HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 13, February 18, 1924No. --7 Celmmiss cnei,s'.:Pi•aceedings; .City of Paducah: AN ._ i • _ . -,.1.1r T.60tiT.F' o" the ''n•1i•a or Cour�,tlr.^.nn �•�;3 nr thn ! 'i 'OOr of, i:: r17, ir. the C. t;• O'°"'-1'1 nnh, t'e ntlic1 T•'nbr11+'T?• 7nth ,t>ide7 :. -'.i 71 07. c^7l o roll tl1^ -ro710-ii I -.r..:7ered tO t}.Cir r.„ ..1.. v ;, _O`%'O t'U, .. ,1 , .in0n}+'=, -nrtll, T07i, i'e^ri ^.nr. .. ':C1', .l 3" .. .: t,(17J -•'l. .-r1n „}`?1' ')i' ; `1i'. .. :7 t. r n0 tiol of .rb l_ i. :ol, sl t;:n mir•:t .. n" •'Ch i;^r^ �. T, 1• ':nrq ::•1o}t a: ... rand. "eas 11. 07. IDV 1107: O1: i 0^;}:nT' "0C}1r?'Y. _: it"il:. tet; of �el;rnllrp 73th "".1'n "1 Ol'tEd as read. Yeas 11. !:ambCr :..0:'-eison offered the f0710.71731 mOtlOn• that t},q r91'Ort of the Creasurer be receivt:;a r.T,i filed. ••dopted on cell of th:T roll b the fo71o•11r? votes. ?pas 11. i'ember i'O''rl:,or offered til? follo'ii Y.^' notion: 2b t i �o--r 03'. Lh9 rcoOris of tl_e '"rnasircer that th;re '7!1:3 C011ecterl during Jnru^^:' 1924 .90.88 in tn7es of 7.923 and •.;133.83 in back tares. Where is due the of 'lucati.on 75/238 of the x90.85, or andG5/230 of the 133.83, or x47.35 =o tn1 amouTA due, ir76.18 I move to^_t this &T9o1111t be nllo.-red and the ireenr,rer be inthori zed by ]'roper 'aar-rnrt from t^e Clork to l'a:- same to the Cit— ;'^*.io7^1 Park as?reesrrer Of the 'Serd. :,dol tel or. Cell of the roll by the'follo-lin- •otos; ^, ;'_1 CT, Jacobs, 'Orth, _ _.:107, i.-o"r1flOr, Q'•FfY,, 0)7i COT, 11. .'e"^1?BT :-err 11:017 O'rfereq tho ioll-0'71L? Lot ien; q�+ th0 f17:'j 7:"^ Of .i: d J017.1, + thaT' CE t!OE1.'.:i ttee sh0:77: b^ their rn-. ort be s110:7ed n1"•l the {)l eC}. `=? t'OriZea t0 is Slee i7�Trnl;t or t n ".reaol rgr t0 a- th i � ? _, e realective as:OUT.t^ as .:70.:1, therein. 071 :T. t ."1 , 512.79 7 , 430.139 540.74 L: ox; 195.00 700.00 Commissianers'- Pi-weedings;,City,,of,,Pad-acalT,- -192 th fol to -rin - :.:-)t ioi-: -11,.! olnwn of trie7 0%,zorrboro :.p tl,$ 1 yf,9.3v -"hI,)T. is the T"t amolirt elfte- 'Indlintir- tao rnr be a 3_ " Glork -,Oj - be ir��tructn,.I to Ismie yroror 'IEtrr,irt on th 3 rt roll Ithe olio Ie , -ooa:ro.-o) toOr. c111 of lhi ,:f 11-Itts. `00,�ero, Conhrar, (!riler, Jacobs, '-n-th, Fo-ri-or, :)-3r ar! Ctn:-nrt (12) 'fered tlo-,) follo.vii - -motion: hat Cit: - -ol-,citor be -�Iao..,-?a -,40.cc for exrel�se to to take lol'oSit iors in tbo ".sa 0 f 'ta2iq.r ov.3rir.,i.t v. 'it, ofTtduc�,h, &Y.1 the Clerk be irstri'zoted to draw ox the --reas',:,rer fop- same. it beir.F- understood that this is a ensh advar.ce for lrol,-J-2e e:--ei.ae t -p -t may be incurred and that ret -ort of aoti;al e7yer.S0 7131 be made this; T...Ort. z -dol tad or, Ca :1 of the roll b,- the folln *;Incr votds. ;att_ I o-l—ro, Co,:h-in, Crider, Jacobs, !:-rth, 1-:orrinor, 6) iner ar'.1 t 20) 0-7e1 (1) r -b.- - r ::,) -rison offered the fol3n,,,iing ?potion: Inasmuch as ;eorpe Of 10E.-, !.ad i Per. -it . has ] aid his pol I tay, for 1923 tcjjoe. Loth r-c-oil,ts for verification, I move that he be allowed a refund of ore I,a,,mn.ert ,1.50 !,a,l ole -r', be instructed to issue a '-Tarrant on the Treasurer. Adal-ted of the roll b,- the folia.7inq votes: yeas. -Iatts, 13ou-ero, Conbran. Crider, ':erth, ?'anon, Lorrison, 0*,7en, 61.1cer, and 5te•7art (11) ::ember Gochrer, offorel the foll,),7in:z- Trotior: 2bat -iheroa- T-.te aol-.er, R07 Pri-I Jr. ?7JIk arI Kr) -t Irnl-ector tirm of office 3,11ve jr C.fj fy,— -j that their 1) or I s he ori er o I cancelled v. nl or" i Y- q COTf ir- r o I o i ne'd t -A Oy. r..l of the roll b,,- the follo:7jrp vo-es: 'Yeaq(ll) 0 'farel trp fO21I:,iTIz motion: .'hat comnuri-oation from �pbhie �P-ri to cheep for -w4F-. 