HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 271, March 1, 1926Proceedings of_ 't,� - City of Paducah No._ nql_-_ j']rses' Home. on r i eo. if. ^'_ labor of the City of Paducah for 1925, made by Posey & Cocke. i4opted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same offered motion to receive and file the comr.;unication from the 1,1ayor in regard to being unable to sell Nurses' Home. Adopted on the call of the roll: Y eau (11). :'ember Jacobs offered motion to refer to thn server committee, the communication from the Board of Health in regard to unsanitary con7titions of seweaS on Third ;tre,!' bet ;,-an Madison an'i Harrison Streets, on property ovmed by Jim raker. adopted on 'h,^ r:rtll of the roll: Yeas (11). Sarre effrered motion to r•:fer to +.he Street Committee and Board of lis :'7crk3, rhe cor..eunicaation f_,om P. ii. lretzger offering to sell the City of :aeh °cr ,600.00 for otrip of ^ro+tnd 30 feet '.ride on Jackson ::trect between i 25ti streets. :rlontec on ':h,: ,;all of. !.he roll: eas (11). :a.;P offerei t,otion to rafer to the `trees; Conir.ittee, and Award of Public_ ..or;ts, the commoinication frog'; Geo. . Greif.offerir.� to sell :h•: `ity of .: -,-i for 1-1700.00 far .. , rip of ,-round £if Feer, gide on Jackson ��trent 25th rFeta. io+, nl on -hc. eall of the roll: 7car (11). ,:c~.ion to receive n:!! i" le t:ne communication f rG7 ... Gi23 ttr Fritts .?t; :•n •; f-..^ of 'ane Central •� 'in t n : a:,o_ , ic•n� hankin,: h.. BOM:..• of:or ^.9 1=.th Ct' 11n,!,iar 1a COP. 1v `?' C:: ea:,_ ._ r0:1: Mora. (1• ) At a regular mecting of the Board of Councilmen held on the Third F1aor of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Ky., March the 1st, 1926, President Johnston presided, and upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: Johnston, Brummett, Crider, Doherty, Flevinm, Jacobs, Orion, Stewart,?lort, '7atson and :Catts. (11). 1,11inute3 of the previous meotinr, were adopted as read, YcniSer Oti•ren offered motion to accept the decd of dedication from C. R, Deed of dedication from C.E.Jenninrs J nnings and Company for a strip of ground overt of the I. C. R. R. Company pro - Co., for stria of mound. orrty. Adopted on the cjQ.1 of the r6ll: Yeas (11). Nember '•:atson offered motion to receive and file the report: of the Mayor in regard to settling claims for loses on the Nurses' Home ::'ith Insurance Nurses' Hole. Companies in the sum of ;;6436.50. Adopted on the call of the roll: `Cess (11). i Member Ogren offered motion to receive and file the communication from the, Aanl.ication of Mayor regarding the application of Raymond L. Holliday for server inspector at a i uayronrl L.'ioiliday for ;;ewer Inspector. j salary of •7125.00 per month. ydopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Brummett offered motion to refer to t',,e Street Committee, with power I to act, the communication from the 1,1970r in regard to securing a strip of land R. Campbell i west of the I. C. R. R. Company property from R. Campbell, Detroit, 1"ichigan. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same offered motion to refer to the Public Improvement Committee, with pozrer to act, the communication from the Mayor in regard to investigating conditions Citi' Hall. of tae plumbing in the City Hall. Adopted on the call of the roll: 'Leas (11). L;ember Watson offered motion to receive and file the commwinication fool: the Yayor in regard to signing contract with Nilbur ':7atson and associates, of "'ilbur ',atson, etc, Cleveland, Ohio, to make plans and specifications over Island Creels at 6th street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). of amity 1925. Member Ogren offdred motion to receive and file the report of the audit Fr. Cocke. I j']rses' Home. on r i eo. if. ^'_ labor of the City of Paducah for 