HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 365, September 8, 1914R At a.a4journ6d:•meeting of the Board of.Councilmeni held, in the,C,ouncil Chamber, n, j in the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Ky., Sept 8th 1914, upon call of the 'roll the ,'following answeredto their names -Foreman, Rudde, BnEler, Hanning Lenhard, Moore, Smith N :and Watts. (a) On motion the minutes of the previous meeting was adopted as rand. On motion by member Hannin, that,the Finance Committee's allowance for salaries �'•t�'i"'•t't';"veto., be allowed ,•Same was Amended by member Smith, eo'ae to read that all accounts be . ;.allowed provided that the amount apportioned for this year was not over drawn, and was los !upon call of the roll by the followine.vote;-Yeaa nutler, Moore anti Smith. (3) Nays Porern ;Budde, Farley, Goodman, (tannin, Lenhard and Watta.(7) I; On motion tbat:.theoriginal motion be granted, by allowing salaries sto.,same sas allowod and the won authorized to draw a warrent,on the Treasurer for the reapective r amount.a upon call of the roll by the following voto;-Yeaa Foreman, Budde, Butler, Farley,;' . �. (Goodman, Tlannin,.Lenhard, and Watts. (a) Nays.Moore and Smith. (2) Hart -oft. wO Jaaoba, came in. On motion ty member Hnnnin, the Mayor and Treasurer were authorized to borrow' i _ $9500.00 to be deducted from the collection of the Der.ezRber half of taxes eto., upon call :of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Hanning'. . TTarton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (10) i I' On motion by the above, tho monthly report of the Treasurer and Auditor, was r received and filed. i On,motion by the above, the action of the Committee was oonedred-in in regard. to the West Y.y Induetlial College,. r,..• On motion by above, a bill of the eypenses on Capt Viae Terrell to Eddyville // in the interest of the.Bertillion System, amounting to $2A.50 was Allowed, upon call of t11% roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butler, Farlayi Ooodman, Hanning Hart on, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) ej�,� �,�,, On motion by the above, Matt ill Effinger h Co was allowed :4.00 ae a refund for ��Q• U a butial in Oak Grove Cemetery. On motion by member Smith, the report of the Finanoil►dl Condition of each Depart:(, Ur r meat of the City was received and tiled. ,) . On motion bj the above, a petition for water for the Larioaster Parquet Flooring Co, was referred to the Paducah Water Cc to ley mains arid. the fire plugs ordered pladed on . the Rental List. i On motion by the above, the. Paducah Fair Association wag+ allowed 8250.00 the E t amount apportioned each year, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Tiannin, Harton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (11 i motion. by the above, Dr Solon Oillen8a bill for medicine furnished the Fire .:S j Department amounting to '(`3.00 waa' allowed. ��-�c�• On motion by the above, C.B.Osorge was allowed $4.00 for painting a banner .for tb the. Fire Department. .1 -Ax i • (/ On motion by the oboes, G.W.Ratter�ohn was allowed x!295.57 for collections, from si•tir� �� ,el`property owners on Harrison at bet 15th & 16th ats for sidewalks sto.,upon call of the roll by the following. vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butler, Farley# Goodman, Hanning Horton, Jacobs, 4 r :.: :. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH. , , : , 4, �, , � �. '.' � , � :. •.,:,. , :365 ..: �� 191' R At a.a4journ6d:•meeting of the Board of.Councilmeni held, in the,C,ouncil Chamber, n, j in the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Ky., Sept 8th 1914, upon call of the 'roll the ,'following answeredto their names -Foreman, Rudde, BnEler, Hanning Lenhard, Moore, Smith N :and Watts. (a) On motion the minutes of the previous meeting was adopted as rand. On motion by member Hannin, that,the Finance Committee's allowance for salaries �'•t�'i"'•t't';"veto., be allowed ,•Same was Amended by member Smith, eo'ae to read that all accounts be . ;.allowed provided that the amount apportioned for this year was not over drawn, and was los !upon call of the roll by the followine.vote;-Yeaa nutler, Moore anti Smith. (3) Nays Porern ;Budde, Farley, Goodman, (tannin, Lenhard and Watta.