HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 34, June 6, 191034. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH_- G _1910 _ - At a regular meeting of the Board of Coumolla•a,' hold 1n the Council Chamber, in ',i ,• the City doll, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky June 6th. 1910, Open sell of the roll ' . ..X' the following answered to their names:-Pareman, Budde, Duvall,B:sonin, m Barton, Kreut-.,� var, Lally, Leigh, Moyer, McCarthy and Wilson, (11) `i dtnpta U ' On motion by member Hannin, a, pari of the minutes of the. previous meeting par- . . `taining �d to the Mayor•purohaeing the property on South 10th; Street for a Boulevard from•:, J �+-•Vg-c-a�-•¢ Kentusky Avenue to Jackson Street— wee ordered stricKed from the minutes, Upon call of L!:% he roll by the following vote; -Yeas I+aremen, Budd*, Duvall, B►nnin, Horton, Krout ser, I(tt .Lally, - Leigh, Mayor, MOCarthy,aad Wilson. (11) 1.(. /O On sotion'Ly the above, the Mayor vas authorized to buy the property on 10th.9 Street from Kentucky Avenue to Washington Street at a price considered just and •quit- 46ble by a majority of the Park Commissioners and the Mayor and if same comet be fought (J' � at a fair price, the same to be condem,ed'; Also the Mayor and Park Board are authorized �4o ' • secure option on the property necessary Lo'oomplote the 10th. eLroeL Boulevard from •a pppp Washington to Jackson Street and it o price not satisfactory to Mayor and ►aDk Board r ; cannot be had th•Licondemnatioh proceedings 1'o heroby ordered, Same oarried, Upon coal of the roll.by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Budde, Duvall, Harming Barton, Kreut- Bar, Lally, Leigh, Mayor, McCarthy and Milson, (11) On Motion by LM above, the Mayor was authorised to borrow many sufficent to non the City Until the Ta: Collaotlona for the first halt of the year 1910 aro oollsaN.,�. ad, or make any arrangement necessary with the City Depository, for such amount as may be needed to meet the allowances for the month of June; Upon call of the roll by the'4 tollowing;vot•;- Teas Poreman, Budde,. Duvall Hanin,'Harten, Kroutcer, Lally, Leigh, •' • Mayer, McCarthy ad Wilson, (11) • On motion by the above, the Pinanae oaliwanoe for eoaarU• h oto., for the last F' (• QCRpawe..\u. halt of May 1910., was allowed and the Clerk was ordered to draw a nrrer* on the Y.'•:' ' E Treasurer for the respective smounts;Upon call of the roll by the following tote; -Yee,', . Pbremu, Budde, Duvall, Hannin, Barton, Kreutzer, Lally, Lsigh, Mayer, McCarthy end '. •Willson. (11) F p ,•, On motion by thg above, that 14 City Directories be purchased for the various •-' _ ( ON.�.�• +�. anises of the City, cue carried; Upon sell of the roll by the following Tots; -Yeas'' Poremah, Budde, Duvall, Bannon, Barton, Krsutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayer, MoCarthy amt- ,.