HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 372, December 7, 1926--- Proceedings of 50;_L .CF COUNCILMEN _City of Paducah DEC ki%FIEF 7TH, 1926. moticn f.c rafar to the City Policitor to !ring in an Ozr,tre in .'ever i?1st,rlaLa Nos. 1 and 3, to conn^nt. :xrit.h Cnre cr,ll of O.t.- ;r.il.. Ya&s (1.2). ? �-'.... i -n:, .r`• Ct'i .rrd ..:;tion the t, taxe c;.aln: of F. Y. I atzrer :r. 4<' .,.1°,•,.-1L t'�' & ... x+; Ci' ...:: r.'! tt TY:r• 1nt.-rnen1len of r, alai c:nct JGCY.ann :iLI•ee t:a, tx sllcxp!, - n si: r^r, cr•.t... t.icm. lc;n':eri Or. rte roll of the 9 L x•__.... .at..,. c: i'r red rr.Otion .;at. .^. :•:] Cf' p•,., ;ic, "n='ks i-- ."0a,t. '� t r:. )•'venue, ,ttr nvAer to ae'I x.. ... _. ',�, :�. rcgvoat9d ry ,_,nloyece of `;ae S.C.Railroaxi At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Councilmen held on the Third Floor of the City hall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, December the 7th, 1926, President Johnston presided, and upon the call of the roll the follcr.icr ane'vered to their names: Johnston, Brummett, Crider, Toherty, Duvall, Fleming, Jacobs, Kerth, Owen, Steuart, Vogt end '.atson. (12). Linutes of the previous mectlnr were udonted as rc:,d. Vember Ster.art offered motion to concur in the recommerdation of the ,.• Lou Boyd, Pat. r-ro^nn City Solicitor in refunding y1.50 Poll Tar, to gust: Lou Boyd, Mrs. Fat Groean and .rc.eli nsc. H. 0, harmeliny. -dented on the call of the roll: Yens (12). !'ember Doherty offered motion that the claim of $68.50 of Robert le DruF Co. Ynnning (Arcade Drug Company), for broken window, be allowed: t.dorted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Yember Owen offered motion to refer to the Finance Committee, with power to act, the matter of employing J. K. McDonald to assist City Solicitor, - -rthur Y. Lortin, in the case of L,Golirhtly vs: City of Paducah, repardinu ea - tension of 6ity Limits. l.dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Yember ',atson offered motion to receive and ftble Election Uertificates ^ct.icr. ce-tdfi- of Councilman, Jas. Doherty, First 'Lsrd, Joseph u:attison, 2nd •ard, 0. A. Kerth, 3rd --and and Eugene Last, 6th !'and. Aldermen: Harry D. Hendricks,W.M. Rieke and .er-- .. .. G. R.Da`ris. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). vis• Y.ember '%•atson offered motion that D. J. Ryan be refunded x50.00 paid for right of way over church property while building Clements Street. +•dopted on Tefun.l to D. J.' the call of the roll: Yeas: (11). Plays (1). Yember Stewart offered motion to refer to the Street COPmittee and Hoard of Public 7:orks and City zngir.ee^, to report back, the recoa.nendation from the Planninp and Zoning Gorrmission for the opening of 20th Street from Jackson Street to :'.heeler kvenue. !.dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). !'ember Owen offered motion to refer to the Bonrd of Public '!.orks for = im^ediate action, petition from citizens requestinr thet 22nd and 2,rd Streets frog: Ein'rleville Road to }Aldred Street, be out: in passable condition. Adopted on the cell of the roll: Yeas (12). Vember Kerth offered motion that the Board of Public 'orks be inc+:ructed to place 24th Street from Bildred Street to the Hinkleville Woad, in a ... ''c+'1. nncaahl' crr.11tion im edir,tely. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). ;'rmr, offered motion to concur in the recommendation of t -t 3o�nd of h In h(.vinr •ic,mper put in the smoke stack of the Incinerator ilar:t, sane eia rrei to a He,:rci of teal>h aprortiona.ent. Adopted on the call of th- roll: moticn f.c rafar to the City Policitor to !ring in an Ozr,tre in .'ever i?1st,rlaLa Nos. 1 and 3, to conn^nt. :xrit.h Cnre cr,ll of O.t.- ;r.il.. Ya&s (1.2). ? �-'.... i -n:, .r`• Ct'i .rrd ..:;tion the t, taxe c;.aln: of F. Y. I atzrer :r. 4<' .,.1°,•,.-1L t'�' & ... x+; Ci' ...:: r.'! tt TY:r• 1nt.-rnen1len of r, alai c:nct JGCY.ann :iLI•ee t:a, tx sllcxp!, - n si: r^r, cr•.t... t.icm. lc;n':eri Or. rte roll of the 9 L x•__.... .at..,. c: i'r red rr.Otion .;at. .^. :•:] Cf' p•,., ;ic, "n='ks i-- ."0a,t. '� t r:. )•'venue, ,ttr nvAer to ae'I x.. ... _. ',�, :�. rcgvoat9d ry ,_,nloyece of `;ae S.C.Railroaxi No_ Proceedings of City of Paducah . MCEI:F1 R 7TH, 1926. 1 f-,i,rer .,ovth offered to refund Brtok Owen x37.80 on Tax Bill No. 2896 which riss erroneously assessed arainst him. i-dopted on the call of the roll: Yeee(12). -e— � ber Jacobs offered motion to receive and rile communication from John K. Ferrusen under date of Lovember the. 13th, relative to sewer running, across his property at 3rd and Elizabeth Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll; Yeas (12). Y.ember Aerth offered notion to refer to the Board of Public Zorks, with no.,:er to net, communications from property owners abutting Caldwell Street and Caldwell enue, relat -i,ye to valuation of land to be assessed for street paving. Adopted on the' ov call of the roll: Yeas (12). :-nn Vember Owen offered motion to receive and file Estimate No. 1 on Contract !:0. 7,Estimate.116. 4, Contract Ho., 2, and: Estimate on- Contract.. No, of,,the: D. J. °yan Construction Company. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). (;-rvsIn- on M.,ember 1".'atson offered motion that the L:ayor be instructed to instruct the C. R. R. Company to put crossing on Bridge Street in passable condition. Adopted oni the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Yember Crider excused from meeting. !'ember 7.atson offered motion that the City Solicitor be directed to brinv! 01- in on ordinance rnakin7 boulevards of Clements Street from Yeyers to Bridge Streets, and Street fror. 1.1eyers to Clements Streets. dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas:; Fler-in,, Jacobs, Owen, Stewart, Vogt and '.7stson (7). Nays: Brummett, he rt, Divall !snI Korth. (4). ?'emberCommittee, 'with Duvall offered motion to refer to the Light & ',.ater Co no--,er to act, recuest for a light at the intersection of Layfield Road and ","heeler Avenue. .'�Ionted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same offered motion to refer to the Light & '.',star Committee, petition Payr .rater r,,In olong, North 22nd Street from Trimble to Lildred Streets. Adopted on the, call of the roll: 'teas (11). Some offered motion to refer to the City Engineer and Fire Chief, i ranorts of thy; ?ol,icah '.".ater Ccmpbny, under date of November the 26th and December the 7th? 1926, of aster coins laid end fire plugs located. Adonted on the call of the roll: Eairc nfftred motion to refer to the Licht 8: "'.step Committee, commanic&tion from the PEP lunxjn ny role tive to :section 8 of the Tater Franchise with the f,lort-i on t,, roll: yeas (11). nM-,rcd -:ction to receive ard file report; of the t-f of Z-olic" v,7be r. t-doptnd on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). re, r r.- '(,n to reclfivc and file the report of the City If dooted on the Cali of the roll- Yeas (11). tjon that J—.ro.,.ran Rot;ert Thot-nton he allowed ,neer, sttf-ndftn' to '"hr, roar-4 or i-ldbrmen ani Bo!o-1 c'n L, roll: ;c:.,. (11). rrffrft.! mo-�'-Grl tc !