HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 420, April 4, 1927No. — `Proceedings of BOARD -OF COUS:u1L1;N � City of- Paducah ^gPul)-9TH, 1927. _' I At a regular meeting of the Board of Councilmen held on the 'Phird Floor of the City Hall, in the City 6f Palucah, Ky., April the 9th, 1927, President 7'atson presided, and upon the call of the roll the folloning ans,.ered to their names: 'Watson, Brummett, Crider, Doherty, Duvall, East, Jacobs, Johnston, Kerth, Mattison and Stewart (11). L:inutes of the meetinnsof March the 21st and add Larch the 29th, 1927, were adopted as read. ?'ember Kerth excused from meeting,. Member Johnston offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor Summons, summons served on the Mayor. ++donted on the calh of the roll: Pees (10). Yember Duvall offered motion to receive and file communication from the Payor relative to letter from V. C. Dugan, Director of Bureau of Sanitary F. C. Dugan, Director Bureeu of Sanitary Engineering in regard to storm sewers. Adopted on the call of the roil: Yeas(10). F:nr.•ine�ring, Member Johnston offered motion to receive and file communication Hesi^nation. from the Board of Health relative to the resignation of Dr. F. Li. Munson as City Dr. F. 17. Munson. Health Officer, effective April 1st, 1927. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). 1 ?'ember Duvall offered motion to concur in the action of the Board Cashier's Fund. of Aldermen of Larch the 21st, 1927, in allowing the Cashier's Fund $114.00 for new improvement on Riverside Hospital, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). V.ember East offered motion to receive and file Estimate No. 1, Sewer 1:cFelvey Ccnst. '�o. Sewer 4one 7 a -.d Zone No. 7, and Estimate No. 1, Sewer Zone No. B, of work done by the McKelvey 9. Qonstruction Company. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Member Johnston offered motion to refer to the Light h Vater "r`er r.nins on `ridre t. from Committee, petition for water main on Bridge Street from Mill to Bethel Street. '111 `.o Bethel St. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Same offered motion to refer to the City Engineer and Fire Chief A-^^. o. Paducah the report of the Paducah ylater Company under date of' Larch 31st, 1927, of water C0. wins laid and fire plugs located. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Same offered motion to Grant the request of citizens for grade Grnle for si,lewnikc on Bn,:v. frcu 25it: for sidewalks on the South side of Broadway from 26th to 26th Streets, i`donted 1.0 2F.`.•. 7ti. on t'r,. nail of the roll: Yeas (10). .'ember Past offered motion to receive and file the report of the r tr .,•r.'.. .,.. !' of the Fire. irpartxent, Adonted on the call of the roll: yeos (10). Grp^.e offere•l motion to receive and file the report. of the Chier •. .. . • ;a:3 Nf of of Pa1is^.. 1. 1e.rr.ad on the call of the. roll: Yeas (10). 6rame offered ro`.Ion to receive and file the report et' the kity Tnllrr•. Ador.te•i on the: call of the roll: Yeas (10). !•amber Jcnnston cftered ror.icn that the PreaLinnt of both _ ..-;•,...•,.. .. ^i nr^�`At a w,--etSe- to oe•.t: Witt, t.t,e at.torr:ty for the. Fowler F.statr, to hear na:i of the. roll: Yeas: Crl. •ler, t,?, Jo:naton ani 1',at`,izrLn. (9). :•tt'.'P: .. li l,a0n, Br`.irr..o-.tt, fn,vall, on . offrre-1 mutton tnn+. far +:o ,.;,� of 'f.0.