HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 321, March 2, 19147-7 F , COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS'; CITY OF PADUCAH ` , - '' ` :, ' ; 19 11 — At a.regular meetinR of the Board of Councilmen, held.in the Council Chahber in'.'. i the.City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Ky. ,1.larch 2nd 1914, upon call of the roll the follm ging answered to their names; -Foreman, Butler, farley, Goodman, 11annin, Hartong Jacobs' Len- lhard, Moore, Smith.and.Watte. (11) On motion the minutes of the previous meets , was ad [ noted as reed.C P w In motion by member Hanning the Finance Committee's allowance for salaries etc.' i was allowed and the Clerk was authorized.to draw a warrent on the Treasurer for the re- ; i' ,speetive amounts, upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeae Foreman, Butler, Farley 0oodman, Hannin, Hartong Jacobs, lenhard, !bore, Smith and Watts. (11) On mot -ion by the above, a request from the Audiror for an Adding machines was ,referred to the Finance Committee. I •�. ! i it f; On notion by the above, the monthly report of the Trensurer and Auditor, was ireceived and filed. ��,G.-.-•-. Cs On motion by the above, AN ORDINA14V FIXING THE LEVY OR TAX RATE. OF TAXATION ON's ' PROPFTRY IN TILE CITY OF PADUCAR FOR THE YEAR 1914 AND TPR RATE; OF PALL TAX WITH THE PUB - i. i lPOSF. OF THF. SAID LEVY THE.RI.IINDPR DEFINED, was given first passag;e, upon call of the roll by ;the following vote;=Yeas Foreman, Butler, farley, Goodman, Hannin, Hartong Jacobs, Lenhardj: E Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) { !` On motion the rules were suspended on the above, upon call of the roll by the I. .;:following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler, farley, A'oodman, Hanning Hartong Jacobs, Lenhard, is Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) !� On motion by the above, the above Ordinance was given its second and final pace+ . ;age, by its,title, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler, Farly ,Goodman, Hannin, Hartong Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) •' i On motion by.the above, Lang Brothers was refunded 415.00 over paid on license for 1914. (y ;: On notion by the above, the Diamond Stamp Cc was allowed 963.30.for, tags to be • ;used by the City for the year 1914, upon call of the roll by the following. veto; -Yeas Fore- man, Butler, Farley, hannin, Hartong Jacobs, Lenhard, MooreSmith and lVatta. (11) On notion by the above, Chas Mitchell was reninded .87Cte on over asueuument. On motion by member Rutior: g A RF•SOLUTS011 FOR THE IMPR01E1Ii2IT OF CALDWI1.L STREE? FROM FOURTH TO .FIFTH STREET BY GRADING AND PLACING STONE. TURE.ON, UNDER THP_TI•N YEAR PAY- }WNT PLAN, was given first, passage, upon call of the roll by the following vote;-YeasFore-' 'man, Butler, Farley, Hanning Hartong Jacobs, lenhards Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) On notion the rules were suspended on the abovei upon call of the roll by the (following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler, farley, Goodman, Hannin, Harton, Jacobog Lenhardg � . ;Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) I. On motion by the above, the above Resolution was given its second and final•, f it . ��• pasoage, upon call of the roll by the following; vote; -Yens Foremen, Butler, Farley, Govd- man,- annin, Hartong Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) K,.. k. On motion by the above, A RESOLUTION FOR VtE "I1dPROVPI'IENT OF CALDWEd.I, STREPT Z- iFI201! 9th to 12th streets with concrete sidewalks etc., under the ton year payment paln, was. awq given first passage, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler, ?, " � f r' . •� � f I � COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, MY OF PADUCAH 191_ � '� •. �Farley, Goodman, Hannin, liaf•ton, Jacobs, )benhard, Moore, Hannin, ftartom. Jacobs ,Moore, s Smith and Watts. (11) On notion the rules were euspended'on the above, upon.call of the roll by the ifolowing vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butlet,farley, Goodman, Hannin, Hartom, jaoobs, Lenhard, (floors, Smith and Watts. (11) . On motion by the above, the above Resolution was given its second and final,pas :.'.b•!sage, upon call of the roll by the following votel-Yeas Foreman, Butler, Hannin, Farley Goodman, Fierton, Jacobs, Lenhard,41oore, Smith and Watts. (11) ( On motion by the above, A RESOLUTION FOR TIM IMPROVFT.WT OF SOUTH 6th S'rRFFT FROG ` BRdAD STRFT;T TO TFNNF.SSFE STRFF.T BF IMPRONF.D WITH CONCRFTF SODEWALKS ETC.,exception of ! the fills, all dirt from excavations to be dumped on West side thereon, all to be done under the ten year payment plan, was given first peonage, upon call of the roll by the• j following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler., farley, Goodman, Hannin, Harton, Jacobs, Lenhard ,., ..-I,.. . Illoore, Smith and Watts.. (11) On motion the rules were suspended on the above, upon call of the roll by the, i• ifollowing vote; -Yens Foreman,.Butler, Hannin, Parley, Goodman, Harton, Jacobs, Lenhard t I-Moore,.Smith and Watte..(11) On motion the above Resolution was given its second and final passage' upon call . sof the roll b the follows te;-Yeas Foromnn Butler Farley. Goodman Hannin Harte I u/� Y n[.' . v a. r r Y• r. r Jacobs, lenhard, Moore, Smitil and Watte. (11). !... '( } ^ • On motion by men ber Farley, the monthly report of the Chief of Police was recel- +' Ilvad and filed. On motion b member Watts the Public Improvement Committee was given ower to { •_ ����►- Y r P r g P Al. Tact in receiving bide for the construction of the City Kitchen and letting the contract II - upon call of, the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler, Hannin, Farley, Good. man, Harton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Hoore, Smith and Watts. (11) •.�l.t On notion by member Jacobs, a Ballon license wne granted from N.Allen to Ernes! .. IlYnrbro at 116-119 Ky Avenue and the Equitable Surety co of St Loius was acceptedlas '. . +i !his bondsmen, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yens Foreman, Butler, Farley �. '. ,Goodman, Hnnnin', TTarton, Jacobs, lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watte. (11) i On motion by member Smith, the pending case of the East Tennessee Tel Co, and t� l O� I' .cat 'ttho City of Paducah, *ao.referred to the Railroad, telephone &telegraph Committee. On motion by member anhard, A RESOLUTION FOR TTTF. IMPROVETSW OF 11th to 12th 1STREET ON JONES STRFFT AND, 12th STRFF;T FROM JACKSON TO CADDWF.LL STRF.FT ON THE EAST. SIDE , /, j�•c�// Z�' ' BE IMPROVED WITH CONCRFTF SIDFWAl XS F.TCc, under the ten year payment plan, was given hfirst passage, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman" Butler, For- ijley, Goodman, Hannin, Harton, Jacoba,,lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) On motion the rules:were suspended on the.above,.upon call of the roll by the. ; following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler, farley, Goodman, Hannin, Hartong Jacobs,.lorkhard:' i+Moore, Smith and Witte. (11) On motion by.the.above, the above Resolution was given second and final passage . •- ,.` it .I .. !'upon.call of the roll by the follows vote; -Yeas Poremany Butler FaTleSvp Goodman {, :'.,,•iiHannin,•Harton, Jacobs, lenhard,.Moore,.Smith and Watts. (11) 1 1 t\{�Y3d'STiicuvli. .:rtN•`'^"•7: .. at COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS;• C" OF PADUCAH_ g On motion by the above, a Resolution for the improvement of kentucky Avenue from ,,,,;JJ;19th to 20th street with concrete eidewalks eto., under the ten year payment,plan, vias yh �-� ' !'given fires pace -agog upon call of the roll b the follows r !I+ „ y following vote; -yeas Fo_uman, Butler, 1. Farley, Goodman, Tannin, Horton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Hoore, Smith and Watts. (11) On motion the rules were suspended on the above, upon call of the roll by the:;': I. (fbabowing vote;-Yeae Foreman,, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Hannin,. Barton', Jacobs, Lenhard,: 1 I!Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) On motion by the above, Rhe Above Resolution was given second and final paeeage. upon call of the roll by the following vote;>Yeaa Foreman, Butler, farloy, Hannin, Goodman • i Hayton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Hoore, Smith anis Watts. (11) On motion by the above, a comrnication from the Board of Pub110 Works in regard( to Plumbers being forced by ordinance to give bond, was reforred.to the Ordinance Committe, On motion by the above, the adoption of office hours by A. Franke Sewer Inspects'' 7.30 to 9.00 A.dd. and 1.30 to 3.00 P.H. was concured-in. On motion by member Fiannin, a deed was granted to F.B.Troutman to lot l.blook 1. In the New Addition in Oak Grove cemetery. r On motion by the above, a transfer was granted from Hro Allies Simpson. the South' • 02....c.• ,� of lot 14 block 46 to !bra Sudie Be.rker. On motion by the above, the action of the Cemetery Committee was concured=lnl fi tv , -GsuI That all lots in Oak Grove cemetery sold on partial payment plan, not paid for by Apiril . ( ; •4 ;let 1914 be turned in Public Ground. On motion by msmbor Moore, a RPoolution for the improvement of Tennessee from , 16th to 18th street with conctore sidewalks oto'., under the ton year payment plan, wan. given first pasdago, upon call of theroll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Hannin, Horton, Jacobs, lenhard� Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) + !• f i, On motion the-rulea were suspended on the above, upon gall of the roll by the (following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler, arley, Goodman, Hannin, Horton, Jacobs', Lenhard) 1 ,Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) s On motion by the above, the above Resolution was <<iven second and final passage': 'upon call of the roll by tho following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler, farley, hannin, Good- j _ plan, Harton, Jacobs, lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watte. (11) I � 1 On motion b member Moore that the Rowland Town car { Y , go around the loop at 4th. , akX;r,ti4 and Broadway, same carried. t f On motion by member Farley, a Resolution for the improvement of Sowell street t,�L 'ti from the Fill to Thurman at, Aschraft Avenue from Sowell to Powell, Thurman et from Powellf i � to Sowell and.Rubah at from Thurman to I.C.Tipplo Trask allbe improved by grading, and Cf gvexallneand rock placed thereon, under the ten year payment plan, was given first pass= age, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, butler, farley, Goodman,: •' :Hannin, Parton, Jacobs, )Lenhardi Moore, s=mith and Watts. (11) I, On motion the rules were suspended on the above, upon call of the roll by the i• i, following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butlor, Farley, Goodman, Hannin, Harton'Jaoobe, Lenhard,'.,'j• I G I" Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) i• G On motion by the above, the above Resolution was given second and final passage i' .upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Hanalei, a COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH - 191 _ Harton, Jacobs, lenhard, Hoore, Smith and Watts. (11) On.motion by the above, A Resolution for the improvement of South 4th street on .<I both sides from the South line of Broad street to the North end of the Concrete bridge -j,- hud.from..tho South ental of said bridge to the North line to Farley Place said construct= ion to be matte of concrete with granite curbs and concrete sidewalks etc., to be from four to six feet wide according to the recomemdation of the City Engineer, all the above to be done under the Leri year payment plan, was gine first passage, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Bu*ler, Farley, Goodman, dlannin, Horton,' Jacobs, L9nhnrd, Moore, Nmith and watte.. (11) On motion the rules were euspended•on the above, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler, farley, Goodman, Hannin, Harton, Jacobs, Lenhard ; Moore, Smith W Watto, (11) l On motion by the above, the avobe Resolution was given.eecond and final passage, upon call of the roll by the following' vote; -Meas Foreman, Butler, 'Parley, Goodman, ` I� Hannin, Harton, Javobo, lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) I JI On motion by member Jacobs the Mayor was instructed to have the Board of Ptkblio S Works to try rook for an example so .follows; -South 5th street one block North 5th sus �•p o+teat one block, by tenting up the gravel. I' On motion by member Smith, a petition from the propritors of Saloons in regard 0': !' !to license, was referred to the License Committee. I On motion by the above, that the Paducah water Co be notifiod that the City will I construct pavements on Heyers-otroet and will hold the Water Company responsible for any damnro their defective pipes cause to seed pavement aryl curbing. V. !r On motion by member Smithy that the -general Council adopt a rosolution adopted by the Commission Form of Goverment League against the Soott and l4yers bills now pend - Ing before the State Legiakaturo, same was loot aryl the Clerk was ant,horized to send the endo.rcement. of the general Council, to the Scott bill and petition against the I� )dyers bill. • On motion by member Hannin, the City Solicitor.was instructed to brine in an Ii li Ordinance requiring owners of Automobiles to register their State license numbers with ji the City Clerk. ! On motion by the above, a bill from Joe Wood and J Woo Troutman for services with the Board of Supervisors, was referred to the Finance Committee. -----------------------On motion the Board Arijourned ------ ff riA LAPP O 16 1914 II :AD P'I'ED D �liA .1 �, ' 1 y nJ r .Bond of cowwaymm.! ��, � '''•� is air,c : r i9 , ,, •ti' , - f � ... ;Nz.'. .. .. . ..p ...e.bs+'.•,+. ,. ... _ .cep .o ...w ....., ....- a ..,� ..:. .,... ...._, o..�...... ..._. .. .. . w�.