HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 333, July 19, 1926No.-:133.- Proceedings o..X33.Proceedings of .City of Paducah _ '?1'L' 19, l ':: n regulnr :neotin�- o_' t!.r Board of i;oancil:aen h,°1'1 on the Thir,l Floor oz, -},,. J'_+, H:1,1, in Vie �;i ty of Paliv- h, '.,:y., Jul;; the 19t -h, 1926, in the ab..,—,e.(, Pima 4cr':Y, the Cleric ctlllccl sh^. e:tin 'to order, and upon the call of the = 11 t3.e folic::: a,a::ared to their numea: Brummet-t, Crider, Doherty, Fleming, i-:eri,h, 0—. n, Steuart, and Vogt. (9). . ltembr-,r Jacobs :ias elected Frosident of sale Board, Pro Tom. llinutea of the previous rectings of July 5th, 6th, 9th and 12th were --erth offered motion to apnrovo `..,c action of the l:ayor appointin; :.inlocy, Scaffolding IIlanector. .:dontod on she call of the roll: Yeas (9). a^axt: offered motion to.con(nur in ':he action of tine i:ayor in diaappnoving. i s rcoclution cntitloi "A RS:.i:)LL'TI01: Gic.J1TI:::I T?.E PAD'JC:.H RAIL'71_Y COMPAVY THE RIG117 T6 oP .' l's—,Es 0--.: CsRT.=.I.: STREETS OF TH!:: CITY Or PAiDUC:01, AHD NODIVYING SECTION 10; 3'..,..:7 Ti:7, ? : Ii i :I„ .:Y CU :I'..i1Y 0:1 T1Iii 4:H DAY OFr,Vt?T_L, 1919, n i o the enl'_ of the roll: Yeas (9) . Same offered motion to concur in the action of the llayo:• disapproving ;RADVIG 2c 'r^=T_.ilSG an ordinance entitled ORDIi,..,.J' Fi- ..: .. it'f: It:PRUVT:".::ItT OV 22ND 3TR1:!iT e�DivJscE. ; iltP'OVETAEI:T : 11C, HE SOU }i l .w' ._ _ Llti OF .. af� 70 _ :'WTH PROP0iT IP1G OF 22ND ST. ''Roil! {Y..AVE. - :, ii: JI'Y 0'' ;:ITU0r:Y, BY GSb17IliG .111)G1tAVELIl1G OF :. eHlh=G_ i C,.TCII I:daI}t5 id"D 3i:::ER COUINEI CTI01I3 , dtsarrnoved, PL_::.i?'SC=..':J..TIO1tS PitOVID:?D 'fI`.EHFOH 13Y THE CITY P3IGIIiT1ER . ' ,:: , _ i7 0 ;;sR9, dHD PROVIDI1dG THAT THE COST OF SUCH -:ITH flit PROVISIONS OF TFW 'l'PIi YEAR .,loptcd on `...o call of the roll: 3rummett, Crider, Doherty, Fleming, J4co;r3, art and Vogt (S). stays: •forth (1). Member Owen offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor communicn';ton 11411 Jefferson Street, relative to tax refund. Adopted on the Tax rF':nd. offored r:otior, to refer to the Clt;r ;',elicitor thg 1• r'7rtle N. '.aVd, Tax ,:. . _ ... r' 3ny,1, relative to ;;1.5.,0 v-onind on Poll Tax. A topto,l refund. 4.en offered notion to refer :o the Board of Public "torks and Gen. P. "tat�cn. icaaon fvox Gro. P. atson, protesting ng:.tinat the: i^pruvcra `.r•y r:o rent l^ky .:•re::ue. ..:lorto,i. on ';hc ::all of the roll: Cth•: `:laira^oar Geo. ^,roil' for 1n ry _ P. "re Ir Ca3.:a1, Retzr fc: ,"..., .. out .. '.z;n^ tale nn, - ., anent to J. N. ket+ct�r• Iieilcy c." .-.' anon cl•::.... are for ^trip or .;o:.ri for thr. r7.' -- - .t, �,,:,� -.o ve ^.2nr ea to .. ., _sit' r:• B.D.Tayier err. ''•i11 �... 37S3 srnninat ii. .. :::: .i.i.