HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 110, October 20, 1924No.----1-18.--- Proceedings of _ BOARD OF COUNCILMEN. _ _City of Paducah- 9CTOBER21,-------- 192_4* At a regular meeting of the Board of Councilmen held on the Third Floor of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, October the 20th, 1924, President Watts called the meeting to order. Upon the call of the roll the following answered to their named: Watts, B6tLAeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, Morrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12) The minutes of the meeting of October the 6th were adopted as read. Member Cochran offered motion that the City donate $130.00 per month to Donation the Volunteers of America, as per the request of the Mayor, from now until January the Volu::teers of :imerica. 1st, 1925. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Same offered motion to refer to the Street Committee the communication of Street George F. Runge, in regard to Street markers at street intersections, same to report markers. at nest meeting. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Member Jacobs offered motion that the ISayor be instructed to appoint four Delegates delegates to go-to Cincinnati, Ohio, to go to the Ohio Valley Improvement Associations Ohio ValleyConvention, and charge expense of same to contingent fund. Adopted on the call of the Improvenan� :,ssociation Convention. roll: Yeas (12). Uember Cochran offered motion to receive and file the communication from 0. T. I`.cCAGE.A. R. Steel in regard to having been unable to locate I,1r. 0. T. IdcCage to serve papers issued against him by the City. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Yorrison offered motion that allowance be made as recommended by the Joint Finance Committee, and the Clerk authorized to issue proper warrant on the Treasurer, charging the respective departments as shovm therein: Special Sewer Fund 9.67 Legislative & Executive 85.00 License Inspector 62.50 City Hall 57.50 Fire Department 1485.74 Pay Roll. Street " 759.49 Sewer & Nlumbing 156.10 New Construction 739.54 I,:arket House 82.50 Engineering 127.50 Park Board 61.50 City Scales 37.50 City Jail 100.00 Riverside Hospital 737.35 Assessors Asst. 40.00 Sanitary Inspector 41.66 Pest House Keeper 25.00 Chaingang Boss 39.03 Oak Grove 192.20 Police Depurtment 1659.60 Also cle.ims against the following departments: City Hall 73.37 Printing Poctage & Supplies 313.75 Claim's, L .ployce Bonds 10.00 Police Department 403.63 Fire " 278.58 Street " 256.98 Serer " 30.45 Street arcs and installing 1825.45 3'hite way 410.00 City :scales 12.80 Li,.�:`. Flar.t 1.20 City Jail 487.08 Riverside Hospital 2271.75 Per::• Im_nroven.ents 1000.00 Health Board 107.49 Incinerator 23.04 Pest House 2.00 General Charity 61.63 Special Oiling Account 888.02 Adopted on ti:c call of the roll: Yeas (12) . ^-.-.�-..•+-...��+nsr,..��....�.� .-,T.a..---�.-.._-. Y ,..-,-., . .. .. .tee. Proceedings of__ BOARD of courlciLlaErr __City of Paducah___ ocTOBEx Zi ,_1924. 192 Member Morrison offered motion that employees left off of payrolls, as presented by Finance Committee, be allowed as follows: Pay Roll. Special Sewor Fund, Thomas Bradley ........ 9.67 New construction, I. F. Anderson .........65.00 Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Rigglesberger, read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF Si!NITARY SE',;ERS ITd SEWER ZONE NO. 1, SUB -DIVISION C, SEWER Dr TRICT 110. 3, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AT THE COST OF THE PROPERTY OPJNERS Sa ER ZONE ORDIN..N(;;. `.TFEREIN, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID SEI-iER SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE 10 YE AR PAYMENT PLAN, AND NAL;ING THE STREETS AND ALLEYS ALONG, UNDER AND TROUGH YIHICH SAID SEWERS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED, AND SETTING OUT IN GENERAL TERMS, THE PROPERTY BENE- FITED THEREBY AIdD SUBJECT TO THE PAYMENT OF THE COST OF Si�IdE." Upon motion of same, same was given first passage upon the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, Morrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart (12). Upon motion the rultss were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: l;latts, Boungeo, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Masog Ltorrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). Upon motion of same, same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, Morrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). Member Rigglesberger read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SE!4ERS IN SEi4ER ZONE NO. 2, SUB -DIVISION B, SEt'lER DISTRICT NO. 3, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AT THE COST OF THE PROPERTY O'.NERS THE'RE'IN, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID SEWER SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE 10 YEAR PAYb!EIIT