(T, the FIcy J FNTI-e- ,+e-1 •.:i Eloy: Fvaen, ;xt. ?u, Block S, !n Off Grove terp.te.ry, A:'nr.g1 an 'ht tall of he r..:jl Yf hn llC/:. No 421. Proceedings of BOA --D OF CoUlgailAlm City of Paducah APRIL 4TH, 1927. Orsde a1.1e,; A'ember East offered motion that. the Board of Public Works be instructed ,tn', ?nrretr to grade allev between Clements and Jarrett Streets. !adopted on the call of the roll: eta. Yeas A'ember Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Block man Aldermen, referring to the Finance Committee, the communication from the Mayor reletive of new City its. to block man of newly annexed territory to the City. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yess (10). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of A3:derdlen Claia.s. in allowing claims in_the amount of w158.19i Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas(10). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen Yny rolls. In allowinr nay rolls for ;;11750.50. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). A'ember Jacobs offered motion to concur in the action f the Board of '•'o^an's Aldermen in receiving, and filing the report of the Finance Committee, relative to not Club. finding any law to exempt the Loman's Club from taxation on their property. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). rember Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Paduesh Alde-xen in authorizing attorney for the city to make settlement with the Paducah Sand; can•1 :,. i 1rav^1 Co. and Gravel Company, in the case pending in the United States District Court. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Yember Jacobs offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alaezncn in referrine to the Finance Committee, bill of $70.00 from Or. B. A, l'tashburn Freie :".ire.for me-li^.al services rendered to Bliss Fredia Cline. Adopted on the call of the roll: 'teras (10). :.rz?•cr. Member East offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alder -en in allowing freight hill of the IT. C. d St. L. R. R. Company for $149.33. Adorted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Member Brummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of :afl er_ in receiving, ani filing communication from the Board of Public Works relative to shot charkiag^tw the Street department 42 inch -pipe purchased for a culvert across 21st ^treet between Monroe and -Madison Streets, and Monrde Street between 19th and 21st '.trf-ets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Masher Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Hoard of 1,11nmr-n in ref",rrfrr to t:e "ever Ccr.mittee, the matter of refunding Iva May Clark $94.17, ae.•aer ansenAment in 'Lone ?To. 5, aeuinat the rear of Lot No. 169 in Block A•lnr'.d on thn call of the roll: Yeun (10). �r John:+'.,:: offered motion, to concur In the action of the Board of Fl,lereer. rFltif±.ir;. ^rr.._•. .. .',,. . 'i.,' li.r•_, , aa1.1c i'.ork:_ in awarding ej:,,t^,Ict ro. 1, _ ._':eualk, dri veru:y, curbn and yutr.ers to J. U. Rouse. Adonted on Ir ,•ter,'.-� "*a-snrt off -red motion tient the City .`3nlicltr,r and Clt•• ..`Ctaeer t:e in9".!',:•"•'a. ar:' C':..r,: rate wl,tn. t, ^.C`r.'rar,xa- ffiv 'loinbt work in the City of s•ad•.:nh, 'hat tt.er to -G ezr•lov ;Ari+riah lohora hdont-1 or the cPl.l ol R!•–•.er ;,! G'[r[!•,'3 ...titin I* cnnc.,:r in t:t:e ,ctinni at' the BoRrt c'ton�!np, b ;,..,. :.•,.. .. ra. Vury ^. Aa_,G.y en:i .. .._ ,.. .r.e ,',rGt'w:°I'O G'i' ly 1 i t\ T :altaell Avenue nt. $20,-00 per lot, for ntreet T'9 .. a'.