HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 425, April 19, 1927No. f"5 Proceedings of :,:o -,,r) oi, ' ._ : "'' -- _ -City of Paducah .,PAIL 15), 1927. At a regular meeting of the Board of Councilmen to be held on the Third Floor of the City Rall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, April the 18th, 1927, the -eetinrt was called to order by the Clerk,.and as there was no quorum present, the meeting ai.tourned until Tuesday night, April the 19th, 1927, at 7:30 o'clock P. M. 1 ADv7ED: `'i!%cry � 1927. APYROVF.D: PRESIDENT BOARD OF COUECILMEF. CIT_ CLEF!` - At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Councilmen held on the Third Floor of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, April the 19th3 1927, President ':^atson presided, and upon the call of the roll the followinn answered to their names: 7.7atson, Brummett, Crider, Doherty, Duvall, East, Jacobs, Johnston, t'attison ani Ste-vart. (10. L'.inutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. ?.:ember Jacobs offered motion to receive and file the communication 'aress efrom the L"ayor relative bd the expenditures of Departments of the City during the year aroo.f Cents, 19P7 Adcrted on the call of the roll: Yens (10). L'omber Brummett offered motion to receive and file communication General from• `,he ?:ayor relative to not signing the certificate of indebtedness to the General M'17. uV' "linufacturinp Company of St. Louis, L.o., coverinF the balance due £hem on service truck for FI -e Denartment, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Same offered motion to redeive and file the report of the EngineerinF lonPral Rxxixxxxt ✓ nartr.,rnt of the General Accident ,'assurance Corporation of the inspection of the 7,csident Assurance elevator in the Cit;; Ball. Adontod on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). C^rooraticn. elevator L:cmbcr Divall offered motion that extension of time be prantr•d to Uity Fa11. Yancey ar.i .7ohr>sor, for the completion of their contrast for sidewalks, curbs,?Ij(� putters Yancey & 3ohnson an't 1-lveaNys to October 1st, 1927, ^rovided it in agreeable to their Sondamen. Adopted time ext•an- ded, on t.l:r-; call of the roll: Yens: :7atuon, Crider, Doherty, Duvell, East, Johnnt:cn, Yat.'lson ar:1 Stewart (8). IN -1n: Bruzme*..t and Jacobs (2). L' -%.•,r .?ern:`en offered motion to refer to the Yayor and Finance eln f r -3.. ni^ 'Ira froa J. 7'es Trout^nn, City Assessor, relative to acliitional City nsaFns,r :u w _i-,a>ir^ a^^•,s:cent of nerdy arner.cri t.rritr.ry to the City. Adopted on the Trc•:�.rar.. "a ii of Y'.as (Ir.). Rr+mxett offered mntior, to refund Vary Y:. Campbell ??24.70, Mary ' CnT^h«11. !ar"' ^,.r: 'rnrerty xi "n'. regia errorAt(".vly assestrd. Atlr.rste+3 On ttie 0a11 of the roll: era •;n,•.rr:� c `.ier; .: a:. !t.• p:t.a t' or tlG.00, fine Gap Feeples. ..'i _ .. , _ ..... . .... C^.... ;'rF H ;r: '. .,.. .. :Cr±tC;! O!i ife Coll of n, ._:.:, .n:•,r,?