HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 358, August 3, 1914,.. ' • s .111 Y. ,n. 3 555COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH- „' 191 At 'a regular meeting of the Board 'of Councilmen, held in the Council Chambery in the Cit Hall in the Cit of Paducah K Y r Y ,. y., August 3rd 1914, upon Dell of the roll the followinganswered to their nnmea'= Foreman Budde Butler Farle . , r s• Yr �Goodmnny Henning V j1 ' �.7s olis y. Lennard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) On motion the.minutes of the previous meeting was ndnp!ed as read. On motion by momber Hannin, the Finance Committee's allowance for salaries etas, was allowed and the Clerk was'anthorized to draw a warrent on the Treasurer for the re- c epsctive amounts, upon onll of'tho roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, nudde, Butt',: ler, Farley, Goodman, Hannin, Jncoba, Lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) Oh motion by the above, the report, of the collection of $t330.00 from properly ►} I owners for road oil placed upon the streets abutting their property by S.J.Snook Pres. " 'of the Hoard of Publio Works, was received and filed. On motion by the above, a P.T.& A.R.R. bond x#83 purchased by the City of Paducah' amounting to Olg000.00 was. ordered burned before the Board of Aldermen on -this date. On motion by -the abovep the Paducah Base Bali Aesn., was allowed $75.00 on.their 6i9AV• apportionment, .upon call of the rollby the following tote; -Yana Foreman, Budde, Butler I'Farley, Goodman, Hannin, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moorep Smith and Watts. (11) G I On motion by the above, the monthly, report, of the Treasurer and Auditor, was ( !.� sv a received azul filed. ,� On q tion by the above, Yancey N Johnson was allowed $72.48 for work done on LBookman otreet between 8h9 streeta, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas ';Foreman, Budde, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Rennin, Jacobe, Lenhardp Moore, Smith and :704/0 i; On motion by the above, Yancey h Johnson was allowed $72.85 for work done on Cat :f�otG�•� dwell street between 4th h 5th the Ij streste„upon call of roll by the following vote; -Ya , a Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Rennin, Jacobs, Lennard, Moore, Smith and —------ 1., hWatts. '(11) On m,tion b the above, Yancey h Johnson -as allowed Y Y 173.12 for work done on . G„ -Bookman street between. h h 10th streets u on call of the roll b the �s , 9t r P Y following v o•. e; /� f - p� 4 ,Yeas Foremen, nudde, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Rennin', Jacobs, Lennard, Moore, Smith and ;Watts. (11) G: iJ� u 6 -n motion by the above, Yancey h Johnson was allowed 253.00 for work done on ulBookman street between 8th & 10th streets, upon call of the roll by the following vote= NYeas Foreman, Budde, Butler, Farley, Goodman, )tannin, Jacobs, Lennard, ?Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) Hart on came inn On motion by the above the action of 'he Finance Committee was eonor.red inn in ry.regard.to the City Fagineer being instructed to have extension made to the Culvert on Gth'etreet between Nortn & Husbande street at a cost of $125.009 upon call of the D)South roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butler, Farley, Hannan{ ltartony Jacobs � Lennard,. Moore, And..Wsttfi.'.'+(.il).lt6yajSmith (1) ' � J• A” �l Qt motion by the above, the Mayor, Auditor .and Treasurer wsar.authorized to 'box y. .,row $8500.00 to meet the expenses on the City, payable out of the December half of the i. r, �'7 ;!'