40 r, rab3 e- to 7:(,u/1-11111am. hick 7•za r Adopted on the call Of the roll by the following votes: Yeas (11) Member Liorri8on Offered the following motion. That communication from C. i. Crairz in regard to approPriation. Of �400-00 for river improvement be received and filed. Lernber Jacobs Offered amendment to tI.,e above mOtion:That the $401.00 be ,illowed. Adopted on c,111 Of the roll, by the following vote: Yeas. Watts, Bougeno,� : Cochran. Crider, Jncobu, ','efth, M53.9on, (Mon. Spicer and Stewart. (10). plays, Wer.,ber Boupero offjrr,,j tho f0liolillnp motion: That the ruloo be susi)ended for 14 ;42ort T)er;Qd flnl ?11170 :'..;;,; ??ite a, talk or. charity. Adopted on call of h roll Ly -J.1.0 fuI-, YeT12- Mttu, Bullver.O, Cochran, Crider, *'erLh, :.%son. Qffer,.' th,�, - ll, 0 oair p ion: That tae "OtiOn Of' the Porird Of Aldermej,. in rlir%rd to aPr.rte 7,j7, ",e 1.-On,aurred in. A -i Onted or; zrjc, c,111 of ti' -e roll b': f-01 1.X 'Ing vote: Yerl;l. (11). No. / -192 Me cib er the following motion: Owen o �.Pered That the agreement between the City of Paducah and Mrs. L�ffie Ashley, Peot House keeper, under date of February the 15th, 1924, be adopted as read. Adopted on call of the roll by the following vote: Yens:(11) 'IWO I Member Jacobs offered the following motion: That the action of the Alderman in regard to acQeptilig the resignation of Charles Y/hittomore as Chief police of the ji. city of Paducah, and the cancellation of his bond be concurred in. Adopted on the call' of the roll by the following vote. Yeas. (11). Member Jacobs offered the following motion: That an ordinance entitled "An ORDINANCE PROVIII)TNG TTI. T 7T DrDUTY JAILER OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH SHALL HAVE CUSTODY 4177'? C011-1901, OF CITY -2RTSO1N-,`:1%S IN TT1- DOING OF PUBLIC WORK FOR SAID CITY." That was the given its first passage February the 4th, 1924, that rules be suspended and sail ordinance be given passage by title. Adopted on the call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas. Watts, BouFeno. Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, rerth, Mason, i'orrison. Owen, Spicer and Stewart. (11). On motion of the above, the above ordinance was given its second final passage! by the following vote: Yens: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider. Jacobs, xerth, 1,ason, Morrison, Oven, Spicer and Stewart. (11). Member Mason offered the following motion: That the action of the Aldermen Malt and Cereal Beverage in regard to grantingAlicense to John Elrod, #110 South Second Street, A. G. Strauss, #116 Kentucky Avenue, and U. E. Jones, 701 Jackson Street, be concurred in. Adopted on call of the roll by the following vote. Yeas. (11). Member jJo _rTis on offered the following motion: That t1m action of the Aldermen in regard to refilsing Lliilt.and Cereal Beverage License to Jaek, Riddle, .1119 Broadway, Bud Turner, #105 South Second Street, J. H. Longton, IL127 S. 2nd Street, be concurred in. Adopted on call of the roll b,- the following vote. Yeas. I.Ilatts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Mason, Morrison and Spicer. (7). Nays: Jacobs, Kerth, Oraen and Stewart.