-.1, -4.vIr.-ar's Emt1a.-to i'1i;fOlno Ccapany pricy, to lot, 192 T-: c c.nrinrer93 b,atj ar.w In • prior t.* r offered c tC it Block rc. 4, In Luk, try, fGr Proceedings of 310-h'.D_OF COUIXlLLL11 No. -.374. ----- — --_. City of Paducah _ _ n x.: rkR -7TH,- 1926. -- - - Same offered motion that. the City of Paducah deed to Henry end Ross Fields, ^ .-. t, •... lc,. to rnx ^Osa Fields. Lot 1:o. 20, in Block "14", of Oak Grove Cemetery, for the sum of ;;85.50. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Vember Duvall offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alde men, in regard to Tax 13111s being cancelled srainst the Railrosd Company for ..c..: r, c,__l.-1. property purchased by them for the creation of the new railroad shops. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Vember Stewart offered motion to concur in the action of the Bosrd of :Aldermen in regard to Tennessee Street being closed as soon as road to Union Station is opened for traffic. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Jacobs excused from meeting. Member Brummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Ynncev dor.st. Aldermen in extending the time of Fite & Yancey Construction Company on Contract �:o. •i^� .may«rn'.^..i. for gradintr, and graveling 24th Street from the Hinkleville Road to Mildred Street., from December 1st, 1926, to April the 1st, 1927. Lost upon the call of the roll: Yens : Brummett, Duvall, Owen and Stewart. (4). Nays: Johnston, Doherty, Fleminr, %erth, Vort and ":atson (6). ?.'.ember Brummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of nrt•.hcalnr 1!'nl bntrev•n Aldermen referring to Emile Choate and two members of the Lower Bosrd, the matter ..•;nes ,«. ,t. ',:vochel .., r„c. 1, , '.(:o. of purchasing strip of land between Tennessee Street and Goebel Avenue from the Illinois Central Railroad Company, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). • Member ":atson offered motion to concur in the action of the Bosrd of ^yap Lonn':rnakdon Aldermen in approving final estimate for Contract No. 1, of D. J. Ryan Construction .. Contract ''o. I. Company and accept.inr paving on Bridge Street, and issuinc Improvement 7larrant for ';18073.01, carrying 6° interest, to D. J. Ryan Construction Conpany. Adopted on the ^all of the roll: Yeas (10). L'ember Brumxett offered motion to concur in the action of the no,rd of Aldermen allowing the D. J. Ryan Construction Company $11296.46, City's psrt or cost on Contract:tio. 3, for hard surfacing 13th Street. Adonted on the call of the roll: vers (IO). ?•nalc r 0,ven offered motion to concur In the action of the Bot -,rd of Alder - :c7. mar, in in::uinr Icprovement "arrant to the P. J. Ryan Construction Company, in the a::o-rnt of :;;3,484.44, hearing; 6% interest on Estimate No. 1, Contract No. 7. icr. •-1 on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). °'•ct.er Brummett offered notion to concur in the action of the Bo•,rl of r• :. in :',:fcrrinr to tt:• gar et Committee, the reccmn,endations frcn the Ro,rd Of f',i,;1- :•t.i give •.c 'c,%.,nt,inv rr.:dinp and rravelino done by Ghol^on and .tr'eet between -•,A':'arson c-.nd Monroe Streets, and exteniinr tho e c!' ' . L. 'oss, Contractor, ro:• rr•adlnr and prvvelinp Cltirk treat fr0ffi .13th .. -. .. �_.•...t..,, vxjoptcd on the: 1x.11 of the roll: Yens (10). :rct.lon 4c r.oncur In the action of the A.onrd of • '. - , .. ... -- ... ... ig ':1Lr.' 1"'T" Cp ..arrant t.0 Irf 1/. J. Ryan (,0110 tr. y UCt.1Cn ^ �OT.panV, in -:..