HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 317, February 16, 1914Vie;' -v , . • • - - . • ... {. is -. ,'' _• .. - tA 777771 14 7.7 ,. r f 317 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH `' 191 At a regular meeting of the Board of Councilmen, Held in the Coiincil Chamber, 14 the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Ky., February 16th 1914,'upon call of the roll Chef following answered to their names; -Foreman, Rutley,Fnr (o Allahnin, Hnrton, Jacobs, Lehnw, hard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) on motion the minutes of the previous meeting was adopted as read. On motion by member Hannin, the Finance Committoocs allowance for salaries.eto.' was allowed and the Clerk was authorized to draw c. warrent on the Treasurer for the re- I I opective amounts, upon call of the roll by the following; vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler, Farley, Haiining Marton, Jacobs, Lehnard, Hoore, Smith and Watta. (11) i On motion by the above, J.L.Rudolph was allowad 5475.00 for a pair of mules to •: be used by the Street Department, recommended by the Board of. Public Works, upon call of ! ,! the roll by the follaring vote;-Yeao Foremn, Butler, Farley,_ Goodman, Manning Marton, 'I Jacobs, Lenharcl, Moorep Snith and Watts. (11) On motion by the shove, that J.A.Omberg Jr be allowed a judgement from tho Circpl , Court for 11654.80 with internet from January lot 1914 arxi the cost of the proceedingla, for work claimed done, on the Connrete Bridge over Island Creek on 4th street. On motion j by member Smith, that the abpve amend -i and the City. Solicitor appeal the above case. to the higher Court, samo lost, upon call of the roll by the following; voto;-Yeaa Butlor, i Hartong Moore ani Smith. (4) Hays Foreman, Farley, Goodman, hannin, Jacobs., Lehnard, ' (. and Watts. (11) On motion by member. Hannin, that the above case be paid as above stated in the ;original motion, same carried, upon cull of the roll by the following vote; -Yana Foreman.,. :Butler, Farley, Goodme.n, Hannin, 11arton, Jacobs, Lehnard and Watts. (9) Naya Mooro h Smith�Q On .motion by tho above, a rsoomsndation from the hoard of Superviaora, that Dr D.G.Murrekl be' rofindad '4i9.36 for over assessment on acerage on property on Goebel Ave, for `the years 1911 k 1912, aaiw. carried, upon call of the roll by the following voto;-Yeao Foreman, Butler, Farley, Good4an, Hannin, Horton, Jacobs, Lehnarcl, Moore, Smith h Watts. (13 On motion by the above, the Treasurer was authorized to burn before the -9oard of i i a -I- :� . Aldermen this date, Paducah Mayfiold Gravel Road Bonds 1;400.00 each numberu 7-C-9 &10. I:amount ing to x1600.00. , N, On motion by the above, J.T.Anderson and Jesse Neebel were refunded 116.60 on a ��•�-� over azseasment.I On motion by the above, the annual report of the. Board of Supervisors, wna, ;referred to the Finance Cnmmi+,tee. On motion bit the nbovo, a petition from'J.W.Littbe in regard to assenument of Q 'hisi! property, came was referred to the Board of Supervisors. ' � H On. motion by member Lelutard, A11 ORDItJANCR PROHIBITING ROLLER SKATING ON TIT� •• rVPR-JVM- SM -RTS 'OP WE CITY OF PADUCAH KY, wan given first passage, upon call of the roll .by the following vote; -Yana Foreman, Butler, Farley, Ooodman., Hannin, Horton, Jacobs, Len -i. hardg moore, Smith and Watta. (11) On motion the rules were suspended on the abobe upon call of the roll by the :following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler,,Farley, Goodman, flannin, Harton, Jacobs, ;enhardg '1lloore and smith. (il) j • it : • �' On motion by the abovet the above Ordinance was given its second and final, pass- age, by its title, tipon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foremant Butler, Parley, Goodman, Hannin, Harton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Smi+,Ij and Watts. (11) j On motion by the above, All ORDINANCE AIAMING AN ORDIRANCF, ENTITLED, *AN ORDIN- ANCE RELATING TO HAWKERS AND HUCKSTEMS AND REGULATING THE BUISNFSS THFREOF;PRESCRI13- NG THE LICENSE TAX FOR THE CONDUCT OF SUCH BUIS14FES AND FIXING THE PENALTIES FOR - ANY VIOLATION lir,RE OF, was riven first pasnage,. upon call of the roll by the following, ( { vote; -Yeas Foroman, Butlery Parlay, Goodman, Hazininy Harton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore Smith and Watts. (11) On motion. the rules were suopended on the above upon call of the roll by the following many vo+.o;-Yeas Pore nf Butler,' Goodman, arley, ITannin, Harton# Jacobsp Len - hard, Moore, Smith and Watts. .(11) On motion b.,, the above, the abov.eOrdinance was (riven its second and final pass. - age by its title, upoft call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler, Goodman, Fannin, Harton Jacobs, lenhard, TAoore, Smith and Watts. On motion by the abovep AN ORDINANCE A17FIDIN4 AN ORDINAN(1h RELATING TO Ala) LATING TUR MARKET HOUSE OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH KY. AND- PRESCRIBING TVJLFS FOR TRE., Coll- . DUCT THPRROP' AND PENALTIES TurRI-XINDER'. APPRO% I -M JULYlot1909j was given first pascago upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foremanp Butler, Farloyp Goodmang Hannin, Harton, Jacobs, Lenhardq Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) On motion the rules were suspended pn the above, upon call of the roll by the A following vote; -Yeas Forenant Butler, Farley, Goodmanj Hanninp 11arton, Jacobo,Lenhard Moore, Smith and Watts. (li) On motion by the above, the