HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 262, February 1, 1926No. .262. Proceedings of.. aoARacF. City of Paducah Fx:I33u;.!:Y -1, 1926. At a reytilar meeting; of the ?oard of Councilmen held on the Third Floor of the pity Hall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, February the ls5, 1926, President Johnston presided, and upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: Johnston, Frums<ott, Crider, Doherty, Fleinin;;, Jacobs, Korth, Owen, Stewart, Vogt, 1.7atson and '7atts.(12). Minu*,es of the previous meeting were adopted ar read. "ember O.�en offered motion to refet.to the City Solicitor, summons served on the Maycr in to case of Ethel I.T. Hoffman vs: Koller Plumbing; and the City of Hc 7`anPaducah. Aiopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). v : i.oller ^ember 77atts offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor, notice served on the Kayor in the case of Yancy & Johnson, vs: George A. Matlock, Azella t.Sa tlock and ''ancy ,i Johnston. Julian riatlock. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). vs: Geo. "stlock. Member Owen offered motion to receive and file the communication from the al. Iayor in regard to the resignation of Roy Holman, City Attorney, and the appointment Resigna- 'io^ o' of B. M. Stewart, as City Attorney. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). <<,:;a,t• :'.ember Owen offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the Mayor in regard to ac••epting deed of J. K. MacDonald and wife, and 17. F. Bradshaw and wife, K.�".ac .."nrhl:ift for land for the extension of Kentucky Avenue from 15th to 19th Streets, with provision Life, and F.9rad- tnat City be granted More than one year to complete the fill oA this street, and the shave and :•rife. Board of Public +orks or Street Committee to move house belonging to J. S. MacDonald and wife, the cost of moving and $100.00 for^landvpurchased from George Bernhard, be charged to that part of street bonds voted for securing necessary rights of way. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Stewart offered motion to accept deed of dedication from Brack Owen the ^t9-1 of and T. ;.. Miller, for ground to build street from/Depot to Coxey Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). :'ember Owen offered motion to refer to the Relief Committee, the matter of �xemptina, Lack l:anufacturing Company from Ad Valorem tax for a term of five years. CO iopted on the^.al'_ of the roll: Yeas (12). !'ember Korth offered motion that the claim of Bluck & Veatch for the amount F, of ;950.00, approved by the Finance Committee, be allowed, same to be paid out of the Special ::ewer Lateral .Fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Sarre offered motion to allow the followinp,: Pay roll ....... p9924.56; elairis roll olai,-s ......;540.83. Adoptod on thi> call of the roll: 'leas (12), ame offered motion that the bill of A. R. Steele for ;$60.00 for insurance nremiuc:, he referred to :'r. .tcole: for nt/ater..en: to be furnished showinr, actual date eov r�•I :,y ':Dods, rate per ;,ear and tnc amount for each employee. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). rjr_rs off -r•.? ':h•i`• %ne bill of iia. I). Tnurman for the sups of :;;591.60. for t'ne Coot o �!In in `ergOel;lOn9 On :Orth 2:"r ?:ri •itPe@t, be referred ur^an -o .he a°€srf of F,i;'+_r; w;_•... ;ity En.±ineer for invest:i -ition an -i recormneniia1.ion , 25t'^ as only for same. ,::iop*.ed on the call of thr roll: Yeas (12). xar" c:':':•r i c :jon :o rr:fe: `o th,-! 'ltreeL Committee, the pr.%i'.ion, Si'le191787 {e . rc 'iti en2 for sidewalKs on 19 tri -:peer and luthrie .7f,nue bets epli Jackson t vcot and 104� v. "'L. ....