�,]`._. nr •vn rG— t. 'hp rC..«. 'f/!59 (1'.,;. A' deer 'i: `741: Cfr,+r,! [ct1cm r.a ccrcur ir. r. f' a:t.iGn r;f /P ^F4 f"l of •.�:'.. -.: ..� ••.. `o airs ra-••': SC6te of ir.'a 7,ta•ira 8^ ',G Ch;P. General Yanuf&cturlr;v purtheaez fcr Fire enart:sw.^.t. F: erte3 cn cf .::, F Proceedings of_ Board or councilmen No,. _ 422 _ City of Paducah APRIL 9. 1927 Member Brummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Beard of Car fez- Polio'! Aldermen in purchasing Buick Coupe for, the Chief of Police for the sum of .1105.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Member Brummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen instructing the City Solicitor to bring in a resolution for the raving, Paving of alleys from 11th to 12th; of alleysrunning from 11th to 12th Streets, between Harrison and Clay Streets; 61.h to 7th btw. from 6th to 7th Streets, between Broadway and Kentucky +venue; 6th to 7th Streets BWR7, . & Ky. 61h to 7,h bebween '+r.shington: between Kentucky Avenue and Washington Street•' 9th to 10th between Harrison and An,! 9th to 10th btw Clay Streets; also alley running from Washington Street between 1st and 2nd Harrison & Clay; -ashinn btv:. 1at and -d 2nd.etc. Streets to the south line of International Shoe Company's property between Broad- way and Jefferson Streets, which is known as Maiden Alley; thence east from Vaiden Alley to 1st Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen Bid of ".'. 6:.8cott. in accepting bid of W. E. Scott of j173.00 for repairing and paintinP roofs of Rensirins and paint - Ing reefs of Fire Station No. 1 4 and 5, tido ted on the call of the roll: Yeas 10). p ( Fire ?Sations. � Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen "itchell Yachine in accepting bid of Mitchell Vachine & Electric Company of $145.00, to furnish Electric Co. motor generator set for the Fire Department Fire Alarm System. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Member Crider excused from meeting. Member Duvall read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION PPUVIDING FO" THE ICPn0\'P1:I:11T OF TWELFTH STRP:ET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF TRI1•^BLE Pace 12117; STPEET TO THF NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF BF.RNHFlt AVENUF; BERNHEI6'. AVENUE FROM THE i^ Ave. 77EST PROPERTY LINE OF T7-'ELFTH STREET TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 13TH STREET, IN THE CITY OF PA7AICAH, KENTUCKY, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A HARD SUFFACE ROANJAY, TOGE.TH^;R "'ITA ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS AND SE:'.EP. PIPE CON- NECTIONS, PI ACCORDANCE PITH THE PLANS afD 9PECIFIGATIONS PROVIDED THEREFOR BY THF CITY !LNGINEER, i:T THE COST OF TI -E ABUTTING PROPERTY O—NE:RS, AND Pte: VIDING ^iL^' 'ITCH CW"TS YAv BE PAID UNDER THE PROVISIONS Ol- THE TF.N YTAP PP.YMEF:T PLAN." On motion same was given first paa:Age upon the call of the roll: Yesa (9). On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by Title ,tr,on the roll of the roll: •Teas (9). On notion sA,ce, rats riven sedond and final passage upon the call of the roil: YnAs (91. :v i. rc r;,i r, r, ordinance entitled "AN ORPIF: T :i' T'ic ' wAN ORDINANCE; TO Cl-" ,- ^<. A F'r^'.! 1' - ... ,:, ,. ,, ,... ...... it ., U.^.E: A 7,ATE:R "iFfc 1: .1; i.ND ,1: YTEL Adak ?:,. ..7 7, 1.. i'':': .i.: I :I. FOR'?R a'. 1...' 1C:. bL1+� F,":L _^..^.f I'�:"1.^. S.