• r ,.. tax bil! nen,..C:.e7. ';'rn n�:': ;.w ♦bio i^.r1.: Yeaa (9). Proceedings of T3oar3 of Cour_cilr,er7 --City of Paducah_. iiay_lil,__192(i._ ::,nber Vo!;t offercu motion to concur in the recommendation of the City Thos. L. Ewing Soli,. *o'r 'n ,•:'funding :„1.50 Poll Tr.;; to Thomno L. Ewing. Adonted on t!?r, call of poll tax refund. tbe -'oer Korth offered motion that the (load from J. P. Smith, %xecutor, Deed from J.P. for the ostate of J. R. Smith, for a strip or round for extending Caid :rail f;troot Faith, etc. , for g !; ground to extend from 5th to 7th Streets, be accented and put to record.. Adopted ar7 the call of Caldwell St.from 5th to 7th Sts, the roll: Yeas (9). Same road an ordinance entitlod "Ail 0RDINAML PROVIDING 100'1 THE L"F'?OVE- OF C_ .. ,;TR;`:1." ^')i: T'> : k:.:;T PROPERTY LIME OF 19TH ST!iii 4T TO T1Hi '"FST Pi10PERTC Ordinance OP 17Ti1?, ',;, , TI!:.:,; J O;l OL.,'.K STHB FT FRO11 `T'Hli FAST P'10Y1,7I rf LINT OI•' grading and graveling of 17=H ,!•Ii" -1j::Clark St, from i i c TY LIME OF TIP? TIE; 3TREET THAT I3 BEING BUILT BY THE 19th to 17th, IL .i:.G1"''? .? Clark from 17th i ),'> Gia.iT.t, 21i THii UIIY OF PhAC.iH, KFIITIIvKy, BY ^:'Ir DING to to new at. built ; 's' TOG:-ITH ': '7IT11 ALL ;'20 SSARY i.ANHOLE3, ITiT,a;h;:i, C,.TCTi by I.C.R.R.Co. 'IPP- COIMEICTIOTIS, III :i000RDaflCE ''ITH THE PLA.1T3 AND i:PFCIFIC_-MONS iD BY Til? CIT! NGIIIEER, AT THE COST CP THE ABUT rim, P'tOPET:TY 11''.)71DING TH_T til: uo: T OF .SUCH CO'M)TTIICTION NAY BF R'I')IN ACCORTXNCE '.1C::'7 G? 7A7 TEM Y7!: R Pi:1111:;11T PLATT. " On motion same was ;Jvon first passage upon the call of the roll: Zeus (9). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (9). On motion same ryas given second and final passaire upon the call of the roll: Yeas (9). :cr.-.bc.- aerth read an ordinance entitled "did ORDINANCR :11;1ihDII1G Ordinance amending 7 GT.' G3�i:T 1;C�, ;TTI „.?D, r,1T7 ORDI`li,tdCS TO CR.1M' AND d:iT:1BLI5H h FRG;IC1;23s TC Section 37 of Water branchi ”' "T T, "'=I11T,Q17 hND USE se. A '.1AT31i ';ORY,3 P „?T .,::� �.�;,� DI.,_ -11. JORPO ,.TF LI- ITS OF Pr,jjrr ,H, THE r _ i'J"'ER ,.ND PIIIVILb:Cr'r;3 IllaiiiIil 9,!3T e(t'ITH, AND It.iPO^a2TTG D(i^S:;s :..::) R'r;iPOTT:iIBILI'iI 3F.T OUT iN NI.1 071Dir"?1C'sit, C0111A;I1, OF OF PA )iCdH Oil 'rII'; 22I1D 7a? 01' LLiY, 1928, ..11 CCEPANY TO LAY A '.TATER S'..,II1 Oil COXI..'v ;TI:F•6:T AS ion r, •iven flrsz passage upon the call ov 'ho roll: . •. .:T),mdod and ordinnnee read ry r,+ i'ittnl paz;.:rJr;o upon r.itr: aa12 eC .. . _ +...' .. `! un`..1 �,1• `.o . ••.C,11 V._ fl"I fililniea. Bien Ko—or PLm:p:ns .... ; _ Co. Y.o.11or 1117i. ,R:nnn;1 L nlI of � nd4T Ave. to n• 1 Washinz,ton 9t, Proceedings of City of Paducah .-JIF11,Y 1sT'_, 1026. Same was :riven third and final passage, Mayor's veto not -with -standing, upon the call of the roll by -,he follcr:'n vote: Yeas (9). Same real a resolution en':i'',' cd "A Ri :30LUTI0i! Plt0:7IDI;SG FOR ^ ._. Resolution. - O ,S'Tl,iOTON r:T3E cT FROL! i "'0:' 'iTS LINE OF 7TH STREET '!`U hard surface ,,,:._..,. .-,.,, 0 , O3 "ashinr,ton P:,!PPRTY LIiE OF _ St. from 7th ;:O ii^t ti P?OPE?TY LLSE OF CLARK ..' ?I:' cT 'Y OF PAIIIC -H to Gtr Sts.; ^, , Ki,:— 6th 't.frot r .. r;,IOII OF A aJ4D ai?F':C: RO;.D-'::;tY TO:;- "".'' 77TH ALL NECESSARY I.'