HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 377, October 19, 19141 I COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CIT Y OF PAD�.(CAH_ ' , :: r ' ; , 377 . 191_ n i At a regular meeting ng of the Board of CoUneilmett, held in the Council Chamber, in the City Rall, in fhe @sty of Paducah, Ky.i October 19th 1914, upon call of the roll by.the�, ;,following wMwgr.b4_ their names; -Foreman, Rudde, Anf.ler, Farley, Goodman, Fannin, Parton Jacobs,,Lenhard, 1400re,aiid4'WhtteJ (11) 4 On motion the minutes of the Previous meeting waa'adopted ,de read. On motion by member Nonnin, the Finanoe Committeals allowance for e,oiaries eta.. was allAwed and the Clerk was.ai'thorized to draw a warrent on the Treasurer for the reepebtl E Iva amounts, upon call of' the roll by the following vo+,e;-Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butler* Farley, Good"an, Aannin, 11arton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, and Watts. (11) li On motion by the above, the Hayor and Troneurer were authorized to borrow $3000. !to meet present rtemands, same to be deducted from the collection of the December half of ;tax collect.iond, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yens Foreman, Budde, Rutler, Farley, Goodman, Fannin, Parton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore and Watts. (11) II On motion by the above, G.W.Katterjohn was allowed %1.20 for 204 loads,of dirt .� at 30 cents , same to be charged to the Continpuent Fund, upon call of the roll by the (following vots;-Yeae Foreman, Rudels, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Tiannin, flnrton, Jaoobe, Len -.I. dam' hard, Moore anA.Wntte. (11) On motion by the above, O.W.Katterjohn was allowed $1625.13 collections on prop-� Darty on I1onros at -rest from 12th to 17th atrest, for. concrete sidewalks ato., to be paid 'out of the Special Street Fund, Upon call of Vie roll by the following vote;=Yeas Foreman,lj Budde, Butler, Farley, Goodmnn., Fannin, Parton, Jacobs, LenhRrd, Moore, aM Watts. (11) ' On motion by the above, W.G.Skipworth was allowed 337.50 salary while he was „injured, by being shot while on duty, as Patrolman, upon call of the roll by the following, vote; -Yeas Foreman, Rudde,'Butler, Farley, Goodman, Hannin, Parton, Jacobe, LenharA, moors and Watts. (11) On motion by the above, Paducah Printing Compnny was allowed ?32.50 for ballots . ate., for the'Commission form of Government election, upon call of the roll by the follow- ing vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Fannin, Hart -on, Jacobs, Lenhard, ,n„,,•/,—.. Noors and Platte. (11) / On motion by the above, G:W.Katterjohn win allowed .11428.97 for collections on . lYv+ aldwell street 9th to 12th street sidewalks etc. to be •% �; e � 9 , paid out of the Special Street n, � �7•1401Fund, upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeae Foreman, Rudde, Rutlar, Farle t .. i I . Goodman, Panning Parton, Jaoobe, Lenhard, Iloore anti Watts. (11) On notion•by the above, a bill from Chao Whittemore claimed for feeding City . Prisoners, was referred to the Judge of the Police Court. ' _ I On motion by the above, the Traffic Ordinance and all amendments including 81rene. �v. 'Born Lrdinance was ordered ��-f• , printed in book form, to be riiat,rubiteA to the Police Force etO iy t— f h motion by the above, the report of the Auditor .on the Apportionments of each �c�Lc✓. !'department, was receivud and filed. On % tion by nember Budde., the action of 'the Rourd of Public Works by accepting j the work done by G.W.Katterjohn, on 6th street bet Tenneneea and Broad street, VMs conmireA .. 