(4). Member Cochran offered the following, motion: That the fiction of the Board of Aldermen in regard to receiving and filing the financial renort of Riverside Hosuital for January, 1924, be concurred in. Adopted on call of the roll by the follow-: in -R vote- Yeas. (11). Member Owen offered the following motion: That the petitions signed by several citizens of the City of Paducah, Asking the Council not to go into contract with the PL-ducah gleutric (loiipLny, to light the streets of Pa,lucah and close dean the present Cit", Liglht 1117int, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll by tl,.e follm-,ring :-oto: Yer,2. Boizgeno, Cochran, Jacobs, Zerth, Mason. Morrison, Owen, _pi.cr rind Stowart.(9). Nayo: Viat%s, Crider. (2). Member Jnuoba offered the following, motion: That the Fiction of the 6n -4,4_,a- fi�4 Aldormen in regard to the !.!%,.yor Find City 01;.,rk, beinp instructed to enter into contract h the Pr,1,4ph 7lectric COmjnrin.­ to ftirriuh c;treot li.vhto, be concurred In. ),tot Ion lut anon C1131 0P roll by the follo,-ins, ;o*.e: Yeriti. J%;;obo, Terth, O-aen, :;nicer, rt. (S) Cochran, 1riflor, 1.1ason, Mor-Luon, (6). offerei the fblio.-iinr mtio-.: Tn"t sin ordinance entitled All 0' OR MOI.10.a 1'..'RicLES -Y-,-.:­T:_ TIJG -PL,%Y 0" 3Y 3'l `T`!--'," ;zi-en r1-­.:FLWP on the 01111 of thf- roll by the follo,,-Anv vote: Yefl-c. -.;attd, 3cucfeno. ':Vler, Jacob;), !_Inson. !,I.Orrison, Q.,len, Spicer 3tez.,nrt.(ll) . On mot—in of tr Owen 7".f.' rules be 3usDenled and Said o:­i`r;,in,,,, b,, g!ven rc2aaiTe i:7 of t -i, roll by the f0110-?7in? 70'. C: Yei. .2 . ;a ­z, B-!;k'E:".O. I", Yorri,:on. Oven, ✓4..... �, �� .ZZs. l -192— On 192 ._ On motion of member :{erth, the forej-oinF� ordinance was riven its second and final pr_s::rgc by the followinrr vote; Yeas: Slatts, Boueeno, Coehrnn, Crider, Jacobs, l;erth, Mason, Morrison, Owens, Spicer and Stewart. (11). 1?ember Stewart offered the following motion; That from this date on that all members of the general council of the City of Paducah that are called to a Committee Meeting and do attend said meeting, either in joint or separate, be paid the sum of 93.00 for each and every meeting, and the City Clerk be authorized to draw)J warrants on the City Treasurer for said services, and the money to be paid out of the. same funds as other salaries. Member l:erth made an amendment to the above motion that the above matter be turr_ed over tothe City Solicitor. Adopted on the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, Owen, Spicer and Stewart. Nays: Morrison, 14ember 1jason offered the following motion: That the communication from Taylor Hon`1ns in regard to discontinuing hauling off dead animals for City, which takes ef'.'ect February 29th, 1924, be received and filed. Adopted on the call of the roll by the following vote. Yeas. (12A. Member Jacobs offered the following motioll: That an ordinance entitled ",?: G;JIIiA r P?07TXVG FOR i''ii: COIL^ROT, nI?7 1&1HAr7.r?TT OF RIVERSIDF. HOSPITAL IN THE CIM7 OF PADUCAK, ;?'^'I0; Y, AILD TH:': APPOIIIT1.P'??T OF A SUrR-IITTF.IIDENT OF SAID H0S?T-,:L" be [riven first passage. Adopted on the call of the roll by the fell vote: Yeas. Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Yerth, Mason, Morrison, Spicer and Stewart. (11). the On motion of member Stewart that rules be suspended and said ordinance be giver: pas,;age by title. LdOpted on call of the roll by t1m following vdte: Yeas; Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Earth, Mason, I.,orrison, Omen, Spicer a:.d Stewart. (11). On motion of the above, the above ordinance was given second and final passage by the following vote: Yens: Uatts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, lterth, 1ason, Morrison, Ogen, Spicer and Stewart. (11). L!cmber Coc'trr_n offered the following motion: That the Board of Public ,Ior:a be authorized to reps it the City Lipht plant. Adopted on the call of the roll. by the follo*�:iru, vote: Yen+s: Cutts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, morrison,(5). Hays: Jacobs, !l:eer.. ;nI er nazi :,tew:art. (4). Memberarerth.and Mason, being excused from :os,ir.F b;: Pre�iJent il✓itts. Vember V.aaen offered the f.11o✓in motion: That the contrAct of the 0 with the Paducah r;lectric Comnnr;✓ :'or li:.,Ytinr* Cit:1, be re -considered, Adeuited _ , C. a call of the roll by Lire follo✓tre, vote: Ye-,,- Bouveno, rocnrnn, Crider, J°VCI _:crit:, 1, r}.'en, .ja::Cr ite:4nrt. (7.). ?:'. Vorri:on.(I). Lemcer O-A;(,n or: e. -1 f _1 motion: Thrs'., L•.e ;,ont r;ct he tw:cen A :I' f ^,o%apAriy for lir;-ainF; Cit:.', be 4o1.1 nvc: 51 next _,.tine _ :n:ll of the roll by the folio.A nv :ott: lattS, Bsl eno ^o _ riOwen, n! 13a;:s: Jaccbs, _:ertH and :;tevrart. (Z; t :f�IYit`f11'I�9ST�717�T,�`i'�'�Xib`'f,���{�'�'��i`1'f�Yl'���1`�XIYG`t�'�•"v No. / 7 -- - --192-- member Jacobs offered the following motion: That the City of Paducah convey b,: Quit Claim deed to G. J. Rankin, Lot No, 30, in Black 14, of Oak Grove Cemetery, , w i7ew Addition for the sum of 271ltety(�'90.00)Dollars, and that the City Clerk be ' instructed and authorized to sign said deed and make proper entry of said conveyance 1 in the Cemetery Deed Book. Adopted on the call of the rmll by the following vote: Yeas. Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Aiason, Llorrison, 0=:en, j i Spicer anti Steuart. (11). I Lfember Kerth offered the following motion: That the action of the Aldermen in regard to authorizing the Finance Committee to receive bids and buy auto license plates be concurred in.. Adopted on the call of the roll by the follrnving vote; Yeas. I i kember-Jacobs offered the folla.,ing motion: That a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION P O'JT,JING JTHAT NO LI--I?SE SIIALL B.•i GRANTED -OR T?E OPPRATFON 07 ANY BUSIi7ESS REQUIRED TO BE =,TC:�.T1S':D IN THE CITY OF PADUCA?, KENTUCKY FCR Y PERIOD OF THREE i:.0I7^HS AFThIi TFL :tis70 :.;TI0I1 OF ANY LICisI7SE FOR '1'!33 CON::UCT OF 711-7, :iAi.%d BU3TN'r,S i AT ^HIS PLACE 03 BUILDII7Gr$egiven first passage. Adopted on the call of the roll j I by the following vote: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Mason, Morrison, Spicer and Steuart. (9). Nays: Kerth, and Owen.(2). the On motion of same, that the rules be suspended and, sbove resolutioh,be`.given I passage by title by the following vote: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, I Jacobs, Mason, Morrison, Oven, Spicer and Steuart. (10). Nays. ?erth. On motion of sam, the above resolution vias given second and final passage by the following vote: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Liason, Morrison, Owen, Spicer and Stewart. (10). Nays: Kerth, (1). i Lember Spicer offered the following motion: That an ordinance entitled "AN nom" ` ��` ORDII7nIICE R;{Gi;: ;^IllG 7w G, USS 0^ POOL ROOMS AN') UALLT BUFRAGE HOUSES AT'D -IVING THI: i P ::dLTY OF T?' 7I0L:1TTON 77" 7,OF be given first passage. Adopted on the call of the! I roll by the following votes: Yeas. Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Mason, Morrison, Owen, Spicer and Stewart. (10). I.1errber Kerth beine excused from voting by President vlatts. the On motion by Member Jacobs that rulos be suspended and said ordinance be given passage by title. .,dopted on the call of the roll by the follovring vote: 'Loos: :latts, Bougeno, Coc`:ran, rriuer, Jacobs, Mason, I:Iorrison, Owen, Spicer, and ; Ste:rart.(10). i On motion of unme t::e above ordinance was given second ani final passage by the foliriwina vote.: Yeas: ilatts, Bouveno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, islason, i Llorri on, Owen, tiricer and St�rrnrt.(lOj. i I Yeager ^,or,=an offered the following motion; That the action of the � />Ko Alderrrrr. ho .;. .:rred in in regard to authorizinn the Board of Public idorks to r iuy a oe.' ..._:.,: rr•:itr .::i tractor. 1,1,otion lost.cn the call of the roll by the 9att:z, Boupeno, Cochran, wider, Jacobs, :_ertn, ?";so: , .- ... ;n't..er .:d :;teeart. (10) the follo:wira mot10n: That the action of the Board of n11ermen in rea_ri:; *.. t::.. com:tuni—ition "ron ti:r, trter.:tionnI %ssociatlon of •'_re riJ?:tee , i; oe:arred in. ;:d:nted on the sill of thi roll by Ucz�ber ,.fered ti:e f)113 i^.> motion: That th^ co3^uh12ition from of t:a� „_ • -- --...r,;- re, ,ing o% ;i,: -."n 1 -.. .,treet ar.l ..•is•.^.a street, ie ea a: .. 0, ._�ah ?r.irteerth and Adams No. / y .w �JJyJl CETi1rr11issLorlere Procee'}izr'""r0ity:e Ta>smah _192 Street, nril.4 other improvernants, be referred to aho'Board of Public :'loris. A,lopted on the :all of the roll by the following vote; Yeas:(11). Ltember Jacobs offered the follarinr motion to concur in the action of the Board o, Aldermen in regard to extending the time of the Equalization Board to 1.1arch the 15tH. Adopted on the call of the roll by the following vote; yeas. (11) "ember ,,?erth offered the following motion, to, concur in the action of the i Board of aldermen in regard to settlement of suit of Barbara Bradley against the i Cit;: of Paducah. Adopted on the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas; (11).' Batts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, L,ason, Morrison, Owen, Spicer and Stewart. LIember Jacobs offered the following motion that Mr. Smith, former pest House Keeper, be allowed to remove fence ;vire from off the Pest House Farm, which is the property of Mr. Smith, Adopted on the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. (11). II -ber I;erth was excused from the meeting by President Watts. "ember Jacobs offered the following mot'_on: To concur in the action of the Eoard of Aldermen of February the 4th, 1924, in regard to the report of the Treasurer of the collection of ten year bond agreement, made in connection with Yancey and Johnsons, contract for concrete street and pavements on Monroe Street, Test Property Line of Eighth Street, to East Property line of Ninth Street, be accepted, and the Treasurer be authorized to pay to said Yancy and Johnsons, the amount of Four Hundred and Forty -Four and 6/100($444.06)Dollars, tiie amount paid in by property owners and that bonds be printed in the amount of One Thousand Four llur_dred and 86/100 (."?'1400.86) Dollars, and the Mayor and Treasurer be authorized to execute sane in accordance with law. Adopted on the call of the roll by the folio:•inrr vote: Yens: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Mason, Morrison, rimen, Ppicer !ani Stewart. (10). G._ tlh v' follo:rin mUt10r;: :7?^.t t:73 action O:F t•i9 •118Tnier .Y :'•�`,:'l t0 and f.iliic- the Jr-ru•hr•'• roport of Fire Dei •:rtunnt.h "d'op'ed ro11 b:- the fo110:^ih ^ votes. Yeas (10) offered tho follovlr.r- motion: h'hat tho aet IOY 0'• i 1:•24 Ii. r': -s:1 to all 0i1-t!1_-� r_ oolrr•Ittee o_" t••o to loll rotorryple . JY':'.. .. .,n ir, .:l r'.� _n'i on ..._ n .. ':!: : 011 b. tl?e :•0110 -AT lOt9;h. .. .. .7aS:e :� :JY '.^ iY .. a? ..tet 'iV: ti`.• t1;e Pot:r'1 of r Iderman In re•^ r4 nIo,..'o!l or call o{' th4 roll Y,. '.' "; rt !1) No.� J ��vare x a�> itr�s,�c C a yc. �?ac}az�a�r -192 - 1 Yember Jacobs offered the follo•ain r motion: 1'hat the action of the Board of t Aldermer of r'ebriuAry 4th 1924 be concurred in, rePardinq the recommeriation made by the sire and lolice Committee.=ulopted on call of the roll by the following Yeas. 10 votes: !'ember I�ochran offered the followine motion: 20 Concur in the action of the Le fir'^.tip Board of .aldermen of February 4th 1924 in regard to Chief Leigh makine" trip to F dt.l-ouis. Adopted on call of the roll by the follo'.Anr votes: Yeas 10. ?'ember Jacobs offered the follo•.vinrz motion: -ehat the action of the Board of Aldermen of r'ebruary 4th 1924 be concurred in rerardinr exemptira Home Ice 1 'omrary from taxation for five years. Adopted on call of the roll by the follo:vina votes: Yeas. 10 1:?amber Cochran offered the followinP motion: To concur in the action of ✓ the Aldermen of r'ebruary 4, 1924 ir: record to recommendation of Board of Public •-orks and the Joint light F< +ater Committee Qoinr into a contract with Paducah electric Co. Adopted on call of the roll by the followinrr votes: Yeas. 10. Yemb-ar Jacobs offered the follo:vira motion: To cor-cur in the action of the Board of Aldermen of February 4, 1924 in r een_rd to purchaginP 199 markers from the laducah ;r•anite Yarble Stone Co. at a Price of 0"197.50. Adopted or. call OF the roll by the follo:Jinrz votes: Yeas. 4atts, Bou Reno, Cochran, Cri9er, ! Jacobs, t.;asor, Lorrison, Oaer-, Spicer and Steaart 110) i On motion of same to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen of Feb. 4, 1924 in regard to dohble assessment of I.B.Tersons be referred to galiof Comr..i ttee. j>dopted on call of the roll by the follo:rir-jz votes: Yeas 10. Yember Coch-rar; offered the following* motion: +'o concur in the action of i3oari of Aldermen. of Feb. 4, 1924 al3o-air,rz a refund to J.H.Parsons on tax bill o...ell, for year 1921. Adopted on call of the roll by the folloainr, votes: Yeas. 10. 1:ember Jacobs offered the follo.ainr, motion: 20 concur ir- the action of the 3oar3 of Aldermen, r'ebruary 4th 1924, in refzard to referring to the Board of ,ublic dorks the communication from citizens living on 11th and lirile;r and 10th and Burrett. �dortod or the call of the roll by the folloninq veto: Yoas 10. ''pmber Cochran offered the follo.zinr motion: 'To cor:cur in the recor.:mer,dation from the .joint moire arl lolice Cornmittee to create the office of actinrz assistant Chief of I OliCA to hr_ve charge of i olice Dent. in the absence of chief :.ierh from the cit;:, or Ir. caro of Siaknens of said cheif. ;Adopted on call of the roll by the folio.7ing votes yeas. 10. ar..e mede the fo3loair,7 motion: =o cor.Cur it the r000mr.erdation from the Joist Aire and lolice Co _,citteo to r_lloa Jhiof of police to put on the police force (.ice• ` Z ,- t -if o ^er; to ":iI the t:No vacar:eies r.oa existirfit