HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 297, December 1, 1913i C f y� ` a� t��.mr� rX,°!t£3, 1,�^k2,��"�iiji`'�.,>" �+•s�? n�$„ 7' `�'9 ;?S'�'•�"•Y'i.':vt=-r �', . ..,..n,.-�„..,yiµ i. �f..,-ws .0 ..a.� .,w•.•aq•, r.w,; .5a ,a: . tin.. ..ixm,:l!c^^'-py.t.. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS,CIW-OF PADWCAH.- aj , 1913 At a rs@jlar meeting of the board of oouhailman ,helm. in the eity hall in .the oity •ol .. I.. paduoah, Icy, deal st, 1913, the following answered to thier nares, upon si' call of the roll% ' Fprenan; Barnett, Budder Farley, Ford,'11knnin, Harton, Jaoebsg, Mathews, Meyer, Vo8e1,�rr) ` t3cr;r,"r•. The reading of the minutes were adopted as read. . I� On motion W member Hannin.. Ths auditors claim register as to salerys and etas • *-moi'` • N. .. 1 was allowed and the clerk ordered to draw warvant.for same, upon call of the roll by the follow,. Ing votes, yeas. Foreman,' Barnett, Budde, Farley, Ford, Hannin, Hartong Jacobs, Mathews, Mayer, Vogel, (II) On motion by the above, A.W.Kattorjohn was allowed 1j406. 31 for a bill rendered for damages to AutoMobils, by riuuttng into rope stretched across street, upon call of tlie.roll by the following votes, yeas. Foreman, Rarnett, Budde, Farley, Ford, Hanning Hartong Jacobs, Mathews, Ms5erg Vogel, (II). i.. On motion by the above, Henry. Williams was allowed T30.4n;' for over -hauling and Repairing the city hall elevator, upon call of the roll by the following votes, yeaa,Foreman;_:a ' B9fld*4jYia Barnett i 1 � •ts �3+i.Rard�:�np3t�i.}TdStba;:JnCoDa,-�2tat2is�a•�:2lr�y�,�Siogel, (II). On motto n by the above, O.W.Katterjohn was allowed $73.16 to be paid out of the contingent ' .fund, for worksidewalks both sides harrison to fountain ave and 16t1ti street, upon call of the roll by the tollowinL vote a, yeas. Foreman, Rarnstt,BuDde, Farley, Ford, Hannin, Harton, Jacob,• jMathews, Mayer, Vogel. (11). ' i. S%�1 Q�yryy✓ On motion by the above. A copy of mwndate and order of the unighted states din - OW V Q• trict court of the western district of ky at, paduclh, in the cane of east t*nn telephone cog 4i -A, and the oity o* paducah, ky, giving fifteen days notice, the city solicitor was ordered tot handle this case. 1 !..(Jly�k• ��' �!' On motion by.the above, The report of the city treaourer, for collections and dis.l bursements for month of november. 1913. read and tiled. On motion by the above, Yancy Wohnson was allowed 0560.24 to be paid from special � � ��treet fund for sidewalks on washington'ninth street, and the.mian valley corporation line.. ri upon call of the roll by the following votes, yeas. Foreman, Tlarnett, Budde, Parlayl Ford' Hann'in, Harton, Ja.00bs, Mathews , Mayer, Vogel. (II). ' �" Qya •p On notion by the above. NW.Rattarjohn was allowed ,01093.38 to hs paid out Of i ~ special street fund, for sidewalks son south 4th street, ky ave to porton street, upon call of the roll by the following votes, yeas.. 