HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 251, December 29, 1925IProceedings of ..Bo_1RD OF COUNC1LMLE !City of Paducah_ DEOr"Bl,il 29, 1925, _� At a call meeting of the 13onrd of (Jouncilmen held on the Third Floor of the Oity Hall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, December the 29th, 1925, President Riglesberger presided, and upon the will of the roll the following ans::ere9 to their names: Ri•-;lesbergcr, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Johnston, Y,erth, I.!ason, Owen, Stewart, VoF,t and 1';atts.(11). The'T,:ayor's call as follows: "December 23, 1925. To The General Council, Paducah, Ky. Gentlemen: You are hereby called to meet in special session on Tuesday December 29th, 1925, at 7:30 o'clock P. M. in your customary chambers in the City Hall, Mayor's Call. Paducah, Kertucky, for the purpose of considering the adoption of an ordinance, entitled, "An ordinance authorizing a contract between the Chicago, St. Louis & New Orleans lailroad Company, and the City of Paducah. 2nd. Also a Resolution authorizing the Mayor of Paducah to accept the deeds of dedication from Mrs. ddie Caldwell, Brack Owen and T. a, t.?iller for the purposed extension of Coxey Street, in accordance with the written proposals. Also authorizing said Mayor to accept agreement from Brack Owen and T. A. Miller concernin; the graveling of Coxey Street and Lincoln Avenue, 411 feet 8 inches from the Mayfield road and running East to the Illinois Central Railroad right of way, and to accept deed for lots 10 and 11, in Block 6, Willowwood Addition to the City of Paducah in accordance with the writ:.on agreement of said Brack Owen and T. A. hiller. 3rd. And to consider proposition of J. A. Dossett in re purchasing right of u;ay on Kentucky Avenue. Dated at Paducah, Kentucky, this the 26th day of December, 1925. J. N. BAILIEY, 14. D. MAYOR, JNB:oa. Paducah, Kentucky." On motion Ilayorls call received and filed: Yeas (11). Member Mason offered motion to receive and file the recommendation Closinr., Tennessee from the Board of Public Works in regard to closing Tennessee Street. Adopted on St. the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Kerth read an ordinance entitled "ADI ORDINANCE, AUT1107?I%ING tIZID 01iDIt71NGE. DI`i CTIITG THE CLOSING OF TENNESSEE STREET FROM THE EAST LINE. OF THF PROPF''97 OF TI'F. CLO :1116 T illi 5'r C CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS & NEC: ORLEANS RhILROAD COMPANY '?HERE SAME CROSSTES TEIIIIF.SSEF -,a. =T EET' :0 THE ::r:ST LINE; OF LOT 110. 12 IN BLOCK B or ";ORTEN' S ADDITION; ALL OF 'TORTEN AVENUE AND ALL OF STIITHLAND AVEII'JE WITIIIN THE LIMITS OF '-'ORTF.NIS ADDITION AND r,L:. OF THE esLLi•:Y.S IN S'!ID ADDITION INCLUDING THE ALLEY 13ET'.:`EEI1 WORTL'NI S ADDITI0t1 ;.ITD 0:", -EN IIID MILLIs'RsS nDDI^s ION ( OR t;ILLOW "WOOD ADDITION) FROM-9YI`FLAND Vi?N'Jd CAST"1ARDLY TO ^HS '?TGHT OF ':'AY OF T11E CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS & 1Tr.'":+ OT?L'F: ;I'3 R„I LI?O6i (;OII•PANY; TH,.T BART OF GARi'IELD STRLn? IN 01111E1r AND ITILLFH, OR '::ILLOC: :O0 AO-)ITIOTI,LYING TTOVTHh`;1 ST OF TIT;E NORTHEAST LINE OF VIIIEELER AVI%I.1UE ..ND TH"T OI i'7H!:a :•,;? -V'r IUE Iii 3nI D 0':::31 .,IDD TIIIA-;R, OR 'VILLOW WOOD ADDI' IOI1, LYING 0:% YF ZOUTIIIEA3T LIIIiE OF G»?ril:LD ^;TREI•;T; ALL OF THE ALLEYS III BLOCK 3, 0'" 1N ?LOCK 2, LYING 710pTit OF 'Prl,•,, SOUTH LINT; OF LOT 4 IN S;�i n !ro. 2, .., , ... :;. IN BLO:Y. 4, LYING NORTH •s>•Tu iE.s•si 0. LG'i':i 7 _. :..r: _ ,;; _ .III 0:'!SN 'aI;')LLO'': •"'+)n7 ATY)ITION; THAT TiORTH OF iH ;OU'I`1iL OF LOT 2 ITi '31!O(:IC 1 OF 1'.,aT OF T 1.: .:✓'<... U7 T : t'..; . ,. .. .. i:' i; No. .