HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 362, August 17, 1914. " . I' .COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY• OF PADUCAH 191'_ At a, regular meeting of the Board of Counoilmen, held in the Council Chamber, n ' in the City Rall, in the City of Paducah, Ky., August 17th 1914, upon call of the roll -"•; the'following answered to their names; -Foreman, Budde, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Rannin Lenh,ird, Hoore, and Watts. (9) On motion the minutes of the previous meeting was adopted as rend.', w On motion by member Fannin, the Finance Allowance for salaries etc., was allowed �'�~' "' " �"• 4 I and the Clerk was authorized to draw a warrent on the Treasurer for the respective '..,'. iL amounts,. upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butler, 1V Farley, Goodman, Hnnnin, Lenhard, Moore, and Watts. (9) III, On motion by the above, the Mayor and City Treasurer were authorized to borrow . x:01500.00 for immediate demands, upon on call of the roll by the follo wing vote; -Yeas Foram man, Budde, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Fannin, Lenhnrd, Moore and Watts. (9) On motion by the above Yancey & Johnson was allowed .80 for collections f /i >i ✓ r Y 8179ore' 11property owners for work done on Aockman street bet 8th de 10th et•reets, Special Street fund, upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeae Foreman, Budde, Butler, Farley. Goodman, Fannin, Lenhard, Moore aril watt e. (9) I } On motion by the above, Yancey ✓!e Johnson was allowed out of the Special Street s �,��k-aj.jfund,L11.99amount oolleoted for work done on Horth 5th street bet Jefferson✓!aCla, ustreete upon call of the roll b the follows , p y ng vote; -Yeas Poremnn, Btdde, Butler, I I;Farley, Goodman, Fannin, Lenhard, Moore and'Watts. (9) n• J On motion by the above, Yancey & Johnson was allowed 06.62 from the City for work' . q done. on North Sth street bet Jefferson & Clay streets. i y 2 On motion bythe above, Yan�'ey &Johnson was allowed 018,27 secret collect from property owners on Bronston Ave bet 10th & 11 etfeets. ! . Aj j/ 1p. I I. On motion by the above, Yancey & Johnson was allowed ,'24.48 from the City for work dne on Bronston Ave bet 10th & 111th 6treets. � On motion by the above, the eoet of extending the Culvert on 6th street between _ �[. x Norton & Rusbando streets amounting to about ^0125.00 by G.W.Katterjohn, was referred to Cle'r'. >'' I the Finance Committee. 1 i On motion by the above, the report of the Treasurer on the Financial condition of > -/ ✓ $L each department of the City, was received and filed. On motion by the above, a report from the Auditor of the condition of the City Treasurer's collections, was received and filed. On motion by the above, the Finance Committee was instructed to purchase 4 office , 'Ichaire for the City Judge's office. -------------- II On motion by member Lenhard, AN ORD21161:CF PRO11InITING TNF, USE OF SIRF.HE RORNS ON AUTONOAILRS OR OTHER vF�iICLF.S. EXCEPT TRF. CAR OR VMICLFS USFD BY TRF. CRIEF OF TrM FIRE Di:PARTIIRNT IN T1iR CITS' OF PADUCAR RY AND PRFSORIAING A PRNALTY FOR ANY VIOLATION T1ERCdl' . ~i•. liwas given first .passage, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, hBudde, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Rennin, LenhAk , Moore and Watts. (9) On motion the rules were suspended on the above, upon 'call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butler, Marley, Nannie, Goodman, Lenhnrd, Moore,. meld Watts. (9) age byats title, upon call of .the roll by the following vot4;-Yeas Foreman,,Hudde# Butler', ;Parlay, Goodman, Hanhin, Lanhardp Moore and Watte'. (9) On motion by the above,' AN ORDINANCE. GRANTING. TRE CHICAGO, ST I,OYUS & NEW ORMAITS: jtRAILROAD CWPANY ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS THP RIGHT TGlCONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN A SPUR TRACK FR k TRF PROPERTY IF CMINGTOW BROS GROCERY CO'SITUATF) ON THE CORIIE.R OF THIRD AND JEFFRR'r. i SON STREET IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH KY ACR iBS THIRD STREET BET JEPFE.RSON ✓6 mondB STREETS SO AS Td -CONNECT WITH TRF, WARFH (USF. OF COLMUN CLARK REALTY CO LOCATED ON THE WEST CORNER OF THIRD A11D JEFFERSON STREETS OPPOSITE THE SAID COVINGTON BROTTTERS GROCERY CO IN THE CITY OP PADUCAH KY, was given first paeeage, upon call of the roll by the following vote;- Yens Foremen, Budde, Butler, Parlay, Goodwn, 11annin, Lenhard, ttoore and Watte. (9) 1. . !i On motion the rules were suspended on the above, ordinance, upon call of the roll 0 by the following vote; -Yens Foreman, Budde, Butler,. Farley, Goodman, Hannin, Lenhard,ltoore Iand Watts. (9) On motion by the above, the above, Ordinance was Riven its second and final paean i.6900 by its title, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butler „ Farley, Goodman, Rennin, Lenhard, Moore and Watts. (9) do motion by member ITudde, the action of the Board of .Publio Worke, in awarding , ' the contract for the grading And graveling of Sowell street from the 10111 to Thurman street OL� Thurman street from Sowell to Powell street/ Aehoraft Ave from Powell to Sowell street anti '' Vulah street from •Thurmenstreet to I.C.Property line to S.R.Gohleon. do ;otion by the above, the action of the Board of Public Works was concured-in i i in regard to awarding the contracts Ldr the construction of South 4th street from the South line of Broad street to the North and of Iceland Creek Bridge0 anti fron the Sou`h j L ® anti of the Bridge .to the North line of Farley Place also On Kentucky Ave from .the West side 4 , a L/ v9 .te/0 of 9th etreot to the East side of !Burrell Boulevard to Yancey be Johnson. Q� ��-�- •I On notion by the above, the acceptance of the work done by G.W.Katterjohn on is Kentuvky Ave bet 19th do 20th streets; also Harrison street bet 15th & 16th streets, py;the . ti.. /oard.:.oY'Publio Works, same was ratified. . .I 0h motion by the above, the following, petition from Henry F.Kolb in regard to ;. ti Broad street property line; -was ordered received and filed and recorded; -as follows; Sevgral years ago I came in possession of this stip of ground snit aa. same is no use to the j� City withorlt waiving any right, that I may have in said property by reason of adverse hold j Ing, I would like for you to consider selling any right or titlethat the City may claim r in such property and would buy same in order to quiet title theroto provided you would ii be tilling to take reasonable amount -tor any and all title the City may claim in or to said property. On motion by`.nember Rarton, a petition for water on Mayfield Ronal from Cedar iI` Afeaue to or near the City Limit.e, was referred to the Paducah Water Cc to lay mains and i iJ ..J s• ;i i the Water plaugs were ordered placed on the rental lief,. I On motion by the above' a report from the PaAuonh lister Cc in rerard to laying mains on 13th street from Jackson at to Tennessee at. was received and tiled. _ . ( On motion by member Farley, the report of the Piro Department, In.regard-t9 ,•several of the Fire wagons ate., needing pain ing0 wao referred to the Finance Committee f 4 ������r I , y � ` � � � � .� '• K ,,, a. .4 -rya � • � � _ ._� �' _� 7' Mv'�rno+. .a+!M.T •rwr•-Hors. MiI.M', M•+�•ee•9!rt••t-rr'iaTretir:.?�+!+A+f".+- - � '. = �� _ , . , ,• , •��• ',� 363 • . COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH. 1.� �•' age byats title, upon call of .the roll by the following vot4;-Yeas Foreman,,Hudde# Butler', ;Parlay, Goodman, Hanhin, Lanhardp Moore and Watte'. (9) On motion by the above,' AN ORDINANCE. GRANTING. TRE CHICAGO, ST I,OYUS & NEW ORMAITS: jtRAILROAD CWPANY ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS THP RIGHT TGlCONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN A SPUR TRACK FR k TRF PROPERTY IF CMINGTOW BROS GROCERY CO'SITUATF) ON THE CORIIE.R OF THIRD AND JEFFRR'r. i SON STREET IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH KY ACR iBS THIRD STREET BET JEPFE.RSON ✓6 mondB STREETS SO AS Td -CONNECT WITH TRF, WARFH (USF. OF COLMUN CLARK REALTY CO LOCATED ON THE