HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 102, April 17, 1911in t r r - C, F.:6'- .':l s*�! 17 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY -OF PADUCAH,._ i� -19.11 G G�� At a regular meeting of .the Board. of Councilmen, hold in the Council Chamber, in,-.+ rho City Halls in the City of Paciuoah, Ky.April 17th.. 1911, Upon call of the roll the following answered to their nanea;-Foreman, Barnes, Duvall, Broadfoot,. Farloq,' Bannin, Rreutaer, Lally, Leigh .,.Mayor and Roof. (11) On motion the minutes o0 tho.previous meetings were adopted as roan. �{ 'j On motion by member Hannint. the Finance allowance for salaries ate., was allowed.` M and the Clark was ordered to draw a warrent on the Treasurer for the respective amounts, .. . Q*- ,upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yoas- Foreman, Barnes, Broadfoot, Duvall, iParlay, Hannin, Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayor and:Roof: (11'). Horton came in: Farley was exoudod for the balance of the meeting. A. ' On motion by member Lally, a Resolution for the improvement of North 10th. atrsot•. �p jfrom 101ay to Trimble street, was placed an its first passage, and was killed, Upon call �, : ' :• 'lit. :' 4 mQI� .eQ c/ •xw- of the roll'by the following -vote; -Yeas Barnes and Broadfoot. (2) Nays Poremang' Duvall, 1 !i-Hannin Harton Kroutzer Loi Ma or.and R o i , ,- , Leigh, y o f.(S) Lally was excused from voting:'' •, � . 1 On motion by member Barnes,Barnee, the report Prem the Park Commissioners, was oanaurod ij t i � •"`ya in, in allowing Mr.' AAudde 31600. and Mrs J.R.Puryear an'additional $300. as she refusd - �uny�.w,to make deed after finding out the expense it would put her too to have the huoee moved_ U upon sell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas.Forenan, Barnes, Broadfoot:j Duvall', �, C CJsn! ,Henning, Harton, Kroutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayer and Roof. (11) On motion by the above, oorulemnation proceedings were ordered filed immediately N against Mr. Ben Sisk and 11alinda Sutherland. Lots located on the East aide"of 10th.. St. ;.between .Adams and Jackson streets., upon call of the roll by the following, veto;-Yoas , Foreman, Barnee, Broadfoot, Duvall, Hannin, Hartan, Kroutzer, Lally, Leigh, Meyer and Roof. (11) Q ' On motion by member Harton, the cation of the Board of Public Work's was concursd' in, in awarding the Contraot-forthe new Iseland Crook Bridge'located at -: ^• the intersect �. . ion of South.4th. street, to J.A.Omberg Jr. for 330,600.00 Upon call of the roll by the. j f�followin vote; -Yeas Foremang Barnes,Broadfaot Duvall Hannin Harton Kroutzer,Lally Leigh, Mayor and Roof. (11). x On motion by membor Leigh, the report of the Public Improvement Committee in J' regard -to building�a over a ravine at George street, also the.00ndition of the strsote ` leading to the Franklin School, was,roferred to the Finance Committee to ascertain if 'their Is enough money, for thiel -purpose: Y�AAuy On motion by member Mayer,.tho report of'the inepaction of the Elevator in the' •• ,' :; ; 1, 1 , City Hall,, by the Inouranoo company, was received anti filed* i i... On motionby member Harton, the Idayor was instructed to sign the contracts, with':.. F the Public Health and Marine -Hospital Servico; Por sick Seaman iedth'oonbagious.dosoases,. 