HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 234, October 5, 1925No. Proceedings of _ 1 c City of Paducah oc_ ro 3`;R 5, 1925. At a regular meeting of the Board of Councilmen held on the 3rd Floor of the City Hall, in the Cite of Paiucah , Ky., October 5th, 1925, Presi-ient Rigglesbergor nresided, and upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: R1-lecher,ger, Cochran, Fleming, Hummel, Kerth, Mason, Owen, Stewart and Watts. (9). The minutes of the recnllar meeting September 213t, 1925, `.yore read. Member Fleming offered motion that the ;Milk Ordinance he expunged from the minutes. Lost upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Fleming, Hummel and Mason. (3). ins ;:ays: Riglesberger, uochran, Owen and Stewart (4). Kerth and :7atts not voting;. (2). Minutes of the regular meeting of September 21st, 1925, mere adopted as rea•1, }!inutes of a call meeting; of September the 24th, 1925, were adopted as rend. b!ember Hummel offered motion that the communication from the Mayor in retard to gays and means for having the heating plant of the City Hall and Fire Station No. 1 properly supervised and fired, be referred to the Relief Committee. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Member Owen offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor the matter of i gn,adley 11ros. , being allowed to construct a platform over the sidewalk in front of thedt; place of business 922 1,1adison Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Member Hummel offered motion to receive and file renort of Ji;M. Slaughter,i Chief of the Fire Department, of return of 420.00 to the City Treasurer, of 0100.00 r' allowed him for expenses 1 p..nses to Louisville, Ky., to attend the Fire Chief's Convention. idonted on The call uf,the roll: Yeas (9). Same offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor and Sewer Committee, .i .r.ication from Mrs. Maude Katterjohn requesting the City to remove or disconnect pan the sanitary sewer that is on her property at 9th & Jefferson Streets. Adopted on the i I call of the roll: Yeas (9). Member Owen offered motion to receive and file the report of Muscoe Burnett, i President of the Pa3ucah ;later Company, under date of September the 21st, 1925, as to er mains laid and completed to date. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Yember.Hummel offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor, the communication t from Kelly Mellish, District 1.1anager for the Cumberland Telephone Company, requesting � .. 1 _the; the bond of the Home Telephone Company for replacing streets and sidewalks, be I .;"ocancelled. Adopted or. the call of the roll: Yeas (9). 20MO offered motion to receive and file the receipt of John W. Polk, County 1,rurt Clerk, for five bond ordinances filed with him by the City Clerk, September the 29th, y„.,,;,niry, ;,0...:925. Adopt,;d on the gall of the roil: Yeas (9). :5,r;c offered mo';ion to ;rant this renueat of the International Shoe Company o tor."tri^.` ltnd ;cF nn under. -round seam lire from. the plant of the Paducah Electric northwest eorner of tre intersection of 2n'1 and Jeff`:rson Streets, to the plata cf international =:hoe Ccmpa:.J at the 3011th9RCt: corner of the Intersection' Of 2:n'1 .9n'd Jef:'N^inn :itrf:(. ndOptSd or;tP.0 Call of file roll: Yt:a3 (9). 'lame offered mrtion tine payrolls ani claims be alloy cd as follorjo: Pay claims........ 6 81.1 io:aed or, ^alL of tkie roll. 'nal'e offe.re�l motion t0 refC2' ri.:i,'1^rC.': by CO'.TT n}� via in.^?t *i15 lin•r f 0 Y1a for hrokon, 0.la3s, e''.C. -�1Ovte;1 On til!; call of t^•_ I'011: r. IProceedings of :;,A20) OY c01114;I1*,.:,r: City of Paducah No. --_235.._... _. OCTONN'R 5, 1925. Member Kerth offered motion that the action of the Police & Fire y,,„a ft;,,.. -.•-•Attee, appointing Ray 7-'ilkin3, extra fireman, be approved. Adopted on the cull of the roll: Yeas (9). Same offered motion that the Chief of the Fire Department be request- Plt;-,ti. ed to furni:ih renort on condition of fire plugs at next regular meeting. =idopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9), ?'father Hummel offoml lotion to receive and file the report of the of Police for the month of idonterd on tho call of tho roll: Yeas t.1fr cer r'lr, g offered motion that the Cumberl:,tt 1 Telephone Company ir•s':ructed to resorl all sod that was torn up by them, 111onterl ar: the call of rol l.: fess -tenart offrr(,fl cotion that the (;It:,. .;elicitor he inst:ructHd =c' -ion stilt to t1top t,uglding on 27th Street Pram Jacisaon Street to _ .. heeler ., ...... ndcptei on th= c+_1 of thf: roll: Yeas eas (9). Ve^ser K;-7;-31 4 f:.re3 motion to ht the City of Paducah Seed to H. S. de ed tii.0 Ile, LC !.0. 27, .C•,a. 14 Ir' OF”' rrr.''!f- + +few Addition, for the ..>ur: of 890.00, looted on rall of -he roll: oll: 'leas (9). i - - Same offered motion that T. R. Hagan be allowed to construct a concrete J. ..:.",an. sile:^alk in front of his property on Nonroe Street between 18th and l(1tb Strcft, as per his reauest. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Member •.atts offered motion that all monies collected by the City for repairing streets that have been opened by those having permits to open same, and alio:: :d ;;ho have failed to repair be alloriod the street department as additional . 't Je pfl rtmen �. 'promptly, funds to be used by them in cleaning an. -1 repairing the streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Kerth not voting. Member Cochran offered motion that petition from citizens for water main on Ky. Ave., between 25th and 28th Streets, be referred to the Light and Plater Committee to report back. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Member Cochran_ offered motion that petition from citizens for water main ".atcr on Jackson Street from 19th to 21st Streets, be beferred to the Light & '.:'ager r: - "rig, on Jeao." Committee to report back. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Member Kerth offered motion that the petition from citizens for water main on Jefferson Street from 3rd Street to 4th Street, be referred to the Light ,n and �,ater Committee.to report back. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Same offered motion that petition from citizens for water main on Clay eater :sin on ClayStreet, from 19th to 21st Street,a,be referred to the Light 3:V7ater Committee to !�tn�bt;r. 19th 4._.) . Jts. report back. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Same offered motion that petition from citizens protesting; against the -7enkin Kir'rland. erection of a garage on vacant lot at 715 Kentucky avenue, owned or controlled by Gar^,^c 715 Ky.Ave.Rankin Kirkland, be referred to the Public Improvement Committee.-dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Same offered motion that the matter of disposing of the "ity Scale lot City•Jowle Lot, on South Second Street, betteen Ky. Avenue and 'Washington Street; be referred to the Mayor, Board of Public ':orks and Public Improvement Committee. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). Nays: (3). Member Hummel offered motion to receive andfile the renort of the City Jailer for the month of September, 1925, Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Member Kerth offered motion that the action of the Police & Fire y,,„a ft;,,.. -.•-•Attee, appointing Ray 7-'ilkin3, extra fireman, be approved. Adopted on the cull of the roll: Yeas (9). Same offered motion that the Chief of the Fire Department be request- Plt;-,ti. ed to furni:ih renort on condition of fire plugs at next regular meeting. =idopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9), ?'father Hummel offoml lotion to receive and file the report of the of Police for the month of idonterd on tho call of tho roll: Yeas t.1fr cer r'lr, g offered motion that the Cumberl:,tt 1 Telephone Company ir•s':ructed to resorl all sod that was torn up by them, 111onterl ar: the call of rol l.: fess -tenart offrr(,fl cotion that the (;It:,. .;elicitor he inst:ructHd =c' -ion stilt to t1top t,uglding on 27th Street Pram Jacisaon Street to _ .. heeler ., ...... ndcptei on th= c+_1 of thf: roll: Yeas eas (9). Ve^ser K;-7;-31 4 f:.re3 motion to ht the City of Paducah Seed to H. S. de ed tii.0 Ile, LC !.0. 27, .C•,a. 14 Ir' OF”' rrr.''!f- + +few Addition, for the ..>ur: of 890.00, looted on rall of -he roll: oll: 'leas (9). i No. .^-_3 e . Proceedings of. ROARD 0r' C01+raclL: City of Paducah OCTOBER 5th, 1925. Sucre offered motion that the City of raducah flood to Mary Lawson, Lot No. 28, yt ,,,. _ .in B1acS: J, in Oak Grove L'emeterp, Now Addition, for the sum of ;>37.50. Adopted on the call of the'roll: Yeas (9), ember Season offered motion to allow Robert Tnornton the sum of (755.00 for six month's service to the General Council, same to be charged to Fire S. Police Fund, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Member Himmel offered motion to concuriin the action of the Board of Apemen in receiving and filing, the report of the Chief of the Fire Department for for 'e'.''.. the month of September, 1925. dooted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Member Mason offered notion to concur in the action of the Bonrd of Aldermen in receiving and filing the communication from the ureic-£ of the Fire Department thanking Fire Gc-" ,Ifs letter -f the General Council for sending him to Louisville to attend the International Fire t'Zar., Chief's association, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of aldermen Vre� iio^,ni in granting the request of the Chief of the Fire Department for free hospital service al ser:icc for ^:-cgs to members of the Fire Department hurt while on duty. Also the purchase of First Fire r%nt. Aid outfit. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Member Hummel offered .motion to concur in the action of the Board of ri Aldermen in allowing the claim of Chris Steinhauer in the amount of 4300.00 for motor ^''"'r• cyrle bought by the Police & Fire Committee. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9), Member 0wen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen e;er rine in rescinding the order 'to the Board of Public C'Sorks to place sewer pipe under the •:n -ler .c uses at houses at 91th & Caldwell Steeets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). ,.n V,a?.d. =tr'.Ot• Member Hummel offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of 1=erten in regard to grades being given to Mr. Jim Scott at 13th and Trimble for i ='`t' s 'Idcptei on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). Same offered motion to concur in the t}ction of the Board of Aldermen in referrinc, to the Cit; solicitor tne.matter of brining in an ordinance allowing the N. 'C. & .it. L. R. R. Company to use flagman and wigwag signal protection at Caldwell tr".t croscirn.,, Adopted or., call of the roll: Yeas (9). '•c-r.;ger Cochran offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of 'a•ler*:en ir. referring, to the Street Committee to report back the matter of improvin,r; b;, pavan,,, with coner^,te, t'—, alley bet,veen Broadway and Jefferson and 16th and 17th, runr.ir.q par/allel :lith Fountain :;venue. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). S.Era,ber 'crth o^fereri motion that Street Insnector's attention be callod H02-^ {r s`.r'-ct�:, o ^olv's in various streets, especially at 10th Street and Broadway with a view of lr,rh >,; w Navin. s,i e aor:•eetrd or Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (9). On r.ct:icn meetinf, ad'qurne:l.