'Foreman, Barnett, Rudde, Farley, Ford, Tiannin, Harton, Jacobs, Mathews, Mayer, Vogel. (11). 1' On notion by the above, Yancy &Johnson was allowed $'1IP.43 to be paid for. out of con' I /6q7t,ngent fund,'for work sidewalks both sides , madiaon between fountain are oral harrihanboulv.• J " ' upon call of the roll by the following votes, yeas. Foreman, Rarn ett, Rudd*, Farley, Foy •i Fiannin, Hartong Jacobs, Mathewsi Meyer, Voasi. (II). _! ' �. /f//j1•.� /y On motion,by the nboves Joe.A.Miller clerk o.* the circuit court rae allowed #33,65 for bill rendered in ease Josephine Smith plaintiff, and the city of paducah, upon orll.''.•' of the roil by,the following votes, yess. Foreman, Barnett, Rudde, Farley, Ford, Hanning.�,.9':':' Barton,' Jacobs, Mathews, Mayer, Vogel. (II). a ;• ._ _ fit. . t' 298 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH fi . _ On, motion by the above. F.E.Turner was allowed 49.60 for wrongfully asr!�1 ' f , . $eased propertyat 4x909 north 7th street. t r' .'..... On notion by the above. S.A.Fowler was allowed 122.00 for bill for hely k� , ' rake, that had been used on city farm. 0-1(la ' ll On motion by the above. Max.B.Nahm was refunrled Or.57 for over aese8611e2-t t I 0I motion. by the above. Sheriff G.W.1touser was allowed 926.I0 tor: distrubuting arlverbi tissing for commission form o.* government.. On motion by member 11athewe. AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY ., i'i'•' 1 ; , OtJ BOTR SIDES OF MADISON STRFFT,FR01.1 HARRIIIAN BOULEVARD TO FOUIITAIN AVF., IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH ,KYR THE SUFI OF $I.85614PF.R FRONT FOOT, -FOR THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OP'CO116RME ` SIDEWALKS AND f11TT1-7,S, TOGETHER WITH GRANITE CURBING / AHD ALL 11RCCFSSARY MAN11OLFS/ IN'r!4 ' TAKRS,CATCH AASINS,SFWFRSAND DRIVESWAY IN SAID CONSTRUCTION/ AND PROVIDRING TRAT SAID AS SESSMENT MAY BE PAID IN TEN FQUAL INSTALIJ ENTS BEANS ONE FACH YEAR FOR A PERIOD OP TEN. 111 YEARS. WAS PLACED UPON ITS FIRST PASSAGE. .upon call of the roil by the following votes; yeas. Foreman , Barnett, Budde/ Parlay, Ford, Hanning Hartont Jacobs, Mathews,, Mayer/, 1 t �gel. (II).` I l u , . r�' • '1 N On motion by the above. The rules were suspended on the above ordinance, upon call of the roll by the. following votes, yeas. Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Parley, u {' Fords Hannnin, Harton, Jacobs,' Mathews,' Mayer, Vogel. (II). j On motion by the above. The above' ordinance was placed. upon Its'second I final ansa b its tital. upon call of the• roll b the followin vot'es ens. passage Y P Y g. r Y or.ea,wn1 Barnett, Plu4dep Parley/ Pordq Hannin Barton Jacobsr Mathews, Mayer Vo8e1.. j t•►+��,t a :' On. motion by the above. AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING T11F. ARUTTINO PROPERTY ON , AOTIY SIDF3 OF HARRISON STREET FROM 16th TO 17Th STRF.F:T, 'IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH,KY,THE t SUM OF $I.76439.PER FRONT FOOT FOR THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEWALKS AND TTER.4,ToamER wITH GRANITE CURRING AND ALL NECCESSARY MANIIOLF3,INTAKES,CATC11 BASINS/ :•?' .:;f ",:.