HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 383, January 3, 1927No. Proceedings of BOi.F.T)-OF cou"CTLP=i•:% . 1. City of Paducah - J:cNrtARY 3RD, 19217. At a regular meeting of the Board of Councilmen held on the Third Floor of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, January the 3rd, 1927, the Cleric called the meeting to order, and upon the call of the roll the following ans,•ered to their names: Brummett, Crider, Doherty, Duvall, East, Jacobs, Johnston, Madison, Owen, Stewart and :'atson. (11). The Clerk announced the election of a President of the Board for the year 1927 is now in order. Vember Owen offered motion to go into the election of President. ..dented on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same offered motion that the Board vote by secret ballot. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Yember Brummett nominated Member Johnston, and Member East nominated Yenber '•atson. On motion nominations were closed. ntson• Aember Johnston received five votes; Member Catson received six votes. Member 1••atson was duly elected President of the Board for a period of one year, and so declared. Minutes of the meeting of December the 20th, 1926, were adopted as r -ad. rember Johnston. offered motion to refer to the Finance Committee, o'+ecrmunicat.ion from the Paducah Wharf Boat. Company relative to yearly levee rent being, reduced. Adcvted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Doherty offered motion to receive and file Estimate No. 16, =tr Sewer "c. of work done by the Koller Plumbing Company, In/Zone No. 4, prior to January the lst, 4. 1927. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same offered motion to receive and file Estimate No. 11, of work done Ka13^r by the Koller elutrbing Company in Sewer 4one No. 2, prior to January the 1st-, 1927, rlu h. Co. ewer yore Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). P. He nnrr. p,. Member Brummett offered motion to receive and file the report of the Fire Fire C,ief for the, month of December, 1926. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). '(r.nr/rf of Same offered motion to receive and file the report of the City Jailer ':'.tv JF11',r.for the month of Lecember, 1926. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). .',ar:e offered motion to receive and file the revert of the Chief of Police for the month of LPcember, 1926, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). itemt.er• Johnston oft'ered motion to receive and file Estimate No. 4, wcr� 'nne h•• J. Hvan C^nntr•stction Comnany on Contract No. 4, during the month of 1926. '-dontcd on the call of the roll: Yea:: (11). Mt:Tber 1,cherty offered motion to cor+cur in the action of the Board of +,ldere•en In re,^er-i to accep:in; 24•.h 2tre-t, between Jefferson and yonroe Strerts, :rcdeq. tr'i vrevele l !.y ;hrinon, anal Ada3:s, as crmnletcd. Adopted on the call of the rffered motion tk:at r.he er,rlication of Imvid Narreway 'nr —e cos!t!r.r �f-vator at the City ha11, be rereived an:; filed. tic,rter'. cn the co!). re r,, rntj, Yens (31i. . r`.a– Lc---er :,xer, off�:rcd r..otion ch!.'. '.hn ar•i..!ca"ion of C. !'.. ?"chair, 4sty r.:' tatarsh, 'ry.,e. rechived anti filed.-Ir.nted Yeas f`ec*er Jhccrn c:':' red ar,*.Ser. -hst. "ne apv;!cation of ::ffin Ackley keerer cf!^ rr. :eat i?G3F'a, t:C' :^e^{: a.-^ iltd. idpllLed on the. Call Cf t-'9 roll: Proceedings of 50A' D OF COUNCIl.5 N No ---.3-84 .