(7) I; On motion tbat:.theoriginal motion be granted, by allowing salaries sto.,same sas allowod and the won authorized to draw a warrent,on the Treasurer for the reapective r amount.a upon call of the roll by the following voto;-Yeaa Foreman, Budde, Butler, Farley,;' . �. (Goodman, Tlannin,.Lenhard, and Watts. (a) Nays.Moore and Smith. (2) Hart -oft. wO Jaaoba, came in. On motion ty member Hnnnin, the Mayor and Treasurer were authorized to borrow' i _ $9500.00 to be deducted from the collection of the Der.ezRber half of taxes eto., upon call :of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Hanning'. . TTarton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (10) i I' On motion by the above, tho monthly report of the Treasurer and Auditor, was r received and filed. i On,motion by the above, the action of the Committee was oonedred-in in regard. to the West Y.y Induetlial College,. r,..• On motion by above, a bill of the eypenses on Capt Viae Terrell to Eddyville // in the interest of the.Bertillion System, amounting to $2A.50 was Allowed, upon call of t11% roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butler, Farlayi Ooodman, Hanning Hart on, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) ej�,� �,�,, On motion by the above, Matt ill Effinger h Co was allowed :4.00 ae a refund for ��Q• U a butial in Oak Grove Cemetery. On motion by member Smith, the report of the Finanoil►dl Condition of each Depart:(, Ur r meat of the City was received and tiled. ,) . On motion bj the above, a petition for water for the Larioaster Parquet Flooring Co, was referred to the Paducah Water Cc to ley mains arid. the fire plugs ordered pladed on . the Rental List. i On motion by the above, the. Paducah Fair Association wag+ allowed 8250.00 the E t amount apportioned each year, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Tiannin, Harton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (11 i motion. by the above, Dr Solon Oillen8a bill for medicine furnished the Fire .:S j Department amounting to '(`3.00 waa' allowed. ��-�c�• On motion by the above, C.B.Osorge was allowed $4.00 for painting a banner .for tb the. Fire Department. .1 -Ax i • (/ On motion by the oboes, G.W.Ratter�ohn was allowed x!295.57 for collections, from si•tir� �� ,el`property owners on Harrison at bet 15th & 16th ats for sidewalks sto.,upon call of the roll by the following. vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butler, Farley# Goodman, Hanning Horton, Jacobs, COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS; CITY OF PADUCAH 191 Lenhard, Moore, Smith and watts. (11) On motion by the above, G.W.Ketterjohn was allowed €1o7.33for work done on Isar– y 11 )rioon at bet 15th & 16th step to be paid by the Cityp upon call of the roll by the fol lowing vote;– Yeas Foreryanp Budde, Butler, Yarleyp Goodmanp Fannin,Hartonp Jacobs* Len ,./ hardy Hoore, Smith and Watts., (12) On motion b the above G.W.Katter ohn was allowed $26. y Y � ,1 67' for work done on R j�Avenue.between 19th & 20th' atreets'amount to be paid by the'Cityp upon call-of*the roll by the following vote;–Yeas For%aan, Budde, Autlery'Farleyp Goodman, Hannin, Rarton,- ; neobsp Lenhar plloorep amith and Watts. (12) 1 On motion by.the above, Yahoey & Johnson -was allowed.^.,2660.87 collections from property owners on North 5th street bet Jnffereon W. 