HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 116, July 3, 19111. ,•y.. COUNCIL: 'PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF P, 191J< � At a rogular meeting of the I}eard of Councilmen, held in the Council Chamber, in the City Hall, in the City of Paducah Kentucky., July 3rd. 1911, Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names; -Foreman, Barnee,.•Broadfoot, Duvall, 'Farley,'' nin, Harton, Kroutzer, Lallyl Leigh and Mayer. (11) On motion the minutes of the previous meeting was corrected, by reconsidering thi r'.. yhovious action taken inadgard.to'killing an. "Ordinance, for•tho construction of Powell' { i street oto, and tho City Solicitor was instructed to bring an ordinance, for the conal.••. turotion of said streets, except Flora street, anl.roturn same to the Board at its ioxt " mootin U on call -of the roll by.tho following voto• Yoas Foreman Barnes Broadfeot Duvall, Farley, Hannin, Horton, Kreutzor, Lally, Leigh wW Mayor. (11)' On motion the minutes were adopted as corrected; On motion by. momber (tannin, the monthly report of tits Treasurer and 4dditor, was;; received and filed. 1'•�, On.motion by the'above, the Finance allowance for aalarioo ate., was allowed anl..,: fhe Clark was authorized to draw a warront.on the Trenauror for the respective eaournts, upon call of the roll by the following sote;—Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Broadfoet, Duvall, !! Farley, Hannin, Harton, Kreutzer, Lally,'Loigh, Mayor. (11) On motion by.the above, the Treasurer was authorized to draw a,sarront in favor f G.W.Katterjohn for work done in Mechanicsburg for 42;48.M Upon call of the rollby''• (t:{ the. following vote;—Yoas Foreman, Barnes, IIrondfeot, Duvall, Farley, Hannin, Harlon, (Kroutzer, Lally, Leigh and Meyer. (11) , On motion b the above the Mayor was instructed to Y , 4Y purchase one horse and ton:''. now mattresses. for the Fire Departments Upon call. of the roll by tho following veto;— Yens Foreman,_ Barnes I•Brondfoot; Duvall, Farley, Hannnin, Harton, Kreutzer, Lally, Loin and ldayor. (11) On motion.by the above, the acceptance of the work done on Jefferson street from 11th. to 14thi streetby the Board of Public Works,'was received ani filed. On motion by the above,. tits request made by W..E.King for an increase in aal.ary, { was roforrod.to the Finance Coewittee. ' On motion by monbor Lai i the M or was instructed to dood the d r oy. h balance of the property of Jackson Hill to the Anti Tubercular Leagusi deme to,:.rsvort':to',the.City;o' ! i when ever the proporty conse.s to be used for the purpose of maintaning a Wboroulosis �. Hospital, Upon call of the roll by tho fallowing. vat e.;—Yeas Foremnn, Barnos, Broadfoot.� 1 c'•.. v. Farle y,.Hannin, Nanton, Kroutzer, Lally, loigh.and Mayor. (10) Nays Duvall..