-Tax colleotions,•upon call o! the roil by. the following vote;' -Yeas Foreman, Budde, But- _ ler, Farley, Goodme;n, Rennin, Harton, Jacoba,"Lenhard, Smith and,Watts. (11) Nays Hoor*411, : - A 91 COUNCIL. PROCEEDINGS,'Cn Y OF PADUCAWA 4 359. On motion by the abovep the Ordinance Committee wan instructed* to bring in on. C. �ordinsnoe granting permission to the-I.C.R.R.Company the right to entand their track &croon .,Palmer street In order that they nay reach the property ofthe Lancaster Parquet Flooring Company's plant. the above a petition -�fir.rogard to testing Cows was referred to I On notion by 4 -the City Solicitor, Ordinance Committee and Hospital Sewer and Sanitary Committees, to bring In an amended ordinance or ordinance repealing sums. On motlan by member Lenhards the Garbage Franchise, was given'tte firat passage ;upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Buddep Butlarl Farley# Goodmanj] •[Hannin, Hartong Jacobs, LeMard, Ifooreg Smith and Watts. (12) I. in notion the rules were suependedg upon call of Via roll by the following vot'ei Yeas Foreman, Budr1e, Butler,. Farleyg Goodmanp Harmin.p Parton, Jacobs j Lanhard j Moore gS Ith and Watts. (12) On motion by.the above, the above was given its second andfinnl passagep by ito*� ;.tltlss upon call of the I roll by the following vote; -Yeas Forama, ng Budde, nutlerp Farlert. Goodmang Tlanning Hartong Jacobs, Lenhnrd, Poore, Smith and Watts. (12). On *tion by the abovel.AN fRDvANcE ncuDiNG FIR VE AD kPTIoll OF THE BERTILL'm car !sysmx BY THF, Pam DFPARTI*:NT OF THE CITY Of PADUCATT AND PRESCRIBING A PA11ALTY FOR ANY I .',.VIOIATr W rtFREdp ON THE PART OF OUSPECTFD CRIMINALS UTIDTIR ARREST, was given first pas saps upon call of the roll by the fallowing vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butlarl Farleyp Goodman !Hanning Parton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Hoorep Smith and Watts. (12)- 4 i% tion the roles were suspended on the abovep upon call of the roll by the -jolllowinavote;-Yeas Foreman, nudde, Butler) Farley, Goodman, Panning Itarton, Jacobs,'Len-! -hard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (12) ii dk mot -ion by the above, the above ordinance was given second and final pAniaga, .''by Its titleg upon call of the roll by t) -.o following vote; -Yeas Yana Foreman, Builds, Butlej .,Qoodmang Fannin, Tfarton, Jacobal Lenhard, Iloorep Smith and Watts. (12) C6 motion by the above, AN dRDINANCE PR VIDrun F k AN ADDITIONAL RFAISTERATIOW 'DAY SUBJFX.QUI-.IT TOTHF FIRST TUESDAY IN 610TOBER IN EACH YEAR PROvrDED BY GENERAL ELECTION LAY III THE STATE OF KENTUCKY, was given first pan . sairal upon call of the roll by the fdllow-� I iing. vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Ilutlerl Farleyp Goodman, ITannin,. Hartong Jacobs, Lenhard Moore, Smith and Watte. (12) in motion the milea were suspended on the above, upon call of the roll by the 'following vote; -Yeas Forenan, Ruddes'Butler, Parley, 11anning noodman, Hartong Jacobs, Len- -hardf Itoore, Smith and Watts. (12) (, .,,• in motion by the above, the *above ordin ance was given its cocond and final'pasu- 'alto, by Its titlep upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas roremnn, Hild'dej PU . tlew 0 o oftan 9 Farley, Panning Parton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moorep Smith and Watts, (12) - lkm notion by1membar Buddeg G.W.Xatterjohn was allowed 062.50 for work done on j. Caldwellstreat between gth.& 12th street on Improvement warrant j upon call of the 'roll by the followine liota;-Yess Foreman, Rudde, Butler, Parley, Aoodman, Raninin, Hartong Jacobs j Lenhard I Moore, Smith anti Watts. (12) l do qqtton by the aboveg a warrant was ovderad dram in favor of A.I.Katterjohn ,A for work done on Monroe street between 12th & 17th street an Improvement warrants upon call! a COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY. OF PADUCAH '91 - r:, I f Fi yp 'of the roll by the followIng.votel-Yeas Foreman, Sudde, Butler, rarleyp GoodmangRem Ing :Barton, Jacobs j Lenhard q Mo . ore# Smith and Watts. (12) 7 'ii m3tion by the above, a warrent was ordered drawn In favor of G.W.Katterjohn forwork done on 6th street between Tennessee and Broad streets, on Improvement warrent lamatunting to 0144.65 upon call of the roll by the folloring vote; -Yeas Foreman Buddel iButlerp Parleyv Ooodmanp Hannin, Harton, Jacobst Lenhard, Koore., Smith and Watts. (12) On(Otion by the above, the estimate f1mished by the City Engineer of the work aw -4-- done on Brunson ave by grading and graveling was