-- - ----- ---- City of Paducah . J11,UAPY 3RD, 197.7. Nember nerth came into meeting. Member Johnston offered motion to refer to the Ordinance Committee, Occunntiont;l tax the matter of people working in the City who live outside of the City Limits, c^ eiti^ens linin: aitc. paying an occupational tax. Adopted on the call of the roll: Year (12'). on`.siie of Member ihxvall readia resolution entitled "A REnOLUTION PPOVIDINf. FOR Resolution. -HF DEDICATIOY OF SOUTH SIXTEENTH STT-EET EXTENDING FROM THE SOUTH PPOPERTY LINE Dedicatior. of S.16th St. from Proadwgy to OF BaOAi77AY STREET TO THE: FORTH PROPERTY LINE OF KENTUCKY AVENUE.." Kentucky Avenue. On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Brummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board J. V. Rouse. of Aldermen in allowing, J. V. Rouse $2125.21, as per Engineer's Estimate, same to be charged to Island Creek Fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (1?). Member Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of ,scenting Sewer Aldermen in regard to accepting Sewer Zone No. 5, as recommended by the Board of ..one No. 5. Public forks. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Brummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board strip of of Aldermen in regard to purchasing strip of ground from the I. C. R. R. Company, from '.o extnr.d 5.16`h necessary to extend South 16th Street from Goebel Avenue to Tennessee Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of J '.ounn, t`^e Aldermen in regard to extending the time of J. M. Rouse, for completing Sixth ea`• rid l,for cor..nlct_ Inv Fth "trr:et. r -ridge. Street Bridge, to June lst, 1927, provided same be approved by the Bonding Company. Fdopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Vember Johnston offered motion I:o concur in the action of the Board Concrete ::ewer pipe of +41der•men in regard to the Board of Puhlic 'Works being i6str•ucted to purchase or 210'. St, bta.. t'enrc^ and I',,•'.iaon and place concrete sewer pipe on 21st Street between Monroe and Madison °treets; nn! 2r-!:.^' "._. aleo on V nrce and-2C:th �tree.t„ charging same to 1927 Street Fund. Adopted on tha ^ell of the roll.: Yeas (12). Vember Duvall offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of %•ldcr^••r. in regard to aut:horizinr the Board of Public '••orks to purchase wlr.;::ev!Zi !,n -i 5,1111c9ent cinderc to irnke temporary walks on the Hinkleville Road and on ,dorth and cn ?.lass. fro.•-: Jeff, to 'r1Ti,i<, .+r. •3. Pis, ;,trees, from 'Teff++rson to Trlmhle 3treets. Adopted on the call of the roll: "'a! -I, , yrr.n: Doherty, Dal -11, E.aat, Johnston, and -Madison; (6)... taps : Brsm.n,ett Cri:or, Jaectn, Korth ant, Owen. (5). i"embet• "tewart not voting,. McrTMe•r Jacchs cfftred motion that the Poord oi' Public "orks ^e '.r.str•veted to ir.ntruct Yancey ante •Tccr;r!l!an to ntart work on concrete sidewolks on 2 -'at ".treat frog Jeffvraen ••treat to Trimt;e. .';treat:. Lost•upon the call of .• ra11: YI-5: Cridlr, :trent;:, Haccha nr;,i fert'r•.(4). Nt,yI: got on, grummett, a:v�'.;., est, b'eii•^.r_r, CxAr, F:r.i ::tewart. (7) •' .. ... r Uemier r•ert.h afferari moticr. to cnr,cur, in, tt:e aet.ten of the 9oard of _.. in rt•ferrinw ::c t --notice. it the ecce of J.Bol.l. + ..•°., "Ja: vity r.P 'C .ro:., F. ..+ _• n:C'egG, '.t. �cluia & yew G rleaea Cor .ra:...... .. ... +r..,. (:5'n7 1•+IOpted an t'le r all of tnn roll. No* Proceedings of BOARD -9F COUVC1LL't:rl City of Paducah _ JARVARY 3RD, 1927. Member Owen offered motion to concur In the action of the Board of•'°ldermen in concurring in the renort of the Treasurer in regard to X12432.92, collected on unpaid tax bills for sewer in Zones Dos, 1 and 3, being paid on note held by the First National Bank. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). ,.It ;-nI1.=1i. Member ioherty offered motion to concur in the Kctlon of the Board of Aldermen Trensurr^'s in repArd to aceenting the report of the Treasurer of settlement with the Koller Plumbing ri�nort of sett-lement. Company, of w:1081.00 for sanitary sewers on Kentucky Avenue between 11th and 12th streets, °• S t,h Roller Plcmlb.Co. some to be charged to Second District Relief Sewer Fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yens(12). remrer Owen offered motion to concur inthe acticn of the Board of Aldermen r of 1n receivinq and filing. the report of the Treasurer of settlement with George 'l1, _;s•er ! Katteriohn er Son, for sidewalk improvement on 24th Street from Jefferson to Yonroe .- Streets. AdoDted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12), "ember Doherty offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of :—lermen in allowing D. J. Ryan Con9truction Company, ¢27294.77, balance due on C:r.traet No. 3, hard surfacing 13th Street. Adopted on the'eall of the roll: Yeas (12), Vember Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen Bnrrou,},,,; euthoriaing Contract with the Burrouphrs Adding Yachine Company for caring for all ^.ddirr"llin; machines of the City. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Yachlr,! 'o. Member Doherty offered motion to concur in the acticn of the Board of Aldermen In a;lowinp Special Street Improvement Bonds and Coupons cancelled in the amount of x3049.63. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12), 'ame offered motion to concur in the miction of the Board of Aldermen in allowing interest on School Improvement Bonds of 1926, in the amount of $4156.25. Adorted on the cell of the roll: Yeas (12). tember 5rummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of r' Alaern:en in allowing interesb on School Improvement Bonds of 1920, in the amount of y4C=1. 51. ;dented on the r,all of the roll: Yeas (120. 1'ember Owen.offere.d motion to allow X15037.50 to pay interest on Third .>:rict, Cfwer Rcn•!2 due January the 10th, 1927. Adopted on the call of the roll: • f12}, P'emter Criger offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of n in „•,in:• Ir.p:-•, e , :rt 7:art°n c nt for ,46425.54, carrying 69 interest, on Ls,imate Ccr•`- qt to .. .T, F:yor. Con^tre:rtirr. r;CIL puny. Adopted on the cal.', of the Yel.a (r2:. t!Nmc iGherty off�reci motion to r..oncur in the action of the Board of ^r•^er. in A low inp Adana !- ioi....:nor. ;;30,75, ha.lhnce (9ur on Cont.r[act No. 3, for ... Rp Flf`d °Irlil.. '•e•.. __�. i ,rte ,,x on the ca.l of tnr; roll: yeas (12). in !Y.e actio: of •hr: Roar•d of Alderw,r -... `• :�%' of rg 7t fCr RL r`l r}i t`faCing RPl'lpr `itreet, to !P. troniforrel .._ "� •� ._-f'rr, Tmn'l tr the. •:r:eclt,l ::trret lrrprave�er:t. - a�cticr. or .re "ear•a of :a�rrv,rr. 7. i:cml Ate'° "!=r•y +?.: •` rcr+. acne or: a' fin l Creek ::,ewer. rdr-:r•ted Proceedings of Tko:,Fn of Gol'reil.r.'i"N - _.City of Paducah J. YU!FY 3RD, 19?7. Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Poard of Aldermen for in receiving and filing, final estimate for Sevier Zone No. 5. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). E'embar Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in referring, to the Me.yor and Street Committee, deed from T. A. L!iller.ai and Brick Gwen for Lot No. 10 and 11, In Block #6, of Miller 8. Owen's Plillowwood •`•;r�-%vision. Adorted or. t:he call of the roll: Year (12). 