(1) On.motion by member Lnlly, thet,tho rules be susporrled, so as the Ordinance for the construction of aide walks on the South aide of Kentucky Avenue from the Cobble Q?C., P atones on First street where side and etc, were ordered by ordinance some time ego, can be brought, up;;and placed on its first nese a at this. meeting P g same bras lost, upon: r� 5 call of the roll.by the .following voto;—Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Hannin and Kroutzer. (4) . r r 1444 Broadfoot, Duvall, Barley, Rartoni Lally, Leigh and Mayer. (7) On motion by the above, AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THF. ABUTTING PROPImTY OH BOTH SIivit-''f !. �� OF JE17PE lSON STREE. T. FROtk II,EVF,LITH STRFU:T' TO FOURTEE14TH STREET IN THE CITY . OF 'PADUCAH kU:NTUCKY Tl�; SUM OF 0'1.6875 PERI FRONT• FOOT FOR •THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF MAI>EiOLffi, ' r INTAKFS. CATCH`, BASINS AND DRIVEYIAYB INS SAID; CONSTRUCTION EXCEPT TrIAT PORTION PAID BY.THE . . . . . . ..... . . . . . i4iiisa 4 1! —7N1­ CbUNCIL PROCEEDINGS; 11WH. .OF PADUCA- 1177. CITY OF. PADUCAIT,AND PROVIDING THAT SAID Assmsm-wT MAY BE PAID In TEN EQUAL INSTALLI.W.NTil ONE EVERY YEAR FOR A PERIOD OF TEN YPJM,. was given its first passnga'j upon call of tho ri t roll by the following vote;-Youa Fordmnn, pnrneai 11rovAroot, Duvall, Parlay, Hannin, Nor' Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh and mnyer* M) On motion the rules ware suspended on the nbove, ordinance, Upon call of the roll by the fallowing vete;-Ydau. Forenon, Barnes Broadf cot, Duvall, Farley, Harlon, Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh and Mayer. (11) On motion by the. obove$ the abe've Ordinance was given its second and final passage by Its tItlaq Upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, 13ar . nes, Broad - foot, Duvall, Farlayi Hannin, Norton, Kroutzer, Lally, Loliji and Mayer. ('ll:)' - On notion by the above, AN ORDIIJANCE PROHIBITING ROLLFM SKATING ON A1lY SIDn'IALK IN THE, CITY OF PADUCAH9 wan given i1to first pastsegal Upon call of the roll by the fellow`'..',, ing, allow*- ing. vitto , Yeaa Foreman, Barnes. -p Duvall, Parlay, Hanning Harteh, Xroutzer, Loiroij-. :(S) flays f3roadfoot, Lally and Mayer. (3) On, nation by the above, the rules were suspenrled on the above, upon, call' of the roll by the following vota;-Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Duvall, Parlay, Hannin, Harton, Kr*eut-! zor, Lally, Leigh and Ilaylor. (10) flays Broadf set. (1)' 2 On notion by the abovo,.the above Ordinance was given Its second and f inal pasa­ age, Upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Poronan, Barnes, Duvall, Farley, .Hannin, Hartan, Kroutzer, Lally, Leigh. (10) Nays -Broadfoot and Mayer. (2) On motion by member Duvall, that the retail CAffeellousa License be read and if .there Is any romonstrances' of . min3t any one, that samo.ba 14d aside and acted an 5aparata. some carraid. On notion by member Duvall, that the following Rotail-Coffoo TioUstaL be granted 2 licans 0 and the bonds accepted,.aeparately and collectively; -.aa follows; - 111 'i B.I.I.Allon, 105 Broadway Bond Fidelity & Deposit Co. of f1d i George Allen, 116 Ity. Ava.; a . )%like Isennn & F.E.Motzgcr Ci Goor(ro Androcht 111 South 2nd. Fidelity & Deposit Co.; ormd.. Jrmas Btilgor' 1615 South 4th. Beivedaro Hotel Co: 200 Broadway Cliris 13urr,,or & Bro. 701 South 7th. II James Bolden 704 Adana !I: Thomas Boyle 900 North Sth. A.T.Bohanna, 111,90ut),3rd Sam Bryant 432 Dorton 1A.D.Crnpbell 106 