'Clay streets, upon call of the rol j'by the following vote;–Yeaa Foreman, Budde, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Ranninp Rarton, i Jacobep lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (12) On motion•by the above, G.W.Katterjohn was allowed •^x90.79 collections from proper— ty owners on Ry Avenue bet 19th &120th otreste, upon call of the roll by the following vote;–Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Rannin, Parton, Jacobs, Lenhnrd,. Moorep Smith and Watts. (12) On m,tion by the -above, Yancey & Johnson was allowed ;173.22 collections from J, property owners on Backman street bet 8th & 10th streets by grading and graveling, upon ball of the roll. by the following vote;–Yeas-Foreman, Budde, Farley, Butler, Goodman, Hannin, 11arton, Jacobe, Lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (12) Q r On motion by the above, Yancey & Johnson was allowed $`185.51 collettiond from I property owners on Brunston Ave het 10th & llth streets b sada y g ng and graveling, upon . M onll of the roll by the following vote;-Yeae Foreman, Budde, Butler, Fnrley, Goodman, Hannin, TTarton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moorep Smith and 'Watts. (12) ' On mo*•ion by the above, -Yancey-& Johnson was allowed ;124.58 collections from �.iproperty owners on Caldwell street bet'4th & 5th street -by grading and graveling, upon IIcall o1 the roll by the folloring vote;–Yeas-Foreman, Budd.'e, Butlerp Farleyp Goodman, Rannin, Parton, Jacobs, Lenhardp Moorep Snith and Watts. (12) do motion by the'above, that the bond of Jae Caldwell be released for construct– Ion work done on 11th street bet Jefferson and Broadway streets no recommended by the Board of Public Works,carried. On motion by the nbovep the monthly report of the Building Inspector was received and filed. On motion by the above, the Maryland Casualty Company was realeseA off of the q fond of the First Natl Bank building and R.h.Reaves' and G.W.Robertson was eubJectgted I instead. _ 0'mgtion by the abovep an agreement between the City,' F.R.Pryear and Uechanics e -al✓ /!e!4 Tmist awl Saving Bankas mortgagee , Whereas the City desires to extend Rusbands street from 4th to 6th street in uniform width-6feet it is necessary to obtain a strip of c i G ground 30 feet in width off of the Souuth pdrtion of lot 16 •block 13 and being a, strip 3 pt ng ryenr. Now In order t,o �• �?a G. U; of ground'30 lest in width an 160.9 in depth -belong h bele to said S.R.pu save condemnation proceedings the parties gereto submit the matter to valuation of strip ��z� n, ,�o iorbitration ' and tfor saoh 'party and Yf no agreement,, then third party to bs eelsotsA 1 1 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS.- CITY OF PADUCAH '' ` '': ` 19I 367 ;same carried. ` On motion by Member Lenhard, AN &DINANCR GRANTING. TRE ILLIN618 CENTRAL R.R.00.-: Y J µ I'rm sucasShcts .OR ASSIGNS TRF, RIGRT TOIL COSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN A. SPUR RAILROAD TRACK FROM THE PROPERTY.LINE OF TRI:.MUTAL WHEEL COTIPANY'ACROSS-PALME'R STREET SO AS TO CONECT WITH TRF.' VrIA ,PROPOSED F.XTEIJTION OF THF PROPERTY OF THE LAf1CASTI?R PARQUET FLOOR COMPANY LOCATRD D1•',TI4I:f:11IPALLER•AND S *ELL STREETS. IN THE CITY OF PADUCAR KY., was given firnt pasaare, upon call I of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foremeng Budde, Butler, Farley, Goodman, flaming :Hartong Jncobag Lenhard, floore, Smith and Watts—(12) i H I . lig On R tion the rules were suspended on the abovy, upon call of the roll 1y the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butler, Farley, Goodman, TTannin, Barton, Jaeoba,Lon `hanrd, Moore, Dmith and Watts. (12) �! In motion by the above, the above drdi.nanoe waa given ita aecAnd amd final pneo- I . i j age, by its title,'upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yana Foreman, Dudde, Dutloi !Farley, Goodman, llannin, TIarton, Jacoba lenhard, Moore, Smith and �Jatte.. (12) r I' ! ai motion by the above, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FA THE APPO(INTLTF.NT BY THF. CITY. tv 'ASSFSS (R TnF. SPECIAL DEPUTIES. AT. THF. ASSESS1-TENT PRRIOB : PRF.SCRIBIIIG THE DUTIES OF SAID f' fDE.PUTIES AILD FIX1110 T1TF:IR C 14PFIJSATION III THE CITY d)F PABUCAH KY, was given fira, passage. upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butler, Fnrlay, Raening iGoodman, Barton, Jacobs,, Lenhard, Moore,"::..