HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 138, January 5, 1925Proceedings of. —Bo �of Paducah-._ Li—I' 192 5 -- At a regular me?ting of the Board of Councilmen held on tho Third Flilor of the City !!all, in the amity of llnd'.icah, Kentucky, on January the 5th, 1925, the Clerk called the neetinf,, to order. Upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: C6chran, RigglesberUer, Crider, Fleming -., Holt, Jacobs, Johnson, Kerth, Mason, Owen, Stewart and 71atts. (12). !,7--nbcr 0,.,.,en offered motion to i-eceive and file the election certificates of the follon,!.aC councilmen: -T. G. Fleming, Milus Stewart, Stuart L. Johnson, Emmett Holt, George H. Jacobs and 0. A. Kerth. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). The Clerk announced the election of a President of the Board is noa in order. Member Jacobs nominated member Riglesberger as President of the Board of President jouncilmen for a period of one year. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: 11. Board of Councilmen. -:ember Ri^lesberger not voting. Member Johnson offered motion that the minutes of the meeting of January the 2nd be adopted as read. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Owen offered motion that the following standing committees be appointed for one year. Adopted on the call of the roll; Yeas (12). C01-91ITTEES APPOINTED BY PRESIDENT RIGLESBERGER. Finance: Jacobs, Kerth and Viatts. Ordinance: Kerth, Stewart and Cochran. ST.NDING COMMITTEES. Streets: Owen, Jacobs and Holt. Light & 77ater: Johnson, Holt and Kerth. Public Imorovenent; Holt, Kerth and Stewart. Cemetery: Jacobs, Holt and Stewart. Printing: Stewart, Cochran and Owen. Enrollment: Johnson, Crider and Stewart. Judiciary: Mason, Owen and Cochran. Police & Fire: Jacobs, Holt and Kerth.(, License: Crider, Fleming and Johnson. Railroad, Tel. & Tel: Fleming, Crider and Stewart. Hospital: Owen, Holt and Johnson. Relinf: Cochran, Flominp and Liason. Con-mittee, on Corr.n.i f, toes: Holt, Jacobs and Kerth. RULF'z OF !'ember Owen offered motion that vie adopt the same, rules of procedure and Procedure and order. Order Of :ka:lt -car- Adopted on the call of the poll. `teas (12). RI:-;-ce.130d at 7.45 P. 1% to Cc into Joint Session. He -convened at 8:11r) r, ,.I. f-Qrt' Offem-1 motion to concur in thr,• eoTf.munication or the 1'iayor. C. J. Holrar. in rOila:ld to ;-arnich(,,(3 Sa^t C. J. Holzman, anti turn 311yle ov,-p to 61ty 'solicitor. on rcii: Zeas (12). --otion `nn" the -lai-r. of of I(Ouaf) arl(I Rouse & to referred .o pinanjott "iI r" � i e (3. i.doptod on. tn- call of the) roll: 'll ttemore. veas (12". !:ember Owon offc-red motion to concur in the action of the T3oFtrd of Bond of kilo -ren in canc,?Ilin,�- -ho bond o" the United "tatec- Fidelity City -Jlerk. ',asue-ItY c:onpany, and aCl,'epting, a bond Ndtb the hatjoncjj Surety Company of I,eu yor,.: to :,.,lace r a..aped On Ca.,! of Ye a 3 04-?ered Motion na- c-' rs Fidelity & cancelled. on the call of the Poll: Yeaa (12). 1-090111t1on .9hal', taco effect from, its adoption, lar.r., was first pas:;age n -on the c,,,l of, tjv. -TO'-2­3t0'l1 th , , .'er -4 j %, r -antr:daytts 'lot-, votlnn. cr. upon tie call w, 1(olt, Jacobs, L.aao:, tven n 3hf-r.'-e r r: I t • 7 ii Proceedings w, City of Paducah.--j_--l-,,,.Lil,,-�',X-5-�-l�12-�,,- 192 - --- — ------- "ember Jacobs offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Chain Gang Boss. Aldermen in discontinuing the office of chain Gang Bos:_ Adopted on the call of the Yeas (12). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of il,lermen in allowing the following: New Orleans & Ohio River R. R. Issue outstanding Q) 4 1/2,14 Semi -Annual Interest due at U. S. Mortgage & Trust Co. N. Y. ;,857.40 Interest on bonds alloued. T.i 1i_-1 District Sewer Bond Issue ,,600,000,00 Outstanding� Sp Semi -Annual Interest due at U. S. Mortgage & Trust Co. IT. Y. $15037.50 School Improvement Bond Issue $247,000.60 Outstanding C, 5,1$ Semi-annual Interest due at City 13etional Bank Paducah x6175.00 Ador)ted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Johnson offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of 'Nestern Display Mfg. Co. Aldermen in allowing the claim/ pf the 'western Display & Vianufacturing Company of ,1436.