above Ordinance was given Its second and fiftal pass - III by its title, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman,,Butlorg fnrloyq Goodman, Hnnnih, Harton, Jacobst Lenhard, Hoare, Smith and Watts. (11) On motion by the above, AN ORDINANCE AITENDING AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED *AN ORDrNA14CE rRFATrllr, TITE, OFFICE OF DEPUTY CITY CLFRK.FIXINA HIS. TM -H OF OFFICE AND COTAPFNSATION AND PRESCRISIN0. HIS DUTIES THF.R1`.UNDERp- APPROVED 14ARCIT 20th 1912, was given first - pne& age, upon call of the roll by the' following vote; -Yeas Foremanp Butlerl farley, Oood- man, lTnnnin, Hartong Jacobs, lenhard, 1Iooro and Smithp and Watts. (11). On motion the�rlles were oijapended on the above, upon call of tho roll by'the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler, farlev, Goodman,, 1,nnnlri, llotrO-or!, Jacobs, Lw hard,- 1.1oore, Smith and Watts. (11) On motion by the ab6*ef tho above Ordinance. was given its second aryl final Pass- ageq by its title, upon call of the roll' by, the following vote;-Ydaa Foreman, Butler Fnrlei,, goodmnn, Hannin, Harton, Jacobs j *Lenhard, Poore and Smith and Watts. 411) On motion by member Smithp. the resignation of Joe Wood es,'Npiity City Clerk was. received and filed. L On motion by member.Butlor, the recomond6tion of She Street Committee, In regard to'purchae - Ing a City lot -from Fred Kameleiter for $500.00 located on droll stroot# came was concured-ing upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yens Poroman, But - 1 . or, fn rloyp Goodman, Hannin, Haiton, Jacobs', lenhard, Mo . ore,. Smith and Watts. (11) 1 1 1 L I I 777 3119 COUNCIL CITY PROCEEDINGS; C PADUCAH',!; F. On*motion. by member Watts, the recomendation of, the Public. Improvement. Committee was ooncured-in, In regard to-EleforgIng action an einchosing the Harket House until -Au },'uat 115t h, - 19 14'. On notion by member Watts, a Resolution for th6'improverient of Monroo Street' rr✓trV from 12th tol7th street with concrete sidewalks etc., under the ton yesir'payment plant, Ifwas given its first passage, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas ForemiLn Butler, Farley,. Goodiann p Hannin, Harton, Jacobs,' Lanhardp Moore, Smith and Watts. (ll) On motion the rules were suapended on tho above, upon 'call., or the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butler, arley, Goodman, Habninj }carton, Jacobs Lendiard, I. Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) On motion by the above, the above. Reuolution was givan its second and f inal PAOSR11,8 upon call of the roll by the follov,ing vote; -Yens Foreman ,. n%3tlfjrp Fnrloys.Good- man, hannin, Harton, Scobe, lenhard, Hoore, Smith and Watts. (11) .4 .4J On motion by nombor Farley, the Fire & Police Committoo was instructed to a6ll. i4,L I- Q­jp3 the horse and blig,& f ormly used by the Chief of Police. it On motion by member Jacobs, a transfer of a Saloon license from 11. Allen to Ernest Yarbro st.116-118 KentuckyAva'and yurbro offered an his bondumen the Eq-itiablo, Surety Company, was ordered to take Ita.upual source. On motion by the above, an amerdmont to the License Ordinance In regard to Sal - con license aryl Beer Agents, wan referre(I to the.64e4mksa avol Ordinanc; Committee On notion by nomber G,enhard, a ooraulication from the Boaro of Health in regard testing Cows, was received and. filed. 672 On motion b), the above, a coninication from the Valley Farm (Iranmery Comparw, was referred to the flospital Sewer aryl oanitary Committee. .On motion by member Lerdu%rd, a petition from Sam. C. Smith in regard. to over, _,.,,,�, .aooessrent was raPorred to tho Board of Supervisors. On motion by somber Hannin, the opening of Tully Ave was referred to the Comet.- �-�_�� cry omet- ary Committee. On motion by the above, a Reuolution for the improvement of. 5th street from Jefferson to Clay street with. conctore aiderralka etc., under the ton ynar Payment• plan, was given its Cirst-'.paosago, upon call of the roll by the following votel-Yeam Pore:san , Butler, Farley, Goodman, Hannin, Harton, Jacobs, Lennard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) On notion the rules were suspended on the above, upon call or the roll by the 'following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Butlor, Farloyi Ooodraan, 11nnnin, 11arton, Javoba Lenhard, Ii Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) On motion by the above, the above Redolution wan givon ito nocond and final pacaneet upon call of the roll by the following v ito;-Yean Forommil sutler, farloy, noo('-i- y man, HAnnin, Harton, Jacobs, Lunhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) On motion by rieft.or S.Ynith, the Official News paper be inotrucVed to publish the I y. Yeas and Nays on all question taken before tho r-enaral Council, name carrion, upom call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Butler, Goodman, TTartonj Jacob a, Ilooro & Smith,'(6 Nays Foreman, Farley, Hannin, Lenharn and Watts. (5) On motion by member Smith that the, Ordinance Committee substitute gravel instead' of Stone on all Street ordinances, same was amendedy and ordered laid on the tablet upon 6. 201 - COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OFPADUCAH., 191 call of the roll by the following. vote; -Yens Poroman, Butlerp farleyp Haminq Jacobst 'and Lenhard. (6) Nays Goodmans 11srtonp,Uoore,j1,6m1th and Watts. (5) idotioe-the Bo&i6d--,!64jqurzdd 1142 - at Q. f riY l x4 ai. }� ... I -, ..r - .. 6.