HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 25, March 17, 1924..�s.as..we• No. 25, • Caaa+missiollerS'- Pmceeditrgs; City of Paducah 192 PROC1if:DTI:CS 0" 71" DOARD 07, COU117ILLU-21, CITY OF P,%DUCdH, 1^l., I.MCH 17TH, 1924, At a regular un^tines of the Board of Councilmen, held on the Third Floor of : t`e City Hall, in the City of Pnducnh, ;.y., on Monday Uirch the 17th, 1924. The meeti was celled to order by President t?atts'. Uoon call of the roll the following answered to their r&mes Jatts, Bou4reno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Perth, Mason, Llorrison, Owen, Rirrr>.lesberper, Suicer and Steuart. '(12). llember Cochran offered the follo •inp motion: To adopt the minutes of the nrevious meetings as read. Motion Post anon t -e call, of the roll by the followine votes: _'eaa: Batts, Bourseno, Co'uhran, Crider, ;:erth, and Rixelesberger. (6). Naya: Jacobs, L_vson, Morfison, Owen, Spicer and Stewart., (6). L:ember Jacobs offered the following motion; To excuse President :7atts from mthe meeting ori account of sichn'ess. ' Ad'opt'ed on the call of the roll by the follo!:•ing i i vote: Yeas (12)'. LSember Owen offered the following motion: That member Rigvlesberger be elect- ed President Pro Tern of the Board of .Councilmen. Adopted on the call of the roll by 1 _ :the following vote: Yeas: (11). ` 14ember ;:erth offered th'e -folloming motion: That the adoption of the last meetings of the minutes be re -considered.• Adopted or the call of the roll by the follow, ins vote; Yeas: Jacobs, ::erth, Mason, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart, (r!). IIn^s: Bou7eio, 'Cochran, Crider,&1.Iorrison, (4) . I Member Spicer offered the followihrt motion: That the action of the Council � in the matter of authorizing a contract between the City of Paducah ani the Paducah Electric Company, be now reconsidered. Adopted on the call of the roll by the follovingj -rotes: Yeas: Jacobs, Y.erth, Vason, Owen, Rigplesberger, Suicer and Stewart. (7). 'lays: Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, and iiorrison. (4). ! Nember Jacobs offered th= following motion: That the minutes of the meeting of Larch the 3rd, be adopted as amended. Adopted on the call of the roll by the follow ina votes: Yeas. (11). Lleraber Spicer offered the following motion: That the council concur in the action of the Board of aldermen as recomi,ended by the Board of Public 4orks autr:orizing. tine 1.:n,^or and City Clerk to sign a one year contract with the Pnducan Electric Company. 1 Kember Morrison offered motion to defer action on the above motion. Biotion 1o:,�t on t'r.ti call o' ti., roll 7 ;r the follo•.ring rote: Yaks: Bbugeno, Cochran, Crider, and ldorrl8on.4.l1nys: JrLoobs, 1;erth, Mason, Oven, Rigglesberger, Snicer aril Stewart.(7). ! The foregoing motion carried upon the call of the roll by" the following vote:! Ye•io; J!:coho, 1:erth, 1Spson, Q. -ion, RijTlesberger, Spicer and Steuart. (7). Nays: Bc.. cio, Cochran, rider and IAorri on. (4). r,r:ber J^cobo of fereri the follo:•rinc mot i on; That Mr. Jas.E. Bare er of #1232 . S0. 7th itreet, on account of being blind rand nn r n invlid, be exempt from paying poll X c101 7f the roll by the follo•.vinr, v0to::• Yons• (11). 1;enber tkr o'f•_red t^e foilovine motion:: Thnt the communication from -nk H. Rices, Lilly ;oyd CD -irk -ml t:�r i.e lheeler, li.vina on Olark Street between ^• :tr r_ e .', ani 19t cats, be �f red to the ;St; 'incur.=,er, Bo9r1 of P00ic '7orns and ._ ir:t Street Ce:::rsittee. ?e -%Q: (11", . i i �C1Ttii19}6C1(?i1CGI.C' P�cicecdil��ti, City of Paducah 192. LSeml-er Morrison offered the following motion: That the firrlins of the Joint ?irnire Committee, shown by their report, be flllowred and the Clea authorized to is ue a?l r;ar:unt on the Treasurer to nay the respective amounts, as shotivn therein. Exe,:utive Dept.........................................449.61, Fire Departrm nt........................................ 454.56 Police ........................................ 