- 252. Proceedings of BO iiD CF pair,;,: City of Paducah K.0EN, iih'R 29TH, .1925. On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll by the £olloxy- Ing vote: yeas::2iglebbergeV,Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Johnston, Korth, Mason, Owen, Stewart, Vogt. and :7atts. (11): On notion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll by the following vote: Yens: Riglesberger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Johnston, Korth, L;ason, Owen, Stewart, Volt and .7atts. (11). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas: Riglesbeflger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Johnston, Kerth, &asen, O f)n, Itewart, Vogt and "Catts- (11). Member Korth read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZIIIG AND PROVIDING FOR A CONTRaCT 3E7 EEN CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS aND IIEW ORLEANS RAILROAD COMPANY AND THE CITY .10, On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: ,3 ..' Riclesberger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Johnston, Korth, Mason, Owen, Stewart, Vogt CITY 0:• and ",'atts.'(11). P D[TC=.R. On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call' of the roll: Yeas: Riglesberger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming„ Johnston, berth, Mason, 0•ren, Stewart, Vogt and "latts. (11). On motion same ::as given second and final passage upon the call of the i roll: Yeas: Riglesberger, Cochran Crider Fleming,Johnston Korth Mason Owen Stewart, Vogt and •iatts. (11). Member Aerth read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE G'ITY TO ^ ;YO? OF THE CITY OF PADUCaH TO ACCEPT DEEDS OF DEDICATION FROM MRS. nDDIR CALIYTELL, O.,Ell AND T. A. MILLER, FOR THE EXTENSION OF XOXEY STREET FROM it POINT !'THERE SAI)) STREET, IF EXT: P= -D, ".-OULD CROSS TiIE MAIN TRACT OF 711E CHICAGO, i`:. LOUIS & Nh7l ORLI?ANS -ELL, Au.,CK ?.:IL?O.;D COMPANY TO A POINT 'lHWR1 CALD'7ELL STREwT CLOSES THE PRACKS OF SAID RAILROAD T.A. CO'.•'P,:NY 1103TH OF THE UN.ON PASSENGER STATION IN THE CITY OF FADUCAH, AND ALSO DEEDS TO LOTS 10 and 11 IN BLOCY. 6 II1 "ILLO':7 ':OOD ADDILION, IN ACr,Oi,DA1r(.L ':iIPIi THE !'!RI'PTPN F'CFOSITIO!'S OL' '_'t--. ,ID ADDIS CALD.7ELL, AND 07M e.ND MILLI�:R. Adopted on the call of the roll: ?ea.s:Riglesberger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Johnston, Korth, Beason, Owen, Stewart, Vogt and •-atts. (11). ?-:ember berth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen In adoptinc the following,: "That the Mayor be authorized to purchase a piece of Dossett Dr^.nerty from J. A. Dossett on 12th Street for the opening of Kentucky Avenl.Ie for the price of ~1000.00, and if sane cannot be purchased, the City Solicitor is to proceed r,T;,...__• to ccn.eWn this properrty; also he prope-ty of ':;. Y. Noble for the right of way or :entucky avom:e." Adopt(id on the call of the roll: Yeas: Riglesherger, Cochran, Crider, Flem:In!7, To-,nntor., .'girth, ':ason, Owen, Stewart, Vogt and "latts. (11). On motion meeting adjourned.