8ca;ber r.crth offered motion to refer to the Orllnence Co,rmlttee, hn c:• 'uc^e c•a.:':Ird "Al; ORDINiNGE PROVIDING THAT Tfff:RF: HE, ;.I:L) THrRP IF ly C. 2, TiA rp; 1''tF1Y OF L.`,NGSTAFF Oir: .. - .. .-.. - _ ... i .. ?7• i FR -LORD TIE COrPAr,'Y ^1T''FTFD ?'"* ' YT`.rG RF.T.E'E.N TTtAAF:,FEF: _TFE7T Y. Adorted on '.he enll c.' ...e r•o._. (ll). ..c. .-•r:•, Er: Or'ttnHncF cl.Ir.lyd Pr: Offf.T.?.n,".GE AS^F'..51,`., '.i IN T­ ra3sage upon -,.he call of the rv°hd by title ur.cn the ew's_ cn. eot.cn sere v's f!trrnl yn.) fln.hl paasmce upon the call Member Stewart offered motion to concur in the action of the Board Clair of of Aldern.en in allowing the 61aic. of Black & Veatch in the amount of 5950.00, rltick & VeAtch. sn(re to be charged to the Special Sevier Lateral Fund. l,dopted or. the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Aember Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Cas,.*.ier's Rind. Aldermer. in allowing the claims Paid through the Cashier's Fund in the amount of :>97.43. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (22). Yember Doherty offered motion'to concur in the action of the Board Clai,rs. of Aldermen in allowing Claims in the amount of $16519.60. Adopted on the call of the Poll: Yeas (12). Member Doherty offered motion to concur in the action of the Aoard rolls and of r.ldera.en in allowing the following: Pay rolls......ti10889.87. Claims..... ;538.62. dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of :^ •a audit of Aldermen in authorizing the Mayor and Finance Committee to have annual audit 3 Books. of the Books of accounts of the Gity of Paducah made. Adopted upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Duvall offered motion to concur in the action of the Board Anrliention of r. Fit.zrrerald. of Aldersen in receiving and filing application for Assistant City Physician of T. Y. Fitzgerald. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). ?.'ember Doherty offered motion to concur in the action of the Board Paducah '`.Ater Co. to by furnished of Aldermen relative to instructing the City Engineer to furnish the Paducah 11th rredes. '"'at.er Ccmpany with grades as needed. Adopted on the call of the Fell: Yeas(ll). Fay3: (1). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Poard of Aldermen for in receiving and filing, final estimate for Sevier Zone No. 5. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). E'embar Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in referring, to the Me.yor and Street Committee, deed from T. A. L!iller.ai and Brick Gwen for Lot No. 10 and 11, In Block #6, of Miller 8. Owen's Plillowwood •`•;r�-%vision. Adorted or. t:he call of the roll: Year (12). 8ca;ber r.crth offered motion to refer to the Orllnence Co,rmlttee, hn c:• 'uc^e c•a.:':Ird "Al; ORDINiNGE PROVIDING THAT Tfff:RF: HE, ;.I:L) THrRP IF ly C. 2, TiA rp; 1''tF1Y OF L.`,NGSTAFF Oir: .. - .. .-.. - _ ... i .. ?7• i FR -LORD TIE COrPAr,'Y ^1T''FTFD ?'"* ' YT`.rG RF.T.E'E.N TTtAAF:,FEF: _TFE7T Y. Adorted on '.he enll c.' ...e r•o._. (ll). ..c. .-•r:•, Er: Or'ttnHncF cl.Ir.lyd Pr: Offf.T.?.n,".GE AS^F'..51,`., '.i IN T­ ra3sage upon -,.he call of the rv°hd by title ur.cn the ew's_ cn. eot.cn sere v's f!trrnl yn.) fln.hl paasmce upon the call Proceeding's of ^''I 2 2'' ' " City of Paducah JAMIA11Y 3, 1927. _. ---------- -- -. _ i Member herth read a .resolution entitled "A HFSOLITTION AIPPHORhIllr, AND tlon Borrew..CTING 'rBF. PAYOR zNF) THF CITY THGA3PFIR OF THF CITY OF PADUCAII, KFT'T11CKY, TO 50-PO?: orrc'.v uorgy• 'UC'TNTS AGGI?Er,ATING Till,, SPL' OF 5100,000.00, AS THE SA1;F. MAY BE PFC)JURED TO VF:F.T THE ^: OF SAI^ CITv, Alin TO EXFCUTF VOTE. OR NO'"FS THEREFOR ON