9CO.Cr) located at 1123 JePleraon Jtre::t. Adopted on d o call of tiio :•oil: Yeaa; (5). Mowber verth off6rb3 cotion to co::cur in the action of the, 1,oazd of .iilbu ..atxira. A13•a!�=en raja:i•re to te=e sc^o:r.t of 1INWO':,i t:r';;aLitin■ for 750.;_, for extra worn on island Creek :;ridge be approved; mass to .e rata when 'bridlo is completed. t.doptel on the call of the roll: Yeaa; (9). No. Sl7 Proceedings of. Board of Councilman City of Paducah loo-tober 17,.1927- - -. member Brummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of aldermen J. FS. Rousethat the assignment for ::3000.00 of J.t;. Rouse to Southern Roads Co. be accepted; same routl:orn Roads Co- to be charged to any money duo J.V. Rouse, but not to be paid until work is accepted. Adopted on the call of the roll4 Yeas; (9), Sewer :one Member Berth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen 6• in allowing final settlement made with the McKelvey Construction Co.in Sevier Zone ,','6, be accented and the Treasurer and btayor be authorized to have printed, executed and gold, such bonds in the amount of ;23,477.30. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). caber Brucmett offered motion -to concur in the action of the Board of Alder - Hard r P acing 6th men in allowing final settlement made with the Southern Roads Co. on Contract 3, for to,Clarkenn' hard surfacing 6th Street, from Tennessee to Clark, also authorizing the Mayor and•Treas- asci to nave printed, executed and sold such bonds in the amount of ;>8189.39. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in allow- rohn, Katt- er, G.;7. Katterjohn & Son :;120.85 on Contract 4I3. Adopted on the call of the roll - Contract Contract '-3. Yeas; :'iatson, Brurrmrett, Budde, Crider, Davall, East, Johnston and Llayer. (8). 17ays; Kerth. (1). . D. J. Ryan. Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in allowing the City's portion for street paving to D.J. Ryan in the amount of x',36,396.42. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). Liembor Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alder- Pouthorn ren in allowing the Southern Roads Co. N6677.79, the City's portion for street paving Roads Co. contracts. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). 15LO.OU. Vember Johnston offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alder- men In allowing ;1500.00 transferred from Special Street Improvement Fund to General Pund, r:dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). +rte:; aced. Lember BrWanett offered motion to concur in the action or the Board of Alder- men in allowing the payment of rotes borrowed, as follows: Citizens Cavirgs Bank ;340,000.00 City :National " 30,000.00 First " " 10,000.00 Peoples " " 5 000.00 °.8�osi0: da Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). „o olvey llember Crider offered motion to concur in the agtion of the Board of Alder- constr. Wen in allowing the !:c ::olvey Construction Co., the City's portion due on Sevier Zone ,"6, .e. :.202.22, on L'ewer Zone A, x3510.87. Adop%cd on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). L+enber Johna':on offerca motion to concur in the action of the Board of '?,Ei8.7G Lldereon in allowing -. U,208.70 transferred from: the Now. Cons truotIon Fund :to the Hard Surface 3trect Inprcvoc.ant Liu;d. Adoptee, on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). Cumberle,.d Venber Luvall offered moticr. to concur in the action of the Board of Alder- Proabhttr- !on Chrrc}..won, euti•.oria.in;?. tho En,,ir.eor to ;vivo ;radon to the :;easior of the Cumberland Prosby- teritr. Church, to tuiid Concrete curb and gutter for a dietar:an of fifty foot. Adopted on the call of the rolls Yeas; (9). .A&mO effarcd .-ction to co -cur in t1ao action of the Board of Aldermen to �. Interest. allow bond interest Inth. arcunt of J473C.31. adopted or the call of the, roll: Ye03;(9) Wem er 'Certh r.-ffered mr ticn to crnC'.ar in the action d tho eoc.rd of Aldermen Note at e.:t_.orlai_. the ka er and Cit Treae-�rer to rtno pots. the + Cltizens -� y y for 1':7.7.; a*. a C_tizor.a `suing° Sevir Bar,:r. ga.Bank for a period of six months and to pay the amount of Snt rent due Sn•the sic of ;93.83. Adepted or. the call of the roll: Yeats; (9). No._ 512 . — - -- - - Proceedings OF- .BOARD OF COUNCILldEN .City of Paducah OCTOBER. 17TH, 1927 _ — Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen, + authorizing Special Street Improvement Bond Coupons paid in the amount of 028.60. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yoas; (9). l,enbor Brwnmett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Payrolls. Aldermen in allowing payrolls for 05808.53. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). Member berth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Claims. Alde_men in allowing claims for ;;16,976.32. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). Koller Pliznbing Co., Sane offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen Zonas •?2, in allowing Koller Plumbing Co., `;466.61 collected on Sewer Bills in Zones /f2 and �-'4. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). !!ember Duvall offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Part: Avenue, boule- Aldermen, that the City Solicitor bring in a Resolution to matte Park Avenue a yard. boulevard, requiring stop signals. to be placed on all streets crossing Park Avenue. .Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Watson, Budde, Duvall, East, Johnston and MayoriQ Nays; Brummett, Crider and Korth. (3). Member Johnston offered motion to adopt the following: C'iEREAS Emg- Engineer's Estimate ineer's estivate IN, Island Creek bridge contract, for 11612.45, heretofore paid `T9,Island Creek on warrant of the City Clerk issued September 8th, 1927s which by oversight or Bridge contract, mistake was not ordered by the General Council, I move, that said estimate be now allowed, and the payment thereof con- firmed, in said sum of 111612.45 and charged to said Bridge Account. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (9). ON MOTIOIT MEETING ADJOURNED, ADOPTED 3.927 City Clerk APPROVED Pres. Board of Counci mon