1925, made by Posey & Cocke. i4opted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Same offered motion to receive and file the comr.;unication from the 1,1ayor in regard to being unable to sell Nurses' Home. Adopted on the call of the roll: Y eau (11). :'ember Jacobs offered motion to refer to thn server committee, the communication from the Board of Health in regard to unsanitary con7titions of seweaS on Third ;tre,!' bet ;,-an Madison an'i Harrison Streets, on property ovmed by Jim raker. adopted on 'h,^ r:rtll of the roll: Yeas (11). Sarre effrered motion to r•:fer to +.he Street Committee and Board of lis :'7crk3, rhe cor..eunicaation f_,om P. ii. lretzger offering to sell the City of :aeh °cr ,600.00 for otrip of ^ro+tnd 30 feet '.ride on Jackson ::trect between i 25ti streets. :rlontec on ':h,: ,;all of. !.he roll: eas (11). :a.;P offerei t,otion to rafer to the `trees; Conir.ittee, and Award of Public_ ..or;ts, the commoinication frog'; Geo. . Greif.offerir.� to sell :h•: `ity of .: -,-i for 1-1700.00 far .. , rip of ,-round £if Feer, gide on Jackson ��trent 25th rFeta. io+, nl on -hc. eall of the roll: 7car (11). ,:c~.ion to receive n:!! i" le t:ne communication f rG7 ... Gi23 ttr Fritts .?t; :•n •; f-..^ of 'ane Central •� 'in t n : a:,o_ , ic•n� hankin,: h.. BOM:..• of:or ^.9 1=.th Ct' 11n,!,iar 1a COP. 1v `?' C:: ea:,_ ._ r0:1: Mora. (1• ) No.. 27C. Proceedings of . City of Paducah ;. +(%Il .1, i0?. tc :fti'.'eT ••a':ts offered motion to con Our in the :+etion of the 13oard of t1dermon in referrin+- to the City (inrineer and Fire Chief, to investi mate anA approve -the report of the Pa iueah Mater Company under date of February 5th, 1926. Adopted on the call of t e roll: Y",..± (11). Veml:er Owen offered motion that James P. Smith be permitted to move houses across Tennessee atreet, nrovided he ,toes not block traffic longer than two hours in any one :lay, and that he be charted „2.00 an hour for each hour that he, has street -Iccked lcncer than the two hours allowed. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yep:: Johnston, Brwmr..ett, Crider, Doherty, Fleming, Owen and ':iatson (7). Nays: Jarohs, tewart, Vogt ani :.arts. (4). Member 0•xen offered motion to receive rynd file the notification of the Kentucky I hg. Utilities �,ompany of the purchase of the property of the Pa+lucah Electric Company, Co. bpersted unifier Franchise established by the General Council of the City of Pa+l++cah on p;l�i•,rah ulectr!c o• "arch 29th, 1920, and accepting bond of Kentucky Utilities Company. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). "ember ••'atson offered -r-)'ion to receive and file letter from Kentucky Utiliti(a Companv, anti that the follo,r:in- resolutiori:be adopted: "BE IT Rh50LVED by the General Kv. Utilities Co. Council of the City of Paducah that the letter, dated February 23rd, 1926, addressed to the ;Zayor and General Council of the City of Paducah by the Kentucky Utiliti6s Company, notifying rhe General Council that the Paducah Electric Company has assi7nod to s•(il=:entucky Utilities Company all the rights of the former Company under an ; orlin^race adopted. o the City of Paducah, on the 29th day of April, 1919, entitled i:; -I:CS C�3::'. "tidy, ,. FRA'.7C1?ISE TO aCC UIR::;, CONSTR +CT, OPELTG LTdD I':AIIdT:.IIl IN '3 1_•,'1Y OV'c`t CERT.M! STRc:3^iS OF Tit,, CITY 07 FiiTUC ;H .:ND PNOVIDING I'OR complies with the Terms of said Ordinance in respect thereto and said fester is received and filed." ,idopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). ember Oren offered the following: "Resolved: That permission be and the � s.eme is herehy -ranted to the firm of J. A. Rudy & Sons, owners of the building and J. A. Rudy & p^onnrty ?.o• 3,23 and 325 Broadway, in Lhe improvement of same, and the construction bons. of a cellar