• ., and Watts. (11) Nays Smith. (1) On iq.tion the rules were suspended on the above, upon call of the roll by the fob flowing vote;-yous Foreman, Budde, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Bannin, Tlarton, Jacobs, Lenhard Moore, '-'• r, and Watts. (11j flays Smith. (1) N 4n N Lion by the above, the above Vdinance was given -its second and final pessag by its title, upon call of'the roll by the following vote;-Yeae Fore:,an, Budde, Butler, Parley, Goodman, nnnning Tlarton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, ^ ' .. and Watteg (11) flay Smith.(I! do pobton by the above, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONDIIINATION OF A STRIP OF GROUND THIRTY FEET IN, WIDTH FJITFMING FRdf•I THE LIIIR QF FIFTIT STRrF.T ONE HUNDRED AILD SIX'!'Y FFT.T TO 'AIJ ALI,T:Y 3IXTF.F.1I FEET AND SIX INCiIF.S IN WIDTIi AND 71iRNCI FROM TBE. WEqT LIfil OP SAID::ALLRY IN UIJIFORM WIDTH ONE. HUNDRED AILD sIXTY FIVE FEET TO TTiF, LINE OF SIXTJI.STREET 80 As TO IdI.KT: T1USRANDS STREET I SIXTY FEET WIDE WHEN S & EXTRNDED, was, give first pasoage I ppeahoall of the roll by the following, vote; -Yeas Foreman, Rudde, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Hemming Jacobs, Lenhard, and.Watts. (9) Nays Barton, ?(core, Smith. (3) `f On V tion the rules were auspended.on the above, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Rudde, Farley, Butler, Goodman, Hannin, Jacoba, Lenhard, and Watts. (9) Nays Hartong Moore and Smith. (3) I.. it motion by the above, the above, was -given ite second and final panuage, by ital' title, upon call of the roll by. -the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butler, Farley, I Goodman, rennin, Jacobs, Lenhard, and Watts. (9) flays Hartong Moore, And Smith. (3), �. 14 motion by the above,'& comunication from the Honum antial. Autociation in regard ' i the moselleum , was referred to the cemetery Committee. • I do motion by member Budde, G.W.Katterjohn was allowed 21024.24 collections from L�Q�LGu property owners on 6th street bet Tenneasee and Broad streets, upon call of the roll by that, "•1'1.. ollowing vote; -Yeas Foreman, Rudde, Butler, Farley, Hanning Haaton, Jacobs Lenhard, Moore!.: • Smith and Watts. (12) A, . =1 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH q -j. � .In motion by the abover O.W.Katterjohn was allowed $1031.50 collections from property••• U owners Caldwell street betv9th & 12th,strests, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yens Foreman] Budee, Farley, Butler, Foodman, Banning Hartonr:Jaeobs, Lenhard, - ]Moore, Smith and Watts. (12) `j� IIII On p tion by the above'l.the estimate furnished by the City F.nginedr.for work done �by'O.W.Kotterjohn oontesotor on Monroe.street.from 12th to.17th street, wee received ad filed: r emotion by the abover.the City Engineer was instructed.to order a Car load of vin•; Sewer pipe of different sizes, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yens Foreman $udder Butler, Farleyr Goodman, Hannin, Barton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, and Watts. (11) ��ays Smith. (1) { lf�,, wr rJ RI �I 4i motion by the above, the inspection. o'' the work done on Monroe street between j 2t and 17th street, by the Board of Public Works, was received and filed. ��I!Mar Len�irdon Vthe above,. the agreement made by the Finance Committee and Street,'��!����/ JJY "v",eA � oommittoe withAWillinm Lenhard, for a strip of ground shown on BLUE, PRINT on file amount- �. lI ing to $162.50 on 6th street IS inches off of lot, some was coneured-in, upon call of the .0roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foremanr Budder Butlerr FarleYr Ooodmanr Ranninr Jacobs6 � i,enhard, and Watts. (9) Saye Hartonr Smith and Moore. (3) ��' � ^�• On cp:tion by the above, the action of the Street Committee was ooncurod-in in arantin�; Dr Parson permission to build a well along 4th street side and Booad streets �. n�t to extend over 6 inches on.City property,' On motion by the above It the action of -the Street.Committee was concured-in in /1k :regard to Jae P. Smith beinp, instructed move his building from sidewalk at 6th It Norton ;tr gets. Rh m,tion by the''nbove, the action of the Street Committee was conoured-in in �. cam! J. 