429.68 Sanitary "........................................ 35.49' Charity .........................................226.42/ 1,mployees'Bonds.........................................190.00/ Costs and suits ........................................ 15.15/ Oak Grace .............................................. 436.75 Lnrket House ........................................... 40.69,. ;7hite'Way.............................................. 410.00 Pest House ............................................. 2.00 Lngineering............................................ 2.45 Seisers................................................. 68.20/ Printing, Stationery and supplies ...................... 362.76 / in: Bance ..:........................................... 15.18. CityScales ............................................ 2.16/ Cit, -7 Jail ............................................... 40.05: City Light Plant ....................................... 490.76, StreetDepartment...................................... 658/151/ Riverside Hospital.....................................2256.24 ,,:sir;:et Bench Refund ................................... 12.50 .later Rentals .........................................3762.50 / 3rd Diatrict Sever ................................. 91.44 :,� 472. Pn::rolls for the first half of ::arch of the following departments: Chief of Police(last half Of Feby.)................... $75.00 Police Depart:ent..................................... 1464.46/ Dog Catcher ........................................... 11.50 Fire Depart,:exit....................................... 1420.02 i,•.:: Grove ............................................. 198:90 Lientre iu ,,f;c 3r ..................................... 62.50 , CitjJcales........................................... 37.50 k;xecutive............................................. 45.00 Cit} aril ................................. ..... . 100.00 scacasor(Jarua r3.and February) ....................... 150.00 Boca rd o f ::n nal is -it ion ................................. 195.00 City Hiiir. c:es................................... 57.50 &iversi e 'r' l. ................................... 467.21 JQ:Fera................................................ 108;2B. Ci T. Lii'i.t a ...................................... 302.50 L;gr.:et i1.se.......................................... 62.26. Znrino era.....• 168.90 ....................................... ;street:Jenst Fara J •.. ...... ... iii�ji.G3 2Lr:,a................................................. 37.00 Bearer....... _ _a tri Ito, 3. 4"9.99 51TFar ■ } No. 27. ( tc t�aic�si�t�a e> sY t� c>ce Eli d ; City of Paducall 17 ARCH 17rs, AN i- Member Coci,ran offored an amendment to the sbove motion; That all bills I-c allowed except printing bill of N382.76, find that same be referred to Printing Committee for investigation and report. adopted on the call of the roll by the follo:'rir�rr vote;. i Yeas; Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Mason, Morrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Ster:art.(10). Nay; I:erth (1). I On the original motion the vote was as follows; Yeas: Bougeno, Cochran, Crider,! I Jacobs, berth, Mason, Morrison, Owens, Rigglesberger, Spicer ar!d Stewart. (11). Member 11orrison offered the follo::•inl- motion: That there will become due on I ;, ril the 1st, 1924, semi-annual interest on Paducah, Tennessee and Alabama Railroad i i bond, outstanding ;65000.00; interest rate 6%; annual interest $900.00; semi-annual :1950.00 1n-as-much as the interest na yment will be due ani payable at the Idr,tionql ' I ;:x51;,0.00 City Bank of New York, before the next meeting of this Council, T move that the interest bond. P d. -.lw. in the amount of "1950.U0lbe allowed and the Clerk be authorized to issue grocer war- 196::.