� j: SEVERS''AND DRIVEWAYS IN. SAID CONSTRUCTION, AND PROVIDFING TRAT SAID A.SSE^S1-04T. MAY BE {:•r.., 4l�AID IN TEN F UAL INSTALLXENTB' DF.ING ONR EACH YEAR FOR A PEI.lIOD OF TF.N YEARS. WA.R + LC1M UPON ITS FIRST. PASSAGE. upon call of the roll by the.tollowling votes, yeas. 'Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Parley, Pord,'Haanin, Hartong. Jacobs, Mathews, Mayer, Vogel. '•�:� on motion by the above, The'rulse 'were suspenders on the. above ordinance R s upon call of therollby,the followina.votes yeac.'Foreman Barnottg Buddou. Parley, fiord' '{ ? i tannin Barton. Jacobs# Mathews, Mayerp Vo gall (Ir) fi ;.On motion by the above:.The above ordinance was'jilaoed upon its second .fie, a t� ft•� • I , a�r,^�1. final passoge,by,its tital.r upon the. call 'of the roll.by the following votes/ yeas. r 9iwt Barnett ' Budde Farl Pbrd ' Hannin Hartca JsooDs' Mathews er 'Vo 1 [ F ) I 1 / / eY / 1 1 / / 1 May / ge 1 Oa motion by the above, ' Comm�nloation frori the Mayo the regard to the V" rfioe of City Physioiaa; i id� the' argoih0ing 'of A negro 'ueistant: was' rood kn d filed. T.G t'� 5y.r } r' �l } I {.v�}�.1 ir. ll� ;ri• ' 1 `{ �'` t t ,? t i � y�,•A}3}}its `,xlltrllfiatt:l j .E.tSI41 •' _� ''r i ., ' {" , i .o•��r:'} 1• "1 :tw1�L"w^�Y1CJ1iCVkCa.ML +C.irY7SC., ..L.' .ii'..:1 , u. �.�7ila:d7W"%4:tiYwPwZik.�..•,. ly;,.+•... 65ru:�•.e. N•) l� Via?!- 'jN 5�i: f i r • { } w L t v, ( i. a K,f,: 1. { i r a..r '" wt' ..p,� tL !'i�i,`d91''�'�'x FY 1� l ,,, f iw ' f - • ,��`' � `{ . i. i i i }" .f• .t.: f '+ y r It r.. ' .. ,�+[' _ . �� , tt rte �" r i ° -.c ,t •i ' 'y�, i ,;� � ii C'^'I� Slf �� •L'9•,11•(A� 'L,v► �, ♦ FRLYI'•' 1', •h -<. t - G .•[S , R�tIQ S �.y tV..,. 4 - ..I.Y.. d ?r yG�, t _ ti...anJ �''�:� "f' '7s ;�+i•, :«y.=,...., xnr^!'�r rrisq�u;rs, fT;'V: raY..+,'Y - ,...�r t . '*Yn! ,r : , � �. CS:.'1 «'°'; it,,, i?�'S} .° h. j COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, .CITY OF PADUCAHD__�___ 1 191yy ' U' On _notion by the above. tAN'RORAINAIICF RELATIVE TO THF OFFICE OF CITY PHYSICIAN ANA PRO £iCRIBINO THF. gUALIFICATIOIIS,THE TFM OF OFFICF, DUTIES AND CO'''P mATION OF SAID OFFICE, WAS `. PLACFI) UPGH ITR FIRST PASSAGE. UPON CAM OF. T^IF ROM, BY THF FOLLowrib VOT'8 , YF.AS..Forew►n, I- f Barnett, Budde, Farley, Ford, liannin, Hatton, Jacobs, Mathews, Mayer, Vogel. (1I),. qOn notion by the above.. The rules were suspended .upon the oboe ordiru+n as. upon call of the roll by the following votes, yeas. Forman ,Barnett, Arrdde, Farley Ford, Haemin, Hatton , Jacobs, tlathews, Mayer, Vogel. (II). I'• ' `, On notion by the P.bove. The above ordinance, was placed nope itatecond .'