HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 478, August 15, 1927No._—.478.---- - - - - --- - Proceedings of - _.Board -of Councilmen City of Paducah - __-Aug. 15, 1927, . T a regular meeting of the Board of Councilman held on the third floor + of the City Rall of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, August 15, 1927, in the ab- sence of the President, the meeting visa called to order by the clerk and upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: Budde, Crider, Doherty, Duvall, East, Johnston and Stewart. (7). '• c Member Duvall offered motion that, the appointment of Mr. Frank J. Mayer as Frank J. ]gayer Councilmen from the 4th Ward to fill the vacancy cause by the death of Councilmen Mattison, made by the Mayor, be receive and filed and Mr•.Mayer be awarded a seat in the Council. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (7). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Mlember Doherty offered motion to receive and file communication from the Sidewalks, etc, Bridge, Greerats. Vayor relative to executing contract with J. Y. Rouse for building sidowelks on Greer at., Bridge street, etc. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (9). Member East offered motion to refer to the Finance Committee communication Hard surfacing from the Mayor relative to resolution for hard surfacing Meyers at. from Broad Never st. 3ron9 to Clements st. to Clements at. Adopted upon call of the roll:Yeas (9). Lfember Crider offered motion to receive and file communications from Geo, Robertson, George H. Robertson relative to sower on 3rd street between garrison and Clay sts. being, damaged by the McKelvey Construction Company. Adopted:__uoon call of roll: Yeas (9). Member Doherty offered motion to receive and file'lcommunigation from the Southern 'toads Mayor relative to executing contract with the Southern Roads Comreny for hard - Co. Herdn•lrfacing surfacing, Jefferson street from 17th to 19th street. Adopted upon the call of P P the roll: Yens (9). Same offered motion to receive and file communication from the Ya,•or (Lnrineering) Bleck 9- Veatch relative to executing contract with Black and Veatch for engineering the hard Har3r:rPHcing of Jtff, 17-199 surfacing of Jefferfion street from 17th street to 19th street. Adopted a on p' P the call of the roll: Yeas (9). -ember 9rummett, and Kerth came into meeting. Member Doherty offered motion that coal bids be referred hack to Special Cral Bids. Cc:.zittee and the Mayor with ,� power to act, adopted upon call of Holl: Pena (11) Member Kerth excused from meeting,. Member Stewart offered motion that the Mayor be authorized to overdraw Over-irew for ,q. ':cntfinganrt Ftimd annrozimately $400.00 to the I. C. R. R. Co. for P•:n3 to r, --,yr for -y pay strip 'trfn 7. Co. _and ira-a: of vro"na botween Goebel ave. and Tenn. street. Adapted aeon call of roll: Yeas 1. C.".?. (lr;. M,mbcr iichorty off,•red motion to refer to the City Solicitor end Sewer i-7, it:r-r8•f Cos. it;rn cocr::n;cation fMa b:af/e V. Murray and Annie B. Miller relative to " `•.^- T. 'illi^' 9e::e: H`1.,P.a m•:;:T. uf'air.at ti:oir property lying hotween 19th and 22nd streets and Madisgn 3tre,ate. :.rfopted upon call. of the roll: Yeas C6C1; off,;r(, : =; ,!A n SG t;r,,int Lha regl,e3t rif' Frank Block to conneat hi s ,propertywit.hSe NC r3 if. ":(iwPi• i;nfif. No. 4. as p•'r Nin HrrFement t0 nay Oxer as eJti:!••:�. ... .. aaid P:'n-P2 1--Y is incll:ded in ano!,nlr +.c:nr. ,dopted pin Ca' (if 3+uer' asaeesaer,*. ar;ainet D:•. J. T. t'. _... .,.. SalCy. is [la Slpnn call'. j.Ted rt .. _....-,r:c.