un'lerneath sail building and property, to excavate and construct a cellar ' underneath the size -:'calk on Broudcray fronting said property from the property line of said buildinr, to the curb line of saii Broadway -Street, rind to maintain a cellar beneath e i : ai ie -.:alk :;iiia the right to ­.aintazin cellar skylights, coal chutes an l cleantor t'n'r!r•eto. This privil,,;ge to be conditioned upon the City of Paducah :,eing • c:onoltl,3 for any liability by reason of the: eonntr•uetion of such cellar, sky - coal chugs or elr'v:+tc,r •;ntranccs, an,l con}i.tioned upon the said J. • Rudy .c 0: „.•fir con:ractrir.. �r ii t'"_'P"'!n!* ':O indemnity the- v ''i�.y '• 1 ••", 'ri,ainst any loss or rltusr*,e by !+-,; �•,,, r.^ thn .�., i"'!; "".-+.^.Ce e: til'. ::ork in C7nntruetin, nr.:::e:." ,ldonte(l o tllf: Call of the E.,!mbel, ..at s Ot•/`:r:+n(: notion bill of i,. ':. Steele for ti,60.00, Bill Of `^' Y On I;Gn•15, f.^ ra1.4:9 :Grp r,. , :. , .. Call oT the roll: Y(,mi. ( 11) . 0.. ^• �tee1Q. • `flat a resolution Boal'.l t Bear:! of qa .aa •.''.Cn _(:.. .... .L'_iGr^.!i increfi9'9 of 20;, on 'L11 .rnryl n.„,3,r: 3., ._,.,..'i1C fOr Erun1f 7(a ti or. nma';fon in `:i: say,, ^r;.ri or. !.i. 7 -'an (11). �". r.+'. . . _ .,. �. Vit:. `,x C.'. . ... ..�` .. ".. . ,. _ _.• _ .... i �J .:(�. Resr.lu11on. i ... 3:i7� '_ .:...:v.. :"10-0.`.0 i1I:U CP rn Island 4reek se:-:er C,s:...call of, r711: a, On motion the rules we:•e :mspended and resolution rend by title upon the call of !he roll: YeiA3 (11). On motion sx.r.0 w -s riven c:econ I and final pasna^e upon the. call of the i roll: Yeas (11). Iiet:bcr '^,atts read a Resolution ontltled. "i. RESOLUTION Y"i0V1DIIIG FOR 05 "'H.•• 'icLIEF 3E7JER BONDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 4 .il`:".7•;R TO TXE CARE Denomination of Oi� 'iil:: OVnR-2110'. OF Sia'TER DISTRICT 110. 2, IH THE CITY OF PnDUCaII, IN 11`.1 D NOTIIIIIATIOTd Sewcr Son i3 for District 2,chan,,�- OF ;,11000.00 EACH II; LIEU OF SUCH BOND.) IN 'P11 DENOIMliCHON OF :',500.00". ed. On motion same ryas driven first passA&e upon the call of throll: Yeas (11) On motior the rules were suspended and Resolution rend by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). No._._273..__ Proceedings of 3o..:?. oI' cou aIw++_<I City of Paducah 1:::1: H 1, 1920.. On motion the rules we:•e :mspended and resolution rend by title upon the call of !he roll: YeiA3 (11). On motion sx.r.0 w -s riven c:econ I and final pasna^e upon the. call of the i roll: Yeas (11). Iiet:bcr '^,atts read a Resolution ontltled. "i. RESOLUTION Y"i0V1DIIIG FOR 05 "'H.•• 'icLIEF 3E7JER BONDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 4 .il`:".7•;R TO TXE CARE Denomination of Oi� 'iil:: OVnR-2110'. OF Sia'TER DISTRICT 110. 2, IH THE CITY OF PnDUCaII, IN 11`.1 D NOTIIIIIATIOTd Sewcr Son i3 for District 2,chan,,�- OF ;,11000.00 EACH II; LIEU OF SUCH BOND.) IN 'P11 DENOIMliCHON OF :',500.00". ed. On motion same ryas driven first passA&e upon the call of throll: Yeas (11) On motior the rules were suspended and Resolution rend by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). On motion same eras given second unit final pans�+re upon the call of the roll: i Yeas (11). j i Same rdad'an Ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CO;:C''?'•ICTION OF A 3F7rER TO TAKE CARE OF 111E OVER FLOW OF SE711-11 DITMICT NO. 2, 111 01:ER FLO'' SE - -'FR THC CITY OF PADUC,IH, KE_dTUCY.Y, 1:; ACCORDANCE ll r ---i THE PLANS AND 3Y X:SFICA,rION PiiO- Pi 110. 2. VID'r.D TH'r',P,2FOR; AND YROVIDIlIG 2109 L?lli PdY1;:i1;T OF 401E IId SCCORDiAfi "?ITIS 'P)_R1.:S OF CON"'iZT THER`r70R." On motion s,uno was given first plssaFc upon the call of the roll: teas (11). 1 On motion of same the rules were suspended and ordinance read by t.:`le upon the call of the roll: Yeas (11). i , On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of i the roll: Yeas (11). f iiember ,.erth came into meeting. 