.AH IIOL135 7a31nina•ton to Clark St a, PIPE COU:;RCTIONS, I:1 :.000HDANCE 'JITH THL PLANS AND 3Y TII? CIT'_' ^:TJIIN;sR, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING T:17 I� I:CCRACTi^I] COU1:T: TiA11ING ,!GRE^D TO r ._. .. •-.-_. :: 0" :;�.. •, '40VI-IJG 'T'i,iT PIS; COST OF SUCH COIISTRUCTIGi'. 0 ::.. ,., .Y 3 i P,.ID IN ACC0H D .'ICE °?ITA THE PROVISION'; On motion same was riven first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas(9). On motion the rules acro suspended and resolution read by title upon _:e tali of the roll: Ycas (9). On-,oticn name wus ;riven soc-nd and final passare upon the call of the i motion to refer to the Street Committeo, coe:municat;ion Chas.C. -' °') %ire• Cent%xlty Utilities company erectin;; poles on Rieke Unr1^er•n - _.. Y. Adopted on the call of t'l.:: roll: YUaa (9).. I Faction to refer to the City EngL;tor a:nd fire Renort of •. .'... rater Ociapar. , Wile" 1',U) of July 17yh, lu2d. I.dopted sr, «r mains - . ;. -, ..... ... nr :c aF _ „itt r '::atcr Committee, petitions . `.riyR .. ... ' .. •; s,._ ._ 7th .treCtC; along 7th Street from -;:,• fro, _. :cr•t from Joffersoh to Lladisor: .itrertta. Hustrar:•le to Pt, 3t6 f ^cam - te,Y,"'n Plad. :•rd r;; ;.or, I;o. 159, in Bloch re-ptr ry „ ':sed tc _ .. .. .. , .. ... ,;... :4 •:: ... ,t.en. "dopte 1 on Sir - and J.F.'ichon. Filling station 9th cn ^nap Y,Y.G.A. often air service. Ro0mrs _ . . •'•arth ofcrr`,:I motion that an ordinance entitled "AIS ORDI!IrDCL I"; 3 . ' " 1• {0 :,Ott! -i! PlIOPLRTY LINE OF Ordinnnce. —. .. •:U711 'Y L (:d.: J., I;S ' I : CiTY OF PADtiC: Grading and r -raveling _ ^2nd St. - } -. ._. C : , C ., ,II HOLES, INTAKES, nyAve. to Na;s)iington =;I?;.:, IIS ACdU'I'..::d:: .I'?Ii 'H'i PL.:,,. -tUD SPECIFIC .'PION P!iOVID::'r BE PAID IIS ACCOHD,',UC., :ITH THE P^.UV.I s i,e von Pas;;,,.,... third and final Liayorr s veto not:vith- s andina'. Same was :riven third and final passage, Mayor's veto not -with -standing, upon the call of the roll by -,he follcr:'n vote: Yeas (9). Same real a resolution en':i'',' cd "A Ri :30LUTI0i! Plt0:7IDI;SG FOR ^ ._. Resolution. - O ,S'Tl,iOTON r:T3E cT FROL! i "'0:' 'iTS LINE OF 7TH STREET '!`U hard surface ,,,:._..,. .-,.,, 0 , O3 "ashinr,ton P:,!PPRTY LIiE OF _ St. from 7th ;:O ii^t ti P?OPE?TY LLSE OF CLARK ..' ?I:' cT 'Y OF PAIIIC -H to Gtr Sts.; ^, , Ki,:— 6th 't.frot r .. r;,IOII OF A aJ4D ai?F':C: RO;.D-'::;tY TO:;- "".'' 77TH ALL NECESSARY I.'.AH IIOL135 7a31nina•ton to Clark St a, PIPE COU:;RCTIONS, I:1 :.000HDANCE 'JITH THL PLANS AND 3Y TII? CIT'_' ^:TJIIN;sR, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING T:17 I� I:CCRACTi^I] COU1:T: TiA11ING ,!GRE^D TO r ._. .. •-.-_. :: 0" :;�.. •, '40VI-IJG 'T'i,iT PIS; COST OF SUCH COIISTRUCTIGi'. 0 ::.. ,., .Y 3 i P,.ID IN ACC0H D .'ICE °?ITA THE PROVISION'; On motion same was riven first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas(9). On motion the rules acro suspended and resolution read by title upon _:e tali of the roll: Ycas (9). On-,oticn name wus ;riven soc-nd and final passare upon the call of the i motion to refer to the Street Committeo, coe:municat;ion Chas.C. -' °') %ire• Cent%xlty Utilities company erectin;; poles on Rieke Unr1^er•n - _.. Y. Adopted on the call of t'l.:: roll: YUaa (9).. I Faction to refer to the City EngL;tor a:nd fire Renort of •. .'