.., a ... I ;.. and final passage by its tital, upon call of the roll b; the follow':ng votfis, yeas. Forenan+ Barnett, Budde, Farley, Ford, Hannin, Marton, Jacobs, Hathewa, M-ayer, Vogel.. (I'I): I j' On not ion by the above. All 0^AIIJANCF CRFr TING T11R OFFICE. OF ASSISTANT CITY PHYSICIAN ANAPRISCRIBINO TIME., QUALIFICATIONS• TREi1LR OF OFFICE A1JD CO)1I'F1.0ATION WtO ;'' to U,Lta,ovPLACFA UPON ITS FIRST PASSAAF., UPOIi CALL OF MFF: ROLL BY THE FOLLOWING VOTES YEAS. Forman,,! NT""UI Barnett, .Budhe, Farley, Ford, Hannin, Hattori, .Taoohs, Mathews, Mayer, Vogwl. On notion by the above. The rules were suopsrrded upon the above ordinane ,upon oallof the roll by the following votes, yeas. Foreman. Barnett, Budde, Parley, Ford:-( Hannin, Hatton, Jacobs, Hathewe, Mayer, Vogel. (II). r On motion by the above. The above orilinanoe was placer upon its secorrl;li and. final passage by its tital. upon call of the roll I,by the rollowing votes. yeaa.Forer+en, ` Barnett, Hudde, Farley, Ford, Hannin, Hatton, Jaooba, Hathews, Mayerf Vogel. (II),. On notion by member Hannin. The inspection and acceptance by the board j;. 7publio works , .of work sidewalks on madison I5th and 17th street was rati tied. {. Q �� i• On nntion by the above, Theinspoetion and acosptrinoe by the board of f' rblic works, of wbrk-eidersallestan hbortson atrreet -16th: anp .17th strhat.was.r.atified:': -m. z / , On motion by the above. The board public works in reig4rd to reoonstr•rra 1t jbion Qad_tepairs:otl:nadioon:aLbert.aAd=hapriaoa street, upon advise from the city engineer. i ave decided to. defer this matter u,rtill spring. On notion by'the above. Apetition from property owners on Ohio and'.tenn ' street in reLprd to repairs on. sidewalks re*ered to board public works, to notiy the noir: •ph tractor O.W.Kattarjohn to repair the work at once. i✓.... On motion by the above As required by aots 1910. see city engineers j i report as to .coat to property owners , for improvement madison between fountain aver and har: !. 17r.�,q rihan boulevard allso the improvement of harrison street between fountainave and 16th street, I I•. rood and filed. On motion by the above. Fatimates city engineer-, as to cost of conntrut';;`, ing sidewalks on harrison street between fountain nve arul IGth street. rood and filed.. i _I /b."° I� On, motion by the a bore. Eatinate city snginser as to coat of construe tion sidewalks on madienn street betweenfointtainave, tuyl harrihan boulve rood On notion by the above. The report of the chief of police for the non Gt ' i th of november 1913. recd and filed. ( �: ' S ,� � }.Y 1- o'a:�ec�. '�:r1!'�t�_ �.t ,.e a.f S) .8 . . ,i... . _,• .,, .. ,_. ........ .. ...w. ...... __ ... ... ... , . 't , `E! ` COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY' OF PADUCAH /zQz-v- /' 191 3 `��3:11i7$1F. 7Pf 1laYJdW.tiT7.fyCt�.'"'"a.4:•Ar.�rr �+•.K.yj,°L'.'"..:`i.it.vt'�i4'��t.