PLAIT, AND NAEING THE STREETS AND ALLEYS ALONG, UNDER A76D THROUGH l'JHICH SAID SE'.7ERS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED, AND SETTING OUT IN GENERAL TERMS, THE PROPERTY BENE- FITTED THEREBY AND SUBJECT TO THE PAYMENT OF THE COST OF SamE. " On motion of same, same was given first passage upon the call Of the roll: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, Morrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: olatts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, Morrison, Owren, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). On motion of same, same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: 71atts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Korth, Mason, Morrison, Ower., Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). Same read an ordinance entitled "till ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF S,,NIJ11:RY Si;jERS Ill Si;JJER ZOITE 110. 3, SUB -DIVISIONS A AND B, SE"87,R DISTRICT 110. 3, Ill Th, CITY OF Pj X. Cidi, KENTUCKY, AT THE COST OF THE PROPERTY 03�Nr:RS Tiin:,rIN, AND PROVIDING TH„T SAID SE7,12 SHALL BE COIiSTRUCTED UPON THE 10 Y ' ,R PAYI,Ir. ;T PLAN, AND Nii1!ING THE; STREETS A111) ALLhYS AL01'1G, UNDER AND THROUGH CJHIUH SAID SHALL BE CONFTRUCTED, AND S,LiTT11:G 0U: III GF.If zjZ,,L TER1,13, THE PROPERTY BENEFIT= TIi_sRcBY At;D .':U;JECT TO THF; PAYP.!i:1J'f OF THL COST OF SAr�E.” On motion of sure, same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Year: 'datts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Eason, Morrison, Ogren, RiCglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). On notion of same the r.11e3 were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: 'leas: 7;att3, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, i.`ason, i Proceedings OE,.__ __BOARD -OF- COUNGIiMEN City OE Paducah-7._OCTORER.21, -- - 192-4' On motion of same, same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: ,atts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, Llorrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). SAme read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SE ERS IN SE':;ER ZONE NO. 4, SUB -DIVISIONS A AND C, SE';;ER DISTRICT NO. 3, IN THE CIT" OF P..DUCAH, KENTUCKY, AT THE COST OF THE PROPERTY 0NNERS THEREIN, AND PROVIDING THAT .:.ID S&7ER SH,,LL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE 10 YEAR PAYMENT PLATT, AND NACING THE STREETS AND ALLEYS ALONG, UNDER AND THROUGH WHICH SAID SW,,,ERS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED, AND SETTING OUT IN GENER:�L TERMS , THE PROPERTY BENEFITTED THEREBY AND SUBJECT TO THE P,,YMh1,T OF THE COST OF SAME." On motion of same, same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: 7atts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, Morrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of hhe roll: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, Morrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). On motion of same, same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: l:'atts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, 1.1orrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). Saida read an ordinance entitled "AN -ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF S.ZMtRY SE.;ERS IN SMI.'ER 'LONE NO. 5, SUB.,DIVISION A, SEDER DISTRICT NO. 3, IN THE CITY OF PnDUCAH, KENTUCKY, AT THE COST OF THE PROPERTY 01,7NERS THEREIN, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID SE';7ER SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE 10 YEAR PAYMENT PLAN, AND NAILING THE STREETS AND Ai.LEYS ALONG, UNDER AND THROUGH :"iHICH SriID SEWERS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED, AND SETTING OUT IN GENERAL TERMS, THE PROPERTY BENEFITTED THEREBY AND SUBJECT TO THE PAYLIaNT OF THE COST OP SAME." On motion of same, same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: 'atts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, L4orrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: ;7atts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, Morrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). On motion same was given second and final oassage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Vatts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, 14orrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). Same read a resolution entitled "A RESOLTUION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION Heso. OF CONCRETE CURBS AND GUTTERS ON BOTH SQDES OV 14TH STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE Curb & GutterOF J'r_FFEHsON STHr,ET TO Tiir: SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF MONROE .STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, 14th Ft. Jefferson - K­NTUCKY, IN ACCORDra:CE :,ITE THE. PLii=S AND SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED BY THE CITY ENGINEi;R, Monrce. AT THE COST OF TP"., ABUTTING PROPrRTY O �1,ERS, AITD PROVIDING THAT ZIE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON T E 1C YEAR YAYLENT PLr I. On motion of same, same was ,riven first passage upon the call of the roll: / Yeas: :7atts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, I:Iason, tiorrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Sterart.