soutil 3_04-/ f: L.T.Clark 1167 North 12th. O.F.DuCeor, 126 South 2yul. O.Denniok 1735 Mayers Oscar Donkor 434 North 12th. a I.Chre Donker 901 Washington . Dankor 8.. Lashloo 400 North 12th Elliott & Wathen 135 South 4th J.11.Plrod 125 South 2nd. George W.. Edwards 117 South 3rd. J.W.fiborle 900 lya3hinr;ton Dan Gdlvin93 S.B.Gott. 4 South 5th. lill I i.'Chaa T. Graham 117 North 4th. '175 South 9th. W.C.Groy 107 Soutd 4th H.J.Gallaghbri t'29 Trimble �` `R Lee Vito 974 lluabnn(13 a " i 1! J.H.Tfart 1255 Broadway Casper Janes & Sin 230 YY Ave. J.L.Jona3 1037 Burnett G.W.Kelloy 100 Broadway Tuck Lowe S25 Washington' J.J.Lally 1501 South 4th. li, R.E.L.11o; shell J1 ',109 North 4th. .. -., " I r X annio Murray 115 North 4th A,, �": '. .".. . % COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY .OF PAD UCA 191 L i F.1d.lSntlock ' 1132 South 10th.' Bond Fidelity &'Deposit Co. of Md, t W.M.),jitcholl 1000 Notth 10th " " Abe Marcoffs1W 134 South 4th . " " tis.• J.J.ideAughan 1134 Jonas " ' • ' ,:, 'r L.L.1Jelso7l 407 South 3rd.. Nichols & Groy 300 South 3rd. 1 I Fd Pearson 701 Trimble Moo Peter 1040 Ky Avo. " �. „•c ": R.L.Peacher & Co. 103 South 2nd. I Palmer Hotel Co., 5th & Broadway + i IJ.L.Potter, South Hast Side Sth c l E H.Poll & Co. 9os Boyd ! 1 J.H.Pottor & Co. a. 116 South 4th. Jae T. Quarles Fast Side Union Station J.B.Rothrook & Son 200 Ky Ave. Bond `. J� L.B.Ragan 115 South 4th J.W.Sherrell 107 North 4th s = a Sam C. Smith 105 South 2nd. " • s '�;; •.''.: ' ? C.F.Schrador , 233 North 13th 's Geor'. Sohulto 701 Jackson Sam Stark120 South 2nd. �1(:< Jno B.. Schulte 9.31100�outh 11th. 6 North 10th. �5 L.S.Shelton 1034 South 10th. • " " Jamoa Ward e' ". 1`` • �: ' :. ) .�, John Ward 132 Kontucky,Ave.,e Frank Wagnor 110 South 2nd. George Willow 212 Ky Ave. J.W.Nolson 1201 South Sth. n g. Ramey & Jenkins 173 South 2nd. same was granted, Upon call of the roll by the following voto;-Yeaa Beronan, Barnes `?4' f . ` I . Broadroot> Duvall> FarleYs Hannin, .1Iarton, Kretzer, Lally, Leigh and dayor. (11) r 4: e' On motion by mombbr Kroutser, a petition for water from residents and props! A[ ty owners' on Broadway bet 20th & 21 streoto was reforred to the Poducah W ? (.� s Water Co.te : Illay'maine and the fire pluga,were ordered placed on the rental list. On motion by the above, .n petition for wator. from property owners eta, on.,_Y 17th:,'etreot Broadway azul Clark 'otroota, was referred to the Paducah Water Co. to lay (J mains .and the Fire Plugs war ordered plaoal -on the rental List. i On motion by member Mayor, the monthly reports if the'Chiof of police and (Meat and Milk. Inspector, were recoiled and filed. On motion by the above, J.W.Knight was ordered refumled 9.85 for over ass- � V Ioesmont onproperty and Dr.Diarnilcos waa rofunrlad .1.50 for over charge for poll .tax . ' On motion by member Hannin, deeds .were granted to J.H.& H.D.Ruttor to lot 5 .. . 