^: ^r• 'u roi: :he, c611 of Ife Can r ._... t,r' :uieu A'erf: ai:Ap£!L•:eQ an'i er:linancr reel t',y title .a •c r. me ^s i.l c! ... .. .... :•Ea- ('9). 1. -- sL`.'Cn ckve war t:vmn i!4`a0A'i kn:l fi::51 I:A^_Sa:!' upon the: CFI'. c.• ... No_ 425. Proceedings of.City of Paducah APPIL.4, 190. Member Duvall read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOF T11,13 Resolution. 0ONSTRU(,.':T0!! OF CONC"ETE' SIDFg4:;LKS, TOrFTHER "ITH iLL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, L'RAII! Sidewalks. Ash Draft Ave)PIPFs, P9IVF"'.1Y5 -771) SE'. --ER CO1:15.CTIONS ON BOTH SIDES OF ASNCRAFT AWITUE, FROV. THE' SOUTH rtarbs x• PP.OPER?Y LINE OF .PO":ELL STREET TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF SOI')ELL STREET; FOP. TFF rutters on Kv. ,v" - CO1T"TPITCTION OF CONCRETE SIDE':'ALKS i.1,1D GUTTERS, AND CURBS OF EITHFR CONCRETE OR CFAFITE, Cl'oar .; r rqt-•••cFS, ON THF NORTV SIL"r: OF iiXTUGKY AVENUE FROM THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF 12TH STREP.T TO TNF.' EAST CttRB LINE OF 15TH STREET, TOGETHER TITH ALL NECESSARY VANHOLES, IKTAKES, CATCH ct .1. ,...y11C S, turns and ?: ST_IiS, ?RIVE"AYS :,I4D SEi';r.R CONNECTIONS; FOR T1:F CONSTRUCTION OF CURBS AND GlITTEPS qutt.ers on 21st St. OF EITHER COIICRETF. OR GRANITE ON THE SOU'.H SIDE OF KENTUCKY AVENUE. FPOF THE EAST P"OPERTY LINE OF 12TH STREET, IF PDLTEI?DED, TO THE t'EST CURB LINE OF 15TH STREET, IF FX,-r1;DED, TOGETHER. VITH ALL NECESSARY G'ANHOLES, INTAKES, DRAIN PIPES, DRIVEWAYS AND CONIIFCTIONS; FOR TEE: CONSTPUCTION OF CONCRETE SID0'.ALKS AND GUTTERS, AND CUFD5 OF r'IT:h''P CONCRETE OR GRnNITE, ON THE .,'EST SIDE,OF 21ST STREET FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF KF:I:TUCKY AVENI!E TO THE NORTH CURB LINE OF CLARK STREET, TOGETHER WITH ALL NECES'IAFY 1.7AT:HOLES, INTAKE',S, DRAIN PIPES, DRIVEWAYS AND SE -,ER CONNECTIONS; FOR THE CONSTR'TCTION OF COIICP.ETE SIDE',':ALKS AI!D GUTTERS, AND CURBS OF EITHER CONCRETE OR GRANITE, ON TR'' '7C—T: SIDE OF VOIIROE STREET, FROM THR PEST CURB LINE OF 21ST STREET TO THE EAST CURA (IF 2211D STREET, TOGETHER 1"ITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, DRAIN PIPETS, ..:.'D SR":ER CONNECTIONS, IN THE CITY OF PADUCA KEtITUCKY, IN ACCORDP14(;E :':Iiil ' a:D SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED THEREFOR BY THE CITY ENGINEER, AT THE COST OF TEE PROPERTY O"INERS, AND PROVIDING THaT THE COST OF SUCH CONSTRIJCTIO14 MAY BE PFID 1111: P'?OVISIONS OF THE, TEN YE:AP PAvh1E:NT PLAN." On motion some was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas(9). On motion the rules were.suspended and resolution read by title upon r ^all of tre roll: Yeas (9). 1 On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the r011: YeHS (9). Sate read s. resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING POP.. THE OF ?;ORIF STREET:, FROM. THE NORTH CURB LINE OF 12TH ST9EET TO THE SOUTH CUPS, " OF 11TH .'"^'rF:E;T; h'LEVE?3TR :iPLLIT, FROM TETE EAST CURB LIKE; OF NORTH STREET TO TEE. AS? CT -9 I.I!? OF i.ET; Pi.IX STREET FROF THE SOU"'R CURB LINE OF 10TH STREET TO ?;t' NORTH CW'S L's':r. UP 12i1T ^T1'LLT; T:"RY.TY-FIRST STREET, FROM THY. VORIS CURB LINE CU'?Fi LII:E Or' THE HINKLEVILLE: ROAD, IN THE CITY OF PANA:CP.R, P? :,•.. ... Gr�t,{,'E.LIIIC OF !'N','E. TCrL^:hhF *,:ITH ALL NECESSARY VANHOLES, PIFF. CW11'E.CTIONS, III ACCORTY+NCR "ITH THE PLANS AND AT Tf R COST OF ThE ABUT.^It:r CC. ..,-,.E CCNF'rnfICTION VAv HE: PAID IN Ir.c.c•Ic:, ^axe W:-:: ^Iven i'Ir::t na:!r.ovA +.For; the call of tha roll: Yees(9). . ticn the r.,.