1 i.;et bog Kerth rdad an ordinance entitled "AN a"t )I[:. ;':;:] PROVIDING FOR IMIX I143T:.Li.,. "IOi1 ,+1dD ALTBR..TION 0;' ri;j; -thin, :'•.IID S'r':'T•.R<tGE j P„ :H : : I':.. O Y,. DTIC .H, K.'MUCKY. " I i On motion r.:e sato "'iven fir:r. pa33are upon the call of the roll: Gn :,otion ti:e n:l+.: '.re.•e :,,•,p•)nded an'1 ordinqnce rend rw ,1tie `apon th- call of ter roll: tea3 (12) ' On r..(,, Lon n -;c ;r:,s riven second anti final pns::nd,,e upon the call of U, -en off,>rad motion to refer to the Bo^trI of F0-,lic ';arras fil!in le In ..._ ... at ?,let and Jackson Strcets, nnvl cleani: o be`.re^n irouiway rind Kentuc'zy Avenue. iriprc3 th .3.. ':ice ." - .. .. ._._.. '.. .. .. .. ,. �" .... .. .., r. ;1 :. `•':), 'i .l D•4r'.P• matter of No. 0-N. . Proceedings of :1:::ac.ar City of Paducah 4n 1, 1926. Sams off,�rod I,:otion to receive and file the report of the City Jailer iicnor' ryr7 '`�' the -ollth of Februtlry 19?,6. .`..iopted on the call of t!io roil: 'Yoas (12), J+aa^r. Saxe offered motion to receive and file the report of {:he Ohief of the rn0 r Chi..f Fire erartc for the: month of February, 1326. Adopted on the call of the roll: .: r._t,t...en :,see offered motion that the Chief of Police be authorized to employ Dor catcher. a lo, cr.tcher, ;alar;: to he the name as pail Patrolr:an. Adopted on the call of the roll: 'lens (12). °ur:e offered notion that the Policc awl Fire Committee be instructed to; ,:ceruse for bids on °.a:•inand installation of police signal boxes, and report back. j of on t_:e call of `'n', roll: Zeas (12). i dame offered motion that the City Ent3incer be instructed to furnish -ne^.iftcations for the builling of 'Jnior. Station street at as early date as nos:ible. ionaed on ;::e call of :ho roll: 'teas (12). Eenber 0•:fen offered motion to receive and file the communication from ilc.lor in regard to rhe annual meeting of the Ohio Valley Improvement Association in *.is Cita next October and I'lovember. Adopted on the call of the roll: iiembMl Dohonty offered, mat ibn ithatithe iCity 'of iPadueah deed to Char. -rn'! G Jones, Lot No. 7.1, in Block 5, of Oak Grove Cemetery, New Addition, for the „37.50. Adopted on the call of the roll: Ycas (12). 'a Tore:-. Member Kerth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of 1 r, in C. '. In,emgn being permitted to move 60 houses from the property of the .o ove 60 .rp-:n r, proviied the r, lives bond in the: slim of $15,000.00 indemnifyinrr ;opted on the call of the roll: 'Leas (12). r'.. realor ilniince en;,i'led .... 0i:;)I','i .110S AIf �_. .. ..... .. i. ..i .. ..... _,l)... _.._ .:�., U {,{i..li:}, ti 0ll'•Jl,il.1 1: �. '.l .I:. •,.. v'r. _. ... , jr V?'_'Y j,.J PJ1DU{;,kk; (;01:,,,T,I .,..:'� !!.) 01; 1;1 0 J;,I17,?I011 a76 call of the 1'011: ]'ember Jnoha offered notion tha`. t.ho 1'drat Oor:nattee be in %rlr,tel to floc',: on City h311. that on City Hill is proporly A.lopted on the call of the .roll: _lock li2). rember S-ummett offerc•1 motion to receive and file tiln report o?' the. Report of Chi<,f c" chief of , .. .: c Folios .or t.1. month of Fcbrunry, 1.)26. .irie peed on the call n of the roll: 1`olice. ^(12)• Sams off,�rod I,:otion to receive and file the report of the City Jailer iicnor' ryr7 '`�' the -ollth of Februtlry 19?,6. .