naid force cauued by the illness o_" officera Joe Iverlett and .:.C,)arter. :ia said two mor: be required to rzive bond as other officere. idol ted on call of the roll b;: the follo,.jir:rc votes, loss, 10 •-a" made the f-;110.71nv notion-. =o aor:Cur In the action of the Board of Al- :� t 4 Termer it re,ar? to the revocatior of licerne to the fo'loninrzper:or:s: Scott Far- Fuser.. :.::. ote1 7-.1ar -nice ztatior, ]ell �a•-3;;, 9tt�. shlr;rztor, great 125 8. i« ,• :d r-atior. lost 2rd it. XtzX M&/cn call Of the roll b••r tr,3, fol_C:virr-. votes: 717oa2. Datta, Bou:.er.o, �o2hrari, !'aeon, '•'arriaor. f5) =,ays. •%rider, Jacobs, 0wor:, Tricor and Stewart.. (5) 5ar..e ode LPs ?olio:vis-::r -C tion: :o "rcur in t%a action of the Powi of Al- dermer it rei*ard to the or ir-arce conrittee*o brlr.v Jr - r ar. ordinance voverr._r.R malt No. s n ucah .192 - — I and cereal beverage hlaoes of business and pool rooms. Ado) -ted on call of the roll b,• the folloair.,, votes. Yeas. 10/ ::ember Cochran offered the following motion: �'o concur in the action of the Poard of Allermer. of Zeb. 4, 1924. in regard to the o4dinance committee to bring ir: an ordinance refusing to renew a license of Prant a new license for a term of three months at any business house where said license has been revoked on account of violation of any laws now in effect in the cit;- of 1aducah. -dotted or. call of the roll by the following votes- Yeas. Batts, bougeno, Cochran, Cride_, L'ason;, I.:orrison, Oren, Spicer and Stewart (9) Slays. Jacobs (1) Same offered the following motion: To concur in the recommendation made by the joint fire and police committee to have Kelly Franklin made acting assistant Chief of Iolice and fixirt? his salary for said duties or iso°other duties Chief Liegh may assign him to do at an increase of x15.00 per month in salary. Adopted on call of the rcoll,by the followrinw votes: Yeas. 10. Member Spicer offered the followinrz motion: 1'o concur in the recommendat made by the Joint iYre and lolice Committee to allow U.H,Breme on reoeommendation of Chief Slauo-hter x28.36 for eight days time lost on account of illness. Adopted on call of the roll by the followinP votes: Yeas, Batts, Bougeno, Cochran, Cridir Jacobs, I.:ason, Lorrison, Owen Spicer and Steuart 10. On motion the -Board recessed at 11:40 P. M. to r;o into joint session. 3e -convened 12:10 and on motion meeting adjourned. i PROCSr;DIIi^3S OF ^1 JOINT 12 IIID OF THE GEII::RAL ^.0?.'IICIL, FEB. 18TH, 1924. At a joint meeting of the General Coil it held on the Third Floor of the City Hall in the City of)Faducah, Ky., Febru ry 18t , 1924 President Yenraly presiding: Or, oall of the rol� the ollo.. na an .vered to heir names: Kenn y( Alliston, XeXY }JX Brooks, Coir'rrar:, Cole, Bie a Yopp, 7attg, Bouaono, Cop}�ran, Cridor,�/ \/ Jacobs, L`asor,, I'.orri�orl, Owen, Sp' c r and Steaan�+; On motion mini es of Febru ;i the 4th, 192 . here adopted x read. 4 On motion mirk: es of Fobru r the 13th, 19214, ,rare adopted as read. Coun,cilmar. Cc ran offer th follow/:Yean: motion: That the co munication Frank Dau„};eYt, Attort/o;, ;err,ral, Ffcrt�,%, inopard to casting lot for l.or,g ar.1 aHort ter:- of 0o1n.r,Ilmon n d Aler., be4"receivnd arl file . Adopted or. tho cull of the roll cr; the folio.fir. vot Ylkredy, Alliston, 'Brooks, i Cochrar. Cole, 3ier.,: r:.i Y7atts, Bouaero, Coch••ar:, Cridor, Jeool,ft, I`ason, l or` sor, O: -ren, 3I•icer a: i \;toraert. Or. ^o.ior. meetiry a9 joi;rr.M.