`ie RMI-4'.l::ay. 1.doptej On :,n is 3a" 'f - "irolAwav. cffere? ^or;1on `..o in thy° action o:' the Rct,'.f of ,ilderrx.n in -ef'errin- tie co^. ;ni•:..:ion : I o .iii? � a . -nah :.a`/ar Company of the `'t � f �- ins . X11€t ion o. Firs, ctuA H :i'ra, c Hn,lnevr an -i � re Chief „ it annr•o-fal. 4C & - .sa;� -i^e asa,- at r�T; a cs .,� i i 1c. the Adopted on ti)e a, 1 of e ^oil. • 1 . No.. Proceedings of 20.,iin.oi, COUNUILhF,1t_ City of Paducah L:ember ':';acts offered motion to adopt a resolution authorizing the Paducah I Electric Company to install incandescent lights at 8th, 9th, 11th and 12th Streets j Lirhts 8th,9th, and Jefferson Street, instead of present Aro lights now there. Adopted on the call 3.1th, and 12tih & Jefferson. of the roll: Yeas (12). Member 'iatts offered motion that the Paducah Electric Company be authors. zed to install incandescent lights in lieu of Are lights, pursuant to their aro- Incandescent 11 -its ?o:• s'.reots. posAl without additional cost to the City, upon direction from the Light & '•;atrr Committee at the following locations in the City: 10th & 13roadway, 7th & hlizabctlr 11th u Finley, 24th and Monroe, 12th and Jackson, 21st and Jackson, Eulah and Thurman, C. St, and 1Tneeler Avenue, 4th and husbands, 21st and Clay, lith and Saler; 25th ,and Ky. Ave., 21st and Lindsey, 21st and Trimble, 10th and Torn,, and 11th end Clay Streets, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). L!omber Stewart offered motion to refer to the Light & '•+ater Committee, petition from citizens asking for extension of water mains along the South side of :rater t7ain3 on 16th Street, from Cla* Street down to and adjoining Wheeler's line. Adouted on the 161b from Clara: to ':;heeler's call of the roll: Yeas (12). line. :'.ember Brummett offered motion to receive and file the report of the Chief Report of Uhief of Police. of Police for the month of January, 1926. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas I (12). Same offered motion to receive and -file the report of the City Jailer For Report of City the month of January, 1926, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Jailer. Same offered motion that the bond of J. E. Hawkins be cancelled as he is J.I?.Hawains bond no longer an employee of the City. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yens (12). cancelled. Member Kerth read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDIN.QTCE PROVIDING FOR TH' I3?UING BY THE CITY OF PAIAIC,,H OF BONDS IN 51F. 3UM OF $120,000.00, FOR T;Ai P;!'?CSE I Gr^Sponge, OF OPENING r,IID E CTnNDING STREETS, ACtZUIRING RhOHT3-0^ `.Z:,U 2FiE COIr. r'.?UCTION OF A .trcet bonls. H.O?D "" FACE R0r D -:','AY OR STREET 'PO TIIE UNION STATION., AND TO PAY TIU,' COST OF THE ':;(,TIONS AND OTHER NECESSa)IY COSTS PAYABLE 13Y THE CITY OF PADUCd}[, INCIDENT ... . ( CUP'S`"'itICTZOZt OF HARD SURS•'n0E STREETS IN ACCORDANCE l7ITI1 PLAW! .ND ?P :CIFI- I i C_:_.... '07_TDLD THEFrEFOR, IN TIF's CITY OF PADUCAIi, KENTUCKY; AND P-,0VIDING FOR 'r -.;T OF ON STIP 901IDS, AND FO`? 91E VEATION OF A 'UNKING, FUND FOR ?:T OF -.,:I:1 IiU?DS AT I:,i'."URI'1'Y. n ON 17OTI0:: su=re :gas given first passage upon the call of t:hc roll: Yens: 'r; n,:cn, Brimtrott, Qririer, Doherty, Fleming, Jacobs, Kerth, Owen, :3t••erart, Vort, .atta. (12). i On motion of same tno rules were suspended and ordinance read by title call of tho roll: Yens: Johnston, Brummett, Crider, ]enemy, Fleming, Gwen, aoeaarty Vo -.t, .'lataon .t.nd ;;acts. (12). On c.otion same was ;riven nneond anal final pas:;rtgo,+ upor. the call of tee roll: Yea:: .John3%on, ri^,,:^;,,tt., Crider, G'herty, Fleming, Jacobs, Kerth, ... ,.. i. :7'.•,..:I, ...... :�, Zi, 'r., ,;�. ;':Gtr-n,r,(;, FOR THF' r i�].. aS :ER l'J : . '. .. ;. _ '..Z.) 30IrD .r all of '.'r.e roti. Y No.. 264• Proceedings of ,q. 0'-'' +' ILT`='BI! City of Paducah SiBR11.+3Y 1, 1926. On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance ren+} by title upon the call of 'he roll: Yeas: Johnston, Brummett, Crider, Doherty, Fleming;, JHcobs, Kerth, 0sen, Steriart, Vogt, "atson and ••atts. (12). On motion slime was ,:riven second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Johnston, Brummett, Crider, Doherty, Fleming*, Jacobs, Kerth, Orion, Stewart, A `:or -,t, -,arson ani 73tts. (12). Member Korth read an'ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSITING OF Mi'!. CITY OF PA DUCAH, KENTUCKY, IPI THi' SU}.