... rater Ociapar. , Wile" 1',U) of July 17yh, lu2d. I.dopted sr, «r mains - . ;. -, ..... ... nr :c aF _ „itt r '::atcr Committee, petitions . `.riyR .. ... ' .. •; s,._ ._ 7th .treCtC; along 7th Street from -;:,• fro, _. :cr•t from Joffersoh to Lladisor: .itrertta. Hustrar:•le to Pt, 3t6 f ^cam - te,Y,"'n Plad. :•rd r;; ;.or, I;o. 159, in Bloch re-ptr ry „ ':sed tc _ .. .. .. , .. ... ,;... :4 •:: ... ,t.en. "dopte 1 on Sir - and J.F.'ichon. Filling station 9th cn ^nap Y,Y.G.A. often air service. Ro0mrs _ . Proceedings of.City of Paducah ,ro. 194_1926. Board of rlumbing Exar_iners, Virgil Chastsins and J.R,Anderson, Jas. M. Reed and Jack Coulson. Chemist to be employed by City. Light plant and City Soeles lot for sale. Cross Creek Bridge High Street from Broadway to Jeff Retrenchment Resolution. Lr. ... P. Vol,lcy, re11er e1•V:4ir1g vo. t:, 1,•e pull for ".eAnr ✓aterdta 1r. :'our No, 3. F•cll?r Pluming `+o CCbe paid fn `ewer Laterals in :'rue Nn. 1. the aur: of' •,;1500.00. In making such t•c:iuction the Police & Fire Coc:ritto'�, is riven ftitll poser to apply sar..e 3n such clay as they deem proper for tt:+; lx.st inturrst ^� i•1 ien:a••s•::ent and seri•} City, atnd further the Boazrd of Pr, r}: Ce,a+:issi.oners to ratlucc its apportionment in t;hr: mu:; o}' w;l000.00, and the Beard -. .. ill Cite sum of ,;l:;r,,',CG, rul.i :ell o`.i:::r duptu•tments n_re urg•o.l to co - In staking rc..htoticlts ir: cx;,:,:,.21Ltu'as. Adopro,l oil the r.c-2.1 ca' :ha roll; Jri l•pt13, :Ce lath, Glinxl, $te'iraS'L al;,l •,•p:•t _.T!ier ,j7reP Ofl'rr;.. '.p -+e^. to concur in the action of '.1:C: "r..._•.i ,,r' In neo•: ..• 3v cin;• ;lir, valuation of proporLy of Js, ?.. . .._, •.❑ ... ..,. - ,- ... .... ,.:ill of the roll: Yeas (le). .... . ,r. .. ^u' :: i.•.•.+_eri :o concur Sn •. ;r a:c t .... +," �.1• .. ... .. _. ... .. -C fin.! ;.kc+' ,.�:1. i!n'..•'_, ,.. ., . -,:. ,. ,.. ..e: r,r a ::: • i Sa:.:e offered motion ..o concur in the action of the ?.ayor appointing z Board of Plumbing +�'x:cminers as Ilollo:zs: Virgil Chastaino and J. R. andez•aon, ,:; :.:sten Plumbers, and Jas, 1:. '.teed and Jacl: Coulson as Journeymen plumbers. Adopt:erl on the call of the roll: Yceis Brumr:eL-'•, Doherty, Jacobs, Korth, Owen, Stewart ant Vogt (7). =gays: Crider (1). }iomber Fleming not, voting. Sa:e offered motion that n Chemist be employed by the Cit- to Crake test of all materials used in thu construction of hard surface streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Same offered motion that the Cita offer old Light Plant and City SeAlfl lot for sale. Adopted on th<; call of the roll: Yous Brummett, Crider, Doherty, Korth, Owen, Stewart and Vogt. (7). Nays: Fleming And Jacobs. (2). ;;?e.