HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 60, October 3, 1910FU COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF- PADUCAH- ' bor slslo_191_ ql: :At 'avtr0gular- most inl''Of thi'Board'of Couneilson,'hold ln•the''Counall Chamber, 1m ';'t'.., r<•,- Lhe:City Hall,..in the.Clty of Padueah Ky.r.Ostober 3rd. 1910, Upon.eall of the roll the •following man* ad to their neass;-Formad,-Barnett,_Budd•,.Du•nll, Hossain, Hartoy Kreuthor,,Lally,;Lsigh. _Ysyer, NOCarthy,sad Wilson,. (12) •', Oa notion the minutes of the previous muting was adopted as red. t our ,.., `D• notim_byysmber gamin, the Pinanje allowanse for a61arios.nto., was allow* x .. r0_.....�.. �• c and the. sUrk .wa„ordered to di;ew a warrent on tr.e Treaurer for the 'respeetivs asonts 1 5 , upon *all of the roll by the following tot*; -Yea Poreman, Bornett,.Buddo,' Dyvall, 1 .. Howl a, Barton, Kreutzer, La lly,."19hp Mayer, YOCarty ad Wilson. (12), (( Ommotion by the above, the monthly !*port of,the Treasurer and Auditor was ' 11 �t ,JJr?. .roselval.ad filed.., r..•; , Om•mOtl*n,by the aove,.the %stion of the Board of Fablle works, was ratified by '4 1 granting the cont r).oL for the 0onsttuetion of.o ConsreLs-grlYgrt an Goebel Avows 1 A D•two0n the. Illinois Central Railroad and Tennessee Strut, to A,J.Hiller to Hon for e;.;+'• ,; ,1 •1329.25, a the lowest,ad Dost bid. Upon jell of the roll by the following vote; -Toa : P . • ;: ;:Ij� .POr•marl, Barnstt, Budd•,"Duvall, Heroin, Harton,,Rroutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayer, YOCartlt' ;• eaA.Wilson; (12).•:. .. . •� ;OM1 On not onDy the aboves.e.poll ,tee was ordered refunded, tole -W. ferry. ,On motion D the above the nation of the ? Y r Mayor was tetiffed et' allowing L.500:00 _ • ., ' for the murderer of, Yr. YoYwus,. Upon sell .of .the roll by the following vote. -Yea .. V _ Poreman, Barnett„Budd• Duvall gamin Kart RrjUtzer IA11 LaSgb, Yyer,YOCort}q e 1 ed Wilson. (12) �� q. Oa lotion by the above, the City. Engineer "a instruoted.to issue a permit to 1 Hawkins h Davis for the eenstruction of a frame and sheet Iron building for a flour , mill,and grain wltvator on South 2d, street neer C1arb Street, ad an Ordlnsno* orAered, - • `, -brought in tsking.said building out of the Piro Limits. .'• Vi On motion by member Lally, an Ordinsnes for the ezeaptlon-of .the T, J.Stahl rob•,' Cmpary frog dv61oon taxes, was referred to the Ordinenae Cowlttee. On notion by the above, the Illinois Control Railroad Company was granted per- .,+•' . mission to eonstruat a sewer on Carlton Streit near the Union Depot, in -so -for me the '.r.i City bon the authority. .. . �•��' 'it "�” On motion by.mombe! Kreutzer, A( pstltion. from property owners and residents on (Willln Street for •Street Light, sole was referred to the Board of Wblls Wotti. •�w..-/ On notion by amber Leigh, a eonWution from the Musah Water Co., In regard / to lying Wins on aertain streets, was reael ved ad On motion D amber! y Mayor, the monthly report of Chief of Polies Henry Bingo ry . was received ad filed. . rce On motion by amber Duvall, o transfer was granted R.H.Poll y Comport' for their '•I Saloon Lison from gal North 9th, street to 908 Boyd street, Upon 0611 of the roll by, , ' the following rote, -Yum Por*msn, Barnett, Budde, Duvall, gamin,. Barton, Rr•utzes, Lalt 1 -,'},):•' r' Lelghl Ysyer, WCorty od Wilson. ,(12),, On notion by member Hennlnj •'transfer of a, lot in Oak grove Cmmotery from The ,pr �`}l Mason to JoDm Wat Ors wee referredto the City C1•rk and Cemetery Committee. t_ ��Yiyr Q + i -t , i /. .•f" x :f': Q r. :1,!',..a +r,rp t '^I.{":iF+'rfa a9Y;r1�� ,t +ry,. ,in°�oy�"'C'^1n:3"t T.M i"• .'.+1 I. `". +s lC UNCIL PROCEEDINGS, cJFFY OF, .' 4 1. ' Q ADUCAH L..00r :B isle r 191_ 6_ t 1. ., n c.."• Li" ? ° Cm Notion by Member Meyer,'tho Monthly report the Most d Milk Iapoetor, •naso »oiivid and filed. .. ... �. On Notion by"the above, the City 001101160? was•instmetid to if ter John Jones $100.00 Musa Red .stats =150.00. ibryear'setato $150.00 far property ordered somdemmed Lo' open Rusbudo street from <tp; to 6th; streets, .. On notion by giber Lally; a proposition'frem peopii'Lyaaorssnl, residents on • '�4t, � f ClAek ittut 19th, to 212t,' and fiem OLekto Mui rtrut, for' a wooden' walk, surwas — referred to *tie Street Committee. 'on iotton by member Kreutzer( • RP.BOAITION armmting H.p,Bawkine Br;peraiiilon to t eomatrneL a sonerate sidewalk .loons s Wtlio ulgr e3*e11ding eroM the rut aide of Soulb pp Beeond strut between Rentusky Avenue and Washington street, to'jhe Cron Alley between q Buond rdd Third streets. Was given first passage, bpodsoall•Of the roll by the following " + rote; -Yeas PorsNan,' Barnett, Budde, Duvall, Rannin. Haraon, Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayer Y (McCarthy sal Wilson. (12) " - i On motion by the abois, tLis rules were sueperdd on the-abou, upon call of the tl i' -011 by tne following vote; -Yeas Poromas, Barnott,'Budde, Duvall, Hannin, Beaton, Kreutsnrl; RLally, Leigh, Mayor, McCarthy and Wilson. (1,2) on motion by the above, the above Resolution was given second and final passage. -`•'`y' .4 upon *all of the roll by the following vote; -You Poreman, Barnett, Budde,- Duvsll,Hannin Barton. Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayeri MoCarthy and' Wilson„ (120 ' On Notion 6y member Leigh, A Resolution eking periission to sonetruet s eon*rate', �✓�, , , ""-7A 116 r aide walk on Meyers strut, was referred to the City Engineer. F —___.On motion the 'Board Adjourned ------ ----- I :' •, a..+I r -I ' 1t.P OCT 17 1810 AMOPT= OOT 1 A71910 OCT `•Lj1y VIT.- 'A7 , e • I ! � 1 t r 1. .. '•• iii l r jI{I n i t t I v't•.. v '{ �i 1 �' ..., ,;i.,t! ti' , , i I,. s, _ ..,I t. i y i If. t7 If � a J ♦ J t ( t'� .,-c r,1•yyy; a y-')tw-::a,x.:..IF,_.1r ' z � „ti • .•:est. �.,r, ..,...,:...a.-.t:�aa_a•.r, r .r.: Ft _..: .. ..:r-., f a _