HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 47, August 1, 1910a � r'J'�'�T '. •�tE�(`friN ... titi u,4,tt.lx.�:r tR�`e+�i.�.. y. ,iS^I•H,','Y. �"T•M`/4�•-e 5a''�i",>,fAlri^i. ^•r y....^r � v, rt �' v rl?-, r r , i ,}COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, C"I &'PADIICAH: _ 1910 47 1 _ AL a reruler .+seting of the Board of Wolncilmen, held 3n the Council Chanuor, in k Y . City of Paduceh,lry„ August 9 Upon call of the roll the L, the CSC Hall In the Au et let, 1 10, Ir folloving .newared to their ns'noa;-Por Oman, fisrnatt,BUI Duvall, Hannln, tartan) Kraut r ter, Lally, Lalg,, Mayor, McCarthy and 'Wilson. (12) On motinn the minutes. of the ,rsvlous meetings vera adopted an reed, On-+Otion by member Rennin, the Finance allowanoe for ealarise A etc,, was allowed and the Clerk was ordered to drew 6 warrant ,n the Treamlrer for the respective amount q • 6 Upon 0611 of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Poreman, Barnett, Dudds, Duvall, Han- . nin, Harton, KreutaerLally, Leigh, Mayer, McCarthy and Wilson. (12) ..'•,w •. � On motion by the shove, the monthly report of the Treasurer and Auditor, was' !. . •".;• received and filed. On motion by the above, a petition from the Women's Club for a refund on Ts=ee, was received and filed. On motion by the above, Mies Maude Anderson was allowed 30:00 eaa lalery for' i) ✓fT NI -V the month of July, as assistant to the Treasurer, Upon coil of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Poraman, Rarnett, Dudde, Duvall,Ilannin, Horton, Kreutzer, sally, Leigh, May k 1.I McCarthy and Wilson. (12) r ; . On motion by the above, the Opening of Jackson Street to the Wheeler property. ' 7 near Guthrie pvs, was. referred to the Street COmmittOO with Fewer to sot In buying ..�'r.�•t'r enough property to open the above Street, Upon coil of the roll by the following vote; Yese Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Hsnnln, Marton, Krantzer, felly, Leigh, Meyer, McCarthy - and Wilson. (11) Member Duvall was excused, , I &aIA", On. motion by maaber lolly, A, Franke Sewer Inspector and his empl oyeae .were granted' .Two weeks vacation with U Fey, Fon call of the roll by the toll owing vote; -Yea's.' Poriman,' Barnett, Budde, Rennin, Marton, Kroutzer, LALly, 1,61gh, May HOCarthy and W11son. (11): r� ' On motion by the Above, AN:ORnINANCF. PROVIDING P611 THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRFFrK r SIDE WAL..S AHD GUTTERS,TOOATHER WITH GRANITE. CURBING AILD ALL HECF..S.W?Y MANHOLES, INTAKES i �. C CATCH BASINS AND SFSIITSj ON nOT11 SIDES OF JEFFERSON ;?REPT FROM ELEVENTH STNEI:T TO I .i OURPF:ENTH S1rRE:FT, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY was riven Iirst passage, sftei ^r r (j inserting 12 monthtas the time the work mu at be complated,Upon cell of the roll by the r - tt following vow;-Yese Foramen, Bmsnett, Budde, Rennin, Ilartoy, r, Kreutzer, LallLeigh, �•• .. •i ;.t" r. L' Meyer, Uc Carthy and Wilson. (11) On motion by the above, the miss were suopended on the above Ordlnanoe; Upon call •I(��. of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Eoreman, Dmrnatt, Budde, Hamlin, Ilsrt on, Kraut •fit ser, Lally, Leigh, Mayer, McCarthy and Wilson, (11) On motion by the above, the above Ordinance was given itsSeeond pansage by Its title, Upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yese