BEHALF OF' SAID CITY." On motion same was given rirst passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yens (11). On motion same was Fiven second and final passage upon the call of the roll: veas (11). Member Kerth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Committee to 'c np- Allormen relstive to Committee ofcthree fr6m each board being anpointed to investigate np" ^1d to "i- the Justice of the charge of extra engineering on the sewer work. Adopted on the call ' of the roll: Yens (11). Inc. cov^'ittee Member Brumwett, Perth and Owen were annointed. eprointed. 1'ember Kerth offered motion that the time of the Koller Plumbi^g Company Koller be extended sixty days for the completion of sewers provided same is endorsed by the Plumbinr Oo. ti�.e Ponding Company. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). rat.en'l�d. ; Member Last offered motion that the Board of Puhlic +forks be instructed off to wash off the following. streets: Clements gnd Bridge and Forth 13th Streets two ..'''.h Zt.tlmes a month during. January, February and parch. Adopted on the call of the roll: tc. Yea- (11). Member Ke^th read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE DEFINING AND Or;•.r.,zre. R.r;rL-TING THF y13INESS OF NON -ITINERANT MERCRANIDS RETAILING 1.1ERCh(FDISF: FROM P:',UrO.D CARS I" TnF1 CITY OF PADIICAH, KET'TUCKY; FIXING A LICENSE THEREFOR &ND A PFFLTY FOP FAILING TO PPOCiTPE SUCH LICENSE. " On motion some was riven first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance reed by title upon the call of the roll: Year (11). On motion ae:-e was riven second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Borne read an ordinance entitled "AN ONDIN61'CE DEFINING AHD RFGULATING TRE OF Tnu; ,i ?"r.'.17D tR , HA- FRn OR PUCKSTERS IN THE CITY OF PAFUCAH, KEFTUCKY; AND L PF.W,LTY FOR FAILII:G TO PROCURE SUCH LICF.NFE." "u g..4 los'. ^first na:.4aao, upon the call of the rcll.: Yeas: Johnston, Brummett, Doherty, .rtt, aci :,u's�r,. (5). }nays: Aavall, Fast, tietf,iroc, Owen and Stewart. (5). 1'em,,er Crjl,nr nC, vc!'.n:., or!' nonce :. '.'. t.? e•i "::!: OR;.; i;r, CE PROVIDING FOV THE CLOSING OF A r.V4"Ph:, !.1 ^0 A FIFT EN FOOT pryr B ov r. - �' - :.-.. :.9 •.�... .:i i,h.'f',1:P CP ^LAS 143.5 feet: tl:."t, ?• C!a IN a3.^. ". •.�'. f!r_°. pass• -.•e upr,• rr.. ., ,,ll of t.•.. roil: •✓n,.� :wa w"re a;.aner::ir t ar;d 0r11canc.e re i r.icle hs 1£ , rs•,-a.e upon t.e Pell of ro_2: yeas (In�, kecTer rr . Ier . � . . _ t i r.7. Proceedings of- _BarRD.OF.COUYCILEII,X _-City of Paducah. _JAN. 3, 1926. Incr,nse. Assistant. Chirf of Pol'ce salary Sidewalks on 00 R'orth lath Streit, Streets an•i side- wnlsk near 'est Kv. inchistrlal collece. Member Duvall offered motion to refer to the Police end Fire Cimmittee, and Finance Committee, to report back at the next meeting, the matter of increasing the sa lary of the Assistant Chief of Police to x175.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Duvall offered motion to refer to the Board of Public 'l.'orks and Street Committer„ petition from citizens for sidecfalks on Tforth 19th Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Kember Kerth offered motion that conditions of Streets ..nd sidewalks near ;:est Kentucky Industrial College be referred to the Board of Pul+lic corks and Street Committee, and they be instructed to give all rrelief possible. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Recessed to go into Joint, Session at 10:00 oielock. Rrcanvened at 10:25, and on motion meetinv adjourned. A?)OP7ED: I&V� % 1927. SCI i ' �1i 2.G PhESID,F.T BCLRD OF COL.P!CILt.Ft'