} OF $40,000.00 FOR THE PURPOSE OF —.71 A BRIDGE ACROSS ISLAND CREEK NEAR 6TH STREET AND THE BENTON ROIiD IN THE GF F.: 4H, KEidTUCKY; AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENT OF INTEREST ON S,,ID BONDS, .ND TO C^�.iTE A SISKING FUND FOR T}l�' PnYMIENT OF SAID BOND3 AT 1.1,,TURITY." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: j Johnston, Brummett, Crider, Doherty, Fleming, Jacobs, Korth, Owen, Stewart, Vogt, Matson :.nd :7atts. (12). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Johnston, Brummett, Crider, Doherty, Fleming;, Jacobs, Korth; Oren, Stewart, Vogt, F+atson and *Uatts. (12). On motion of same, same was given second and final passage upon the call Of the roll: Yeas: Johnston, Brummett, Crider, Doherty, Fleming, Jacobs, Kerth, Owen, . te:rart, Vogt, 7.'atson ani 61atts. (12). Same offered motion to refer to the Street Committee and the Board of Public { -orks, petition from citizens asking that Meyers Street to Clements Street, and Clements Street to to bridge, be concreted or hard surfaced, same being the nearest and shortest route to the state highway. Yeas: (12). Same offered motion that conditions of streets near Garfield School be referred to the Board of Public '•orks and Street Committee. Adonted on the call of; the roll: Yeas (120. { Same offered motion that the matter of a school slow sign at 10th and ,eb-ol sirs at ,nth rimble Street be referred to the Police 8: Fire Committee. Adopted on the call of the il and e roll: Yeas (12). i • '-mlier Owen offered notion that the petition of 0. T. McCage for re - C. ins+..Cr. r.t as Patrolman, an! for ,330.00 back pay, be referred to the Police & Fire Cc: .ittc:e. :adopted on ':ile call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member mac:^.erty offered motion that for the sum of $95.00, that the Oity in deed to -. T. Yates, Lot No. 26;'/Block 14, Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted on the call Of LCs; rr 11: Yens (12). ".c^per Orion offered :::orlon to concur in the action of the Board of A3'IerrP-r:' in T• -°r.. '. �i �'..3 =^.IC tir t}N! Cityelleitor " to "ring in Ordinance for Sewer ,earn iiarrisen ani r:lo,r t , 200 feet, to 213t ::trees in % of p No. 9. Adopted on ?':•' ^-all of { .; nl lr:a3 (12) lb'm,I;er Ower. offered ration to receive :•r,I file I?ahimu.c Num):or. 5, ... S. Of '�.''. •i^i: �. ';ne.t^.I3, for worzc :ore by Plur:bl-7!' COr:pnny in ::Ones 1, 3, .d and 3. ....^I; .,: Qn .tip Ca 11 :f ^.... `-7as (12). r P *•_ fe:^i.") ?'.!' r�cr,i•ae s:.. f1le the report o!' the ri�; . ..• +• a O^ni? A1. didC!'t e'1 on }_... . a ya^):er - ^ei '.=0'Icn fres? �. .t. Hanifan,r. I<no ei .. • - .• 4Ci,yRCit or cooks pur- ,.Jia- On t!;r X31.. .. 'r::a„ (12j. Member Kerth offered motion to accept the deed of dedication from F;, .,. Lewis for plot of ground for the extension of Kentucky from 15th to 17th dtreety. x+.e ns i.nr- of Ky. Ove. from 15th to Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). 17th Member Owen offered motion to refer to the Public Improvement Committee, Flournoy Realty the apnlication of the Flournoy Realty Company for permit to lovato a ;;asoline Go. �illin� station filling station on their property at 13th and Trimble Streets. Adonted on the call 13th & Trimble. of the roll: Yeas (12). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in 31-nt of ::ay Aegard to instructing the City Solicitor to start condemnation proceedings arrair_st to one: 11th . frciiv Burnett property o;„hers to get right of way to open North 11th Street from Burnett to Palm to Pal.;,. Streets. =adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Watts offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Plumbing Inspect- Aldermen in regard to instructing the Mayor to employ a practical plumber as or. Plumbing; Inspector at $175.00 per month. Lost upon the call of the roll: Nays: (12)• Member Korth offered mo.ion that the City Solicitor be instructed to In^.r• lr„ PltmbJ' ecto_ bring in an ordinance increasing )dumbing Inspector's salary at $175.00 Der month. Proceedings of. ori com;ciL ! , City of Paducah Fj,D1lti:t1aY 1, 1926. Member Kerth offered motion to accept the deed of dedication from F;, .,. Lewis for plot of ground for the extension of Kentucky from 15th to 17th dtreety. x+.e ns i.nr- of Ky. Ove. from 15th to Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). 