�_ 0. rant on tie Treasurer for same. Adonted on the call of tine roll by the following vote;! Boi}a•eno, Cochran, Cruder, Jacobs, Serth, Ibrison, I;iorrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Snicer { and Stewart. (11). I Same offered the folloning cation; That the matter of repairing the City Stablea be referred to t:_e Improvement Committee to investigate and report. Adopted on the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. (11). Member Jacobu offered the following motion: That the City of Paducah convey by Quit-Claim Deed to Leona Belew, Lot No.117711in Block 114", in Oak Grove Cemetery, .-.-.:. New Addition, for the sum of ?50.00, and the City Clerk be instructed and authorized to si m said Heed and make proper entry of said conveyance in Cemetery Deed Book. I - - Adopted on the cal l :r the roll by the following vote; Yeas: (d.1). Same offered the follornina motion. That the transfer of one-half of-:lot No.118" i in Block 114711 in Oak Grove Ceretery, from :7. 7. Eaton to George B. .Ilillow, be authorized. Adopted on the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. (11). ---• - Member I:erth offered the followinrz motion: That an ordignnnce entitled "AN 037IlTAK13S C7;'?1;^_IIiG ^II': 0 OTOR 00 PLUEBTIIG AND SVVTPR INSP*�'.IT02 CTTY PLUMBER, UBDER ,I^Y :°( Ua ?:?, be given fi.rat nassa"xe. Adopted on the call of the roll I. F the f011eVrin,v •mte: Yens: Boweno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Iason, Lorricon, O-nen, ?igele sberger, Snicer and Steuart. (I1). On motion of snrao that the rales be suspended and the atove ordinance be given j peaw•age t;; title. Adopted on the ce11 of ti:e roll by the follo%vinv vote; Yeas: Crider, Jacobs, ;:girth, i;f on, I„orrison, Owens, :Iigglesberger, Spicer On t9otion of J:r.:e, tiie nluve ordinF.nce was viven second and final nfisoai!e by 7 thy_ follovini., vote: 'lens• Boiz-{ono, lounran, Cfidor, Jacobs, Ferth, :.iason, I•iorrison, tr•',�n, �i;'a1r!,:i:eranr, .:gi'.,er ._.: ...-:.v:�'L'. (11). -e of'_'ered ti.fi ^odic__: motion: Tint nn ordtnnrce entitled "Aid O:iDINANi... To r: 'I^Y OF PA )IJC H, - -•. u"� ...r. _. . .. �i •l. ; Q_ ..,I) '17f, be T' . . t'.. ?. A.,i r, • , I rt, opted 0.. c' cn l i ^' :':11 •7 lo in scte; Y�n'a; ��, o, r'. ,:ilfar, Jacobs:, :•girth, .. :.., .':na.-.. ".r...? "._'T: C'.; }'le.^>•e r, ..ni(ier 7rci .: is C"'Srt. (1.1)• .)n 'r—;or. !: ",e t•,+f*, t e: mile: rr ..<.,r:r•r /.i n.: , :ne ri­:v`' ordinnnec ie a.iven A ..��-.. .. .7 i�:iL. .. -•f?L OL .« .,:11 7:• the roll 1:,7 i•I:eYens: 7C7.-iT ;rote; - ,....0, vv....!•L, .r_ ...r, J"•ca'.a, = ertc, Yauin, _'Orr! .on (;.�;11.'r,i;, ai+ "iesberwer, Snicer -, ,r'ir. c,..I :r:a fincl paoo,i�e by _. _ a(�}31}I[1.4S3C)i18xS::hx rc �Ylizi ; City of Paducah n-.:ZT1 17T7I, .1924. i member J:icol)o of "erect t•,.e foliowin- motion; To concur in t to action of the Board of ;113 e:rr;en in rep•itti to cn••ruuniaition .fx•om citizens laving; on South 19th Street bet••reen ' is Br l 'i: a i i r.tT:rue A7cnue, as langc that :; ideeal:'cs be not put down on said South 19th Street, being- referred to the Board of Publte slor;aa. Adonted on the cal l of tiie roll l;• the follosina vote; Yoas: (11). Lema er Cochran offered the follorAng motion; To concur in the action of the " Board of aldermen in regard to referring; to the Board of Public Vlorks, the cormnunicotidn from citizens of Paducah, askinn for gravel streets on Tennessee Street and in O'Bryan's 'Ilition, one block on Norton -itreet. iidonted on the trill of the roll by the followin l re: Yeas; (11). L;ember Jacobs offered motion to concur in the notion of the Board of Aidermen r:r,r to having new ordinance book compilcd, and the City Solicitor be instructed ao bring in ordinance for s'aire. >do.plcd on the