HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 22, March 29, 1910\ L '1 i ?. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH- 'March ?j°"•• ^' 191D_ r .. ."`• •- At •call meeting of the Board of Councilman hold In the Counoll Chamber; in the City Hall, In the City of Paducah, Kentucky, Marsh 29th, 1910, upon call of the rel! ' the following answered to their names;-Pores", Bower, Buddei Duvall, Hannln, Horton, Kreutser, Lally, Lolgh, Mayor, McCarthy and Nilson; (12)- - e. Paducah, ky.,Maroh 29th. 1910 TO the Members of the Board of Councilmen, City of Poddosh, Ky,, ;-.,11,• p0entlemen:- I have called you 1n special 86selon for the prrpose of, giving pasule to ' +' the Tax Rate Ordinance for the present year, ' The Rate contemplated when the Apportionment Ordinance was passed, and which I recom-. ' 'mend, is the m►x1mum,-$1.85. You are alae requested to consider and take such action as you doom proper( " „ :on a propoeltion from the Home Telephone CO., to Install fifty (50).oemblmt ion fire Q '••''' ' polloo boxes, at s total cost to tte'City of Paducah of one dollar ($1.00) per +'f?-!•: month far oaoh box, k AftsT the meeting I think it will be well to have a meeting of the I i00mTI�toe of the whole, that the members might famil►arize themselves with the pre.- ivleions of Dills pasted .bt the last nersi on e1 the legislature, applicable to ,; •_'' ', Second Class cltlos, r.,ost especially, the Ten Year Baud Bill, After a clear understanding has been had, it will be well to lay out the .5troet, sidewalk and sower wort Intended to be performed -.hit year, In order that — lt might be staTteu and finished dun ng good weather, . .. very Resp atlully, �•. JAMES P. SMITH. '. IR,. Meyer. •'+ -�i,�J V r' On motion by Ye bar Lolly AN ORDINANCE FIAINO THE LEW OR RATE OF ..i TAXATION ON PA08'RPY IN TH ITY OF PADUCAH FOR THE YEAR 1910, AND T'.{6 :UTE ON � )TI@ POLL TAX t2T'4 THE PURPO6E9 ' OF THE SAID 'Ft:VY THEREUNDER DEFINED was glen -1�•�00 •+ • �flret paaeage upon v 11 Of the roll by the following vote; Foremen, Swore }Udd e, a . ' •Duw41, Hennln, Fatten, KreRzer,' Lally, Lei 9h,Moyor,YeCW� y and Wilson ,(12).. � DD G4 On matt on by Yobr Haemin t he raft;/mer was Instructed to sign a cont ra@ ' .7ti''`Y•O/-er_e_a ,4trlth the Paduos Hone Telephone sem party for the Installation of fire and poll s (3-�'��c ^a deem Da:4 at LM rale of $1 per month each, ev.e wr,e granted upon call of the it all by the tolloing netlen,YEAS-- Foreign, Bowers, Budde,Duvall, Hsnnln, Hot tong Ktautter, Lally, Lel gh,M" T,MaCarty, and wilioo,(d.2.' • y�1o. -. ..., On motion the board adjourned at 7:55 P.M, bPPFLOV' APR 4 191 P'1'H1DAPR 4.1910' � 1•. moard e/ JldrnwM r ,r� City CI At a mall meeting Of the boardOfcouncil called t order in the city the city of Paduoah,Ky., March 29,1910 upon call of t e roll the following h(•, ' swered to their nares; Fort aan. Berers, Budd@, Duvall, He. nin, Hartong Krortter, .'1 yq f 1-' 1 Lally, Let 0h. Y ' y, vyoe, Y@Carty and 1111 am, (12). r �1 ::, _c ;;, ., ,• 1 To the me bats a the board @f cunall of the city of Paducah; • .1�' . '{ !};!.. R O,entlmen;,I Have called you in spolsl • oomdm ror the purpose :of ,giving moo and passage to the tax levy ordinana feriglo. Very Respectfully, . e. ... • Ed D.Harman, ... Mayer pre tom. _ On motion by Member Lolly AN ORDINANCE FIXINO THE LEVY OR RATE OF TAXATION ....,. ' !ti ."N PROPERTY IN THP. ITY OF PADUCAH FOR THE YEAR 1910, AND THE RATE OF POLL TAX WITH PURPOSES P 0 THE SAID LF17 SH / EFEIJNDEH DFA NIID y pe Be upon all or I Was , ■ iw oul 6 .. �'..'. ,...•.• the Tell by the following vot.a; 'YEAH Portman.. Boworm, Budd*, Duvall, Hennini Hr ten,.'`.. Ktmtu T, Lolly, Lolgb, Mayor, YaCttj wind Niloen912), APR 4.1910 On notion by Ya Mr. Dutall the general wumell moot so • coxeitto of the t• gttlsd. ir+ APp 4 ]7 APR Or 191C ' On matin the Oeotd ad�arnW ��YEe'16� ;r,' -. 1