HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 117, November 3, 1924No.117. _ .. Proceedings Oi-_BOARD OF COUNCILtdEI7 _ Clty of Paducah-_11OVEl1B1iR 3L 1924. 192 At a regular meeting of the Board of Councilmen held on the 3rd Floor of the City Hall in the City of Paducah, Ky., November the 3rd, 1924, President Watts called the meeting to order. Upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: Butts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, Morrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). On motion the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. L:ember Jacobs offered motion that the City Solicitor bring in a resolution Exemption of International Shoe exempting the International Shoe Company from City taxation on their new addition Company for five for a period of five years, dating from 1922. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas years on new addi- tion. (12). Same offered motion that the Mayor make deed to Arthur Sanderson for Lot No. Arthur Sanderson. 10 on Browh Street, and collect $150.00 for same. Adopted on the cAll of the roll: Lot 10 on Swim St. Yeas (12). Same offered motion to concur in the request of the Mayor to purchase shoes, Clothin for four underwear, etc., for four city prisoners. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas City Prisoners. (12). Asember Morrison offered motion that the report of the Finance Committee be accepted, and allowances made as recommended, and the Clerk instructed to issue proper warrant on the Treasurer for the payment of same, charging the respective departments as shown therein: Legislative & Executive 1456.50 City Hall Employees 57.50 Police Department 1727.62 Pay -Roll. Fire it 1579.26 Board of Public Works 25.02 Street Department 608.20 it " Chain Gang 56.78 New construction 1119.73 Sewer & Plumbing 156.70 Market House 87.50 Engineering 127.50 Parks 61.50 City Scales 37.50 Cemetery 190.80 City Jail 100.00 Riverside Hospital 757.36 Health Officer 250.00 it Nurse 105.00 Sanitary Inspector 41.67 Milk & Meat Inspector 70.00 Incinerator 45.00 Pest House 25.00 Auto Health Officer 25.00 Contingent Assessors Asst. 40.00 Special Sewer Fund 12.91 Also the following regular allowance: Library 625.00 McCracken County Court 100.00 Mothers Club 25.00 Colored Home of the Friendless 25.00 Settlement House 25.00 Horse of Friendless 300.00 Also the following claims: Printing, Postage and Supplies 81.68 Clai.s. Bon:ts of Employees 20.00 Police Department 4.80 Fire " 16.53 Street Department 484.02 Engineering 94.51 Garbage Disposal 158.33 Street Oiling Account; 356.68 Market House 26.88 Light Plant 1.00 New Construction 655.35 Se-rers 3.90 Special viewer Fund 8.50 Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). ------ BO.RD OF COWCILPdnN N0VEIIBER 3, 4 Proceedings of_'_ City of Paducah____ _ — 192 _ I same offered motion that the monthly estimate for work done during the month of i October, 1924, on Contract No. 7 for sidewalks, be approved and the City Treasurer G.,;.:atter+oh Jr" g d 0,1,7act horized and instructed to isauo Im*�rovenent warrant to George VI. Katter' ohh, Jr. , for the sum of 5557.29, same being 65% of the total amount of work done, as provided by law. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same offered motion that the monthly estimate for work done during the month of October, 1924, 6n Contract No. 3, for sidewalks, curb and gutter, be approved and the City Treasurer authorized and instructed to issue Improvement Tarrant to George W. Katteriohn, Jr., for the sum of N5700.63, same being 651% of the total amount of work 0.7% Katter,johqlone, as provided by law. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Contract ,43. Same offered motion that the monthly estimate for work done during the month of October, 1924, on Contract No. 6, for gravel street, be approved and the City Treasurer Yancey & authorized and instructed to issue Improvement 'ilarrant to Yancey & Johnson, for the sum Johnson, of ;;4577.95, same being 65. of the total amount of work done, as provided by law. Contract n6. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same offered motion that the monthly estimate for work done during the month of, October, 1924, on Contaact No. 1, for sidewalks, curb and gutter, be approved add the ,.:.RobinsonCity Treasurer authorized and inst,ucted to issue Improvement Warrant to G.W. Robinson & Co. Contract No. 1. & Company, for the sum of :?12026.57, same being 65% of the total amount of work done, as provided by law. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Rigglesberger read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURBS AND GUTTERS, TOGETHER VITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, i Resolution IIIT„KES, CATCH BASINS AND SE,i;ER PIPE CONNECTIONS ON BOTH SIDES OF 14TH STREET FROM THE Concrete curb & guttora:ORTH PT?OPERTY LINE OF JEFFERSON STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF MONROE STREET, IN; 14th 3t. 