� Wilson. (11) '- '�..... ✓� On motion by the above, the Tax.Bills for theCear 1 r 909 n• authorized tamed I' • (i': i ' over to B,M.Philley Back Tax Collector, On motion by -the above, the monthly report of the City Treasurer and Auditor, was" . resolved and tiled.. On notion by the above, a recomendstlon from the Pinanoo Committee whereby that •'♦; the City Treasurer ad Auditor were authorized to employ Assistants in their 0ffices one each at $0.00 per month each during the Ten Year payment plan for the improvements ....r.. r,p � 8 eLe.,ne genoured-in; open call of the roll by the following vole; -Paas Poremen,Bndd/. . -T • '' , s' • Duvall, Humin, Barton, Krsutser,' Lally, Laigh, Mayor, McCarthy and Wilson. r ( ' '' . •� � d 6 On motion D member Lally, that a'petition r from r. residents and property cwnets '... ; `� ' .• was r.y �Ln , 4 i ,�5 1,'Nn � �...N' 1. f...,.:. ter.•. � v-. a, . f , v... .. .. �' i . � S. w,l.h�` yy1' c t !' el i '3 w.• �, ^'en -�„•;' rwT,. '. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITYOF PADUCAH" . T` _L 191 �' l ' .' 3.5 I against the improvement of Horth 16th,-Stroot by building Side-walks and curb and.•'. gutter. said L y ng ...r '1'(n •:'. r petition over ivied D Ds1 killed, Upon pall of the roll -,.-A4b4 Wilson 1 '• '-+: following vOtG;-Yea:) Bmdde,mnl Jlroutter. (3) hays Foreman, Duvall, Rannlno.: Hartong •` .;:t t. Lally, Leigh, Mayer and Mo*arthy. (B) On motion by member Kreutzer, the Board of Public Works, ws instructed to Est I,. .,t bids, for now Engin* at.the City Electric plant, I1, Y 1 '.1 C On Motion by member mayor, the monthly report. of the Chief of Polio+, was.. ireceived and filed., ] j t On motion by member duvall, a retail OOPfeo House 1,10+ftn was granted L1ebeLb Yopp at 1034 South 10th, Street and the Pidsllty 6 Deposit Co., o,: Maryland Looepted as their Bond men, Upon *all of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Bud ce, Duvall. l {'• 1t Hrnnln, Horton, Kroutz+r, Lally, Leigh, Hoyer, McCarthy and Wilson; (11) .I N On motion by the above, a Rstnll Cogfee House License was granted'Son Hryant ,Lt. 434 Horton strsst and the National Surety Company accepted as their Bondmen, Upon call of the roll by the foilofing vote;-Yeas Foremong Budde, Duvall, Hamlin, Horton, Kroutser, II -.1 Lally, Leigh, Mayer, McCarthy and W11 eon, (11) )11 Pt ?