HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 339, May 4, 1914'• � 1��Y;�_ _ v .. .. ' may, .. • k ..c' w-nc••�c'tt •m .—wo+rrr�lS C1 ' COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY .OF PADUCAH 19I i,. At' a regular meeting of the Board of Councilmen, he in the Council Chamber., in +the City Hall, in the City of Paduoah, Ky.g MEyr 4th 1914, upon cell of the roll.the-fol- ii lowing answered to their names; -Foreman, Butler,' Farley, Hannin,' Harton, Jacobsg Lenhard iE U Moore p Smith and Watts. (10) On motion thb minutes of the previous meeting, was adopted as read. Ij On motion by member Hannin, the Finance Committea's allowance -for salaries sto., . .liwas allowed and the Clerk was authorized to drew a warrent on the Treasurer for the reap= ebtive 'amounts upon call of the roll b the follows f • j� � p y following vot.e;;Ydne Foreman, Butler, Parlay, �jHannin, Hartong Jacobs, Lenhardr Moore, Smith and Watts. (10) On motion by the above, the monthly report of the Treasurer and Auditor, was ✓*� I; received and filed. I On motion by the above, the bill of Jack Cole for building the City Kitchen, tiXJ 1� I � emounting to 0736.50 was allowed, upon cell of the roll by the following vo*•e;-Yeaa Foreman .,Butlers Farley, Hannin, Harton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (10) g (/T ;t' �m�•m On motion by the above, the bill of-R.C.MeMahen for screening the:Secton'e Hous ( 11 moving a chicken house and. builds ng rYT a !sues around the Cemetery lot, amounting to X210.00 � /- was allowed, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler, Farley,:. Hannin, Hartong Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Smith andWatta,(10) j; - Q�� On motion by the above,'the Mayor Treasurer and Auditor were authorized to bor' row 013r500.00 to run the expense on the .City, upon call of the. roll by the following vote; '7f" IjYeas Foreman, Butler,- Farley, Hannin, Harton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (10� .. �/' On motion by the eboveg the Doctor bill of 'Tom King amounting to 029.00 was-al- lowed, sa el- %ren- .. . � lowed, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foremang Butler, Farley,,Hannin, ' Harton, Jacoba, Lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (10) j On motion by the above, J.A.F.dwards was refunded $2.25 on over aaseseaent. On motion by the above, the sale of delinquent tax bills for 1913,,w.as received j • , u � �'". and filed. On motion by the above, the bill of the Home Telephone Company amounting to 0154.00 for extra Phones, was allowedg upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yews Foreman, Butler, Barley, Hannin, Harton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (10) On. motion by the above, the Equitable Surety Co was released off of the bond. of ex -City Physician W.H.Parsons. �. , j On motion by the shove, a petition for a Plumbing Ordinenuo was referred .to the, Ordinaries Committee. ; On motion, by member Lenhard, AN ORDINA4CF FOR THE IMPROVFMFNT OF SIXTH STRFEr 1 � ;tea FROId MADISON TO TRI?•IBLE- STRFIFT WITH SIDEWALKS ETC., was hilled, upon call 'of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas' None Nays Foreman, Butler, Farley, Hannin, Harton, Jacobs, Len- r- hard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (10) On motion by the above, AN ORDINANCE FOR THE-IMPROVF,MENT OF FOURTH STRFF..T FROM JEFFERSON TO CLAY STRrPT WITH SIDEWALKS ETC., was given its first paosage, upon call of- ,the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler, Farley, Harton, Jacobs, Lennard, Moore,Smith and Watts.. (9) Nays Hannin. (1) i On'motion the rules were suspended on. the above, upon call of the roll by the e? jr , , 717"; COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH I following, vote; -Yeas Foreman,, Butler, Parley, Hannin, Harton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, .I I Smith. and Watts. (10) On'motion by the above,,the'.above ordinance was Piven second and final passage, ` by Ito title, upon call of,the roll by the following vote;-Yeas.Foreman, Butler, Farley Hannin, Harton, Jacobs, lenhard, Moore, Smtth andWatte. (10).. ` i/-u'�;•. • On motion by the above, the ordinance Committee was instructed to tiring in an f � ' ordinance requiring -the property owners on Monroe between 12th h 17th streets t,,) con- ; ,;.,•; ';:,; i,nect with and pay their prorate of a sewer to be constructed.on said street. On motiotl-by the above, All ORDINANCF. FOR, THE IMPROVEMENT OF HARRISON STREET, FROM FIFTEENTH TO SIRTFFNTII STREET WITH SIDFWALKSETC., be tabled, same lost, upon call of tb the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Moore. (1) Nays Foremen, But3,er, Farley, Hannin, ' I Hnrton, JRcoboy Lenherd, Moore, Smith and Watts. (9) s. ;,,,;t;'• �; On motion by the above, the above Ordinance was given, first paesage, upon call of. �l i the roll -by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler, Farley, Henning Hartong. Jacobs, �; :�;•, Lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (10) I ri On motion the rules were suspended on the above, upon call of the roll by the j „r•,; ti�•following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler, Farley, Hannin, Harton, Jacobs. Lenhard, Moore, + i Smith ar:dWatts. (10) On motion by the above,. the above Ordinance was given second and final passage, f . • i E q by its title, upon call of the roll by the follo-ing vote; -Yeas Foreman, Byttler, Farley � ,i Hannin, Harton,, Jacoba, Lenhard,, Moore, Smith and .Wntts.. (10) . cC /�� ivvN On motion by the above, AN ORD[NANCF. POR -TRE IMPROVF2(FNT OF MURRF.LL BLVD FROM _ NORTON TO HUSBANDS STREET.WITH SIDFWALKS F.TC.y`was Killed; upon call of the roll by the H following vote; -Yeas Bt%tlgr.y:.Ferley,-"R;ton„ Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore. (6) Nays Foreman, i Hannin,.Smith and Watts. (4) On motion by the.above, AN ORDINAIICF FOR.IMPROV•FWNT OF CALDWF7.h STREET FROM 4th .4.4A -e- to Sth STREF,T BY GRADIN(; AND 0RAVFLINO9 was given I. g first passage, upon call of the roll' .• �, I the follow! vote' -Yeas Foreman Butler Earle Henning Hayton, Jacobs, Lenhard Y M vote; -Yeas r. Y�. r , `. Moore, Smith and Watts. (10) On motion the rules were suopended on the above, upon call of the roll by the l' following vote;-Yeao Foreman, But ler,.Farley,•Hsnnin, Harton, Jacobo, Lenhard, Moore, .Smith and Watts. •te. (10) E On motion by the above, the above Ordinance was given second and final passage, by its title, ripen call of the roll by the Following votes -Yeas Foreman, Butler, Furley ..� (Hanning tiarton, Jacobe, Lenhard, Moore,,Smith and Watts. (10) 0y`'�` V On motion by the above, AN ORDINANCE FOR THF IMPROVFI.¢ NT OF IQ;NT ICKY AVF2F1E1 FROM F477 -���;;9th tO 10th street; WITH SIDFWALKS•ETC., was given first passage, upon call df the roll t i by the following vote;-Yeao Foreman,. Butler, Parley,•Hannin,•Har•ton, Jacobs, Lenhard,.' f I I I Moore, Smith and Watts. (10) ,;:, '`•. On motion the•rulee;were suspended on the above, upon callof the roll bq the _.fl, ,I t 'following vote; -Yeas Fpreman, Butler, Farley,. -Hanning Marton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore,, CSmith and Watte. (10) On motion the above Ordinance was given second and•final passage, by Its. VI+le, Y COUNCIL PROCEEDINGSXft'6F 1.91 141 upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Forema6p Butler$ Farley, Hanninp Harton,i. Jaoobsp Lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (10)* On motion by the abbvb', AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING X.L AUTOMOBILES AND MOTER VF11ICLFS !TO REOISTEB.rN TSE OFFICE OF THE crwr CLERK, was give first'passagey upon call or t1te roll� by the following vote; -Yeas Poremenj Butlerp Farley, Henning Harton, Jacobap -LenhardLj- 1! Moore, Smith and Watts. (10) On motion the rules worgesuspended on the above, upon call of theroll by the i�, following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler, Parley, Hannin, Harton,'Jacobst Lenhard" Moore, Smit and Watts. (10 On notion by the above, the above ordinance. was given second and final pa. apager by its title upon -call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Rutl,)t, Farley, iHamin, flarton, J'abobs, Lenhard, Moorej Smith and Watts.'; (10)' On motion by the above, AN ORDINANCE MAKING ADDITIONAL DUTIES ETC FOR THE CHIEF q PART14F placed on its OF THE PIRF.,DP NT AND BUILDING INSPECTOR, was THIRD pasbage, 9ver.the Mayor's VETO, and was killed; upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas. Foreman,, Parley, Hannin, Heston, Lenhard, *Moore and Watts.' (7) Nays Butler, Jacoba, and Smith.