_ .....:... .,. ..... to r.,.f,..,, .. '.?, F,,•.fe ii•rrvellr.ct. Fane r! r.r. Z rf !,,.vg C.easiLtee, d"c- r•;.. ... L7, ?:a Cdrin7 L}:e Gff1-'e9 r 'Z:e ".ait.r cf er P,11ec. Poli^•. a. _ of Lre roll. fess cixy act 3¢e, Proceedings of_ aor:r.D OF co;„cna:1:1: City of Paducah . t.Pr.iL 19, 1927.._ . _. Member Stewart offered motion that the Public Imnrovelrent. Committee Plastering in be instructed to have plastering patched that has fallen off of the wells in the "fires of City Julge, City Clerk offices of the Judge, City Clerk and Assessor. j.dopted on the call of the roll: and Assessor. Yeas (10). Member East offered motion to refer to the Street Con-mittee, lltn Street btw. petition from citizens that 11th Street between Greer and Ellis Streets, be not Greer anal Ellis. graded and graveled, as same has heretofore been graded and graveled, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Grade for sidewalks Same offered motion to refer to the Street Committee the petition ' Broadway between f^om property owners on the south side of Broadway between 26th and 27th Streets, 26th & 27t1i Sts. requesting grade for sidewalks. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Trimble St. 8a= Member Duvall offered motion that the City Solicitor be authorized and Hinkleville Road to bring in an ordinance changing the name of Trinble Street- and Hinkleville Road to chance name to Park Ave. to Park Avenue, commencing at the river and ending at the City Limits on the Hinkleville Road. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Watson, Brdmmett, Doherty, Duvall, East, Jacobs, Johnston, Mattison and Stewart. (9). Member Cri,_er not voting. Member Brummett read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PFOVIDING Ordinance. FOR THE IVPRO%%WF:NT OF FOUNTAIN AVENUE (17TH STREET), FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE Hard Surface Ftuntain Avenue, OF BROADI'JAY STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF M.ONROE STREET IN THE CITY OF from Broalway to Ponroc St. PAnUCAH, {h11TUCKY, BY THY. CONSTRUCTION OF A HARD SURFACE ROAt7CAY, TOGF'THER r-ITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, CATCh BASINS, AND SES,'ER PIPE CONNFCTIONS, AND ALSO THF. PECONSTRPCTION OF CURBS AND GUTTERS THF,REVER NECESSARY, AS F.FO'.'T ON PLANS, IN ACCORDANCE "ITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED THER!•FOP RY THE CITY RNGITTRER AT THE COST OF THE ARFITTIpG PROPERTY 0'"1.1E•.RS AND PROVIDING TEPT THE COST OF 'I:CI! GONSTNI'CTION MAY BE -AID UNDER ThE, PROVISIONS OF THF TEN YF:AF PAYFENT PLAN.' On motion same visa given first passage upon the call of the roll! Yeas (10). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (10). On motion same vias riven second and final passage upon the call of th,— roll: Yeus (10). `;am- read an ordinance entitled "All ORDINANCE P00';I!1NG FOP THE :'IGId OF !) .i:G''.i,T : ^I 7;:...i:: AI: • `!,F1 NECESSARY CURBS AND GUTT1•AI. OV PorrCE rJrdlnapee•!AI-Walks etc. -:.7, C -N -;;. FRC!' Tt!F, ZEST PROPERTY LINE OF T71I:7Y-111''"T kc.nrc., 9t. 29t'.^. `.t. = . L:.?.r. !,: .i.^f-FIFTEI STPF:ET, ON TRI LOFTY: T?x?'RF; STPFET TO THF PAST F , t.uc'TY LINF ... .. F':01•'. 'r!!?, I0P.fH P 11. Ty LII: F: :'V 0:. S'!4?EET (ON !'0'tR ^I F.;' L?: Q.c'•i.