^:oar Fleming offered motlon to concur in the action of the Board of Alderscn in authorising the repairs of Cross Creek Bridge on Broad Street, to be charged to ::treat i%epartrsent; ridoptedon the call of the roll: YeAa (9). S:ise offerod motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen referring to the Street Committee, the matter of pavin.;}ligh Street from Broad•:rr,;,• to Jefferson Street. :.dopted on the cull of the roll: Veers (9). L:ember Brtrrn_ett offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in adopting, he following resolution: ".7hereas, the revenues of .?te City of Pa 3u^.ah, as anticipated from the assessed value of nrnpert;r, suh.ject :o taxation and licenses provided by ordinance, have been depleted by reason of the loss of the uniform increase under the decision of the Court of Appeals of 's:cntuc::y, nuking 1: necessary to retrench in expenditures. Be it resolved by ti:e ren• rAl UoltnCil of the City of z'udncah, Kentucky, an follows: T' at Now Ccns':r::rtion be rcdurcrl to approximately x7000.00; that the Police Department he r<,r3ure3 in the swr. of ,;1500.00; that the Fire R3partmflnt be z•c:duced An No.. Proceedings of :• .:::_ City of Paducah I . :+ r•, ..._„tion u•. `i',._ .,' ''.. 'i •-1'Ili _TJ -'IJ ?I ..t: t; WuT; :I;. . Resolution dorrew ::._ iC1iT3.i il:•' i '. i lI, i..•' .': ..'f, Tv const'. .14 :ii:. TO =0 -•• !;W 0'3 ISOTLS THERLFGR Oil BLIL,Li' OF i Sn,.. gas riven first pasta;e upon the call of the roll: Year (9). Cr. o -ion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the cell of the roll: Yeas (9). On motion same vas ,,^i%+en second and final passs,o upon the call of the roll: Yct:s (?). :.ienc�r 0%ven offered t.otion to concur in the action of the Board of liet-•.en in authorizing the C1er.; to Issue currant on the Treasurer for 41000.00, Lhe Money due tax payers : _ _'c 1,:.- amount due the tax payers %;he have paid their full year's taxes,-includinr; includin¢ 10'' blanket l'='-r,nt: t :-+ise. z,dontedl or, the call of the roll: Yeas (9). rRise, oar.., offered motion to coAcur in the action of the Board of ',lderman 1>; .lir;:; ',nu following,: :2. 0. & 0. R. R.R.Bond Interest .................,oU0.40 Street Improvevont Bond Interest...............2180.00 Bond interest. City Hospital Bond Interest .................... 430.00 l.arket House Bond Issue.........................M .00 :%lo^ted on the call of the roil: Ye.::; (9). Snecial St. cff+:re1 motion to concur in the action of:the Board of Aldermen 1n lmprov.8ond3 ±< tounons ”" ,,t,, tr.-:e: IWprovement Bonds and Coupons cancelled in the amount of i cancelled. 75. 14. on the call of the roll: Yeas •,:::ia:r aeaart offered motion to concur in the action of clic Board of Spec! al Eneineerinc - u lc.:S:+r :h•: Special Bngineerin Pay Roll -in the amount of 0430.89. Yw nal.:. •icll of the call: Yeas (9). : ot;cr. to concur in the action of the Bonrd of ,:ldcrmon Leako "o.. ;�2%.00; Manufacturer3' accords C^. !Tars. Records. - ! ,.-_u3o :itroet Ir.prover.:0nt Fund. trio Wilbur Matson <z Wilb ,,r ••atson .•c. ;: i to Island Creek Brilge Fund, .:aopted on the call of irotion t- •:rncur in t`jr action of the Board of :.1,Ioil:rn Pa•r mall er4C:aS^'9. i•. ...r,.'� - 1, .• + DC1.7-5, PRY •0113....x7488.87. :,iontad of: u r_1 file aommuniation from Rf :nddnq 1, :son of ;r33,000.00 of plc cellNd. „doptcd on the call of tae