Earamm, Rernett, Budde, Ilannln, T jY I Hebbon, Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayer, McCarthy end Wilson, (11) On motion by the above, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING POR THE CONSTRUCTION nil CONCRFTF II �• SIDEWALKS AND GUTTERS, TOOATHER WITH GRANITE CURnING AND A1J, NECFSHARY MAIIHOLFS, INTAKES S 9'a'S,� CATCH BASINS AND SEWERS, -ON BOTH. SIDES OF BROADWAY FROM, FiEYFNTH ;?REIT TO EIPTF.ENTII ":I STREFT, EXCEPT THE: SIDEWALKS ON THE:NGRTH BIDE. OF BROADWAY ABUTTINO THE: T1Jd NOIS CENTRAL •: � RAILROAD HOSPITAL; PROPERTY, IN THE CITY ON PADUCAII, KFSTUCKY,w'aa given first paeaege,,' i p y 1 ... 1 , 48 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH141 : G. (/ / 191 d• after Inserting 12 months as the time the above work must be completed, Upon coal of the.,-., doll by the following vote;-Mese Foreman, Hernatt, Budde, Hennln, Horton, Kreutzer, Lely s;-"'.•I• Lsigh, Mayer, McCarthy and 1711eon, (11) On motion the rulee were suspended on the above Ordinance, Upon cell of the roll { by the following vote; -Yes., Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Tannin, Horton, Kreutzer, Lallp, 1 1' ' L#ighg Mayer, McCarthy and Wilson, (11) •' .. •t`.-^:4'�'i, ••• '- On motion by the above, the above Ordlnarics, was given second and final peewee I'{.�..�>;�'!'•. .by 'it s title, Upon cell of the, roll by the rollowing vote;=Yeas Foremang.Parnett, Rudde , •''ll �;: •,1't '.Henning Hartong Kriwtzerg Lally, Leigh, Meyer, McCarthy std Wilson. (11) :b: •,., •+,(iJ+'^',: ,� '. On motion by the 'strove, AN ORDIN1,NCR FOR THF. COSTRUCTION OF FLOURNOY STPM mu';�,; I.2th•. TO 14th. srRFzr IN TIIR CITY OF PADUCAH KENTUCKY, was given�Ilrat p&comes, after '��,•. Inserting 12 months se the time to complete the above worst, Upon call of the roll L7 the following vote;-Y*aePoremang Dernattg aged o, HanB Henning erton, Kreutzer, Lally,. ' Leigng Mayert McCarthy and Wilson, (11)' On motion the rules were suspended on She above Ordinance, Upon call at. the roll 'by Lhe following vote;-Yeee Foranan, Harnett, Budde, Hannin, Hartong Kreutzer, Lolly, I - Leigh, Hoy rr, McCarthy and Wilson, (11) - • a -� On motion by the above the above Ordinance was given Its second anti final passage' • by its title, Upon call of the r•llbv t a follovdnp„ vnta;-Yore Pnrr,ern, Bi,.nlett, Rudd*, . HanningHarton, Kreutzer, Lally, iwlgt., (layer, McCarthy and Wilson, (11) 1�v On motion by the above, the Street Committee rias Snetruotrd to uncertain the cost i b C. D •: A,....� Y of property between Clements St and Aehbrook Ave, with. & view of entending Sowell Ave. -ice t through from Aehbrook .Ave. to Clemente St, On motion by -ember Mayers the Monthly report of Che1T of Police'Henary, SSnp.*ry 1 .; '•:r.; / ,. was received anti filed: . On motion by member Henning a Retail Coffee Aouee License was granted Lon S,Robsr*� /r,r eon oM the Fidelity k Deposit Company of Maryland accepted os Ids benismen at 1043 �. Kentucky Avenuag'Upon.call of the roll by the following vote;-Yssa Foreman, Barnett; ?,,• ,., ``��_ .Budde, Henning Hartong Kreutzerg Lally, Leigh, Mayer, MaCarthygend. Wilson, (11) .. r- Onmotion by member Budde, the monthly report of the Milk and Milk Inspeotoriwas "'.4.':• ��;;;3'..,; received and filed. ..' i ,•(lr�e:.. �rleFa-.; ...On motion by member telly, the Park Commiseienere wee given permission to remove' { ,the Statue of Oen* Edwards from the Cemetery, I�:•,.