WEST CORNER OF THIRD A11D JEFFERSON STREETS OPPOSITE THE SAID COVINGTON BROTTTERS GROCERY CO IN THE CITY OP PADUCAH KY, was given first paeeage, upon call of the roll by the following vote;- Yens Foremen, Budde, Butler, Parlay, Goodwn, 11annin, Lenhard, ttoore and Watte. (9) 1. . !i On motion the rules were suspended on the above, ordinance, upon call of the roll 0 by the following vote; -Yens Foreman, Budde, Butler,. Farley, Goodman, Hannin, Lenhard,ltoore Iand Watts. (9) On motion by the above, the above, Ordinance was Riven its second and final paean i.6900 by its title, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butler „ Farley, Goodman, Rennin, Lenhard, Moore and Watts. (9) do motion by member ITudde, the action of the Board of .Publio Worke, in awarding , ' the contract for the grading And graveling of Sowell street from the 10111 to Thurman street OL� Thurman street from Sowell to Powell street/ Aehoraft Ave from Powell to Sowell street anti '' Vulah street from •Thurmenstreet to I.C.Property line to S.R.Gohleon. do ;otion by the above, the action of the Board of Public Works was concured-in i i in regard to awarding the contracts Ldr the construction of South 4th street from the South line of Broad street to the North and of Iceland Creek Bridge0 anti fron the Sou`h j L ® anti of the Bridge .to the North line of Farley Place also On Kentucky Ave from .the West side 4 , a L/ v9 .te/0 of 9th etreot to the East side of !Burrell Boulevard to Yancey be Johnson. Q� ��-�- •I On notion by the above, the acceptance of the work done by G.W.Katterjohn on is Kentuvky Ave bet 19th do 20th streets; also Harrison street bet 15th & 16th streets, py;the . ti.. /oard.:.oY'Publio Works, same was ratified. . .I 0h motion by the above, the following, petition from Henry F.Kolb in regard to ;. ti Broad street property line; -was ordered received and filed and recorded; -as follows; Sevgral years ago I came in possession of this stip of ground snit aa. same is no use to the j� City withorlt waiving any right, that I may have in said property by reason of adverse hold j Ing, I would like for you to consider selling any right or titlethat the City may claim r in such property and would buy same in order to quiet title theroto provided you would ii be tilling to take reasonable amount -tor any and all title the City may claim in or to said property. On motion by`.nember Rarton, a petition for water on Mayfield Ronal from Cedar iI` Afeaue to or near the City Limit.e, was referred to the Paducah Water Cc to lay mains and i iJ ..J s• ;i i the Water plaugs were ordered placed on the rental lief,. I On motion by the above' a report from the PaAuonh lister Cc in rerard to laying mains on 13th street from Jackson at to Tennessee at. was received and tiled. _ . ( On motion by member Farley, the report of the Piro Department, In.regard-t9 ,•several of the Fire wagons ate., needing pain ing0 wao referred to the Finance Committee 2r 4 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADU On motion by member Henning a transfer was granted from J.J.111sich goClegants and Oeo A. Bleiah lot 458 block 31 In yak Drove cemetery. 46 me -ion by member Parley, the opening of a Street through the Lumber Hill IM Ueohanioeburg be referred to the Finance Cormitteep to report. back. -ch motion by the abovep the Board of Public Works were Instructed to have the [property owners on Bridge, street between Rays & City Limits to remove their. fan sea back Boiwell J.-onesho pr, operty line.On motion by member Butiort the Special Committee to trio Boswell I - Jo nee In regard to the Hilk.test action was ooncured in' by receiving and tiling said charges and dismissing cam for the lack of specific charges. --- ---------------------On motion the Board adjourned--.------ _r r 1 P U1 19114 -A- 000 The regular meeting night of. the Board of Council b sing. AS, t 7th 1914p a Legal Hollidnyq The Board met...:W adjourned.r :"til 1-30 O'clock P.M.Sopt*" 8th 1914. ------- Adjourned _P R� SEP nj I SEP 8 1,01 4 P -A- 7 .9 i ............ ­ q . C �i V