'ei�, / block 4G in O11 1ak Grove Cemetery and Luvenin Allen was 1•anted a deed to lot 63 block 4 in the New Addition„ in Oak Grove Can story. On. motion by somber Hayek, the Ordjnanoa .Conmittoe, was inatruetod to bring - 'n in an Ordinance to Grade and gravel Paxton Atneet from Little Ave to Bloom Ave, anQ ; . ; ' Bloom Ave From Paxton at. On motion by moiiber Lally, AN;,ORDINANCE REQUIRING ALL DOGS. IN T;'E 3F. MZLM.. / -SAME: WAS'KILLED, on.ita first.passaae Upon call of the roll b the � y follewitiQ vote; Yes (Duvall, Hannin, H'arton and Lally. (4) Noya Foreman, Bv.rnoa, Broadfoot, Farloy, Kreutzer:,.`! . Leigh and )layer. (7) • i On motion by.,member Harton, that 8.11.8mith be appointed Market Master while the pros out. Market Master is sick,* Mr.J.H.Burnett, same ,carried, Upon ball of the roll' by tpe following vote;-Yeaa' Foreman, Barnes, Broadfoot, Duvall, Parlay' H'anhin, Hasten;' Kreutzer, Lally, Leighiatxi Mayor. (11) O*motion by member. Leigh,'the Ordinwnoe Committee was inatruoted to braa.«..�. in an .Ordinance regulating all Vehiclea, in the City..' I i"mac ti y On motion by mombor'Lallyi'tho Ordinance Committee,'W", inetrubtld to .bring Ordinanoo regulating the. ringing of Congo.atc.. on oll'vohiclea. •. t»* �i7:,�e:�: a�V'r-1 •'a..:R".+d 3""4it�'�'t`r'�'N.:.'-1, Y',( •f"c�1}ih'., ,, t..f Na- •^r;T;`� , S f 4, t+ ,c-P A Y + , a -e-':s 1 t •r, ,{f �. � o ft- ,.,F •M' .,7. ,^,rs� COUNCIL PROCFINGS; CCI'Y OF PADUCAH. ' C ^l On notion by member Hannin, the Board of Public Works, were Instructed to move, h the Meter and Pump. at' 3rd. and Clay-streets, to the Power House at City ElectricPlant.,':. rt 1rb-1 On notion by the above, the Hoard of Publio Works, were instructed to havetho heating plant :at the Market House and:`pipea oto.,• moved to the City Elootria Plarrt, II ;. - On motion by the above, a potitio4i prom residents and property owners,'from Ir t %the street to 9th. an Husbands and IIooknan streets, to open same, was. reforrocl to the i Q� street Committee. VA -•-•��,,, On motion by member t-tayer,' a petition from J.H.Cooper for ever assessment on r. � (qr�t i l is f oproperty teat, was referred to the Board of Supervisors. "• �- , On motion by monber Duvall, the City Engineer, was instructfA to have the Side fr wakle on Trimble street and Harris street and 10th. street belonging to the ltioaoa: Hahan. II diad to conform with the Street. ' On motion by the above, a petition from property owners ata., on Harrison street.. S between 20th. and 21st. streets -for water, same was referred to the Paducah Water Ce., 3.. to lay the main and the Fire Plugs put. on the rental list. y i On nation by member Hannin, till reports from the departments of the City that go t 1 d- �� a before the General Council, were eroared to have the Auditorta O.K. sane carreid."j, --------------- ----------------------------- -ALP --- - 41 --On notion the Board Acljournecl— -- ji ' APP V JUl 17 1911' - I 'gn01�Ji� JUL 17 1911 �� �OYi�-✓1"GN�. � . 2x49 LCiI�L-7C./».....,f� /`� f J l/li • rowel -i &-d of :bRJ10u C1tY Clark. "'e", I . • �. 1 1 i 9t ♦ r 1- r t .11�.. . t c * ' f f r �t - '' e . 1 i •. 6 - f �`.{ 7 r,. f' / s c t ft I�f' ti• } ._ .. gyp. •, ri,� �f It` yf r t r } ,, .y„'. E}' lr r �•'r tr, YtF.. •.w r - ry f r r••• f ,- '�:,t6 . , ':$::vr,.... .., ^',A1 ,. +�y3e .Z:wa_:�..:;o::' ..C; .:.x.-...�.n::•i.. _u:.�,.w+.e_..,t,,.::e, X2.1.4-... .:.r+tr e�_-......s,F•,x..�.t.- . ••,:u... _ • I.- _.,-