`..iopted on the call of t!io roil: 'Yoas (12), J+aa^r. Saxe offered motion to receive and file the report of {:he Ohief of the rn0 r Chi..f Fire erartc for the: month of February, 1326. Adopted on the call of the roll: .: r._t,t...en :,see offered motion that the Chief of Police be authorized to employ Dor catcher. a lo, cr.tcher, ;alar;: to he the name as pail Patrolr:an. Adopted on the call of the roll: 'lens (12). °ur:e offered notion that the Policc awl Fire Committee be instructed to; ,:ceruse for bids on °.a:•inand installation of police signal boxes, and report back. j of on t_:e call of `'n', roll: Zeas (12). i dame offered motion that the City Ent3incer be instructed to furnish -ne^.iftcations for the builling of 'Jnior. Station street at as early date as nos:ible. ionaed on ;::e call of :ho roll: 'teas (12). Eenber 0•:fen offered motion to receive and file the communication from ilc.lor in regard to rhe annual meeting of the Ohio Valley Improvement Association in *.is Cita next October and I'lovember. Adopted on the call of the roll: iiembMl Dohonty offered, mat ibn ithatithe iCity 'of iPadueah deed to Char. -rn'! G Jones, Lot No. 7.1, in Block 5, of Oak Grove Cemetery, New Addition, for the „37.50. Adopted on the call of the roll: Ycas (12). 'a Tore:-. Member Kerth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of 1 r, in C. '. In,emgn being permitted to move 60 houses from the property of the .o ove 60 .rp-:n r, proviied the r, lives bond in the: slim of $15,000.00 indemnifyinrr ;opted on the call of the roll: 'Leas (12). r'.. realor ilniince en;,i'led .... 0i:;)I','i .110S AIf �_. .. ..... .. i. ..i .. ..... _,l)... _.._ .:�., U {,{i..li:}, ti 0ll'•Jl,il.1 1: �. '.l .I:. •,.. v'r. _. ... , jr V?'_'Y j,.J PJ1DU{;,kk; (;01:,,,T,I .,..:'� !!.) 01; 1;1 0 J;,I17,?I011 a76 call of the 1'011: Proceedings of s:' N,,.. .^75. City of Paducah.. - -1 1, 14203. "ercber 0,van offerod r.:otion to concur in the +motion of the Board of ,a'ie:••rnn of io -egard to receivinc aml filin ; the ltistiotate of Black u Veatch of ::c-ncr work "itch' :one by the Koller Plurbin• ;ompuny. Adopted on the call of thn roll: Ynaa (12). Cem:.jer ":acts offered motion to concur in the (,coon of the coral of Aldermon :a•: c-`.::: se::cr one in rrferrinr to the 9e::er Committee to matter of Sewer Zone No. 4 being extended, J ' re-i:;cstion of Island Crce;, lint in 'Lone ;:e. 2, right of way for '/.onvu No. 4 and ^rr ",n!7 5, 4nd layi. o: sewer on Kentucky Avenue from a point near 17th •;trnot to connect ith sewer to be constructed by the L G. R. R. Compa,y. Adopted on the call of c roll: ",s (12). i:ex'oer 7.atts offered motion to concur in thn action of the Bo,�rd of Aldermen in regard to incandescent type of lights placed in lieu of are lights by Incandescent the Ser`rcky Utilities Company, be made permanent, and that said company be not Rants• req•rired to c'•an;e same. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (in). "•^*her O.:cn offered motion to concur in the action of the Hoard of Aldermen Play grounds. in regard to it,`:i tho Park Board to use 19th 6treet between 3roadway and Jefferson Street as a ploy ground. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Liembcr Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Bladk 8: Veatch. Aldet^:en in allo::'in7, the claim of Black & Veatch in the amount of 4950.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member 17atts offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of -lder- Pay roll arrl claims,ren in allowing the following,: Payroll ......ta9,923.46; claims ...... `a555.54. Adopted on the call of the roll: 'teas (12). Saxe offered motion to concur in the action of tho Board of :aderrten 3;.1 of in accenting the bid of Block' Fetter Pe ?goat of Par for !$33,000.00 of 4 -1/2 -,bonds, Block, to be issued for rene•.7ing same amount coming due .July 1st, 1926. Adopted on the or bon13. ter I - 'host for bor. evil of -,,Ie roll: Yeas (12). :.:ember Perth offered motion to concur in the uction of the Boari of Alder- - nin re.c,ard to t: ^_e "ita Solicitor being instructed to ':alce to t:ne Qeurt of •pn:a1s, for the parpo3c of determining the validity of the storm water sewer o iirr:r.