HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 363, November 1, 1926No. - -?q3• — Proceedings ^ cF co ac_City of Paducah `•oVU0 ; JET,, 1926. At a regular mecting of the Board of Councilmen held on the Third Floor of rhe City Hall, in the Cit;; of Fadursh, Ky., November the lrt, 1926, the meeting. errs called to order b;:- President Johnston, a^9 upon the call of the roll the following nnsr.ere.1 to their names: Johnston, Brumn.ett, Crider, Doherty, rvvsil, Fleming, Jacobs, Berth, Oe:en, Stewart, Vo^t and �%atson (12). Yflesident Johnston appointed Member Owen as President Pro Tem and left, mcetina. LUnutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. !'ember Doherty offered motion to receive and file the communication i'echt from t]r, Ynyor• relative to executir.0 deed to Hecht Lackey for lot on flortheast corner Lackey. of 13th ar,:1 Trimble 4treet,,. Adopted on th^ c01 of the roll: Yeas (11). i -• b `tQ• }!ember Brummett,offerad motion to refer to the City Solicitor copies fr•i'P1h of notice, petition and bond in the case of the City of Paducah vs: Paducah Sand and ':ravel Gravel Cornoration., Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Corn, T.+ly ;:ember Duvall offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor, copy of i of rctice in the case of E. Golightly vs: City of Paducah. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor summons served on �'�`"'` rhe• ?.iayor and other City Officials in the case of E. Golightly vs: The City of Paducah. r '.:opted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Some offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor summons served _ on the b'.a or in the case of Hobert iiannirg and others vs: City of Paducah. Adopted on! `'^.e call of the roll: Yeas ('ll). Same offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor,to report back at rext meeting, the communication from L. B. Alexander relative to grading and graveling.' 24th Street. from .Jefferson to ?Ionroe Streets, tcdopted on the call, of the roll:Yeas(11). L!ember eri.der offered motion to refund Nell Sharpe w1.50 poll tax on Tax Bill No. 693 against J. Z. Clark, as recommended by the pity Solicitor, r.dopted on the Pall of the roll: Year (11). Same offered motion that Tax Bill No. 280, for $26.05 against Fred, B^.,er, be. cancelled, as tnis property belongs to Trimble Street Chrtntian Church. Adonted on the call of the roil: Yeas (11). YeT.ber 2}tvell offered motion to refund vl.50 Poll Tax to Ellen "omen, on: recowranded i. the Solicitor. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas(ll). ::arae offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the City 't.,r in author!zinw tt, correction of Tax Bill Plc. 9161, by reducing the valuation ,.f Chevrolet: car of L. r.. 7ebb to +w1C.G0. Aiorl,: on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). ;.e offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alder:ren .. cn Gc.-'r.r -,,.. 1.?t!., relt:tive >.c nay -r!- h. F.. ..-.:7.- .„7500.00 for _-trip of ground running, . �"^`r ' �.:'•; '`P:".� iJ ..:••7.t� at r. •.t: ;treat./'.Icilt,ed on l.hc call of the i.1: r. - er, ... _icP }, , Pleminv, JracY,s, itert.h, Stewart and (9). :.ct vr'icv. c. ...:......-. -c2tan tna'. er:a :rc.. .. Lexis for strip n. r: 72 feet ' : ]c, :..r.cirg fro. Err.- :....g is is F.r,tcciy .'venue a" th., e:.d of 16th be acccrr:_ . put to :•ecce.. r. thi all el' fh, rrl:,: Y?a;: (11). bel,rd of Pub;ir rrs be :,s+.nor, for e:e 1.^..urc:•e.T.ent. of South 23r`?. ....... .. SC •. .. or, No. 364. _ _ _ - — Proceedings of Do.,RE, OF couN;CTLbI-N City of Paducah_ r!ov-E.,-1, 1026._. _. L:cmber north read a resolution entitled "A REEOLUTION PROVIDING ^ olution. FOR THE IvPFOVEL!>::NT BY THE CONETRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDE7fAL'f,S ON TFE FOLLOP.ING on Trimble frcm 1Ct% to NAKED ETREF.TS IK THE CI'T'Y OF PADUCAH, KFD?TUCXY, T0=7:IT: 26th; etc. ON THE SOUTH HIDE OF TRIYBLE STRE^T FROM. TFE ',,'EST PROPERTY LINE OF TOTE STREET TO THE E„ST FROPEFTY LINE OF 16th STREET, EXCEFT SUCH 1NTEF.SECTIONS AS HAVE HEPF.TOE'ORE, BEET' CONSTRUCTED, AS SRO7.