+ On motion by member darton, the Monthly report of the Meat A Milk Inepsitor was ��4VG4M'� .. received and fil(d. _ 1 111 � . ,'t� ; On motion by member McCarthy, a recomardatlun from Mr. Ed.H.Puryear that the IIIIffffIfIfI Charter for the City of Paducah after being ampletod be referred to the Printing Commitar I, /J ,N U tee, eau oarrlod,Dy referring it to the Printing Committee with power to sot, Upon call 1 I: of the roll by the folllowing vote;4esa Porman, Bodd*, Duvall, Hannin, Horton, Kr+utaef f Lally, Leigh, Mayer, McCarthy and Wilson. (11) . k _ & On notion by member Duvall, A Resolution Excluding all Autom,•b11es from the, �+ I Cemetery and Addition, was given first passage, Upon call of the roll by the-following ve '. vote;-Yeas Foreman, Budde, Duvall, Honnln, Harton, Kreutter, Lally, L'e1gA, Mayer, y McCarthy, and Wilson. (11) i I, On motion by the above, The above Resolution was given second and Final passage i Upon Call of the roll by the following vote;-Ye(•a Forman, Budde, Duvall, Hannln, Marton, ;. . ' , � Ireutser, Lally, Leigh, Mayor, McCarthy and Wilson, (11) , ' I'•' c E On motion by member Hwtin, a deed we granted Mrs Bonnie Clark to lot 59 block* --Po ) 1 A.A. in Oak Grove Cemetery, On motion by LM abort, • Transfer was granted from Ben Wynrrd to apart of a' lot 1n Oak Daovo Cemetery to J,H,Turner, . (JG- On motion by member Duvall, A Resolution for the Improvement of Mayer 9t, ftm' r 'Olments to Parley Place with Granite Curb and cone*"* gutters and concrete aide-welks { amended most side of Mayor street, we given first pas*ago, Upon call of the roll by i 4' !the follov,109 vote;-Yeas Foreman, Budde, Duvall, Hannln, dsrtan, Kreutzer, Lally, Lalga� " `Kayor, MoCarthy.and Wilodn, (11) On notion by the above, ghe above Ileaelutlon won given a*and and final .>sasage -L �Upmt sell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Porensm, Budde Duvall Hannia Horton + ratzor, Holly, Leigh. Mayor Ye*artyh and Wilson. (11) •. 1. On motion by member Lally, that r retaining wall be built at the intersection 3� COUNCIL RROCEEDJNGS, CITYOF PADUCAH 191 D f ,1 ;Jtf. .of.101WO Creat Bridge on Meyers street aY the expense of the City, startedat ogee ease married, Upon call of the roll by Lhe following tote; -Yeas Poremen, Budde, Dnvsll ' ' '1t'i3:'Heeudn, Hsrton, Hreuttq( Lally, Aolgh, Mayer, MoCarthy' and Wilson. (11) . . ...--On nation'by-the-above, the lower oege of the Elevator was ordered removed as it ` CI ". .Si deemed dangerloue. ."•. {.' � motion the Board Adjonrrod 90 •JUN 201910 J—�,,. JUN 1010 � ti /SLS( 1< I 1 P r y,t., i y, u // ., t 1 - T x j 't t .11n16e/ lertA d Q+arYlwn► h�Cl.l r 1LJ :, 3+ ♦ y Y J.t ler .1 F '.1.: 1 -0?I t. P P'1 Illa� i L. r[ -f♦ ,!41'161 J- �'(,(, •- t1. L. ,J 1 t �" rt - _1 CG) Y'.r ;1' iY:{ rj',j.i•.': +.. [.+r [,1 'y !'J r�,rJ'r- , ...17. :11 } i , f 1I>.Y 11 t-'. -F9l [J J.. x 1. .• 1,`,,t •^ .f �/ . /Jr,. R,x 'G }, I, ra J'It'?_ 1 •f 151c.Y h,:. if it".1 -1•.. i ,r..' , P :o.• ..lam (-f 4 1 . Q +1 {♦ )�]i(R pr( yi_/N i, J rl.A1 .�J .IIr M •'A7 / .... ..i t.'.- 1.. L'e• �. l r y I t' iiili • .�1;5 i.Llp - !! I Ij.t r 's 41. 1 ,;'. i I +. ..•J. .'+x .. ! Y, 1 1'Ir. i ���•'• . 1 '[ + it aV tt f lI i.l \ I 11 ''t •0: f t , a+/. 