17th Member Owen offered motion to refer to the Public Improvement Committee, Flournoy Realty the apnlication of the Flournoy Realty Company for permit to lovato a ;;asoline Go. �illin� station filling station on their property at 13th and Trimble Streets. Adonted on the call 13th & Trimble. of the roll: Yeas (12). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in 31-nt of ::ay Aegard to instructing the City Solicitor to start condemnation proceedings arrair_st to one: 11th . frciiv Burnett property o;„hers to get right of way to open North 11th Street from Burnett to Palm to Pal.;,. Streets. =adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Watts offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Plumbing Inspect- Aldermen in regard to instructing the Mayor to employ a practical plumber as or. Plumbing; Inspector at $175.00 per month. Lost upon the call of the roll: Nays: (12)• Member Korth offered mo.ion that the City Solicitor be instructed to In^.r• lr„ PltmbJ' ecto_ bring in an ordinance increasing )dumbing Inspector's salary at $175.00 Der month. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Kerth offered motion that the Board of Health be authorized to A;point City Inspec- appoint a City Plumbing Inspector, subject to the ratification of the General Council. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same offered motion that the Board of Public Forks be authorized to ” orary. Irl oin^ 7nnnec- employ a temporary Plumbing Inspector immediately, at a salary of 5175.00 peri. month. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of :, o c7lae; for Aldermen in regard to accepting offer.. -of 77. Y. Noble of $1700.00 for Ky. Avenue . Ave. right of way. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen Rouse in employing�.�ficaticns Bryan Rouse, Architect to draw plans and specification for new - ;.Ir3es' Nurses' Home. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). !`_ember '::atts offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of 'ee'1' . Lillie Rieke Aldermen in ..cceP ting deed of firs. Lillie (Rieke Boyd and authorizing, the City in Treasurer to issue check for ;450.00,/payrient for same. Adopted on the call of tnc roll: Yeas (12). :.ame offered motion to concur in the a=ction of the Board of Aldermen in accepting.the deed of J. A. Dossett for -strip of land for opening; Kentucky avenue, ani allO',7in6, :; 1300.00 for sam.c. ,dopted on -the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Sar.,e offered motion to concur in the notion of the Board of Aldermn City ,^ltnitor to lhrinrg it ir_ re7ard .o ins!.ructing the City Solicitor to bring in a n , resolut.3on for si!ic,ti'ral:a rezoLstion Por Fin -' stMet i•:provements as recommended by the City i?nr;ineer. Adopted on the call F,%,rq lrs. of Tho r(,11: Yea3 (12.). fet:;er r3mon offered =Or.ion to concur in ,he nc*,ion of *.he Board th l:ov�esiof` l.ccYe of in ^gar. ina `._te reryuest of J. P. :-hith to move houses ,Hier:en off of t:he I. C. R' 1 ' Cc7°'p 'y ,:rr:,� at'tl6thpan3ert:� P:"opert7 at ldtn V ; ,, : Gor;nF 1 ,':venue. ;,'opted cr. :he all of Corbel "_::e roll: Yeas (12) No. 266 • _ Proceedings of. City of Paducah 1, 19-26. Member Watts offered motion that the Mayor and Hospital Committee be Genet Lil?i:' Of aldermen in receiving, and filing the January report of the Chief of the Fire Department. C.'i Wept. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in regard to purchasing two and one-half ton truck,;one one tan Ford Truck with dump body; 1, one man Russell Patrol Grader, tractor hitch; one Ruseell No. 2, Junion fen Grader, Team hitch; 1 scarified attachment for Russell grader; 4 mules and 4 sets of. harness. ,donted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Kerth•read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID IF THE j,'07 j, PLUI:1.8T-NG COMPANY ':,D AUTHORIZING TH= Arl{RD OF COUT7UXT TO SAID KOLLER PLU-1111d11 i t''. ::teller CO"P4',1Y, FOR CONSTRUCTION+ OF SL•'?ER TO T:+iii; CARE OF THE OVERFLO".' OF SEDER DIS'.CRICT 110. i.: 'or 2, IN :HE CITY OF PADIiC,H; tND,iUTHORIZING THE iIAYOR OF S,iID CITY TO ECCECUTF. SiQJF.." cor.at�for Adopted on the call of'the;roll.t Yea i i'O1, 9'.(.12.) _ .. ... ..._ .. +.,c -.r Digit. :c. 2. L?ember -,atts offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of .^,mermen in regard to appointing Mr. Mike Dowell, Assistant Chain Gang Boss,and giving Dror:ell :,sst.Chain him Police porter. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Nays (1). Gane Boca. Member '.7atts offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Boarl of Aldermen in authorizing the Board of Public '-corks to purchase a one ton truck, same Yoor'ks. to be charged to the Board of Public 1.7orks apportionment. Adopted on the call of the Truck. c17.: Yeas (12). I.:em.er Kerth o:'fered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Pe luc.,G 1 n regard to referrin to the Light & 'dater Committee, for investigation, moo. ,.-er-cen i �g A � g the semi-anr.;ial financial report of the Paducah .pater Company. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). On motion meeting adjourned. R instructed to dispose of the old Nurses' Home property at a minimum price of (,4200.00. Nurses' "'c-t.oF Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). I 41 n^eital. Member Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the; Board of Aldermen in rrantinq the request of the Board of Public 'forks that the ;;10.00 rent on the old Light Plant. liht plant, received each month, be turned into the Street" Department Fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Korth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Genet Lil?i:' Of aldermen in receiving, and filing the January report of the Chief of the Fire Department. C.'i Wept. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in regard to purchasing two and one-half ton truck,;one one tan Ford Truck with dump body; 1, one man Russell Patrol Grader, tractor hitch; one Ruseell No. 2, Junion fen Grader, Team hitch; 1 scarified attachment for Russell grader; 4 mules and 4 sets of. harness. ,donted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Kerth•read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID IF THE j,'07 j, PLUI:1.8T-NG COMPANY ':,D AUTHORIZING TH= Arl{RD OF COUT7UXT TO SAID KOLLER PLU-1111d11 i t''. ::teller CO"P4',1Y, FOR CONSTRUCTION+ OF SL•'?ER TO T:+iii; CARE OF THE OVERFLO".' OF SEDER DIS'.CRICT 110. i.: 'or 2, IN :HE CITY OF PADIiC,H; tND,iUTHORIZING THE iIAYOR OF S,iID CITY TO ECCECUTF. SiQJF.." cor.at�for Adopted on the call of'the;roll.t Yea i i'O1, 9'.(.12.) _ .. ... ..._ .. +.,c -.r Digit. :c. 2. L?ember -,atts offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of .^,mermen in regard to appointing Mr. Mike Dowell, Assistant Chain Gang Boss,and giving Dror:ell :,sst.Chain him Police porter. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Nays (1). Gane Boca. Member '.7atts offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Boarl of Aldermen in authorizing the Board of Public '-corks to purchase a one ton truck, same Yoor'ks. to be charged to the Board of Public 1.7orks apportionment. Adopted on the call of the Truck. c17.: Yeas (12). I.:em.er Kerth o:'fered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Pe luc.,G 1 n regard to referrin to the Light & 'dater Committee, for investigation, moo. ,.-er-cen i �g A � g the semi-anr.;ial financial report of the Paducah .pater Company. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). On motion meeting adjourned. R