(12). On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by titleX upon the call Of the roll: Yeas: 17atts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Yason, I:orrison, Owen, Ri.- lesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12) On motion Of same, name was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas: :attz, Bougeno, Cochran„ Crider, Jacobs, ;erth, iIason, Morrison, Owen, RigClesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). No.. _ _113.._ Proceedings of—..BoARD oF_aauaGiLffiLN. _City of Paducah._____ __oeTOBEx zG, _1924192 Same read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVE. Resolution improb, PENT OF PAX -'014 AVENUE FROId THE 'TEST CURB LINE OF BLOOM AVENUE TO THE WEST CURB of Paxton Avenue. PROPERTY LINE OF ALEXANDER AVENUE, IN THE CITY OF Pn DUCAH, KENTUCKY, BY THE GRADING AND GRAVELING OF Sia.!E, IN ACCORDnNCE WITH THE PLANS, PROFILE AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CITY ENGINEER, AT THE COST OI'THE ABUTTIIIG PROPERTY Ot7NERS, AND PROVIDING THAT THE COST OF S:,EIE MAY BE PAID UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN," Upon motion of same, same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, Morrison, Owen, Rigglesberber, Spicer and Stewart. (12). On mAtion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: :7atts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, Morrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). On motion of same, same was given second and final passage upon the call of, the roll by the following vote: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, i.iason, Morrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). Member Owen offered motion to refer to the Board of Public Works and Joint Street Committee, petition from citizens asking for a continuous alley Alley from from South Eighth Street to South llth Street. Adopted itin the call of the roll: So. 8th to So. ll�h Streets. Yeas (12). Same offered motion to refer to the Board of Public Works and Joint Street Committee, petition from citizens living on Fountain Avenue, Harrison St., Petition citizensand Harrahan Boulevard, asking the council to reconsider the estimate of the cost regarding street oiling;. of placing oil on streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Cochran offered motion that the complaint of Coleman Boyd relative to sidewalk improvement at 10th and Madison Streets infringing on his Coleman Boyd, property, be referred to City Engineer and Joint Street Committee for immediate investigation and report. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Jacobs offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor garnishee Garnishee served on the City against James ':talker. Adopted 'on the call of the roll: Yeas James talker. (12). Member Morrison offered motion to concur in the action of the Board Light 12th and of Aldermen, October 6th, 1924, in regard to the request of citizens for light Harrison Streets -at 12th & Harrison being disapproved. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). L:e:nber Rigglesberger read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE ASStES' ING THE ABUTTII'IG PROPERTY 071NERS ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF CALD'�ELL STREET AND THE Assoosment ordi- nance Caldwell EAST !DE OF Cz,LD.:'ELL AVENUE IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH AS FOLLOWS: Street and Caldwell "BEGINNING ATx POINT ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF CALD.'?ELL STRE "vGnET ve' 350 FEET 'TEST OF THE 'o'i'E:W PROPERTY LINE OF 12TH STREET, AND RUNNING THENCE e,LONG TF:E SOUTH SIDE 0r CALD.'.'ELL STREET APPROXIMATELY 136 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION OF CALD:;E;LL 22REhT AND CALD�'ELL AVENUE (13TH STREET), THLINGE ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF Cr.LDNELL AVENUE ABOUT 1336 FEET TO THE INT H36CTIO! Or C.:LD:;i LL AVENUE 7.ITH UNION OR BROCIII STREET, EXCEPTING THE t-i-FRO!I THE 1,071 GROUND ON CALa'!r.'LL AVENUE LYING BE'T1.9EEN STATIONS 12-07 AND 15-63, a DISTuICE OF 356 FEET, THE CO.