✓.ilaZ 'Ly�bS`.ii3,LiE': vYY4'Y'b.4.1"' �U Yt :] t:,e,:.;�) 6�ev a. Onmotion bmember'Mdayer.. A cormmnication from thea Mayor stating that 1 Dr"Vs:rner• had killed a horse belonging to t•die Fire department And being. badly in need of'., • b 1 J �t.'!,A w/ ray.. Y:�u \moi •P M ,u .Y cry! horse to take its place p was refered to th g :-Flrer.and Police commissioners and the !.'� .. . Mayer upon call of the roll by the following- votes, yeas. Fore man, Barnett, Budde, . F;1rrleg, Ford, Hannin, Hartong Jocobsg Mathews, Mayer, Vogel. (II). � A„6GGs.cce An motion by the above. A communication from the Mayor, notifying the gen' Pr eral council of the bad o?on4ition of the floor of #I. fire station r same refered to public improvement committee with the power to act. upon'callof the r1roll by the followia votes yeas, Foreman, Harnettg Audde, Farletg Ford, Hanning Marton , Jacobsg Mathews, •'r'^• j _ mayerI Vogel..(II):' f On notion by'Ahabsr Vogel. The transfer of saloon license from Casper Jones kaon at #I17 north' 4th street to W.O. Vinyard was granted and bond aooepted. upon aI call of the roll by the •following votees yeas. Forman, BarnetEg Audds, Farleyg Fords Annnin, Marton, Jao.ola, Mathews, !.layer, Vo eel. (II). 1 1. On motion ti the above.. The transfer of '.saloon license from Ed. Pierson l ; off- at #701. trimble street,, to Scott. Fergirson was granted and bond accepted. upon,,of the roll by the. following votes, yeas. Foreman, Barnett, Budde, Farley, Ford,'Hannan, Har—'"". " :Eton, Jacobs, Mat flews, Nayers Vogels (}Z). 1 On motion -by the .above, The transfer of.-.saloonlacenee of.C.E.Miller at �+ #113.-aouth 4th streets to George. B. Willow was ;prdered.to take its ussurl emnrse. On motion by, member Marton. An invitation From the state board of health.. r, '. :: ;; t'o the 'uayor..�ttOaLtphti heh4llat=bbs22dggcesn ky, was rood and filed. %�.. �.. ,�,.• On.motion..by member. Barnett. A oommmlostion fromthe 11P4ior, Ateangtshlt he had recieved from I.W.&.B.Bernhism fifteen hundred bushels of coal to be used for Charity: for which he disiree the general cmrnoll to extend a vote of thanks to masers rnhiem 'Bros.. '.Oa-andt�ac hs:abo;r.�r. . namPP14*vnld,askinpover ass ob3tM. 4W. ellof .from vesseaer►tr ' l'/ I h v/as reTerdd to city solaoator,.city treasurer, and assessors f i On notion bymember Hannin. ' Wm. Lydonwas.refunded $6.00 the difference: { is b tween'rublie awl private ground, for removeal of.FA.W.Clark at oak'giove cement t` On notion by the above. The transfer of lot in oak grove oementary , n C�~ r 1 o #10 block .N.from Dr P.H.Stewart to Irwin. Potter. was granted. ,'On notion by the above. The request of the Title Ouarrantee eorlpany '. ll�rrking to be released from the bond of Oscar. Kahn as Police &Fire Commissionert'swas ` r ! granted. ) On motion by the above.' The Hill-'fteado42=Co mpany.complaim es to ! exemption of 'city taxes. was refered to city solicitor.' . On motion by member Vogel. Charles. K.Wheeler & Wife,s deed to "Ce streb. •. ; ' �f !ae upon motion not accepted_, and. -that the deed from said Wheeler, tendered to -the city �... ;, z 1 , : • pe be returned to meld Wheeler and not accepted by Lhe oily, and ,that the ars 4wvo'� roveas'nt seseeasd made by.the city engineer against said property stand as made.' '.'