-N ON PLANS; ON THE NORTH SIT, OF TR!YnLF STREET FROM THE '::EST PROPERTY LINE OF 10TH STREET TO OAK GROVE CEL!ETER'l, EXCEPT THAT PORTION HERETOFORE CONSTRUCTED ALCPG CALDI.'ELL PARK, LOCATFD BET"EEN 14TH STREET AND THE INTERSECTION OF TRIM.BLE AND BURNETT STREETS, AND EXCEPT SUCH INTEFSEC^.ICN AS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN CONSTRUCTED AS SHO::N ON PLANS, TOGETHER TITH THE NECESSARY DRII'FS:AYS, IN ACCORDANCE :'.ITA THE PLANS +.NP �PFCIFICATIONS PROVIDED THEREFOR BY THE CITv F:TTGINFER, A^1 THE COST OF THS ARUTTIPO PROPERTY C:'.NF.PS, AND PROVIDING TRt•T THE COST OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION MAY BE PAID IK ACCCPDANCE "'1TH THE PROVISIONS OF THF, TET? YEi.A PAYVETT PLAN.” On motion same was piven first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yees (11). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same read an ordinance entitled "AN OR.DINt.NCE REGULATING THE OPERATION ,OF VEHICLES, EXCEPT THOSE TRAVELING UPON RAILS, AT THE INTERSECTIONS OF Elie ir."nee. :.;:T? tI:L' BROAri'.'AY tND NINTH AND JEFFERSONS STREETS." Same lost first passage upon the call of the roll: Nays: (11). "ember :'.atson offered motion that the Kentucky Utilities eompany Ky. Utilities Co, be instructed to remove immediately all tracks on streets where street car service to remo-ve trackc etc. has been permanently abandoned, so that the streets may be repaired at as early date as pcssible. -dopted on the call of the roll: Yess (11). Yember Stewart offered motion to concur in the reccmmendation of the Bcard of Public Zorks, authorizing, the Llayor and Board of Public ^orks to ^i r..e're a contract for the construction of a sewer begirn'rg at manhole at 12th ew"er :n fy. Avc. btw. lith & 12th. Street and Kentucky Avenue, and extending east approximately 350 feet to serve property in Di2trict No. 2, which fronts on the north side of Kentucky Avenue t^t.;:een 11',h arra 12th ^trent:, same to be charged to Relief Serer Fund. Adopted of tnr- roll: Yens (11.). 'rTter Jacobs offered motion to refer to the Bond rf Public ,' i•. nom. a .. Committee, with rov:e.r '.o sct, the reeuest for the removal of ..:iSr..r on Gut.hric Avenue nn11 19th ::trect, a•nd making sloping driveway. ^donted on 17,311 c£ the roil: 'd^_as L:ember !:vvnll offered r.c.tion that Q -..e reports of the Paducah f=a ?u^rc 1i�"ter . uompsn^, Ander 'late or C'ctolner 21st. and 29th, be referred tc the cl5c Enpinrrr er.i Fire Adapted cry the cal'_ cf th-e roll: Yen:. (11). ar_,. cffe:-•ed motion to refr.r to the Sewer lnspeetor and City `?•.r.er 1^«;, -Vtne..er, communi17ation from 0. L. Holmes, Chi^..f zn;•!r.,er 'ra:Iu17e%: ',:stow e' eT.i of the ­n:rtr. ..let:ve '_c r.he cc:: ;ticn ealstinc, Jr. the sewer at 17th ting Ky. Avenue. ,:Fd cn cal: of tht rc a : Yeas (11). No. Proceedings of E10 -RD OF CGtr!r,II.LiEN City of Paducah . _ NoVUSEii 1, 1926. _ Member Duvall ot•fered motion that the light at 1Cth and Broadway:. Streets 1'--`:t be removed to the intersection of Turrell Blvd., and Broadway, as recommended by the 1.7th IIr_;. ". cve1. ;iayor. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yees (11). engirt of ;,ember Brummett offered motion to receive snd file the report of the •;!-t-f of Police. Chief of Felice for the month of October, 1926. ^dopted on the call of the roll:Yeas(11). Same offered motion to receive and file the report of the City Jailer for Rena^t of the month of "ctober, 1926. -dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Cltv 1911- tcember Kerth offered motion that traffic signals at 4th and Broadway and 6th and Broadway, be discontinued until such time as the General Council sees fit to Traf^1n sl msl. out in operation again. Lost upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Brummett and Kerth(2). Nays: Doherty, Duvall, Fleming, Jacobs, Owen, Stewart, Vogt and ':atson. (8). member Crider not voting. Same offered motion that right hand turns be permitted when signal lights terns. are red, responsibility to be on the operator of the vehicle making such turns. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member 7'atson offered the following: "71HEREAS, on the 17th day of ,June, 1926, the General Council of the City of Paducah authorized the Mayor to execute .a eontract between the City of Paducah and the Illinois Central Railroad Company, of date 'ebruary 23rd, 1926, and, iIER&,S, said resolution so passed by said Council authorized the Mayor c execute said contract with the Chicago, St. Louis and New Orleans Railroad Company „ .:hen said contract was with the Illinois Central -Railroad Company. NOY.', THERGFOF,E, Be it resolved that the 11.ayor of the City of Paducah be, and he is hereby r�uthorized and directed to execute said contract so dated February the 23rd, 1926, for the City of Paducah with the Illinois Central Railroad Company." Adopted on the cell' cf the roll: Yeas (11). L'ember Doherty offered motion Lo ratify the deed for the Northeast half i 14, 9loc'r. 48, in Oak Grove Cem.ntery frog Beasley Marble & Granite company to -sore Mullen. Adopted cn the call of the roll: Yeas (11). :'ezbar Korth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of 'rr.­-', aldarsen in referring to the 1,ayor• and Finance Committee, for investigation, annual ".111- report of the Ky. D`i'it.rc Comrsr.y, formerly the Paducah Railway Company, reporL of „ Co. gross= earninr_a, opernti::r orpcnees,taxes and balance for the year ending September the ":th, 1`J26. ;.dcp'e.d cn ,? roll of the roll: Yeas (11). re€;:3 an ordinance er'.:.led "AN ORDIN:.NCE PROVIDING THAT TEE c .. .,. : : ?!: t.[• I - OS T'? i. C .. .. cEN THE D. J. RYAN CONST='CCTIO:. STR'c:ET IN S0.ID CITY, .-...,.. rr _ C'n.-.ctlon _ax�, nfir_ pa%tone upon rhe c01 of the roll:Yeas(11). Cr, c.o`.Ior, thr: susren,ed 2nd ordinanen rea:1 by title upon ..;e Call a" ±ts r Y: Lr (11). or. race a a z•r.d '.'anal oro., rn upon the call of the ... r - c nr it '.`" hCtiCavf _he Board of _.'I^Er: 1!:r... of "_'•C ic (1, betionof !.he 3c—d of r srer in ;acelvin ar.,l .. ^cx._....---' ;:. _.,_ •aor;e Suier•, ,ala':ia� tv purchasinc 1'ie 1 ct ..e .5:1.. a:+ 366. Proceedings of_ Ui.�D of CCUNCIL EN City of Paducah raov> 'PeR 1, 1926. I Member Loi.erty offered motion to concur in the action of the Board Ferrer from of +.ldermcn in regard to building 36" concflete sewer from Broadway to Kentucky D:•cv-,dwny to Ky. 've. etc, btw. l -venue across the property of 7:. F. Bradshaw and John K. McDonald between 17th 4nd 17th and 19th Fts• 19th Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Brummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in accepting driveway, curb and gutter, constructed by Geo."'. veo. '?.Katter- iohn 3: Son. Katteraohn and Son, on both sides of 24th Street from the north property line of h-ive::a ,curb 3• putt^r or. Loth Jefferson Street to the south property line of Monroe Street. Adopted on the call 3t.frcm Jef*.to 'onroe Sts. of the roll: leas (11). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Renort of Chief of ?ire beet. Aldermen in receiving and filing the report of the Chief of the Fire Department, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Yetrber Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of r:ldermcn in receiving and filing the report of Black & Veatch, showing the cost Report of Black 'r Veatch. of pavement improvements, chargeable to the City of Paducah on Raving Contracts Nos. 1 to 8. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Brummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of -ldermen authorizing the Board of Public 7,orks to make contract with J.M.Rouse• J. M.. Rouse to build an additional 30 foot span including head wall on the rest and 6th St•Brifiee. of 6th Street Bridge. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Vember t':ateon offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Fite & Yancey Construction Co. Aldermen in authorizing the issuing of an Improvement •.arrant to Fite & Yancey Construction Company of x;:955.50. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). n:emrer Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board 9 of Aldermen in receiving and filing Estimate No. 9 of Black & Veatch, of work done f %p7et`.ch. by the Koller F1umbing Uompany in Sewer Zone No. 4, prior to November the 1st, 1926. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Nember '--atson offered motion to concur in the action of the Board cstixst^. I+" 14 'ieatch. of Aldermen in receiving and filingEstimate No. 14 of Black E: Veatch of work + ' :.leek P• done by the Yeller Plumbing Company in Serer Zone No. 4, prior to November lot, 1.92,. Adopted on the call of tee roil: Yeas (11). .:ember Brummett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of nlJerr_en is Upprovin -stim3te Go. 3, Contract No. 3, of D. J. Ryan Construction :.<m,r.sny, ,r:d authorizinr Improvement E.arrants issued to D. J. Ryan Gonstruetion of 7732.14, carrying 6'p' interest. Adopted on the call of offered motion to concur in the action of the Board a., ... s In No. 2, Contract No. 2, cf J. . Ryan Conntrue- '.'cr. .. -;��ny, ar.S c:.'^orizS.n.+ 1Wr•rcce�.�r:*. Lr,rrar�t:: i:;ued to D. J. Fynn Gons'.rue- t Scr. ' . _ ,,:; .._ . _. --.cunt of y754.42, carrying 6;9 interesL, rdon+'ed on the call cff-re;' motion to concur in the actScn of the Board =' ::stia.ate t:o. , Contract ":o. 1, 01' L, J. Ryan �;on- :a. _ r! arrar.ts Sesttel to L. .,. t<yan 6'( irterr.sL. Adopted —c"t' cfferr.3 c.cticn to ccn%r in _:.e 6etion of the 3card of _.. .._:,_a,r,t •;,•.... :a 'r.oll ac: Clai... f,cm .,- Harl ^. on the c811 of No. 3 • . Proceedings of .Bo _-D.,OF COLR.CIL1611-1 __-_City of Paducah _ �:ov. 1, _1926. m'no r Crider offered motion to concur, in the action of Lhe Board of Aldermlen f'l.0 .•ro, in eaowing the claim of the Koller Plumbing Company of $15.78 from the Special Fever Fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Yember Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen ..,yen in sporoving estimate No. 2, Contract No.4, of D. J. Ryan Construction Company, and Gpr.st.'�r. sutho^izirr Improvement 1.7arrants issued to the D. J. Ryan Comstruction Company in the, amount of $2089.08, carrying 6% interest. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas(11). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in Foyer Plurb.Co, allowin^ holler Plumbing Company X3335.89 for viork on Relief Server of District No. 2, same charred to Relief Sevier Fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Vember P'atson offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of F.ldermen allov:inc D. J. Ryan Construction Company $199.00 for dirt for approach to 6th Street moo. Brilee. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Crider offered motion :'.o concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen '',)':ler in alloying Koller Plumbing Company ^;.3666.05 for v:ork done on Island Creek Sewer. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). i Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in No•.rne. allowing J. Y. Rouse (,3290.38,amount due on monthly Estimate No. 5, for construction on Islanl Crrek Bridge. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in allov;irc Black & Veatch $950.00 from Special Sevier Laterad Fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in lloaint the Cachieras Fund '115.71. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Sare offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Lidermen in sllov:ing reGulsr monthly claims in the amount of :;1633.86; pay roll $10439.13. Adonta,! on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). 1926. Apprp D: PRF'_`I '•:ST PUri COUNCILMEN.