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). 1.1ember Mason offered motion to refer to the pity Solicitor the com- Mrs. J. M. Shipp. raunication from Im J. M. Shipp, #111-1/2 S. 4th Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: 'leas (12). Member Jacobs read the ftllowing: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GENERAL COUNCIL OF 'Tile CITY OF PADUCAH, KE-11TUCKY;- SECTIOU 1. That E. H. Cross, or any other officer to whom the keys and parapher- nalia of the office of Chief of Police of the City of Paducah, have been entrusted, shall forthwith turn over and deliver all of said keys and paraphernalia of said Resolution. E. H. Gross. office to Jack V..'. -'elson, who has been duly elected, and is now the acting, quali- fied Chief of Police of the City of -Paducah, under the authority of his appointmeny by the -ouncil of sail city. SECTION 2. That the ;aid E. H. Cross -T.s hereby notified to desist from any ,2..:,runed direction of thi Police Department of the City of Paducah, and that any �,nl all such acts, by which he may assume to administer the Police Department of City, are llem'hY (1-0.13red to be without autpority, unlawful, a •,I acts of 1-090111t1on .9hal', taco effect from, its adoption, lar.r., was first pas:;age n -on the c,,,l of, tjv. -TO'-2­3t0'l1 th , , .'er -4 j %, r -antr:daytts 'lot-, votlnn. cr. upon tie call w, 1(olt, Jacobs, L.aao:, tven n 3hf-r.'-e r r: I t • 7 ii Proceedings of__�e�__. x_______�.�City of Paducah.—.T_aau_u _s, _-192_x. •1"'t', zi a1lo:vin,;: Rcool,. by the Geuoral Council of the City 1 Of i .luta"', '..-.a nl".crne;;s Recd and Burns be, and th(rr are hereby employed by the City Re -go. to emplov Reed of P, -.I a,. :, the General Counc71, to prosecute and defend any and all actions and 3urne. in behalf of 1: i:- `_o ht or the General Council to administer thn affuirs of the Police and Gi tv. 2i rc :�fpurtm' nts. arc ::as riven fifst pas pre upon the call of the roll by the follovi_.n, Ri le Uerrr , Cochran, Crider, perinr holt, Jacobs, Johnston, Korth, ! I _.i "iatts. (11). Eember -*•+ason not voting. I On motion of s_,me the rules were suspended upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Ri,lesber�er, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Holt, Jacobs, Johnston, Korth, Oaon, St: wart and '::at*.s. (11). +-ember liacon not voting. ! On r;otion of surae, srr:e was liven second and final passage upon the call `he roll: _:' s: 33;,lesbe:ger, Cochran, Crider, Fler:ing, Holt, Jacobs, Johnston, n,erth, C::'P.P, its:,fart and •+atts. (11). :_ember 1 -anon not voting. Jacobs offered motion that the resolution to employ Reed & Burns as attorneys, in behalf of the City and the General Council be referred to the Committee on Cormaittees with porter to act. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). :'anon not voting. Member Jacobs read the following resolution: "BE IT RE30LVED BY THE 0:' 1, •' CITY OF Pi.DUCtiIi, KLidTUCKY: SECTION 1. That the number of policemen, detectives and officers of the Police :nartTent of ::!,id Citi- shall not exceed twenty (20) in number, exclusive of the Chief Resolution. Policemen cf Police of said Lepartxent. not to ezceeci SECTION 2. 20 in number. 3:S I, FII7.THE3 RESOLVED that in order to promote economy in the administration of the Police Jepartmenr,, the Chief of Police is hereby directed to dismiss from the i service ani 11i.nchar-o frog: said Denartment a sufficient number of policemen, detectives] i and officers of said D_•part-_ent so that the number remaining shall not exceed twenty one (?,l) is el+.aiin? tae `'hiof of Police. Si,'CTION 3. Be it further resolved that all extra men be dismissed'flrst,. rCTION 4. That this resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption, : nT, ,..1 nr l rnali.i^aticr.. tame ::•as riven first passac;e upon the tail of the roll: Yeats (12). On rotlon the rules -were suspended upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). On motion SaaF :vas,ive;l;��sUgar•,e upon the call of the roll: Yeas (12). :.e: th offered r.