•^.n rn.-+: was vlvar; P!:•r:!. r,eaae.•e:. uror: tr., call of the roll: SIH Cr, mourn. ri•:.. .,.lr.� were s6: p- ti ar- arsereg; ty tlt.le On notion S*Te was rive;: ., ar:d 1'!:.h: Passage Lr,r. ..'•e ^eil No.. 4^7. Proceedings of. so ?_� tr tetlll .n 'I T'. City of Paducah APrIL-19TH, 1927. VemhPr Brummet:t read an ordinance entitled "All ORDINANCE PPOvlr)ING FOR ;•: , `,.• , opC nTOTr OF COx,TCrETI-: SIDE" 71LFS AND GiTTTEPS, AND CURBS OF EITIO-Y CONCRETE: OR ACCO'^INr, '"0 BID ACCFPTFD, TOrETHE:F. ','ITH ALL NECESSARY 1'AAIIIOLES, INTA.KE;S, CATCH n1171gF, 7,-.T-1,.' A -S AND .5E:"'EP PIPE CONNECTIONS, Oil BOTH SIDES OF 14TH STREET FPOPr H.. "P Il F?OPI:-TV L11T OE' CLAY STRFET TO THF LOUTH PROPERTY LINT: OF TRIfRLE STRET;T; OI'. TH-H NORTH FID,; OF 14TH STREET FPO!' THF: NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF TRIMBLE STREET TO TFE Ordinance. sidewalks, ':-ST PPOPFF":v LINE: OF BUrNETT STREET 1,111) FROY A POINT 400 FEET ."EST OF THv' "'EST PROPFFTY curbs k Ratters on I,Tr;F OF RIMY E 1 RTRFET '"0 THE EAST PPOPERTY. LINE OF FILLET'!' STREET; Oil THE SOUTH SIDE 14th; Xndiscn; OV 1r.TP 17RFET PROF PRE: "-7,7 PROPERTY LINE OF BURTIETT STREET TO THE FAST CURB LINE: OF Campbell; 7th; Fold; FL(01=`'0" STREET; ON THE UORTH SIDE OF FIA')ISOli STREET FROV TILE OLD SIDF'ALK CURB AND E111s;10th: 9th; Sth; Gi:TT' ? 1BC1i 270 FEET :'.'EST OF 19TH STREET TO THE: EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 21ST STREET; ON 13th; Lan,:steff; ^F' °OUTP. IIM OF I.:ADISON STREET FROV THF. V.'E:ST CURB LINE OF 19TH STREET TO A POINT vildred: Jones. 296 FF'•:T "'E'T OF 19TH STREET; ON THE "'EST FIDri OF CA.BPBELL ITFEET FROTi TPF SOUTH SidewdlRs only on CITPB LIRE OF 6TH STT?';FT TO THF NORTH PWOPE:RTY LINE OF TRIF'BLE STREET; ON THF. NORTH 13th St. ono CT I;:? x 771: ,. �. i r n F c �InF. OF 7TH I E: 0.' EST PROPERTY LIVE OF CAA'PBELL STRF._ T ' 0 THE A, T CURB LINE OF FAR -IS STREET, A17D FROM TFT '.',EST CURB LINE OF BOYD STREET TO TRE FAST CNRB LITIF OF FINLEY ITRF.ET; ON THE SOUTH SITR, OF 7TH STREET FPOM THE "'EST PROPERTY LINE OF CAT?FELL STRE:F'T TO THF. FAST CURB LINF OF FINLEY STREET; ON TNF; "'FST °SDE OF FLLIS 1 v? FROV TFT` SOUTH CURB LINE OF 10TH STREET TO THE; NORTH PROPEPTY LINE OF 12TH I i Oy TF*E VAST °I T)--.' OF ELLIS STREET FRO!! THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE 0, 3LC,K 7:0. 5, NORTHVIVT ADDITION TO THE NORTH PROPET'TY LINE OF 12TH STREET; ON THE " `'^N °I D'? OF 10TH -MmEET FPOF' THE :?EST PPOPERTY LINE OF ELLIS STPEF'T TO THE ":E^T OL' LOT No, 7, BLOCK. 110, 4, NORTIME171 ADDITION; 011 THE NORTH IID!: OF 9TH STREET '. I LINE OF TRIS?BLE STREET TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF BOYD STREET; X;': -i! .^.IDE: OF 9TH STREET FROMTHE T10"PR PROPERTY LIT.'F. OF TF.IN9LF STkF:F.T TO TFh r:: Y LITE OF BURIIETT STREET, EXCEPT THE INTERSECTIONS AT BOYD STREET; BOTH F1101; TNT' NORTH C11PB LINE OF TRIT.'BLF RTPFFT TO THF FAFT CURB LI14F ID E,%DEPT 7rF, INTE:R�ECTIONS ON THP REST SIDE OF CAV.?PBEILL STREET; ON !.'57r 4TPE`T F"OI' THE '."ErT Ctir?B LIFE OF HEI: PTON AVFI;'1 ;,-: TO TIIF. EAST r-•;•. v ON THE 7,R';T SIDE OF Lt,?