received and filed. Ai V tion by the e-bove, the report from the Board of Pijbllo Works In regard to the acceptance of Brunson ave I was concured In. 0-44- igotion by the abovep the estimate furnished by the City Engineer on work dons on Fifth street between Jefferson and Clay streets, was received and filed. Ch motion by tho,abovey the report of the acceptance of the work done on the I.above street by the Board of Public Works, was concured in. 4t m +.I'on by member Farley, a petition for water on Mayfield Road from 400 feet :80th of Otithrie Avenue to Cedar Ave thence on Cedar Ave to Lincoln Ave and thence on [Lincoln Ave to Cozeyj was referred to the Paducah Water Cc to lay.mains and the Piro Plugs were oredered plAoed on the Rental list. On notion by the above p the rapdrt of the lay1rig on water maine on Kentuvky Ave t between 12th & 15th street, same was received and filed. On motion by the above, that the rules be suspended on the previous attlon taken in regard to egress and Ingress being granted through the Hedge fencep at Oak Grove Com - 7' 1?eteryr the Chair announced,that in case of a tie votes afterI the motion being made v ThV, Ii.as !oilcan;-to-wit;-T4t the rules be suspended on the previous actiong taken in regard hgranting a driveway to and from the Vauseleump the vote stood. as f ollowst . Yea@ Butleri I,Farleyp Goodman, Jacobs, Moorep and Smith. (6) Hays Foreman' Budde, Hannin, Hartong Lenhard and Watts. On motion by member Smithp that an appeal be taken from the Chair# In regard to lithe above notion being lost; -P -Upon call of the roll the vote stood as follows; -Yeas Bud - do, 74anninp Hartong Linhard and Watts. (5) Hays Butler, Farley, Goodmanp Jacobs# and '.Moore. (5) On lotion by member Jecobap a transfer of a Saloon license was granted from Assignee of W.C.Gray to,John Sinnott at 107 South 4th street and the Equitb. �Cecil Reed .��'ftble Gutty Cc of St Louis Mo., was accepted as his bondp upon call of the roll by the 1;'following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Butlerp Oarleyp Goodman Hannin Hann, Jacobs$ Lon !.hard, Xoor6j, Smith and Wstte. (12) On option by member. Hanning the following deeds were granted to lots In Oak 1( rove Cemetery; -Mrs Itaudo Hanes, lot 59 block I Mrs 0. NIchole lot 29 block 47 and Hro Susan Bennett lot 34 block 47. On notion by the,abovet the month1r, report of the BuIlding_Inspectorg was recolso ed and filed. On rb-tion by the above a'aamunibstIon from the West Kyl+!Industrial Colloget.war rejoblved and tiledel. s. . A�.�t. 1 � :4. .:tt"ad .nYwTr:?. +M+•..•'. !rr ,� ,-vh.y nsr,.��•s.: w,Y+►'��v�^[. n. r.rr. ro� COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS; CITY PADUCAH I9I On cation by the abovey the monthly report of the Treasurer and Auditory was.- . � i , 1. • I) - ' ' .. f .. .. .. , .. - ' received and filed, I; On motion by member Parley, the monthly report of the Chief of Police was recei- 1I ved and filed. I� On .% Lion by the above. the Equitable Surety Cc was released off of the bond of Cecil Re -ed as Assignee of B.C.Oray's Saloon license at 107 South 4th street. On ration by the above) the Rquitable Surety Cc was 're'.eaeed off ,of the bond 4*bf C.D.Oilliam ex -Police 'Ifficer. I� On r{ tion by member Autlery the matter of opening 11th street from Burnett to Ellie streetp same was reooivod and filed. 'L On m t;on by member Lenhardy that the Traffic drdinanoe be referred to the cityl i; :oliotor and (Irdinance Committee to bring in an ordinance to conform with the nes State �`. lswy same carried. ration by member Smithy the monthly report. of the Auditory reporting the LO ✓ ,�� financial condition of each department of the Cityy was received and filed. ------------- -- ... .On rpdion the Board adjourned--------------- --------- ---------- _ -- ..1 .......... F......_... �..."v...................... ``%"'i`' •.�...'.-_._���',�,[ r Presirtcn! 4,/ C--,04 - I { � mil} ! � - . ', .. ' . - . r , .,1 • `� t ! - n �+r' t f4 d�.� r; ♦t t1 It .:1 , 1 r 1, - s,`i �','�•t ,' . r.�'.- -.✓. i. )-t' f' t B� C rV 4 ,1 Jr !fit J 6,7 t I-! '