-o';ion to concur in the action of the Board of Appli.atio:: i z•;r., ':r :,.,.' ilin- `hc• application of Hardin , an Pest House Beeper. :'. m.Har,in. t.,fl roll: 7',:in (12). %0 ^.or,0112 in tl;e action of the Board of in rE r+: i S. D. Ennis. f• r °O ^^ .%Out O. i�alth `iae arinl11ation of °. D. ::anis. as J+•r;i `'tr•f .•.c:•. ..9cu%s_' r,:: call of 1::.•.9 :•011: ra3 - (12). motion to :on :T• i' n c� n t,,. action c: t'nf.I P,oar•i o.f f ,n f ,q 1teyfie -r't a as Pest House i or. `he ee?.] of' the r 1i , xS (1 i ff Proceedings oi_ B0—Ar% Gl. COURC>YL?.1EN City of -192 s 19as. _ 192 Member Kerth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of License Inspector Aller -ren instructing tho ]license Inspector to holp the "ity Treas,irer collect to help City Treasurer collect bacltaxes and licenses during t:e month of January.-dopted on the call of the taxes during Januarxoll: Yeas (12). 11omber Kerth read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINA10E FIXING THE HOURS OF 2;1- ?: AYOR OF THE t:ITY OF P:11UC_.R, AND DESIGNATI]IG A PLACE THAT HIC OFFICE Ordinance fixing ,HALL BE �iAIN:AINED, AND PROVIDING A P,�NALTY FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY '.'LITH , -E." hours of ?layor. On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Riglesberl;er, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Holt, Jacobs, Johnston, Iterth, I',ason, Ocren, Stewart and 15'atts. (12). On motion of same, the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Riglesberger, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Holt, Jacobs, Johnston, Kerth, Mason, Owen, Stewart and Watts. (12). On motion of same, same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll:; Yeas: Rigle3berj3er, Cochran, Crider, Fleming, Holt, Jacobs, Johnston, lerth, Mason,- Owen, Stewart and Idatts. (12). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in Furnishings for referring to the Police &: Fire Committee with power to act, the communication of No. 3 Fire -itxtion�he Chief of.the Fire Department in regard to the nurchase of the furnishings for No. 3 Fire Station. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12) Member Cochran offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Report of Fire Chief for Aldermen in receiving and filing the report of the Chief of the Fire Department month of December, 1924. for the mont1i of December, 1924. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Owen offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Light be placed '.ldermen in referring to the Light Committee a petition from citizens asking that be High Street light be laced on High Street between Jefferson Street and Broadway. Adopted between Jeff. & a p g y. Broadway, on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). .ember i;ason offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Report of River- Aldermen in receiving and filing the report of Riverside Hospital for the month of side 3ospital for 14cember 1924. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas 12 . month of December, ' ( ) 1924. er..ber Jacobs offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Annual Report of Alder -ten in receiving and filing the annual report of Riverside Hospital for the Riv rside rio3pit, for year 1924. :,ear 1924. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). I 3eme offered motion to concur in the action of the Hoard of Aldermen Aeport of Chief OA n receiving and filing the renort of the Chief of Police for the month of Deeer..ber eOlice for mohth of - cesaber ' 1.1?.4 . for t',le month of -ti ember, 1924. Adopted on the call of the roll: Year (12) . ?lotion to adjourn loot unon the call of the roll. Yeas (2), 17ays (10). :.lotion to adjourn B':Mber Johnston offered motion to adjourn to meet Friday night, January to meat ?riday, 'jan. 9th . the 9th, at 7:30 of clock P. Il. '1donted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). At an a-1journ!:d .:ep:tin' _:•i,lay nit;nt, Janunry the 9th, 1925, ,Int r:lwsb.r^e^ r.re3i-ie I. Upon call of the roll tht-. followin;; answered to their 3 Fs: Rir}nsber;;�^, !iri'ler, Fle in;Holt, Jo:^_n ;ton, I:laaon, 0•,;en, ;teaart and .fin mor [�?:".ti '.v'iiourned. WOW ire ee/ ' _ -� .�t �f co�ini� i