*(3). On motion by the above, a petition in regard the Salary of the Health 'Of fioer* f. being raised same was received and riled. U On motion by member Butler, the action of the Street Committee was. conoure'd-in.: In regard widdening Bored street. On motion'by the above)/ *petition from Residents and property owners an Tenn-. essee street from 6th 'to .lftfi street %waa granted L On motion by member Wattaq the monthly report of the Building Inspector, was, received and filed. ` �����' L4 . On motion by member Lenhard the City Solicitor wes instructed to act In the case. or the Ferry. Franchise and bond. On motion by member Watts, the Maryland Casualty Co was released off or the bond or Sloan Brothers and the E4uitdaija Butery Co was oubjectituted on their saloon license at 0 1-"4z -"4zu4.6b3North 13th street. On motion by the above, the'City 8611altor. wes -instructed to bring In a N,qw . 4 C Garbage contract or Parnahlas. On motion by member Parley, the monthly rarort of the thief. or Police was reoel- ad and filed* On motion by member Lenhardp the Fast Tennessee Tel case that was referred to the. Railroad Tel It Tel Committee and Finance Committeeg was tableft On motion by member Bittlerp a petition from the Colored Mac6nI6 Stock C omp'AnY I Inlregard to over assessment an their building at 7th & Adams atreetp wan referred :to the' lief Committee and City Anuessor power to not. On motion by member 11amin, a transfer was granted to a lot in Oak Arove o9notarY from Mrs Sudie Barker to Mrs S. Vandenville of the Wsst�hjlf.-of the South half or lot* 14'- b1bok 460 On motion by the above, a dead was granted to Mrs D.B.Sille lot 62 block.l. in the Now Addition In Oak Grove Cemetery. 'd 34.9 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUC' AH. 1.91 On motion by member Farleyp. A petition in regard to tooting Cows for Tuberculor trouble was received and filed. On motion by the r4bovep the opening of Yelaor Avenue to 4th street, was referred to •the Stre0 t Committee and City F41gefirner with power to kat. On motion by the above] A RESOLUTION for the improvement of Sowell streat'from Fill to Thurman at Thurman street from Sowell to Powell at# and. Nish at rest from /C!Thurman at to r.C.Tipple track, was given first passage, upon call of the roll by the ze. 4-,,.,e_ & fol1owing vote;—Yeas Foremany Butler. Farleyp Hanning Hartong Jacobs, Lenhardp )(core Smith and Wattai (10) On motion the rules were ouspendod on. the above, npen call of the roll .by the I.4r9-1-4. following vote;—Yeas Poreman, Butlery Farley p Hanning Hartong J ac obs Lenhard Moore Smith and Watts. (10) On motion by the above] the above Resolution wan given second and final pa a a age upon call of the roll by. the following vote;—Yeae Foreman, Butlers Farlsyg Hanning Hartong Jacobst Lenhard j ?(core, Smith and Watts., (in) On motion by the above, U:potitloin from the Board of Public Works to have T1000.00 set aside wit of -the Continguent Fund to purchase Oil for the Streetat was ree & Filed On notion by the above, the Board of Plublia'Worka were instructed to not buy oil nor allow same to be used on the streets of the City. 0n -motion by member Smithy City Jailer Jae Clark was instructed to remove all of the City's. property into the now Kitchen. On motion by the above, a petition from H.R.Anderson to connect his mother's promises with the Sanitary Sewerp was referred to the HnepStal Sewer and Sanitary Come mittea. On motion.by member Hanninjthe City Engineer was fimpowered to make long driveway L in front, of the building owned by J.AlIRobineon at 5th & Clay streets used as Tobacco Warohoiiae, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler, Farley "ItAA-- Hannin, Barton, Jacobs, Lenhardp Moore, Smith smut Watts. (10), On motion by member Butlers the report of the Street Committee, in regard to Brunson street, was.concured in,; -S — — ------ — -------On motion the Board adjourned -'i= --------------- MAY APFKpov:0q?, MAY 18 1914 ~A4ftfRA0'Wof Councilmen. iin