^ in of •_j, ?]pard of sr...'i . _ arx• _ _. cf rtrblic ";0rka t . put ::r,r ,..::Sr; zt.reet from ireI 3:regr,.; o:,r::i :t. .. ;:L an early da•.r.. ..lonted an Proceedings of Board of Councilmen City of Paducah August 15, 1927, "cmner ?1va11 reaa n resolutson entitled: "A Rh;SOLUTION PROVT_DI1dG hOR THE IM"-' 'esoluticn: I^rr. c" ire OF GREitiR STREET FROM THE NORTH LINT; OF THE NORT11VIEi: ADDITION TO THE SOUTH Pt. =rc th- CURB -1..111E OF TENTH STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, K1-21TUCKY, BY THE GRADING AND GRAVh.L- OF S..M!E, TOG'cTh R 7,4ITH ALL NECLSSikRY MANHOLES, INTAKES, C,+TCH BASINS AND ShTfER PIPE CON`InTIONS, IN ACCORDANCE''IITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED THEREFOR BY THI CITY ?I'GIN ER, AT TH?: CitST OF THE. ARLITTING PROPERTY 07:111.:RS, eND PROVIDING THAT ' THE COS:' OF SUCH 0ONSTRUCT7011 MAY BE PAID IN ACCOTiLUINCE 2iITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE' TE1T YRA? D:i"M?EIIT PLAN." On motion same was given first passage on call of the roll: Yeas (10). On motion rules were suspended and the resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (10) On motion same was given second and final passage upon call of the roll: Yeas! (10). Same offered motion to refer to the City hngineer and Fire Chief report of T'nan^TI of of 5 -a- the Paducah "later Company under date ofAug. 15, 1927dwater mains and fire plugs located. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (10). Same offered motion to refer to the Light and Plater Committee petitions d ins 'dons St, for water mains on Adams at, from 82nd at. to Lovelaceville Road. Adonted upon i•r.rm �[?Gt to ".ovcl. ;:, call of the roll: Yeas (10). Same offered motion to receive and file annual report of the Paducah `later Company. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (10). Member Stewart offered motion to refer to the Light and 'Nater Committee r In, petition for water mains on 27th streot, from Jackson to Jones streets. Adopted C s's.'inon call of the roll: Yeas (10), MT.omber Jacobs exc,.ised from meeting. ..•! .:; Vecber D:val read a resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION P13OVIDING FOR THE II.I- L? 'VENRIL OR "A" STREET, FROM THE NOPTH PROPDRTY LINE OF 7:11RFLER AIL N T!, :P'• CURB LINT OF 16TH STREET, IN THE CITY OF PAD1CAH, KENTUCKY, BY THE TOGETIIH7. SNITh 1.LL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INT:;Kh:S, Ci.TCH .CdOPD,=Iv..-ITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS A7 THE CO OF' TPE ABUTTING PROPERTY OTNLRS, OP .^,UCh CONSTRUCTION MiFY BE PAID IN tXCORDANCE i:ITH THE On rnt!r,n snm•• t;na :lven first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Or. r"4t.irn rales ware saspendad and I.iir, resolution read by title upon the rall of tht roll: Yaus (9). On roti^.n •;W!` we,n given second and final pannaro upon call of the roll: Yraa (31. ^ae. offer-" •anti -,n to con^.ur in t!:.• yctiun of the Board of Aldorlen re- f-rrlr;p, 6; .'.canco Com-°;ittee an %I; (71iDINi.?Y:h !!F:(•,�11.i.TI'0 r: • • .... r: .._:r 6 ....0?i ,.?::� b'e.'u0 T'tCi:IVI?iG !F.. :.'.;1i LICE'?1S1:;4 'd ':pee call of tre roll.: xra:f (9). ,:- .. .. - .. .. ... %:•: ;S: tl3ilcit�.r ?x; inatn,C'..:d to rin !:. 1,n riiea.ae ,a'-- ;•a„:.r __. .. .saicla in J.,w now ftnnRx '.erri.tary to t.hr+ City -•.`.;. tai bolos. _ s: i+; r»1 ea di.? ,...:7;,...:3 a:.j 61- 'rl'n-s t', r;e-e hlcming of wniatic and •I .:ara.r..�a. ..:S,.rri r;rin call of tre `e !'+? beA:1+?^a'r'i tag pa....<_. . .(eV� a ort i.:.�'. lea. Proceedings of_ or Councilmen City of Paducah August 15, 1927 Member Duvall read an ordinance entitled: ".,I' ORDINANCE; ASSES'ING THE Ls sessment ABMT?INC, PROP1i3T' ON ';DTII SIDES OF TENNESSEE STREET'FROM THE EAST PROPIAITY LINE OF Ordinance Sri -2nd sts.3RD STREET TO THE GEST. PROPNT= LIa, OF 2ND STREET; AND ON BOTH SIDES OF HIGH STREET Highstreet FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY SINE OF BROi WhiY STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE'OF JEF- qrd,-Jeff' Sts. PERSON STREET; Q1D ON BOTH SIDES OF 15TH STREET FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTv LINE OF BROADNiiv STREET TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF KENTUCKY•AVENUE, IN THF CITv OF PADIG H, KE:?Ti1CKY, FOR THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION GT A HARD SURFACE ROt1DnAY, TOGETHER `:: No. 91. Proceedings of. B,nral of Councilmen City of Paducah August 15, 1927- of Mem`er 5rummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alder- '':;' irk' man in awarding contract for painting Island Creek Bridge to Geo. M. Overstreet. Adopted anon call of the roll: Yeas (9). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in not "ark. r. Car..- hangingY Y P p�el1 the assessment on property of 1drs, Lar B. Campbell. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (9). 1'ember Stewart offered motion to concur in the action of the. Board of Alder- ',ccentinr men in ac".epting paving on Tenn, street from 2nd to 3rd streets, 15th at. from Broad- •,.vinr of 2to3rd way to Kentucky avenue and High street from Broadway to Jefferson street. Adopted upon r' call`of t'be roll: Yeas (9). Member Duvall offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen -1^ of boads.addepting the Ireasurer's report of the sale of bonds and making settlement with D. J. Rya. an D. J. Ryan Construction Co. for paving .13th, 12th, and Monroe streets. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (9).. Member Brummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alder- -^nded re- men in accepting the amended report of the Treasurer on sewer contract for zone No. 2,! ^^ontr, and allowing fP1091.03 balance due Koller Plumbing Co. on contract. Adopted upon call of the roll:. Yeas (9). Same read a:.resolution entitled: A vESOLUTION AUTHORI'LINf, THE MAYOR. AND THE 117v "RF:ASiiRRR 0F THE CI FY OF PADUC:,I[, KENTUCKY, TO BO' ROi, LLI0UNT5 AGGREGATING THE O° }75,000.00, AS THE S.,tlli MAY BN REQUIRED TO MEET THE NEEDS OF SAID CITY, AND TO NOTE OR 140TES THEREFOR ON BEHALF OF SAID CITY." On motion same was given first papsaRe upon the call of the roll: Yeas (9). On motion rules were suspended and the resolution read by title unon the call of the roil: Yeas W. On motion same was given second and final passage upon call of the roll: Yeas (9). Y -t -^e.^ ^,rifler offered notion to concur in the action of. the Board of is de'r- /oPli.m ren in allowinir, Koller Plumbing, Co. $224.22, collected upon delinquent tax hills In Zones No. 5 and 5. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yeas (9). Lembe.r 5r::mmet; offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alder- ., . ^ r n 1• 511,ninv 'h" ':reas•lrer to transfer $1500.00 from the gbneral Fund to the Speciel' s. reet lmr,,rcve int Fgnd. ::doPted upon call of the roll: Yens lg ..-aL,•r Divoll offered motion *o concur in the action of tho Board of Aldermen In aoceritinr ren,, -,q of the :reas�trer of collections and ter, year agreements secured vr, t" Vc`elvey S',rs"'.2otion Co.'s combined 8-arr Contract No. -7, and authorizing the. 'r..".q lrgr •:r, c„ri„ fir.ril sn;".1^na:ot w;'.h cnr.t:•+,ct,^ Anon nalr Of bonds, also, authori.^.inE Layrr tint 'utas• -en to have printed unt hell such hontla in the amount of :,14,496.61. roll: Yeas (9). C" to c,no r in tt,c acricr, of f.l, iioaT•a of i,l'iel•men in oe- -cue•.:.:.r •er on the sal" of G lar, 11 ":reef Irr,nrovament. Honda, an•^, Ryan ,nvat:uctlon Co. nfle'nted L'r.r:n ct,11 of the r, t: G!' lderr:.an In :.1, - .:ate . .. _.... ,. :...pa® .n: :- ... ��. :': r, •.r'1 '. i. � !.; 1'6.... 'I,•H:i l(t). r 3rn-rt.;.• c,:f.., e; r..t ,.r. (. ?r: a;t"r. of '.i.• ...:.r: of .-ldcr. .._ .•_.tri:eget/° _..'t. -: ,3 .-4prns lila In 'i;r• taTq;:nt O ;opted :°c_.. yeas (a). Proceeding's of iin�ra of Councilmen City of Paducah _ _ - August 15, 1927. I..,m:1,or Duvall offered motion to concur in the action of the 9oard of Claims. .iiermen in r,llowing claims for tie952.27. Adopted upon cull of the roll: Yeas (9) bem^er Doherty offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Payrolls. Aldermen in allowing payroll of ;�9076.3:,�. Adopted upon sell of the roll: Yeas (9) Same offered motion that the Street Inspector be instructed to out all street Inso. .:reds on street and sidewalks of public property. Adopted upon call of roll: Yeas On motion meeting ajourned. ADOPTED 1927. APPROVED Pres. Board of Councilmen. g to be held by the Board of'Councilmen on the n the City of Paducah, Kentucky, Sept. 5, 1928', toon, the meeting was called to order by the -un present the meeting adjourned to meet Tuesday APPROVED oaru� pros. Boar ounci men