^s in ',one A and B, in Sanitary 4eerer District No. 1, with the expenses of llic'r:cls, as attorney for the plaintiff, and the City Solicitor as attorrtc f def^r'•it, paid to Frankfort and return. 'Nonted on the call of tic roll: offered motion to concur in the action of the. Bo:tnI of C. :oaton, Circuit. Court Clerk, ;;4.90 for transcript. for :,n';rnl is ca3e Of ..:•s. do:=.dnhlne F. Post a;uinst J. M. 3'!au;7,10,ir awl the city of ra,i.^+a .dc^*�d on th•. .,:ill of the roll: Yens (12). •:f "prod no -.ion to concur in the a e .ion of '.h„ Boar i of n in aeerp tir r,.. the r^.7.7^. ;" ami prOpo3al of t.:'te 9Oar�l Of ;L'!`ter, `ion, :nd t0 ra•,an ton ..�, r, pryrtien of :ant-Lreet, 1, n' t,.!i.wPnn .i incl•'.:� :�' :, yn ',e nonvlS`!ed toO e i:duna- w,. 'anon ,he tij,7 :n11 Of the No. —276... _ . Proceedings of City of Paducah ';c l 1, 1926. T,omber l:nrth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of t??_1 Aldermen in ragard to instructing the Fire Chief to issue pormit to erect gasoline n ,;.,,..;1, fillin7 station on the f+crthcast corner of 21st and Broalway. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yells (12). . L'ember Omen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Alderman' Loa':• Z1cc- in regard to instructing, the Chief of Police to issue permit to Loeb, Bloom Realty i;ompany to erect filling st,itlon at 9th and Kentucky and 11th and Broad: -ray. Lost r_l 1;,,_ upon the call of the roll: Bays: (12). i'wap. 'ember Jacobs offered notion that the City Solicitor bring in a resolution H+rri surface to hard surface Clements .Street from Bridge to 1.:eyera Street; Ecyers from Clements `.0 aro ad, construct'_on to 1 puri by property owners. Adopted on the call of the roll: to Year (12). :ts Yember "'atts offered motion that the property of the Paducah Pottery Company or. the North sirle of Trimble Strcet between 6th and 7th Streets, be inspected by Fire . thief, nni if foiinl dangerous to order the same torn down or repaired. Adopted on the c%ll of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Doherty offered motion that the proporty of lrs. Ford, on the 3outhlve.st porn -r of 10th and Trisble Streets, be inspected by the Fire Chief, and if found dattget'ous,to order -,me torn down or repaired. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). '::ember Owen offered motion to concur in the rection of the Board of Alder;nnn —ard to inst.ructinrr the City Solicitor to bring in resolution for hard surfacing, of folloerinc streets: Bridge from City Limits to Broad; Broad St. from Bridge Street 6..,I -reet; 6th .Street, from Broad Greet to ';ashinr,:on Street; 6th Street frog. 'troet to Clay Strcet; Clay Street from 6th Street to 9th Greet; 9th StrAat Jrc- C1�-^ -,tr-it to Tric1ile Street; Trit:ble Street from 9th to 17th Streets; 17th from 7ni7ble `street, to Broalway; Jefferson :,tre^,t, from 17th to 25th 6trects; 13th Street from lbillett Street to Jefferson Street. Adop%ed on the call of the roll: 7 offered motion to concur in the action of the Bo ird of •ildcrnon iia^d :n,ir- 'n ._ fiPfl to e tit? :ciieitor brio-inc- in a resolution for hard surface street on - face on Jeff. fro-. ^son �."et frcr; 2nd to lot .streets; on !at Street from Jeffer:,on to Broadwuy. 2nd to !I: 1st gra- :4dopted on the r..al, of t'r.e roll: 'fens (12). Jeff', to Bt"'as, I'er.:her 1.-!rtir offer!:d r.',otiorn .' •)t trte mutter of obstruction of streets by rolice .orr.ittce, .itis poc.or to act. Adopted on the u i Of the roll. oi'forel c:o:icn ::,et ,he ratter of ursi--htly lunch stall:!:' on Or :., V�•J':' y�7'-• .'^G.^.t bre -nn---vf :..Sent CCt:'Iittee. Adopted on the Call of t12e PP/ P4 .,M l:'.�. , ♦• . .. ..cn ..nRe `.hn t:.^ ° - SSSS :' or i;n ins'.rtteted to hrint� in eur :.venue P... .. _ .-r: ..reef: to Uity Litalts, at trill Cr 'Sae roll. �•.. .1 i, .. ','.'.on n phh , Nays: