HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 307, January 5, 19141 � 3 ) it .. '. .S•- l F,' .t' � _ ) ) " - ,r it r (m. �.,�� .r.�..w n... •Fw+atte.A't t♦ roKrw.n'.++•er+; ern. � ' � i�.,� 111" ..i ., r r.� i r• � )' •�i•,r: �� COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY. OF' PADUCAH.. r ` ? { s' `, 307.' 19l ' r. Y}":,'; ?}:�• At a regular seeing of the Board o! Counoilmen, held. In the Counoll#Chamberl, w is in the .City Hall, in the City .Ot Paducah,Ky., January' Sth 1914, upon call of the roll the following ,answered to their mass;- Butler p' Farley, . Foremnn, GooAmarl, Banning Harlon, J000 I , r Abe, Lenhardp Moore, Roof aM Watts. (12) i, The Clerk mmounoed the first Shing In order, was nominations' for President '. of this hoard, and nominations, were in orderp Member Hannin, placed member Fors.,an, in nominationj and Mr Foreman, was declared elected, without opposition, upon call of the roll the following answered Foreman when their names were called, Butler, Farley, Goodman, rBanning Horton, Jacobs, lenhard, Moore, Roof, Smith sal Watts. (12) On notion by member Relining a oomunioation from A. Fral*e, was referred to the Finohols Cemmittee. u On motion b the above Oliver Jonee was allowed Y , , 4.00 for two days work `! se.iUrket Master. 1 Q On motion by the above, a RESOLUTION providing that the health Oftioer, be NP authorized. to eRloy an extra Sanitaryupon Officer when needed, was given first paevagsI a on call oft the roll by the following vote;- Foreman, tansy, Oood++an, Hanning- Barton, Jaoobs 1 Lenhard, Moore, Root, Smith arui Watts. (19.) On motion the rules were sun ended o the o P , n h ab ve, upon call of the roll by tithe tollo*ing vote;-Yoas Foreman, Farley, Goodman, Hannin, harton, Jacobs, Moore, Lenhard,, 'Roof Smithhnd Watts. (12) U � On notion by the above the above Resolution was .. - � given second aryl final, (passage, upon call of the roll, by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Farley, Goodman, Han- .`- nin, Hartong Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Roof, Smith and Watts. (12)• ,. On nation by the above, X R-rsolution in rely►rd to the City Judge's StenoL ,�,apher, was referred to the Finanoe Committee. —'L On notion by the above, Yancey h Johnson was allowed 0;14:15.11 to be paid 9 out of the Special Street Rim], for work done, on li►dison Street from llarrihan Rlvd to ' „Fountain Avenue, for the constri►etion of sidewalks, upon call of the roll by the follow- ing vote; Yeas Foreman, Farley, Goodman, Hannin, Ila.rtong Jacobs, lanhard,_Moors, Root, hSmith and watts. (12) On notion by the above, the aru'mal report of the Mayor was' reoeived arul ' .%21' jrllsd and ordered printed, in book torn. f On motion by the above, the City national bank was allowed 41571.51 out of.�., he Special Street FurA as interest for Bonds and Interest ofl Street Bonds, upon call of i the.roll by the following vote; -Yens Forsman, Farley, Goodman, Hannin, Harlon, Jacobs./ f Lenhard, Moore, Roof, Smith and Watts. (12) On notion by the above, G.W.Katterjohn was allowed 41419.24•out.of the ) . 'l f,c'LL � �rSpecial Street n►nct, for work done on harrieon street from Fountain Ave to Sixteenth street' . �. j,by constructing eidewalke, etc.,upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeuu Foreman,!'",' i ii Farley, Goodman, Hannin, Hayton, Jacobs, Lennard, Moore, Roof, Smith and.Watts. (12) I ef�'`'""" On notion by the above, the Equitable Surety Co was released oft of the L.„ yI�Li on1s of T.B.Wiiianu► awl R.R.Misenheimer as patrolnem. } Y. On notion by the above, a oonnnioation from City Solicitor A.Y.Marting in 1iregard to J.A.Omburg's suit, against the City, was referred to the Finance Committee.', r, tr r mac. ... .. ... i. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH On notion by the above,:the monthlyreport of the. Treasurer and Auditor, i.. was received arui filed. On notion by the above, s request from the Hoard of Supervisors for two .me ri to go over" the City art] &Boons all personal property not aeeeoeed, was granted and the i City. Assessor given power to appoint the two men needed.same was granted. On notion by the above# the resport of the.Sohool Board .presented by W.H. ( i Paterson, was received and filed. I, N On notion by the above,.W.H.Pattarson was granted $60.00 for auditing the School Board's books, upon call of the roll by the'lbllowing vote; -Yeas Foreman, Farley ( .. • . I, 0oodnan, hannin, Barton, Jacobs, Lenhsrd, :doors, .Roof, Smith and watts.. (12) ; f. On notion by the above, the above notion in reg4d' to lt.H;Patterson being allowed $50.00 for auditing the School Books ,eame.was•rOco4widered, upon call of the re f roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barbey, Goodman, Hannini Horton Jacobs, s: (I Lenhard, Moore, Smith, -Roof 64 atts. (12) I (� On notion by the above, the above claim was referrers to the Pinanoe Commit- �� II On notion b member Roof, the monthly I Y , hly report of Chief of Police Kenley Fran•,' j } ( klin, was received and filed. On motion by member Hannin, the annual reports of the. ooveral Departments of the City, -was received and filed art! ordered printed in book form. {, On notion by member J .o obs, that all saloon license be read and where their 'le..A remonskranoe sg%inst any saloon that sane be laid aside, aryl .acted on separate 1Y� same carried.. I' { On notion b member Smith that all boniin Companies be. r Y r g r4+ required to furnish their !+Magenta, with Power Of Attorney sad that as be on file either in the City Clerk's OffIce`or recorede in the.County Court Clerk's Office, same carried. j•� , On motionby. member Jacobs, the following Retail Coff» .Housed were granted f ,, tcare azo ted.ee cratecollectively! i license d bonds ep P ly aryl. •,. -'' I S , t .4an Galvin �. .• 934 South Sth. street BoM , •Equitalle surety Ce I Thos Boyle 900 Borth 13th street • .119 Broadway w s ! Vineyard Bros.. 117 North 4th street • J.T.Punn 107 North 4th ettrat C.F.Miller 1167 North 12th ettrre • Jonh ward 132 ISy Ave » B.A.Turner 922 FSn1ey.Street. ' w:F.Bam 936 North 10th street' ` O,.fl.willow 113 South 4th etbeet , . ;, "rt, ', Prank wagner 110 South 2nd street • Henry Osuse 432 South 7th attest v J.L.Potter a:f 1302 Harris street .,V, r Den H. Allen t t; c : Riret .I Broadway. e Scott Pur'gerson 701 Triable Street i N R..F,.L.}doahall .109 Borth 4th street' J.H.Clendenon 11'i South 2nd street % b, H.8.KileY 1039 Ky Ave e c - Davis Bros 233 North 13th street J.T.nuarieee I Enet side I.C..Pwasnnge! Depot '�•' harry & Mitchell , 900 Washington street • -4 Peter Bolger 1615 South 4th street Alfred 8t muss t• ,: 114 Ky'Ave ! ! t Tuck.Lows 825.wrishington street l Nice Y Tho e oT 116 Ky Ave • k ,) ',•' S .B. Gott 119. north 4th street s I f F.M.Idatlook % 1132 South 10th street, I . In k Conpartip 300 South 3rd street v s. .,.: Il T.J.Fley. -}•i �t r t",%- ..111Gouth 2nd street i w.C.Btanford129 Smith grid. street,.* e . �iw rr t.t: L, Elliott h wathen 1 t , 34 South 4th streyt: Fidelity h Deposit Co of 8.,' , ,..Y,i6,,.K,Y�„U1.�vca-r..1k1a..�ae.:G.i.w..a.Yf•.'L'_a Fk�ir:•-iuF�r+`t�rniup`.t�1 ..�,e1.•�ra�L!ir St.:� rtY r — . .. e.