'FRE CITY OF PALUCAH, KENTUCKY, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLAITS AND SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED; irc:REFOi: BY THE CITY ENGINEER OF SAID CITY, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS, r!1D PROVIDING THAT SUCH COST MAY BE PAID FOR UIIDER THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN.” On motion of same, same was given first passage upon the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, urider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, Morrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). On motion of eame, the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, Morrison, Oven, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). On motion of samo, azre was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll by the follaninc vote: Yeas: +atts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Ma3on, '.lora13on, Owen, Higglesherger, ::pacer and Stewart. (12). Sezio read a resolution entitled "A RESuiaUTION PROVIDING FOP, THE IMPROVELIE1T BY G!?:i IPI r i. +: G :V$LII: OF PA/TON AVENUE FFOL". 'PH"r' 71FST CURB LINE OF BLOOM AVENUE ImproveWent Paxton Ave. 0 Tai •: ':if; :T-i?;,Yi;31_Y LSP:e: Or A ^,/kPIITR AVE!iU::', IN 'THE CITY OF P..LUCAH, KENTUCKY, i G;Ttai '!;':it :.L :: ^a.'K'1 Y,+NHOL, S, INT,, 3, BA2CH BA INS ::PCD SKIER PIPE COIdHECTI017s, 1Pa' :TCC':'.?r.PI e: 7:1.H U : rL dl AND Sr Ec IFIUi.'iIOIIS FU; NISHaU THhPi:FUR 15Y TNh CITY ENGINEER , Ur' S,.ID C7:Y, '.... 'i:; '.'?`uPERTY C:.NRRS, AND PROVIDING TID.T SUCH On motion of same, aar.c• was given first pas3a a upon the. call of tho roll: Yea3: iiatts, Bcui7eno, :.0^.n^an, !: r.::9 r, ,:acoba, Ker1h, tra Jon, MOTriaon, Owon, RSLj_,.le3)3e,rgtfr, Spicer and Stewart. (12). On eetio:, of same t e rulas were cuspenied and re303D3tion read by title upon C:;<? C511 Of t..8 rola: iC"a. 44tt3, 50live,no, Ccc,.rFan, ;rlder, Jacobs, '4erth, :.'aeon, PArriaon, +::.e::, i+^ 1=soar,^.er, =ricer and teeart•(12). C: motion a&_ -e was giver. secoad and final paaaage upon the call of the roll: Ycti9: ��8tL3, 30'.1.'.@.^.0, c 0=.ran, Crider, latobs, 4er—, Mason, MOrri3on, Gwen, RicLl 3berger, Spicer a:d atevart. (i2,1. No. _119.. - ---- -- .. Proceedings of sOA' Ub_ COUN01U! N City of Padllcail_ NOVEGIBER S _1924`____ 92 Member Owen offered motion to refer to the Board of Public Florks and Cinder ':;allcs ',aclc Joint Street Committee, petition from citizens asking for cinder walks from the foot of Tilghman High of Adams Street, the length of foot ball park, back of Tilghman High School. Adopted .school. on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). ?..ember Stewart offered motion that the communication from J. C. Drummond J. C. Drummond. regarding Tax Bill No. 946, be received and filed. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Jacobs offered motion to re -consider the action of the council at C. K. Milam. the last meeting regarding tax bill of C. K. Glilam. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same offered motion that C. K. Llilam be refunded $1.50, poll tax for C. K. I.`.11am. 1924. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Nays( Llason) (1). Member Kerth offered motion to receive and file summons served on the City Su --n ons served of Paducah by the McCracken County Circuit Court, iri the:case`of Thos. Challenory on City of Paducah by 'cCracken CountSlaude Ii. Jones and Ruby Darnell. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). In cases of Thos. Challenor,Claud H. Member Cochran offered motion to ratify the transfer of Lot No. 16, Block arnelnd Rub; 43, Oak Grove Cemetery, from C. E. Spinner to Gars. Lynora Atkins. Adopted on the Lot ,#16,Block 43, call of the roll: Yeas (12). Oak Grove Cemetery. U. E. Spinner. to Member Jacobs offered motion to ratify transfer of Lot No. 68, Block Yrs. Lynora Atlrins. Lot 'Io. 68,Block 2, in Oak Grove Cemetery, from C. W. Morrison to Mrs. H. E. Morrison. Adopted on the 2, Oal, Grove call of the roll: Yeas (12). Con.etery. ri. �•' I'orrizon to "rs. Same offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the Board of Public ri. .... 1'02'rison. Geo. Katterjoi;norks, that 6ontract No. 7, be awarded to Geo, W. Katterjohh, Jr., Adopted on the Jr. Con;r��ct #7. call of the roll: Yeas (12). Llembor Kerth offered motion to receive and file statement of Pa%lucah PaIncah Railway Rail:ray Company of gross earnings, operating expenses, taxes and so foi•"th, for 12 Company. months ending September the 30th, 1924. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Bougeno offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the Ed. Seamon. City Solicitor for the cancellation of `Pax Bill NOW 3360 against Ed. Seamon. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Spicer offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of October repo -t Aldermen in receiving and filing the report of the Chief of Police for the month of Chief Of Police. October, 1924. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12), Idember Jacobs offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Gatoi:cr rope:'% CriL:f of Fire Aldexnwn in receiving and filing the report of the Chief of Fire Department- for the Le partm,en:. month of October, 1924. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12).. Member Yorrison offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Are lil;ht Aldermen in referring the petition of citizens uequosting an arc light to be planed 11th & Palr: :.;ts. at t_e corner of 11th & alcx Stre-t3, to the Light & hater Committee. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). L:ember Jacobs of,'ered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Delegates to Ohio Valley Aldermen in the Mayor being instructed to appoint four delegates to the Ohio Valley I-:nro.•er:ent .',sso. :It Cincinnati. Imnrove'.;ellt A9900iatlon at Cincinnati, the city to pay railroad fare both ways. Adont�;d on the cull of tae roll: Yeun (12). a:A of",_ red =Orion to concur in tsce action of the Bov.rd of Aldermen Huth and lona in regard t0 _-aT Bill O• - "o a . Adopted On the call OfAllsman. 56 against Hut- the roll: 'Yeas (12). No. 120.___, Proceedings of—..__Boaso-or--couNGa.LmEtr City of Paducah__N0YPI_BER a,___._._—_192. 4. Laying off Member Owen offered motion that the Chief of Police be instructed to lay three police- men. off the 1391 three policemen employed. Member Cochran offered an amendment to the above motion that the Police and Fire Committee lay off three of the last six policemen employed, using their own discretion. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen 2 Tires for in permitting the Police and Fire Committee to purchase two Fire -stone tires for pumper. 600 gallon pumper, at a cost of $210.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Jacobs offered motion to concur in the recommendation of City Solici•wor in regard to Tax Bill 1678 of Joe Holland being reduced 5325.00 of the assessed Joe 'iolland. valuation. .adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Mason offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in regard to the Mayor and Police and Fire Committee being empowered to purchase Purchase 750 gal. of the Seagrave Company a 750 gallon pumper at a cost of Twelve Thousand($12000.00) Dollars, pu!.p r to be paid Six Thousand($6000.00) on delivery and Six Thousand ($6000.00)Dollars on July 3ertgrave - Co. etc. 13t, 1925, provided the contract for the 350`.gallon bumper can be cancelled without any additional cost to the City, and provided that the 750 gallon pumper will be delivered ,within 90 days. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Spicer offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of C •.,.'tansom.Aldermen in re£uhding C. B. Ransom $4.86 on tax bill for 1924. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). IGember Jacobs offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of R.'r,d^uaeiAldermen in regard to accenting deed from E. R. Bradshaw, Jr., Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Mason offered motion that the Board of Public Works and Joint Street Committee be instructed to investigate and bring in their recommendation as to Ky. „ve. l7th to the possibility of opening Kentucky Avenue from 17th Street to 19th Street. Adopted 19th Cts. on the call of tate roll: Yeas (12). Member Kerth offered motion that the Relief and Finance Committee investi- gate the condition of families whose homes were burned on Mill Street in a recent fire, 55111 _-treet fire. and that they be authorized to expend or donate up to $250.00 for their relief, if needed. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same offered rtotion that the matter of the Uountry residents who have platen of business in tate City, and vote in City Elections without paying poll tax, Pool .ar.• and those legal voters residing in the City who escape paying Poll tarby not registering g and voting, be referred to the City Solicitors and Judiciary Committee for investigation with a view of forcing them to comply with the law. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same offered motion that the Street Committee investigate the adviseability Clark'St. of the improvement of Clark Street from 19th Street to City Limits. Also advisability from 19th St. to City of improving, path through hollow on Clark Street from 11th Street to I. C. Shops with :ir.itS. cinders which will be furnished by tate I. C. R. R. Co., work to be done by the street dezart:nent. Adopted on tre call of tae roll: Yeas (12). Member Lierth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in authorizing the t:ayor to ei;aploy Marwick ?Witchell & Company to. audit the ?:arwlcg City books, at an expense of not over °400.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas & Cr. (12). _A,Udit City .^.o Qr.S. No.._. 121. Proceedings of BoARD_,oF c4 _iuiLmr ra _City of Paducah—tao_v-,- 35-1924. _.-- -_ 192 Member Mason offered motion that the Street Light at 25th and Broadway Light 25th S be moved to 25th and Kentucky Avenue. Lost upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Watts, Ky. Avenue. Mason, Owen, Spicer and Stewart (5). Nays: Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Korth, and 3igglesberger. (G). Morrison not voting. Member Jacobs offered motion to concur in the action ofthe Board of Lxtensiori of time'Alde*nen in adopting a resolution extending the time for paying oil assessment tax for payingsmt tax oil aszesse:er.t bills to February the 1st, 1925. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas (12). bills. On motion meeting adjourned. --- 1