• : were surPrrrlr, i an] r�ac;;.utlon rr.ad by title upon the Pall of r -r'... "-;s (9). ".r'!cc 9tsmo was alvbn swCC.:l e,r,: final. pasr.osF +rPGh l+n rAl,i Of' •t'^ roll: Yeas (9;. '44ce read rr . Icn ..?. ,, VEY OF "z" !T*F,7, P°q+ T., . , . LM 462 EFF" „Y Hji= AV ?,m To no: UoF.rm C+:'olt Y•'♦x :! :.. 0F ,l??f! aF: kVFXtfti TO Thi. KOM 4LHii LM OH 74fP. SC r _ or JACIv�Slt Proceeding's of Bo&RD OF conrnG':EII -. No._. 924. _- -.-- Proceeding's .-- _ City of Paducah APRIL 4, 1927. T''r;ENTIETH S'T'REET, FROM THE SOUTF! CURB LINE OF ADAG'S STREt.•T TO THF NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF JACKSON STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, BY THE GRADING AND GRAVF'LI1:G OF 811'R, TOGETHER ';.'ITh ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS AND SE -111 PIPE CONVECTIONS, IN ACCORW'CE ZITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS PRO- VIDED THEREFOR BY THE CITY ENGINEER, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PP(1PEPTv 0"'MFRS, me AND PROVIDING THAT Thl? COST OF SUCH CONST"UCTION CAv BE PAID IN ACGOP.DP.17CE "'ITH THE PpOVIFIONS OF THE TEN YEAR PAYI:EIT PLAN." On motion same was gi®en first passace upon the call of the roll:Yeas(9) On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (9). On motion some was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Member Duvall read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THF: IN.PrOVE'!'E1.T OF FLORA STREET, FROG". THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF BRIDGE STREET TO r ding k GravPlinr tmon. GTHF. SOUTH CURB LINK OF HENDRICKS STREET; HENDRICKS STREET, FROG", THE EAST CURB Gr 31n Flor a t. Hendrick qt., Powell St. LINE OF FLORA AVENUE TO "lATSONrS LITIE• POWELL STREET FROM THE EAST CURB LINE OF HAvS AVENUE TO ThE WEST CURB LINE: OF MILL STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KEMTUCKy BY THE GRADING AND GRAVELING OF' Si:t N, TOGETHER" VITH ALL NECESSARY rANHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS e:ND SEWER PIPE CONVECTIONS, IN ACCORDAK(;E TI".F. THE PLANS Ata) SPECIFh.ATIONS PROVIDED THEREFOR BY THE CITY ENGINEER, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY 07 -TE" S, AND PROVIDING THAT THE COST OF SUCH CONSMTCTION NAY BE PAID IN ACCORDANCE !''ITA THE PROVISIONS OF THF: TEN YWAP PAYtlENT PLAI%" On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (9). On motion the rules vrere suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (9). On motion same was given second and final passage unon the call of thy-. roll: Yeas (9). Member Duvall offered motion that the Board of Public Torks be authorized to grade one block on Asheraft Avenue from Bridge Rtre,t to the back of ^ !`cMnl.ey `:ch-ol, and to nut in culvert pipe already on the ground,and to use dirt •'u•.-.. fror. stre::t to cover up said pipe. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Vember Bruirmett offered motion to concur in the action of the Beard n..'nifiea- I'— --.i 9nrf-of Al-lera.en in ac,�ct.tihr find approving plans and specifications for harm surface P. ••n,s or. Ccntncnt. 17o. 2, Adont.ed on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Vem—r lAivr.11 offered motion to concur in the, action of ttue Board Df .�1tersn.: ;r. arreprinr nrcposai frnm the F.rts I?eira and Thos. Ewirc- for -so for rx,+ensicn of 20th street and Plheeler Avenue. "dont-ed on 'I'. ^al: .. ro.;: Yeeq (9). �;: ,.ic;r. r.�rtir.r a�1?Darned. 17" . Ai74'7 _ +