'regard the Board of Public Works being instructed to purchase a car load of rock screen- ,,.�,� I r ings.and have euffioent amount put on Caldwell street Det 4th & 5th streets, same carried � upoh call of the roll by the following vote; -Yaws Foreman, budder Butler, Farleyr Hannin j Jacobs, I.enhard, Hoorer and Watts. (9)'Nays Marton, Moore and Smith . (3) 4n motion by member Barton, the reports of the Paducah Water Co on the laying lof Maine on Mayfield Road to Cedar an Cedar to Lincoln and on Lincoln to Coxey also one .' D , r It 6aadayfield Road from Cedar Avenue to Corporate linits, was received and filed. ".�G'G✓ l On motrion b� the above a petition from residents and y p� a li ,/ , P prof rt owners .on 9th ' -f-" ustreet bet Adams and Clark streetsrwas referred to the Paducah Water Coto lay mnins ahid ! the Fire Plugs were ordered pladed on the Rental List. i o� On motion by the abover the monthly report of the Chief of Police was receivedIle i. filed. ^A �� {�.. On potion by member Smith, the Committee having the Vioduct at the Tennessee at : ,,.-�ti.a -�•- }crossing in charge, be dismissed in sofar as said Viaduct is concerned. j 'j" -f;' , % ' On motion by member Butler, a petition from the Paducah Marine Ways Co, in re - It gnrd to over+assesementr was referred to.the City Treasurer, Assessor and Solicitor. in motion .by member Rannin, the following deeds to lots in Qak Grove Cemetery granted;-J.Wee ;Troutman, lot 2 block 1. Priscilla Pletcher lot .71 blook..l Miss Mar i ,' ,,.Townsend lot 14•block 47 Mrs E.E,.Bell lot 12 lot 47 and John Krestinsen lot 57 block 1. En aption by member Parleyl that tho City Solicitor bring in condemnation pro 4oeedings againet the Paducah Cooperage Cc and Robt Roble for 35 feet on the South aide of ' .4 the I.C.R.R.Tipple from South 4th street to Yeleer'Avenue, recommendsid by the Finn neo Com- mittoe, same was c.nourod-in.. On motion by member Jacobs, that the Board of Public Works inst.-riot the Street InapeoEor to repair Caldwell street bet 4th & 5th street carried. On abtion by member Budde, the request of 1Ar ARolb to lay 17 foot side walk abuttl �// �l- ; '.ing his property on Broad street, was referred to the Street Committee, City FWIneer and � n ;City Solicitor power to act. o� On motion by member Farley, the Park Commissioners be granted permission to re- ` I I more certain sections of the aidewalla and sut4titute therefor memorial tablets, same was, 1 , . !granted, provided it is done under the supervision of the City Engineer. �,� a On rb,tion by member Smith, that a'comunication from Mrs Mary Prank in regard to Y®'l the City rasiing the Eradeon 4th -street near the Concrete Bridge, Same was table. t1 On eb,tion by member Smith, that the Auditor notify each Department not to over {.i."drnw,their account, same carried.. • I 1� r-- --------------------On %,tion the Board adjourned ------------------------ 1 r) -1r11 4 , PP ov�jT� �Ei' j I're8j&ml /fnmreiG f Vin mr-U mem. is 'H� .. ����I ��••�• I ' The regular meeting that was to be held in the City Rall, in the.Counoil Chanber September 218t 1914, and as there wastnt a qurom present, owing to the Election between i the tlt'M AIM DRYS, the Board adjourned to meet 'September 22nd 1914. • �., •�"•�' ,, _, --___----_—Adjourned--_�.���___�--------------------------�---�------- 4 Jil-nr. z,c)7- vAf:'� 23 1014 �'corxr) t�161 ZZ c!3S ,. 4. 44/14 �Fc �,l,l t L r.l f vti 7 •1 '•J�::j'\: 17 (. 4 Y. fsI , .�,f G) .�/ f• 1 11 1..11 1 •� J '� 1 J i i'r :.✓i:•.r:.j �,..p v:.•.. �;: ..<{.k... , .':�- v �. :`.w. .:. �.ti:; .nj,,., i.:,' t.. ..u.".._ rC. ./.:w�l .+J...«.. ,.•.�nW...,...1: .I.. t.., w.. _.. ......iY«. .,«_ 9. f:.