•GSTAFF AVEITUE FROV TPE SOITTH CTiRB ^: • 17,'" 7G 7:i; 1101"TI? CnR6 LIYF. OF 1.1ILDRE') STFFFT; Oil THF FOUTH i11), OF FPOW (.1•T 1, Litt' OF 23RD STREET TO THE. FAFT CURB LINE OF 24TH Tfi ^:7E CIF 'G:;.:" ::(" -T;' "EFT 111PPERTY LINE OF 11TH STREI^T T!' 12'A: "" : - . '..:.!: CI'l.Y OT TF.}, FOUTH SID' OF 13TH STRF'i,T 1...,..". �. 1;;G1•EtiTY LINT.: OF' 'FILI.F.TT STF4i T 1,FD FPECIFIC•ATIONS ,.0`-17 OF THE ABUTTING FF('PFTY 7, i7 ':'!'7 Y PdYVENT PLA`." 0% n:c'.Scn c^:: r..,; riven f:rr._ pa:;"f.f, uprr, rr:c cu11 of the roll: ^..., :Ori th- r`ile`s were su9per01 a: 'I CS)-:!lnhr.rd -,al by title upon `-�P ncG' ct. ^i7, ,'. L:a !.`. !. aec'r..I fIr.dT rid ^. ;.N.^P. linon r1.,: ^d1l Of Proceedings of _ _Bo«PD.pF!-Gorr:Gl-Lr,E::: City of Paducah APEIL 19 1927. Member Brummett read an Ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE,' PROVIDING FOR THP CONSTfZPCTION 01' CONCRE:TE SIDh:'ii+LKS AND GUTTERS, AND CURBS OF F:ITHEP CON - Ordinance. CRETE OR GRANITE,ACCORDING TO BID ACCEPTED, TOGETHER '."ITh 6LL NECESSARY VAVHOLF'S, Sidewalks, Ctiirbs k putters on 9tn St; INTAKES CATCH %,SINS DRIVEWAYS AND SEV:F.R. PIPE CONNECTIONS OI; BOTH SIDES OF 9TH ' 12th; Adams; Clark; ' ' Jackson: 7th; STPEET FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF' TENNESSEE STP.EhT TO THFNORTF CURB LINE OF 10th and Caldwell. and Caldwell. NOriTON STP13F^t, FOiCEYTIN^ THE IIlTi?i?SECTION ALREADY CONSTRUCTED AT JONES STREET; ON BOTH SID',.S OF 12TH STREET FRO}:. TILE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF JACKSON STRF.F.T TO THE NORTH PTIOPFRTY LIEF: OF TENNESSEE STREET, EXCEPTING THE INTF.RSFCTIONS ALRF'AT!Y CONST''UCTED AT OHIO STREET; BOTH SIDES OF ADAYS STREET FROY THE ":EST PROPERTY LINE OF 19TH STREET TO THF. FAST PROPET?^1Y LINE OF 21ST STREET; BOTH SID'(S OF CLARK STRET•:T FnOM THF "'EST PROPERTY LINE OF 19TH STREET TO TITh EAST PROPERTY LINE OF �i 7'4&T STREET; DOTH SIDES OF JACKSON STPERT FROM THE ZEST PROPERTY LINE OF 9TH STREET TO THE. EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 10TH STREET; BOTH SIDES OF 7TH STREET FROM. THE SOTTTH PROPER'('v LINE OF T'ASHINGTON STREET TO THF: NORTH CURB LINF OF UACKSON STREET; Oil TFV I+ORTH SIIIF. OF HUSBAND STREET FROM THC'::RST PRUPER.TY LINE OF 6TH STREET TO THE: EAST CURB LINTS OF 11TH STREET; AND ON THE SOUTH SIDE. OF HUSBAND STREET F`:OM THE: FEST PROPERTY LINT; OF 9TIi STREET TO THE EAST CURB LINE OF 11TH 1'nT; ON Till: EAST SIDE OF 10TH STREET FR0M THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINF OF JONES "0 THE NORTH PPOPERTY LINE OF EL17ABE:TH STRFET, EXCEPT THE INTF.-SECTIONS AT D ?.T.L 1.T'D HUSBAND STREETS; ON THY. :`EST SIDE, OF 10TH STRF - T FROM THE SOUTH FOFE'?1^! LIT.T OF JONES STREET TO THE SOUTH LINF: OF THE 80 FOOT LOT BOUGHT BY PADUCAH BRICK aND TILE CObIPidiY FROM CHRIST LIEREL, EXCEPT TkF INTEPSFCTIOT!r- AT CALIT711, AN!