call of t.ie roll by the following vote Liember Spicer offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in regard to the Chief of Fire Department being paid .25.00 a month for preforming the duties of building inspeetor,electrie inspector and tank inspector. Adopted on tiie call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas: Bougeno,Jochran,Jacobs,Kerth,I<Tason, LIorrisor_,Rigglesberger,Spicer and Stewartif)Iiays: Crider, Owen;(2) :;ane of=ered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen ih regard to Police and Fire Committee be designated as Civil Service Commissioners to receive and piss on all applications for positions on the Police Force and Fire Department in accordance with Civil Service Laws. Adopted on the call of the roll by the following i ^ore: Member Cochran offered motion t.) concur in the action of the Board of Actine ,illermer, 3n regard to "receiving, and filing end referring to„City Purchasing Agent, oc: con-runi;vition from 3. .:. Petter Sup-oly Company. Adopted on the call of the roll l;f by the following vote: Yeas: (11). L:ember L:orrison offered motion to concur do the action of the Board of I Aldermen in regard to the February report of the Riverside Hospital, be received and filed. Adopted on the call of Vie roll by the following vote: Yeas: (11), Member Spicer offered motion to concur in the a.:tion of the Board of �.lderrcen in regard to motion made by mem'-er Cole, that tir Payor be instructed to :--nt docd from ^. O'Bryan for a strip of ]rind on the Lla,:field Road .for the. purpose Htrnel in aeeor'innce '•guru: r -commendation of Joint Street Committee arra 7or ;. Adcnted on the c•ill of the roll 'h i the following vote: Yeas: L:•:;lcr esti: o^rered ;notion that the pr3ntine bill, be allmied ns shown on : re not 0f r= J".'i:: Wi`. .. 7^ '; .'.ittee i'' th'- 'printin%' rommittee finis that timo are -_ in or.ler, ...•>y an:.ro:e of the alle:aance. Alontel on i',,c, toll of Llie roll by the fullIm-'j" " 70 .e: 'te4 . l�=)• i i O`_'fererd tife ::o llu: _r..- ...-.Sri: Th --t r..r,tter of in:•ostirrntinr; the encrn:iot: of n. 11'r.'. ti r ;..r:.. r r fr•rre I _ the ., :r.i of Eealth nni !.'n, -,or. A-Xted on'.._ .:Fall :�: t .: r 1 ��' - r. (1]) a '�11 'ii vote: 'et,s: i L:e:giber Jti c: ;'Lr; o"f�rel :ro •.i or. to df..n::ur in tiie t;etior.. o` t:nu Boart of rmeti ir. >!•_ rw� . rd to the retic._::e.z�;itiozi _, _..e: Ua',>i Of 1z: .i :Sr.:., in rca'r; -, etreetJ an-' *iden sa.l' be e , re -ed o .,.,e -�40Ls11 of _:i;'.ic .,r an 1 City •:r. ::itk i nJtru.stiors to Fet up datii a n'. exnt.nie to ^3>.. _'or Intersection, 4r:t renort :.1-o ted on roe ,l 1 b. ) 1 a.. ::e roll ,:he fc _ _ _.. -tot e • Yeas: (11 No. 29. v x�i��', Cit} of Paducah 17th. lsz�. 192 i Some offered the follariM! motion: Tivit Uilt and Cereal BevernRe license be i granted to John and Albert Jones at #115 North Fourth Street, Adopted on the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas: (11). Member Spicer offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen j In regard to exempting from City taxes, the Priester F.osiery Mill Extension Plent, J _.:All and City Solicitor bringing in a resolution granting such exemptions. Adopted on the itcall of the roll by the following vote: Yens. (11). L'ember Cochran of`cred the following motion: That Chief Slauphtor's recommenda- tion for reoni.ring and improving .Fire Stations, be referred to Improvement Committee Joint Fire and 'toltce Committee for an investigation and report. Adopted on the _:. 'Mona. j call of the roll b:• the followine vote: Yeas: (11). _,ember Ocren offered the follovrine motion: That all Improvements and additions to City property, costing `.50.00 or more, be let by contract to lowest and best bidder. Adopted on the call of the roll by the follor;ing vote: Yeas: (11). Iuember Spicer offered the following motion: That an Ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE OP.