• �`':,% ...s, e:.•;, ... Interest, on Fat,tmate fo. 'x. ContreC t 'n. 2. L rr.1 y._.s (10). "Lt c",-ri i To'. Ion LO cbrnt1r In tht 5 ction of the po,»rd _.. ..,... .. In 1: -,-Ing lr•:r.;:.:fr., ..n^rant to the Vi. J. RyAn r,. -:a trccl.ion Cenpnny. .. .. it .r.• _ .. cr $:. ?: is -great, 0n latfmcte '.'r. 3. Cvr:trnat -'. �. •. .. _. _. .alt: Yeae (IO). No.. _ 375, Proceedings of ,,, of COTTr!CILV: N City of Paducah . n.C1,j,r,:gR. 7TH, 1926. L•emher ::ter:art offered motion to concur in the action of the Bor.rd of 'liermer. in is uinr lenrovemert ';'crranta to Fite and Yancey Construction Company in the c. F-ount of ::921.37, bearinr, 6. interest, on Estiuete No. 2, Contract Vo. 1, Adopted on the ^.i11 of the roll: Yeas (10). Sare offered motion to concur in the action of the Bot:rd of Aldermen in ynreey Y: ispuinr Imn"ovement "'at -rants to Yancey & Johnson, on E'stim: to No. 1, Contract ro. 1, ,fin}nscn, :-*raft in the amount of 1;694.90, bearing 6v interest, t.dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas(10). c. 1. Same offered motion to concur in the fiction of the Bon rd of Aldermen in L. "os::, ip^'zing Improve;ent ':arrants to E. L. Ross, on Estimete No. 1, Contract 1110. 2, in the amount of ;;'1732.65, bearing 6; interest, e,dopted on the call of the roll: "Yeas (10).11 (ember Oren offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Cl' -17_ Cf ,'licrcen allowing the claim of J. E. Rouse on Estimate No. 6, for :cork on Island Creek' Est."ro. Bri v -c, in the amount of ;;3511.22, sa-e charged to Island Creek Bridge Fund, Adopted i on the Pall of the roll: Yeas (10). Fare offered motion to concur in the action of the Bo±rd of Aldermen ° irstructine Blzack & Veath to see tet the Koller Plumbin,7 Company carry out their contract in re7ard to blockinr, cleaning up and keeping streets in a passable condition. .'dorted on the call of' the roll: Yeas (10). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the BoLrd of Aldermen in "= alle.:inr claim of the Koller Plumbing- Company in the amount of ;2201.42, for work done on lslnnd Creek Sever, adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Yember Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in allonin,? claims vnd.pay Polls from the Hard Surface Street Improvement Fund, in the ^ount of '.2535.11. f:donted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen .Street Im:orovement Bonds and Coupons cancelled in the amount of on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). !. '�t,r,.e offered motion to concur in the ction of the Board of Aldermen in sllc,anr .to claim or Blf:ek. & Veatch in the mount of 950.00, some charged to the °'r:aer l:at<.rel Fund. dopted on the call of the roll: Yeos (10). ^.a_.e. offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen r:IaIV, in rr.ferrin" to tuna City ,:o-'icitor to investigate claim of the Boller flumbinp, Company Y.o1.nr far ,10,11.r:'. for m,,terirl furnished and labor 1,z�• , ;c., performed in the construction of a sar.itery °'<:r r in ..atucky :venue t,etr.een 12th end 11th St:rceta, Bar the City of Paducah. ..darted o;: t r „i i r,''all: Ye,,:: ('.G). ';ter ":nrzll of t' z• <i -c,%!cn to conrtr in the action of the Board of •:r , ,r . i . i. <:plc•rc^ci, undez• pxvinp contract Vo. 1, cf t.re zt c.<:.-erdcd by the !'r- rd of i'ut�11c T,,rks. Adopted "(,,.A n{•r" ir: :t'.°' /,^!.1 O'. (.