`rSlfi • rl y ; i� ' tl � � j ��,^ .� '� d ..,';t �, , � ra 1 - c , ,{ a1 � ,�>{ It, ,. ,,�. •oL. iil.'nflri..0 y n _.-'• , .• ..1 ; _s', I. 1 .. `��3:11i7$1F. 7Pf 1laYJdW.tiT7.fyCt�.'"'"a.4:•Ar.�rr �+•.K.yj,°L'.'"..:`i.it.vt'�i4'��t.✓.ilaZ 'Ly�bS`.ii3,LiE': vYY4'Y'b.4.1"' �U Yt :] t:,e,:.;�) 6�ev a. 1 b 1 J �t.'!,A w/ ray.. Y:�u \moi •P M ,u .Y � � ;�� .. . � IA A'•rr \G �lY�•I.Y.Ay'.^'q'ttl.'Y.r� *M3i4:kIT M."n'L:.�yY^'iSct?,.!:v T).«:sv w„r•.. ,;.w...•ra 1�. ,r -r,... .,. -«s.... •s r•r�itd fi: � d;..i4'v,.,.'9 r , I � _ 1. r - + COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS: CITY OF PADUCAH jam'' 91' ' ' 341 •y, i �'' ...� :,' � .P,. I ; � 'r r :vl� ;•' ,' . �, : - � Y1i fty'*r+ �. AH motton by member Budde. 'Petition fromproperty owners near 20th sad adame street #►eking for. e:iilott, on that oorner,'was retered to board of publie works Qo conetrut C On notion b member ITnnnin. Re s Y quest from the hone telephone oo�sanlY for V ,pltiy, •,,.1 for all extra,telephonee plaoed in cit bnildin reteredto t ,L t Y Ger • inane oommittee. Adjourned. 4. !� DEC 15191 APPRo n Uel; 151913 , . t 41tym,�•I► `ft{J% } S ,• s I ,. ... ... ..alrr+i rlrn 1. Rnn il. n/ (.'Hallo{Lrjl.�l{. ,'.. �I 1 y .i a 6 v ,.cf •i t \+ 1 I iii �r 1 �t �g � S 4. - v j' t. 1v1.! t4 i ,'a ,+ `•,`I , f ',S 'f t ` - i �1 ^. /1 ,. a �' •{.. J Y� =^ # % l b ',jt p,. f l C •r f 1 , 1 y ' ; 1 i a. ",J l l a•F + ' �, �,ai .+ 1} •� .r ,4i. _#, .. 'r:v � Yt-r -. h' � 11. �' a t + ' ! r T�:.rl' j i '1 � �{ 'f',. 1 t l� t f. � j ..! j Y .r � .}1'•h, ( li . y t l !- i1' ! ' 's 1 i s Ht1F1t i^r of j+ a !'l .�s Jl• r 1 r. !- I . / `�r �: -j G ,r•! 1 �' 1: f i ii rJ Y t r de C. t ' , r - .. -:. ti.� r!+•I TIS. '.;t ! �.+(� i•, ra t� j+. �, .ri t� 1 { t 1 e• x 1 i' :,; t} r4 v v t :{• J f aI CI i- tI� , ID + - ��'• l'st ^t l r -a � 11 ">j r ,'t' 4 .' (' I Y, -�;:.' - .?,5 yi�tj `r r! I f .t .,�• - 1J i' r'� 'vI� ° {• ., ,. � f '1� ` - I t ,f f x. i ^ t i'i r�iy..l •'t r r ^. i. 111 - y I 1 { 1 I I t 1 r,. v r:` 41 . #: #� (t I"Jv Jx ''�, t t -� •1! ' j '' ! r.,.. + � r ! t ... _ I.v ' � r J t 1 , `. t 1 r r.,t, J .n•y.,f ,� ,hr I� �, r I 1� I ` 1S t'' fZ 1 )' .,. �j F,t ,j,'. •1J .� ° t '� r 1 ,% t 7 < , .t r I •A ,. ,q'�9 (jyl 1' �'- r;• f� !ta lF�Y 1 O # �'+ { r ' P t !, + 1 RI :� ; r.Kt h#I,tlsJd ,.rl ' a �.. flF Cpl Tr,' I1! -, ',! t 1 ✓'��dr j ��•vt V!,} -#i.' a +', k y '! n:, � 1 s 1?- ,�t" +r jf l,'`} y _'�I, �j�T � '�. r 5.: . N . `:r r i' 1 } .,.5'r t� [ !... uJ,l, ,+�i. ° �y1 �''A y + r ?i , t`•,1 1 c ti ,w i :/i, ,yt t.4 Lrr� yri)1'' :.b �.Y.v-:.X: i.aL'S..')a. i .t. .� lur,Yi.M..CsYF .. .. -�. .. + ... _. ._. -.M �1� � .. ..._ .« _ ;•r -. - .