1: and.stok and disablad.Seam'en at $1.510 per day: t On motion by member Roof, a complaint from Mr.doo. Jackson for over assessment of a poll tax, was referred to the Auditor. ' On motion b member Hannin' a.Oradafer was Y . , granted to the South Half. of let 34 blool 42' -from Mrs J.A.Greer.to•Mra Lucy Briant in Oak Grove Cemetery. ' �•��,� y� •On mot Ion'by,,ths. above' 'o transfer was ,• •,�•,' „ granted. frac O.R.Rollins and Wife to Mrs • : ��- BI •Ii ea ono..aixth aP 104 ulgh , X115 -block $8 in Oak Grove Cometory. I ' 1. y in t r r - C, F.:6'- .':l s*�! 17 fC.. _ .t ' ;y}'Li's ryas {"}Kq'''. Yr - .. i,'> • hi 4- 1 . �{t�4- •iii' :, � .. . .. '� - 1 ' sly: ! r '•!' � � I }x j. ! � P Y .�C' d`I '°'�. .G�l "•L -nYy,e-xfM's,ef�•• � t , - r '� � + S -s "K•'ri'4CI1. ?"•JJ"YrKSJ••l'tT'+ ipTAl.;' J`-hr44:k ,r� 3 » i" •Jn tr-ty •P •"•tr rr .,r•. I. f. [ COUNCIL P 1 L ROCEEDIN I& CITY' OF PADUCAH__I _I _/�L / ' y / On motion by the above, the notion of the Cemetery Committee, in awarding the r ;oontraot for the Beo61v ' La., � r ing Vault to placed in Oak Grove Cemetery'to"Mr, William Lydon for. l' yip-" ,tho.aum of $1275.00 wae'concured-inj Upon cell of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Barnes, Drsedfoet, Dttvo11 Hannin Hnrton Kreu r 'Lal a;1 {• w r > > ly, Leigh, Mayer and Roof. On motion by the &bevel the City Clerk was allowed 9100.00.the'uaual al 6* SCC • 'for assistance in making out the Tax Bills, 'Upon wall of the roll by the following vita; - t •, i n� hYeke Foreman Barnes Broadfoot Duvall Hnnnin Hartori Kreutzer Lal + > > r � > > � lye Loigh� Ltayer, and :Roof. f On motion by member Hnrmin, n Resolution allowing the Bawer Inspector a foreman (' Y at 0240 per day, was given first passage, Upon call of the roll by the. following vote;- k ,Yoaa Foreman, Barnes, Broadfoetl Duvall, Hannin, Harton; Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, 6layer and ' 3 Roof. (11). On motion the rules were suspended on the above, Upon call of the roll.by the following vote; -Yeas Forawaan, Barnes, Bre ndfoot,'Duvall, Hannin, Hartong Kr.eutzerl L,nlly�.: s Leigh, Mayer and Roof. (11) ' On notion by the above, the above Resolution was given second and final paesa o �t ja !mon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, D,:rnea, Broad -foot,. Duvall', ' :Hannin, Horton Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Mayer and Roof. (11) On motion by the 'above, `a Reaolut3.on for the improvement of Horth'.10th. street ' ..from Clay to Trimble streets, with sidewalks curb and gutters, sidewalks to be concrete i �rLalso the gutters, and the curb to be granite, was given first passage,.upon"oall'of the •' :.i.. fA roll b the followin,'vote•-Yeas Foreman Barnes,Broddfoot Duvall Hntmin Itarton Y P . > > r 1 ,' 3+ ,Kreutzer'. Lally,'Leigh,.ldayer and Reop. (11) I'•' On motion the rules were suspended on the above, upon call of the roll by they following vote; -Yeats Foreman, Barnes, Droatifoet, Duvall,'Tlannin, 11arton, Kreutzer, Lally,. 1' ?Leigh, Hayer'and Roof. (11) J„ On motion by the above, the above Resolution was given second and finni paasaga, ;.uVon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Forannn, Barnes, Broad foto Duvall$ ' Hrnnin, 11nrton, Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, MtWar and Roof. (11) On motion by member Lally, a proposition to the I.C.Railroad'in regard to the improving of Sowell Ave. and Powell street, same:wna referred to the Street Committee; 'Adjourned- �� -- ---------------On motion the Hoard-------------------------�---� if AP MAY l.y ADO�D MAY 1 1811 i y Mrk►-en1 deand of T .y e �. l t' 1• f ' ..;,.cti,le.;,,,»~krl`..'�M.•+.-WrFl.%:iib..l�.:+F.a...:e ...,.- .- +,...a .t.. ..-.1 ,r... ....1.... +�.,...uv�....,......._..,'.-„ , �..,. .... .. r. .., - ..-. f •� f_ -' til . A(• - .t , .. r t