< 1.rV 110, 1.1 Cf cf. .,r, j.Rny'S `-.i'; r. !r•!.:; r}'frr1C ., to • , - , •.r r -.^!..r'4 ... r:1 C.. .tiC::•ri p7'!'. .. 'Jt: Lif•_t„ !�• Gr:�„ 1 .. .. ... ,.. ... �.. _ �:.I:B`..[r'., -.. :'t:, .`JVuI:, i•lb;TiCv, anti e. t.?'t?. • . lc.. to can^' in .. r. c:' !< •o cr o •c 4n 24th Ltr•at .. '.n i" crrce Proceedings of_ pQ-0,r, UF-CCUM;lL?::EF No. --A76- - _ - City of Paducah " F,FF 7TH, 1926. Member Oven offered motion to concur in the nct'ion of the Board of ashiNr's =und• Aldermen in allowing the Cachier's Fund 4°109.64. Adooted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Member Kerth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of C1i'.ir of Fire enertcent. Alderc:en in allowinf, the claim of the Fire Department for supplies furnished the Police Denartment in the smount of X599.42. Ldopted on the cell of the roll: Yeas i (10). ?:ember Owen offered motion to concur in the nation of the Board of Clot- of Aldermen in allowing the claim of '.C. H. 1:'cGee of 4300.00 for two mules purchased ?, F'cGee. by the Board of Public Torks. Adopted on the cell of the roll: Yeas (10). ?.:ember Oren offered n:otion to concur in the e.ction of the Board of pay r^11s. Aliermen in allo•r:ing the following: Claims ..... $?640.92; pay roll...„1330.26. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in employing Block & Veatch to dra:v plans and specifications for servers on 7,est $lac;: & Vestch. :'e' •• ::ers nn 'est idon. ?•'onroe Street beyond 19th Street, dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (10). ^t. byrl. 19th St. Member Kerth read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE: tLTEORIZINC AND i DIPECTING THF. CLOSIVG OF 21ST STREET AS IT NO','.' SPANDS 60 FEET IN 7IUPH, AND EX- iJ TENDING FROL•: THE SOUTH EIDE OF THE. HINYLEVILLE FOLD ABOUT 226 M;T ON THE EAST SIDE }J CF -,AT- TR-nl T, AND ADJf:CENT TO TLN PROPERTY OF T. J. NIX,, AND P.BOUT 85 FEET ON � t TFT:. "EST SIDE OF FiJr, STREET, ADJACENT TO THE PROPERTY OF THF: BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THF. CITY OF PADUCAH; AND AUTHORI7.ING AND DIRECTING THF. CITY SOLICITOR TO IYITITITTE All iiCTION IN T111, 1.1,cCR,ICKMN CIRCUIT COURT FOfi THE PURPOSE OF' PAVING P.AIu STREET CLOSED. ” On motion same vas given first passsge upon the call of the roll: Yeas (10). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (10). On mnt?or: tame was given second and final haerare upon The call of the roll: Ycas (10). Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDIN. 17CF: AEFF;S-1.1 O 'PAF t.BL`TTING F^—F" "'•' ;..: OF P`ICCi P,TP'i .T FROY THF: .'EST P�M'ERTY LINE OF CL=" -?IT 11: ITS Or TT F. CITY OF PADUC:,H FOR 7H1 COST OF 1" C:•. i ..._ .,.Y .-. 1, CUFRS AKD GUTTERS FROM Fit.Y" tVE::lI:-_ :., .. .. .I 71._ -. .LL P,FCF."°:.RY ?;-ANBOL.ES, I?T;.-r'.", L❑.,Ii; ' :,.T'i OF P?.1+11C.,F1, KEVTUCKY, IN fCCCUI ::Cc. "IiP - .. ...:. .. ... .-: ... .. �•.>>FFOR BY PF! CITY Ci] .:i .. ........ .. .. "TRhET r1:D FLOE!. STRL: -T 10 A^.'HFFCC-K CF �4.9CC29 FF.R i:. 17tlihT�' TO : Ivy':. . - .. .. -., .. ,;, rC 1.:,, • : Ti< 1 1' 1 . , No. -377. Proceedings of.. 110 of z t rI City of Paducah nF_cpf? F.F_7, 1926. On .notion sate ::ns ri•:cn first pas -ape upon the call of the roll: Yeas (10). On -otion the, rules were suspended and ordinance resd by title upon the cell of thn ,roll: Yeas (10). On motion ss, -e was riven second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (10). read an ordinance entitled "MI ORDINANCF' ;::FG*'ING SECTION 2 OF AN F.