`:T OF CONSTRUCTION AS b`OLLO','18: CONCRcTE QIDZ7,ALK, EXPAtISION JOINTS AND I3CIDEENWL3 $0.19664 per Sq. FT. CONCRETE GUTTER 39� PER LIN. FT. CONCR:ETDRI7EVAYS, 30V PER LIN. FT. 4" CAST IR011 PIPE, 40� PER LIN. FT. CONCRETE CURB STRAIGii`_ 63r PER LIN. FT. CONCRETE CURB CIRCULAR 73� PER LIN. FT. aLL OF :.I _T CH IS :HO' -711 BY H4 CITY _LNGI7EER'S ESTIMATE OF SAID COST, EXCEPT THAT PORTION TO BE Yi.I 1 FOR 3Y TH;i CITY OF PADUCAF KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING THATSAID A; 33? EiIT :::iY BE Pi:I J IN 10 A11iiUiiL INST;w�`slaT i, BEING ONE EACH YEAR FOR A PERIOD OF 10 YEARS." No_ 4,-- — ----- Proceedings Of_..BOARD OF_COUNCIi TEN _City Of Paducah__. OCTOBER ?,0, _ ___192 4. On motion of same, same was given first passage upon the call of the Poll: Yeas:Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerthl Mason, Morrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Vlatts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, Morrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). On motion of same, sane was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Korth, Mason, Morrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). Member Morrison offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in regard to the previous action of the General Council touching the Fire Station contract for repairing No. 3 Fire Station, 10th and Clay, being, ratified and approved, No. 3, 10th &. Clay St"• not withstanding the ].layer's veto, and the Mayor being instructed to execute contract accordingly. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (11). Nays (1). Sane offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor for investigation, Tax Joe Holland 9:11 1678 Of Joe Holland. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Jacobs offered motion to concur in the recommendation of City Solicitor regarding the cancelling of Tax Bill No. 2845 issued against J. C. Penny & Co. J.J.Penny &^• Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Bougeno offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor the claim of C. 3. Ransom.C. B. Ran30M for 64.86 overcharge on Taxes. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Spicer offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Liz'rt 25th Aldermen in regard to the,Paducah Light & Power Company being instructed to move Broadway• light from 25th & Broadway to 25th & Kentucky Avenue. Motion lost upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Mason, Morrison, and Spicer. (3). Nays: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Oren, Rigglesberger and Stewart. (9). Member Owen offered motion that a light be placed at 25th Street on Lent 25th Kentucky A7enue. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, and 'r.crtucky 'venue. Crider, Jacobs, 7a rth, Mason, Owen, Rigglesberger and Sto'nart (10). Nays: Morrison and Spicer (2). Member Cochr%n offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of "opt report Aldermen in regard to receiving and filing September report of Riverside Hospital. "o spr_-+U'� Adopted on the call of the roll: seas (12). Member 1," -.anon offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Al o_m,en in regard to the communication from F. J. Frazier, 1503 Monroe Street, being F. J. Frazier' recelved and filed. Adopted on the call of tno roll: Yens (12). Membor Cochran offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of ,. r11•iwrZ.3n In regard to refunding the Mothers Club ;6.84, June half.' of City Taxes, and Yo .. rs 61uo. cancel the re-atinina half of the City Taxes, and stri=ting from the Assessor's book the piece: of property at 1210 Bernheim Avenue, o:rned by tni: Mot;icrs Club. Adopted or. the= ca:'_ of t o roll: Yeas (12). Me-ber Crider offered motion to concur Jr. ti:c action of the Boar:i of "liar -^.n 1:4 rt and to the Pole Tax of v1. O, &3303 led arxlnst C. K. ifilam, being stri^.ker from iris tax bill. Motion loot upon the call of the roll: Bays (19). keater itorriscn offered motion to concur in t'r:e action of rh,: Board of Aldermen in regard to .disapproving the glaring of a light at the comer of 10tH and 10th and Bacsan Streets. Adopted on tie call of the roll: Yeao bac)'=a:: Sts. tint Weber Spicer offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of :leytisterod Aldermen in regard to the Ci_y Assessor f .rc.-.&ajna a list of the registered voters from voters, Paducah Frinting Company, at a cost of 425 .60. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas(12). No -1,15 ------- - _.-_ -- Proceedings of__noAxn._oF C0_UX0_ LMFN City of Paducah- OCTOBER 192 Member Kerth offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in granting the request of the City Assessor for an Assistant for three months, Assistant to Cit; assess -r. beginning October the 1st, at the..same salary previously paid. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Morrison offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in Authorizing the Mayor and Treasurer to renew a note in the amount of Treasurer ronew xB216.82, at 5 1/2 percent interest, with the Citizens Savings Bank, for a period note with Citizens Savings of six months. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Ramo. Member Crider offered motion to concur in the Board of Aldermen in allowing the Treasurer to pay note of $30,000.00 due November the 3rd, 1924. Adopted on the Note paid. call of the roll: Yeas (12). i.Iember Morrison offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in allowing the Treasurer to be reimbursed the expenditure of the Cashier's Gasaier'sr'und. Fund in the amount of w258.88. Adopted on the call of the roll,':., Yeas (12). Member Mason offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in approving the buying of Lots Nos. 20 and 21, on Guthrie :venue, and same be Lots 20 and 21 Guthrie .-_venue. charged to new construction. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Stewart offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in approving the action of the Board of Public 1,7orks in accepting the Pock :ale y. concrete paving of Rock Alley, 9onstructed by Yancey & Johnson. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Spicer offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in approving the action of the Board of Public '!forks in accepting the work embraced Contract No. 5. G. ':;..Katterjohn,Jr, in Contract No. 5, done by G. W. Katterjohn, Jr. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in allowing Office Royce Hays, one month's salary, same to be taken out of Royce flays. the Police Department Fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Spicdr.offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in regard to concuring in the action of the Police and Fire Committee, in Parking in iron: of Post Office. allowing no parking of automobiles on the Porth side of Broadway in front of the Post Office. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). ame offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in rescinding the action taken by the Gener.al Council on October the 6th, 1924, which C:n:iay closing of grocery stores. allowed grocery stores to remain open Sundays until 9:00 o'clock A. M. Lost on the call of the roll: Yeaa: I'a3on, Morrison and Spicer. Nays: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, 7c-rth, Oaon3, P,igglosberger and Stewart. (9). Same offered notion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in regard to permitting Benton Sign ,oris to place In the .down tovm district, trash Trash containers placed in down torn containers free of cost to the City, same to be cleaned out by the City. Adopted on d:.striet by 3e7Lon's Sign ;or;cs. the call of the roll: Yeas(12). t!enber Crider offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of :3a_ilton !,urniture. Aldermen in. allowing the claim of the n anon Furniture Company for �20B.71, same Co. to be crer7ed tocontincent fun,?, salvage goods to be turned over to the City. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Hember i!orriaon offered motion that the office of As31a3tant Chief of Police be abolished. Lost upon the call of the roll by the foll6wing vote: Yeas: Assistant Chief of i'.ason, *4orrlson and :Dicer (3;. Na•,a: ;at::s, Bougeno, Cocihran, Crider, Jacobs, ' Poi�ce. Kerth, Owen, Riaglesberger and Stewart. (9). Proceedings of __._.BOARD_ OF_W-UN-U-11J ;N ____City of Paducah __ ocTGBEDi _e9,.___ _ _.192.4. Member Cochran offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aldermen in regard bo the report of the City Solicitor relative to refund of Mrs. ;Bary E.:,igon. Mary E. Ligon, be approved. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). Member Kerth offered motion to concur -in tho action of the Boafd of Aldermen in regard to referring to the Auditor for investigation, the report of tBoardCoornib- the Board of Park Commissioners. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (12). sioners. Member Rigglesbexlger read an ordinance entitled " AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY ON BOTH SIDES OF ROCK ALLEY WHICH RUNS FROM JEFFERSON STREET Assessment TO—ARDS BROADWAY STREET, BET:+ESN 3RD AND 4TH STREETS, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, Ordinance flock :.1ley THE SUIS OF ;1.9885 PER FOOT OF ABUTTING PROPERTY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID ALLEY running from Jeff. towards ;;ITH CONCRETE, TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS AND SEVIER Broadway. Between 3 & PIPE CONNECTIONS AS SHOVM BY THE CITY ENGINEERIS ESTIMATE OF SAME, AND PROVIDING Sbreets. THAT SAID ESTISn'fE MAY BE PAID IN TEN ANNUAL INSTALLMENTS, BEING ONE EACH YEAR FOR A PERIOD OF TEA: YEARS." On motion of same, same was given first passage upon the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas: Watts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, Yorrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas:(W&tts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth, Mason, Morrison,Owen, Rigglesberger and Stewart. On motion of same, same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Ycas: Slatts, Bougeno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Kerth,Mason, Morrison, Owen, Rigglesberger, Spicer and Stewart. (12). On motion meeting adjourned. V. v