1A. On motion by the above, the action of the Board of Public Works was ooncured-in i �I. i Vis., • . w 178 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS,CITY OF PADUCAH 191 In regard to accepting the work done by Yancey & Johnson concrete sidewalks etc., on /IIgpXentucky Avenue. 9th to. 10th streets; Concrete sidewalks.@to., on 4th street Broad to TV( �0 Ireland Creek Bridge and Concrete sidewalks.ato. on 4th street front 2seland Creek IjBridge•to Farley Place. some carried. On motion by the above, a petition from Clara Romaine in regard to her property. -facing Broad street, was referred to the Street Committee. c.7 eN On mpt•ioo by msmber Jacobs, a transfer of a *Saloon license frog E.Bales and J.C. pi! Q f Q A �Bonner.to O.A.Chandier at 125 South 2nd street was granted and the Equitable Surety Co •,/'.� of St Lotla ado was accepted as Chandler's bondsmen, upon call of the roll by the follow.. pIng vote; -Yeas Foreman, Bndde, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Hannin, Harton, Jacobs, Len- . hard, Moore, anal Watts. (11) 4✓. 1, f !n motion by the above, a transfer of a Saloon Licenee was granted from Z.H. 4Williams ht 1100 North 10th s!•reet'to Only h Franke at 105 Broadway and the Equitable ij (Surety Cc of qt Lofia..Mo was accepted ae•Only do Franks bonrtemen, upon call of the roll -7 II by the ft1ving vote;Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butler, Parley, Goodman, Hannin, Harton, Jacob t iiLenhard, Moore and Watts. (ll) On irbtion by the above, a transfer of a Saloon license was granted from John ++Sinnott to Uolland and Manning at 107 South 4th.street and Holland and Hanning offered 9 Iiae.their bondsmen the E.quitalkle.Surety Co of St Lolus.Mo, same was granted, upon call II 1 uof the roll by the following vote, -Yeas Foreman, Rudde, Butler, Farley, Goodman, MInnin . I Harton, Jacoba, Lenhard, Moore, and Watts. (11) y On motion} by the above, a transfer of a saloon license from Homer and W.H.Vins- x 1 -yard to R.Callissl at 434 Norton street, was ordered to take its usual Couree. On ntntlon by member Hannin, a deed wae•granted to J.B.Clark lot 1{67 block #1 in G4 ;1 the New AdditiorAn Oak Grove Cemetery. 2° Jam_: An tion by the above, a transfer of one half of lot 14 block 47 in Oak Gipve +Cemetery from Hary L. Townsend to Mrs Mozella Hiller was granted.' An ntb tion by member Lenhard, AN ORDIyANCE. ASSESSING THF. ABUTTING PRO'PFRTY ON BOTH' ° SIDES OP KF21TUCKY AVENUE PRGN NINTH TO�TFNTH STREETS IN THE CITY OP PADUCAH KY THE htr11DVSUit OP ONE poll.AR AND SIXTY --POUR CENTS (;1.64)per front foot, visa given first passage, {lupon call of the roll by the•following vote; -Yeas Poreman, Rudde, Butler, Parleys Gooda man, Hannin, Harton, Jaoobe, Lenhnrd, Moore and Watte. (11) i On P 'ion by the above, the rules were suspended on the above, upon call of the roll,by the following vote; -Yeas Poremnn, Budde, Butler, Parley, Goodman, Hannin, Har- I,.. ton, Jacobs, LenharA, Moore and Watts. (11) 1. h On P tion by the above, the above Ordinance was given second and finalpassage by ' ,;its title, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, -Butler, iiParley, Goodman,. Hannin, Harton, Jaoobe, Lenhard, Hoore, and Watts. (ii) t �- it h tion by member Jacobs, the City Solicitor was instructed to bring in an *d 1 Iinanee 4overning the Plagman at.3rd and Norton.street. =�-�=------ -- -On iqtlon the Board adjourned---------- I ;pro mob; i`i+J'� 1014 g8 ,oNOV 2 1914 ;t , n• v1Ly C 71T, PKvidmg Bwd of iamn.-f iDY.q. - .,v u�.. �. L r. °... .. tit'.. . Gr .. [. .� e .. 4. ... • ... .. .. . •— ` �.