` HUr9i:NDS STPEXT; BOTH ;IDES OF CALD:'F:LL STREET FROY TPF '"F.ST CU?B LINF? OF 8TF STREET TO Tilh EAST CURB LINE OF 9TIi STREET; ALSO FID'c'.':iiLl: OH P.OTH sirS'S OF 12TH STREET FROM THE SOUTH PROPS!?TY LINE OF TENNESSEE STREET PO :r'i, T:ORTH PIOP'r.RTY LINE OF JONES STREET, IN THF CITY OF PA!UCAH, KET'TUCKY, IN ACCO'17::'Gh .71TF TEF. PLl.I?S AND SPE.CIFICiTIONS PROVIDED THEREFOR-. BY TrE CITY AT V'E DOST OF Tfil ABUTTING PRCPE:PTY 0�:1'F:PS, AND PROM rHNG TINT SUCH COFT MAY RE. PLI ii FOR ilii^t'r. Ti;H Tb:.'T YF,01. P. YI%1•:i;T PLi1N. ° On motion same vias silvan first pas:ape upon the call of the roil: Yeas (10). On motion the rules were sucpond,d and ordinance reed by title lirr.r, tTte !Al? of th,, -Pell: Yer.s (10). ,• On motion same was riven second and final pasnace upon the call of •.r... rill: 'Y r.. (10}. . .... !--1 a reaolu-.ion entitled "A P.T<^OLU'i'IOII PcOV31,1II7r I -Or' rriE P'(;!' .. " ^G['71i wMB I,11�: OF JACKSON STF'Fc" 'i0 STFEFT, F'NOM. TF, :.. .':HP i_'r}I_i•. LINE TO OF RLR! E'F:iT !NT;!-, Cl' iTrr Grailr.v3: rrrrVol'.n, IF:C}'F.i'TY 2,5tn; Tenn; _.9:r,; 24th.; Norton. ; . 1. .. Ii;!• eI: rta y . ,•r, Proceedings of - c: :r:' City of Paducah r.P�,IL 19TH, 1927, 7T OL iTOi; ..,Y ISL Fr ID Ii;AC COR t', n I CF: ITH fi F. PPO - On motion same eras riven first passnre upon t:he cell of the roll:Yoas(1C). on motion the rules tiiere suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (10). On motion snmc was riven second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Peas (10) . "ember Brumr..ett read a resolution entitled "A RES(V)TION DIF r:CTINC. THF: ^' C'' ?P` CITY OF p;.Z'l;; P ^(1 EX-:Cii?E TAE CONTT XT Di `hl) AP'IL 12TH, 1927, RFT". -FEN i .. " OF P-.—%: H .,;; i,. ,L;KY UTILITP.;S COL:PP'NY BY SIGNING THF 1'rA..E OF THE CITY, Ky. Utilities ^.F i' ii, ,r :0 t":.(:" :"YO: F:RIL'G 1lIK TO r.Ct.EPT FOR ARD ON BEHALF OF THE CITY! Co. OF F" %'::ii, 7;:: %,_7) :ii'' I::::.!'I u— UTILITIES CWPAVY TO THii. CITY OF PA.DMAH. i On motion same was given first pasnage upon the call of the roll: Yess(10). On motion the rules eaere suspended and resolution read by title upon `.Y.e call of the roll: Yeas (10). On cotion sa�r.e was riven second and final passage upon the call of the .._.1: Yn<as (10). Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE ASSESSIrr, ALL OF TF:F _. r' • "Cz:LS OF GPOI711D LOCATED IN 31:7 -En 7.01'h 1:0• 4, HERFiVi.FT•:R DEFGRIP.ED, FOR THF Assenseent ; r- •-{;f1C1: Ob' STOP -M. ,PID Ftixl'.LRY SFV.'bP.3 I1" .SnII' SN'. -ER YOp.F, 1I0..4, SUA- ('rdiranne °error " ".i.`: ":.", '"FCr, DIS:'RICT 170. 3, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENT1rCKY, AND PROVIDING 7ar,,': t�o.4. y;t:.•^ -!.}. y;, -r, ;.7'r OF SUCH COST MAY BE MADE IN TEN ANNUAL INMT LLLIENTS, BEIIIG' ONR EACH FJ? A : ITOD OF TEN YEARS, UPON EXECUTION BY THE PROPERTY O'.'T:ERS OF AGRE.L!ENT li post Peducen nalna "rrs: E're, On motion same vas given first passage upon the call of the r••11: Yeas (10). On motion the rules ;:ere suspended and ordinance reud by title upon `.hn call of zY:e roil: 'fcas (10). Or. motion sane- :;as river_ second and final nonsape upon the call of r Dirnr11 offered motion to concur in the action of tho Board: of Al•tertren in r<:f^.;r:n r:o ';,c ??ayor.City .,olioitor-and Serer Committee, the sower ec. plaint of !;. :.hums.:,;. :lcplcd en the rill of the roll: Veas (10). Johnson offAred -otion to refer to the Fire Ch1r:f and the :ity rnr:nQer, report of ti:.P 11m,W i.ah tater :;c:•.i.r,ny, undar ra.e of April 11th, 19211, rosins Iei't an,! fi^a pluy,= ioc ..