*i,+9.1C :i��=:r�i twy'it3i':;Zt'„�i�„n lti9r�:s:k.,•. J..ri".:-.'yy .a:-1; .:L�lSS.r�',•t: _ r V. a �tf " 'M ,.,.:.• r•:+ r+r^..ru pw-m o,n•nr-n�.rrz� ,r,."^••^r•vrrnrn+•• r n �u�r •� ' C -it 3. .COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS;' CITY OF PADUCAH_ 191 __ • �30y ( Chas Denker 901 Washington street Bond Fidelity 6 Deposit Cap of 1 ' Jnnea Ward 3.100 South 11th at ■ {.I ' �Z.H.Williams 105 Broadway " ')/ •z: :C' San Bryant . 1 �t ' 31p Ky Aire W.L.Cates 12$ South 2nd street • I ;'. `' r W.M.11itahell 908 Boyd street t • W.M.Mitohell1000 North 10th street " r. + Rol Billingsley 1133 Caldwell street" " I J.B.Scluilte 701 Ohio Street r; ' • �'�. { J.B.Rothrock 1.21South 2nd Street " G.W.Shapard 200 K. Ave 1 " r (' G.W.F.dwards Estate. 117 South 3rd street I George Schulte 701 Jackson Street A. Marcoffsl 134 South 2rxl atreet • E i r Rehkopf Diet Conpar* 10$ & 105 South 2nd street h J.H.Elrod 125 South 2nd street !' 0 Denmick 1735 South 4th street r • ;i' •'; J.ft.Petter !: Co '� � , 116 South 4th street "•� � ' � '� _' " r" ' i.f•1:H.Oullaj¢►er 829 Trimble Street :1 " • ;! C.T.Oraham f 1�5 South 9th atreet • h Kinnie }lurey► 115 North 4th street L.L.Nelaon . 407 South 3rd street " (i R.L.Peacher & Cc 141 South 2nd street " Elliott h Campbell ,100 Hroedwry. ( Sam C. Smith 120 South 2nd street " { ( L.B.RsLxtn. 115 South 4th street " Claude Porter 106 South 3rd street " O.Lsahlse 402 North 12th street 1> • } +{. E.3.Pell 737 North f4th street " Johh R.Dys 1.129 South 4th street " i W.C.Gray 1;)7 South 4th street ( Jabs Bolden k 714 Adams street " F.S.Joluzson 1034 South 10th atreet " 4 S James McAulian• 1134 Jones street v., r - •. 1 J.J.Lclly1501 South 4th at National Sutery Co,o! N�Y Clem Frernceola 212 Ky Ave " Oncer Denker, ' 432 North 12th street " A.T.Aohannan ' 111 South 3rd street " Palmer ]louse bar 5th Broadway Hotel Bolvedere ( 201 Broadway But le �• (i upon call o_* the roll by the Following vote;..—Yors Forer�nn,nArley, Goodman, Ilannin, llwrton . i Jacobs, Lantterdr Moore, Roof, Smith ara9 Watts. (12) 't. On motion by member jacobs, the following Quart Liquor License, were grarrtred and bonds . N accepted;—H.Weil & Son 113 North 2nd street .bond Fquitabls Surety Co # L.M.Stephone. GBrid[p at Mill•h•Tipple Track Equitable Surety Co' F"ng.lert & Bryant 119 South 2nd streeti ' a� Bond Biodermrrn Diet Co, 111 North 3rd street .bond ' II' B.J.Priester do jake.Biederman, A. Sid Terrell 417 Jer,:eraon street bond J.B.terrell & Fd j terrell, M.Livin;pton & Cc 119 to 121 North lot street Bond Jamea and Ben Weill", upon call, of the roll by the following; votA;-Yeas ForermtrE, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Hannin, Harton,+ Jacobs, Moore' Lenhard, Roof, Smith and Watts. (12) ' %� f may`' �• On motion by member Hannin, 1•1attil FffinLer h Roth were refunded 04.O0 over paid on I' bulial.permit. On notion by member Horton, the report of the Wharf master, was. received and f.iled...' On motion by theabove, the action of the upper Board. was'concured in, in regard to'::• it a Connittes being sent .to Frankfort, to represent the City of Paducah, on Comulosion,Formi ';fi-� r.. •1.fr�•� • of Goverment r r,&14,'ZI On notion by the above, John.Doherty was refunded W.60 on property owned by llannla� 'r/f ✓�i Terrell fatater over ahargedr upon call of the roll by the roll by the. following tote;—Yaba) r Foreman, Butler, Farley#. Goodman, He.nnin, Hr.rton, Jacobs, Moore, Lenhard,'Root, Smith and„ :,' ( C Watts. (12) (. — -------------- ---- ---on notion the Board adjourned------------ ------ -- -- -----r .exon: �b JAN ],,,D m4=PR,ov n JAN 19111 A ..; "