�•;'`'. GQ tj�� On motion by the above, A Revolution Fran6ing the Fire Polio* Commissioners the',•; Oi%u .n -t' l power to tmploy two operators at the Central Fire b-tatisn, Was given first passsj4,Upon''. call of Lha roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Hamuin,Harton,;!..'. 42, .,KrNtser, Lnllyg Leigh, Mayer, MoCarthy and Wilson, (11) on motion the riles were suspended on the above Rssolutlong Upon call of the toll �•�"r;,...;tee.. �' 7:, ,.. - t v 't''' y{1�% , 1.L,�jP by the following vote; -Yams Foreman, Barnette Budde, Hsnnin, Ilevtoat Kr*utze4, telly,. ' :••-y r {SIF. vt I .. .i I' i,elghg Mayer, McCarthy Wilson.. r .,�5'+v." Yt/lir; and (Ii) .., .. '.,.. ,. .! :On motion by Lhe eboveg the: above Resolution was given second end ,incl nsedeg* ,y,; • *roll by.its title, Upon cell of the by the following vote; -Yens Foreman, Barnett,'IVdde /;4 •, Hann Hannln,•ilerton,, Rrautzarg,Lslly, Le1gh,IMayirt McCarthy end Wilson. (11)4. 1 pp )) } { I 1 ..'N '.:I,,..I , _�f�V1 (F�.�♦ F<'l.>i: l".. Il}.�'' Y i id :{�. Ev1', IrE ,I_., 41 ..1 '!4 V. I � ! .tr. .S_.. p:. 'rt ,,1 + t - �,, � � C)'+•L,.il1y1:,C�4 / r 1Y ` i . ' r ,..` ^•' r Bir .; f{{.. i•: �i�4{iib `. � .t r , i �oil ♦y 1. _j 1 V t Igo � -- . I,JL �5•;`;.,.•I}'':�'A" \ VI�M"h- }i �„a^y,"r'+w•'Y 'M••+� .n,:y,.Yy,. � j pp r fur•. x .•-tc-r-�•• COUNCIL' PROCEEDINGS, C OF PADUC BGG'--�_Z ,. . .''` nrr On motion by member Barnett, the Rlblia Improvement Committee, and the City /L •�� ` Engineer, were Instructed to bring in ant ordinance, for the construction of s Prldge:'• 1 r' aoorose Island 'Creek on 4th, street, '- i. .. --------- — ----- ---- —_ On motion the'Bosrd adjourned __----------- ______________ . '.' APP OVIDD%. AUG 11 hili .- .i _ , '•>"�`'al� •'i• tl ,• .' 'At•s Cell 01411 -ting of the Board Of,Ooynallmen, laid In the Council Chamber, 1n I. '. the City of Paduoah, Kentucky, August aid.' 1910. Upon call of the roll the following :1 answered to thfdr comes; -Foremen,. Barnett, Budde, Duvall, Iinnnin, Marton, Kreutzer, Lally, I'I . ,I�•M' Leigh, Hsycr, McCarthy and Nilson, (12) Tne Mayor's call was rood ind,in subtanas, was to purohaes property on Third Mint •the hetween Kentucky Ave, k wp shington street from N,F,Paztnn and F,M,Fi*ar, sum to be ' paid from the 1911 funds, and enid nrooarty If bought, to be uerd by City of PaduaA em' City Bern, !B500, 1'roeidenc Foreman appointed the entire 11osM including himself, an M e. 1, desired Cy the Mayor, with power to lot, Upon call of ,the roll by the relieving vote;-Yese, Foreman, Barnett, Hddds, Duvall, Hannin, Horton, Kreutzer, belly, Neigh, Mayer, 1.;aCarty �. •` �i and Wilson. (12) - ,I. Preeldent Foreman, appointed ILwabers Hannln rel Ilarnstt s Committee from thfC ' d { S Board to set se Prneeoutora, In the masse of F, D, Hannan, and J, F, Nrl ght to corAuot lame . oO✓�,�/' before the Board of adermen•Tuesday night August 3rd. 1910• �. .. _________________On motion the Board Adjourned------- ----------------- .. ..______ .. .'1.. •. '.AYP. '•//OV L}`�/, AuO 15 Into . .. 'w TOJ'TH719 . AUG 1 Into GL! %%%, C/�1"G'�'Yret,w' . '•/ /(J .{- Ji,M„t awe a/ LbwrwUn.... t I Y 0 f. ,Al l 1 t tui of Y 4' it 4/,j�ly .. J)'.jr ix Y5'r'.1•Y yxj rr"`f ':J�Jx t l� _!� VO, . w, fJ:-..\in..!�.iU%•C.._IJal.....:T.¢Y.r'k Sh c.i...: ....\ .sx . n.. _. ..., ..... - ..