1� r i I.'.! M1' ' 1 .1r /(!�l..r tt!, Iy'� ' s J t +k..� i }r�' - �. .J 1,111' J e Et - -� 7 � � '- } . ,�. '..1 a' 'rl ✓d +�,r1T4 n'e• W JAY y; r ..1- ) v 1 ) n. 4'011Aa JY. 1• I Jam} r.. ( _1' � { ill 1 +it +!'. 91 � +: M1.. J.. .... J 'u:' 1 r �s t J / JII +� i/•:1• IX- � �t 1 A[ 1 !. 0�..,4 -i+: !t Y, Y i v T' 1•. ry: !1. , 1 r t.;. [ a � {j ,( r.`t,!, 1, i.l 4 ii A tl 1', } ! 1 I t 1 /1 t d T' 3 1 '1• yl l 1 ti, J4k 1 i A +r'U c" n.4•'.�,h�i $i S .,r r . �! Y i'1 a 15a 5j.1., it �l ` x:1J i+ rl - i '' � •. '[ 4 r t, - 4 rlii>- SF (:, Ji •t'{ 1t 11311 j; d(1[a tY ?.4� `!. Yi :ti r1 1 1 ry7. ! 5 }\}` I. '.! 4j It t5 tl �:r14f7iFIlil i.�ilJ G3[t^�i+.. �i LLl+tli)1.,•` ,'} .It. S.I, 4 r 1 4t Lap; C tf t k}15+, ruy a',r 1�•f 4 f'+t a ' .,Y ,a..+.. i• + '\d l� l l.•:'.bA ill I- ..' w, � #' - • ,, , / ... ,. .. `I 4•r 3� COUNCIL RROCEEDJNGS, CITYOF PADUCAH 191 D f ,1 ;Jtf. .of.101WO Creat Bridge on Meyers street aY the expense of the City, startedat ogee ease married, Upon call of the roll by Lhe following tote; -Yeas Poremen, Budde, Dnvsll ' ' '1t'i3:'Heeudn, Hsrton, Hreuttq( Lally, Aolgh, Mayer, MoCarthy' and Wilson. (11) . . ...--On nation'by-the-above, the lower oege of the Elevator was ordered removed as it ` CI ". .Si deemed dangerloue. ."•. {.' � motion the Board Adjonrrod 90 •JUN 201910 J—�,,. JUN 1010 � ti /SLS( 1< I 1 P r y,t., i y, u // ., t 1 - T x j 't t .11n16e/ lertA d Q+arYlwn► h�Cl.l r 1LJ :, 3+ ♦ y Y J.t ler .1 F '.1.: 1 -0?I t. P P'1 Illa� i L. r[ -f♦ ,!41'161 J- �'(,(, •- t1. L. ,J 1 t �" rt - _1 CG) Y'.r ;1' iY:{ rj',j.i•.': +.. [.+r [,1 'y !'J r�,rJ'r- , ...17. :11 } i , f 1I>.Y 11 t-'. -F9l [J J.. x 1. .• 1,`,,t •^ .f �/ . /Jr,. R,x 'G }, I, ra J'It'?_ 1 •f 151c.Y h,:. if it".1 -1•.. i ,r..' , P :o.• ..lam (-f 4 1 . Q +1 {♦ )�]i(R pr( yi_/N i, J rl.A1 .�J .IIr M •'A7 / .... ..i t.'.- 1.. L'e• �. l r y I t' iiili • .�1;5 i.Llp - !! I Ij.t r 's 41. 1 ,;'. i I +. ..•J. .'+x .. ! Y, 1 1'Ir. i ���•'• . 1 '[ + it aV tt f lI i.l \ I 11 ''t •0: f t , a+/. 1� r i I.'.! M1' ' 1 .1r /(!�l..r tt!, Iy'� ' s J t +k..� i }r�' - �. .J 1,111' J e Et - -� 7 � � '- } . ,�. '..1 a' 'rl ✓d +�,r1T4 n'e• W JAY y; r ..1- ) v 1 ) n. 4'011Aa JY. 1• I Jam} r.. ( _1' � { ill 1 +it +!'. 91 � +: M1.. J.. .... J 'u:' 1 r �s t J / JII +� i/•:1• IX- � �t 1 A[ 1 !. 0�..,4 -i+: !t Y, Y i v T' 1•. ry: !1. , 1 r t.;. [ a � {j ,( r.`t,!, 1, i.l 4 ii A tl 1', } ! 1 I t 1 /1 t d T' 3 1 '1• yl l 1 ti, J4k 1 i A +r'U c" n.4•'.�,h�i $i S .,r r . �! Y i'1 a 15a 5j.1., it �l ` x:1J i+ rl - i '' � •. '[ 4 r t, - 4 rlii>- SF (:, Ji •t'{ 1t 11311 j; d(1[a tY ?.4� `!. Yi :ti r1 1 1 ry7. ! 5 }\}` I. '.! 4j It t5 tl �:r14f7iFIlil i.�ilJ G3[t^�i+.. �i LLl+tli)1.,•` ,'} .It. S.I, 4 r 1 4t Lap; C tf t k}15+, ruy a',r 1�•f 4 f'+t a ' .,Y ,a..+.. i• + '\d l� l l.•:'.bA ill I- ..' w, � #' - • ,, , / ... ,. ..