•:. d o:: !.h- cn11 of the roll: Yeas(10) Vez:,er Jotu:ston of"• i . 'on to :`ri:'Cr t.o '.ho Lipbt k ';'step oetition from nr•cparty ow•r,r•ra re•;. ;i -'r •• writ,-•• :ncnv 71,:t. r',tr„ ir,n rl L' I'r0¢ .:city Av"xM to Clark ',treat. a•icnte<i vezber stewsr: offrrsd i.n m• r.•y Gcsantttee, .. , . -ntter .. ,. ..... Yc '•,... : '• .S,.i1r;t•t.c.r., rr,c,ney "a - .. "+'., _. .. •!, Br•r the s.m.' c. '"rs. Vwvy Proceeding's of City of Paducah - Grp Il. 1.9, 1927. Cemetery L'ember Lm tt.ison offered motion to ratify deed trensferrinr. 11•hslf er x34axkxRKrkx Lot "'o. 12, Block 145, in Oak Grove Cemetery from Clara Park 1::iller to Bell Bell licCarthy Flemister. L'.cdarthy Flemister. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Sewer Zone Board of Aldermen that the City Solicitor bring in a resolution creating a 21st street bhrr. ?rimble & Mildred neer sewer zone on 21st Street between Trimble and F:ildred Streets. Adopted on Sts• the call of the roll: Yeas (9). L•.ember Jacobs offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen to refer to the Street Committee, to investigate and bring in Grade & Gravel Street Little Ave. bet, a resolution to grade and gravel Little Avenue, between Paxton and the City Paxton and City Lts. Limits, as recommended by the Board of Public :7orks. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Yember East offered motion to receive and file financial report Retort of of the Riverside Hosnital for the month of 1•'arch, 1927• Adopted on the call of Piverside Hospital. •nr roll: Yeas (10). .^.ewes Lateral L'ember Johnston offered motion to concur in the action of the Ass-sq,x.ont. Board of Aldermen in allowing the City Clerk $100.00 for additional help Additional during the month of Yay for the purpose of making Ad Valorem Tax Bills and help for City L'ember Brummett offered motion to concur in t.be action of the Clerk. Special Itrnrovement `Pax bills for Sever lone No. 2, same to be charged to con- tinrent fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). . C. O'Hryrn. Kember Brummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen instructing the Yayor to accept deed from John. Ropers for John Rogers property on Washington Street from 22nd to 23rd Streets „and pay sewer tax, property on r•;7 hn City 7clscitnr. Alsn chat the Wayor be authorized to exec•ite ••ashinvton St. chargin^ same to Special Sevier Fund provided cost does not exceed X155.00. from, 22nd to .. .. .i.,_,. ^a:> r.1 .,.f. r^.11. Ye: f... ( l! • 23rd Sts. Adopted on the call•of the roll: Yeas (9'). Bor.: ln7•'rca{ Member Crider excused from meeting. Member Brummett offered motion to -.concur in the action of the Sewer Zone Board of Aldermen that the City Solicitor bring in a resolution creating a 21st street bhrr. ?rimble & Mildred neer sewer zone on 21st Street between Trimble and F:ildred Streets. Adopted on Sts• the call of the roll: Yeas (9). L•.ember Jacobs offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen to refer to the Street Committee, to investigate and bring in Grade & Gravel Street Little Ave. bet, a resolution to grade and gravel Little Avenue, between Paxton and the City Paxton and City Lts. Limits, as recommended by the Board of Public :7orks. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Fember Jacobs offered motion to concur in the action of the Roar,i of Aldermen relative to Special Committee of one from each Board bein Lire. Boyd nroterty. an^•ointed to act with the City Solicitor and Yr. Linn Boyd in ad,iustinF Sewer .^.ewes Lateral Ass-sq,x.ont. Leteral Asscessment rq ainst Fr• Boyd's property, and report back. P.dopted on t^e ^all of the roll: Yeas (9). ?':ember Duvall appointed. L'ember Brummett offered motion to concur in t.be action of the F.cnr: of blderm-en in outhorizirr the !'ayor to purchase certain real estate iea^rim.^d IrIeea "mor: 7'. C. C'Bryan ::n3 that the consideration of ';750.00 . C. O'Hryrn. «.}e•uf Pe,paill opt of rim -it^, of way fund, upon approval of title to said G. Grief. r•;7 hn City 7clscitnr. Alsn chat the Wayor be authorized to exec•ite geed to rctr: a+r,e r,„:e•i '.n ;. <% Grief for the consideration therein. ref -ed. ',?ontnri .. .. .i.,_,. ^a:> r.1 .,.f. r^.11. Ye: f... ( l! • Stec' er Brc:¢:met'. of!'• real me'Aon to concur in tn,, ..c pi an. of i:nra Bor.: ln7•'rca{ c ;-: ,i' . ... in a'_:ov:ir.•g Bond lnu�rr..a dut: Fay the 15t, li:^.7, In ?!,, amount ^'°.. ... -;ea ort .1- ;all Of tt:e ,0;1: Yer'n (9). t'rmter Jehnstcn efrnr4'd viotlon !e e;onelll' in the action of tial S*ret r .. -. ... ... -.. is r,=`•.eia: .,:r.;et. Tmr.1'ov,.,.,, uounons lm.rrr,.•A��^t ,;•� - CSTle:. - • •':........ .:. .. :'r•:•:..1 :..'act tc ,..f. ..u' !r ,,. bc•.tr,:. of the 507 No. Proceedings of. City of Paducah _i.PF'1L 19, 1927. Vember Duvall offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Girl p.1,9,n in allo'::ins; the Girl Scouts .,100.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: Qcon t S. Yeas (9). Member Brumcett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board "Tote of Aldermen in authorizing the Layer and Treasurer to renew note for e$3127.70 at the Citizens Citizens 3avinrs Bank for a period of six months and to pay the amount of interest Sav'_nrs Bark. due in the sum pf $93.83, as recommended by the Finance Committee. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Yember Duvall offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Casnier'e %ldermen in allowing tite Cashier's Fund ',;142.44. Adopted on the call of the roll: Fund. Yeas (9). Member Duvall offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of claims. Aldo, -.en in allowing, XV( claims in the amount of $11,528.96. •donted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Member Johnston offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of ray rolls- Aide -men in allowing pay rolls in the amount of $7761.83, hdopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). On motion meeting adjourned. AFFROVF'D: 17 GIil CLERK