`."DT-i.".D, rAh ORDINAI:CE PRCVIDING FO'r TF.F GW'TP11CTIOF OF STORY "'iTFR T- OIJES "A".I:D !!B" HEREINAFTEP. Pf`TICUL,.FLY I-r'CFIRF:D, IN SANITARY T`'-:' - 1, IN PH'r CITY OF PAC:IV-H, KEt-TL?CKY, AT TAF "ORT OF THF. PPOPEFTY O' " ('?hPTY L0.-:.TFD I?' S?.ID ZONE, i,)ID PPOVII3I:0 THIN Ff I1) SEV.FRS PHs,LL I' :•, P! OVISIONS OF TEF. TE" YEAR PA) -: ?,'T PLAN, AND O:iC :'D UNDER "ITICH FAID SE" ERS SIIPLL BE CONSTFI'CTED, _-'7':' '•` ? I?' " .' .L TERNS TRE PROPERTY P,E?'FFITTE:D THFPFBY r.ND SUBJECT TO THE OF TF,'-, OF SAIM," : DQPTE.D BY THE CFfFnAL COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF P,,FUCAF, 15TH, 19.26." On motion same was riven first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (10). On motion the rules dere suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (10). Or, motion same e:as riven second and final passege upon the call of the i roil: Yeas (10). Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AL'F.NPING it ORDINANCE, 1.177 OPDI1T11:CL AUTHOFIZIYC THF CITY SOLICITOR TO aCT AS DFLINC;UENT TAX FI}:i?:G HIS COL:PENSi.TIOI: TITER FOP '.:D LLEU THE BOND TO BF.' E'X^CUTF;D BY HIL`; THF; DUT'IF:S .TVCHED TIiE:RT.TO," ADOPTED BY THE GErFJ:AL COUNCIL OF TRT' ^r It Y""':.:i, FEBRU:,PY 9TH, 1925, BY ADDING THERETO SECTIONS 5,6 and 7 HEFEINAFTEF On motion seme .:r+s riven fir�'t passage upon the call of the roll: Yens (10). On motion the rules sere suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (10). On motion some res riven second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yens (10). ,.ember Grer, offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of in : ferrlr.r to the City Solicitor, papers served on the L'ayor relative to of E. Golightly. Adopted on the call of the roll: t'Fc:cr off,:rod motion to concurin the _ction of the Board of 311n- •._ ..11np, the reports of t'.^.e Grief of the Fire Department for the �. 1. ._ ... •hr:r, 1C3:'u. ^allof 'fB rOi.I. YU&3 (10)• e!'!''r,-tl roticn thet the Foard of Public Forks be instructed t. �:.:,'C+ry Y!rtton to prt,'CrvE Biw., 'lut,inr t.h� ''hinter, bet''seun iro+dasy 71ir",m31au ,.rest, t1op+:ed or, tt.c s',_1 cf rhf f'01"1: Y(!ha (IC•). L'ez.txr P:er.icr error .•l,n t}at t .'! ^:c-. ^.r tilit:les C h y em,t«ry e ..telll to rFmcv,- rack .:'C'C ?f-. i.?f In.. ::&i:t Ht anCe. i.(jO f!ti'1 GR lhE1 ? .. ( L':'. �-,.Inn of '.he: Ronr.1 of is—grim •l ,g;;. r .,+ .• ccr. tlih for in,_ -•'otter. and . .. '3 :. •. ^f atom Abter sf 6er CG: .. .'_cn, c^.'C.: :'r.: I le±.'_r G:* cve7ter Or tte coli c: . -... Y+—:, On motilin meeting adjourned. ADOPTi:D: /V `G.c '2.0 1926. GPl OVED: PhF.BI_T�}aIT HOtYD 0!'' 'OC'f:CIL1'ht:. i Member Owen offered motion to concur in the -action of the Roerd of No._ ..11ermen in Proceedings of._sohxD .OF .COLTFGIU'L3: _City of Paducah Dr.CL; BEI:.7TH,.1926. the Citr of On motilin meeting adjourned. ADOPTi:D: /V `G.c '2.0 1926. GPl OVED: PhF.BI_T�}aIT HOtYD 0!'' 'OC'f:CIL1'ht:. i Member Owen offered motion to concur in the -action of the Roerd of „ar:as`1ee a. ..11ermen in referrinf to the City Solicitor, garnishee served on the Vsyor for on ,1,or. the Citr of Paducah, i,dopted on.bhe'fiell of the roll: Yeas (10). Same offered motion to concur in the action or the Board of it of Aldermen in receiving and filing audit of the Rourd of Education of the City of o. „ o,_ ,li2ce,tion. Paducah prepared by Emery rnd OehlschlaeRer. Adopted on the call of the roll: YeDs (10). On motilin meeting adjourned. ADOPTi:D: /V `G.c '2.0 1926. GPl OVED: PhF.BI_T�}aIT HOtYD 0!'' 'OC'f:CIL1'ht:. i