-i::TIOW AND USE OF AUTOEOBIL a 03 OTHr^,:i i.:OTO:i V HICLES IN THE CITY OF PAXCAH, I:Y., BY R:-`UMING TIES DISPLAY OF TAGS OR PLATES FU-9,TSHED BY SAID CITY,"be given first passage . adopted on the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas; Bouseno, Cochran, Crider, Jacibs, Kerth, }.Sason, Morrison, Owen, Rigglesberlex Spicer and Stewart. (11). On motion of member Morrison that the rules be suspended and the above ordinance be Fiven passnoe by title. Adopted on the cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas: Bougeno, ^,ochran, Crider, Jacobs, I:erth, I:iason, Morrison, Owen, Riggle�bereer, Spicer and Stewart. (11). On rrotion of member Kerth, the above ordinance was given its second and final passage. Adopted on the call of the roll by the followins vote; Yeas: Bouaeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, l:erth, '.!^son, IrTorrison, Owen, 3igelesberFer, Spicer and Stewart. (11). i.'ember :ferth offered the follo•rina ration: Tent an ordinance entitled "AN O.DIIii:Ii.E -.'Ja y^.ri : ^r"i: !7P:7110 OF C1^Y ?RI6OI1R,??S 014 ' . :9 1 . ;Yi :=T:7 P RL r, H'' TT?iiTS, .� L U_ T -PL:-M1'6 G? ''I. 11—f 0" Pi.:)UCAH; FUEM '_^LIE SUPF.3VISTON .2IT)TOU;?5 07 LABOR, nND 9:i-- e...I FOR :'i;:.be placed on first passage. Adopted on the call of tate Poll by the follo.ln-g vote: Yeas: Bou{zeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, ;:girth, L.uson, Lofrioon, (`.ren, Ripglosberger, Spicer and Stewart. (11). On !lotion of t. -it the rules be suspended and tile above ordinance le Given passage by title, i,donted trp call of the roll by the following vote: Yens: BouSeno, ;ochrmn, Crider. Jacob., Zorth, Iasrn, Liorrison, Owens, Rigglesberger, Spicer and ;terfgrt. (11). "": ., iof: ')! .'-:!', Lite 0-T..•(: ordinance was riven secona and fir.nl passsnrye .. .':e ...: 1: ,.... ..,-n; 7n•l:3; r�.O�aF'en0, ;o.,.."r., Ori�i (: r, .T LIC OI'�s, .:girth, .'^.:i0f:, ... _..')::, -.. :.:1, .,_. `1:.3ft. •'!P.Y•, j*licer ar.:l .ite:iFlrt. (11). :•P -t C=• :jt=•t:^. )—ered motion to con::;ur in th(. !action of thR Bo..ard of :aldermen ,;•i r;, ;t' .� .. .: ":�.' :cif i" i.rs ..:.r Y. Li'Irtln in re^ar'i to ,.•,?ttle".'.eel or :;u it of Ju•l'.ciary ,cr-ittee, with power to act. =P;:i i e":.i:er r;r.ic-: in ,-Ion of Bo ra of �rjf t ;(. ^•')" ��..t iiE o: rr. .t' for the 9 e ' r.nrt"Ye?. _.r o. tn�. :;lac_ ,e 'S!e fol.. .!P. Yeas. Bower'), . ... .: ', v.�ir•'., _.t+rt !' '1 �...: .._.. .1i.'sb:7er -.f'- i City of Paducah -. VI'f 17TIf, 1924. 192 -ember :;erth offered time followinf, motion: That the Armerican Lerzion in this Cit be permitted to give exhibition in ac:;ordan„e :with rec3aest, providing such exhibition or entertainment be Liven as required by ordinance. Adopted on the call of the roll by the fcllo:: inlg vote: Yeas: ( 11) . Sane offered the following motion: That no joint meetings be held except on �,ritten call of the Llayar. Adopted on the cell of the roll by the following vote: Yens: (11). Same offered motion to concar in t :e action of the Board of Aldermen in regard to referring to the Board of Public ',7orks and City Engineor, the repairing of the Fourth Street Priiae. cull of the roll b:1 the folio !in veto; Yeas: (11 Liemaber Jacobs offered motion to adjourn—I:Iotion lost on call of the roll by the fol l ;rine :rote: Yeas: Bock ono, and JacobX2)IIays: Cochran, Crider, Perth, IIason, 1:orrlson, Owen, 3igglesberger, z➢picer and Stewart. (9). Member zinicer offered the following motion: To concur in the notion of the rd of Allermaen in regard to returning, hill for $''20.00 to John Polk for a credit � _:J.00, and bill be allowed with this credit. Adopted on the call of the roll by the Vi AJC: in, .,)te: Yeas, (11) Iecesoed at 10:00 p, Li., to go into joint. session. On mot on meeting adjourned.