HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 14, Page 1, January 3, 19101 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS,CrrY OF RpU CAHG j At a regilar'stIfttIOR Of the Board It COunallmens hold IN the COU11611.0hambert in the City dell, In the City of. Paducah, Ky., January 3rd, 1910; Upon @all of the roll the: " following answered to their mama;-Bowsr, Budde, Duv&IIq Foreman.- Herrin, Hartoav Kroutior, tally', Leigh, Meyers McCarthy, and Wil,va.(T2) On motion by member Duvall, A M,Forexan was pissed In nomination for r President .4 Sit �.Of this Board with -out opposition, and van declared Olmsted, upon receiving Lhe following votes; -Beaver, Buddf, Duvall, Rs.nnin, Horton, Kreutzer, Lelly, Mayor, McCarthy, 6 Wilson.00 On -the notion by member mayor, minutes of a Joint meeting on December 9th. 1§0 1 fail the election Officers for the year of rgio, same asrried.%i On motion by member Duvall, & 40munioation from Frank Bwovn Wharf-Usater, was referred to the noard of Public Works, On'stotleft by member Hannin, a r4somendation from the Joint ?Insnan Committee, in 'where regard Saloons being porditted to open their was not a r6nonstraree against either the applicant or place. Bsn* was commurad-in. *OR motion by member Mayer, Uss monthly report of Chief of Pollee jam Cal lines was resetyed and filed. On notion by member Duvall, that on taking up the &PPIIO&Lion of Saloons and Quart r4quor T,isona% that name be granted, I? there Is not any remonatransim.wpal net same, after reading names Of oppylestian, separately and calleativaly, name was granted. On notion by the above, that the following License be granted and Bonds accepted separately and, collectively;- G.W.Kelly IGO Broadway Bond Natl Surety Co, of Now York, James Bulger 1615 South 4th, IIV O.P.DuEger 126 South 2nd. a Tusk Lou's 825 reahington J.W.Sherri 707 North 4th. r C.I.Mosholl, 109 Hart 4th. A.V.Bauer, 900 Washington, 1.;J,.MsAugh&q, 1134 Jones, Frank Levin, 1001 Burnett a. Dan Galvin, 934'South 5th. Joke Elliott, 134 South 4th, Belvedere Hotel, 201 Brr.,dwsy, Frank Lacefield & Co., 110 South 3rd, C E.C,Dennington, 12UL -South fth. J.J.Lal I: y TF)OI South 4th.FF . Ed Pearson, 701 Trimble Oscar Dommick, 1739 Meyers.* Thoobold Peter, 1043 Kentucky Ave. . ...... 1, J, 11. Ri vk &an,% 1047 Washington •701 Chris Bulger, South 7th. I Jones Belden, 704 AdVA3, J,C.Poso & Bro";' 434 NorWn, iA,"'7 , jMurray & Vietnam 115 Nort 4th, San C. Smith, 129 South Td. S. 0, Gott 119 North 4th James W.rd, 1100 South 11th, Gray, A Grant 301 South 7th, F.U.Matlook, 110 South -nd R.L.P,vosh-r,& Ce, 103 South -end: John Elrod, 125 South 2nd I Oscar Danker, 936 North 10t�. 1, jl 1,.L.Holaon 407 South 3rd. Raney & Jenkins' 113 Sou --h 22nd. Lee Hit* 93 4 Husband a, •1167 North 12th, Casper Jones & Eon; 230 Ky.AVs. • G.T.A.Cilb.rto, 116 South 4th, Fidelity 7 Deposit GO, Of Mstylgmd. Biederman Distillery Co. 117 South Fnd. 7 J. N. Hart, 125 Broadway, Chas. T. Graham 134 South 9th. 4 Georgea or nk ti,1434 North 12th A yl Jr , COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADU '� 1910 O,Laehlee h Co 400 North 12th. P1d$Llty &.Deposit Co. of MaryL nd. �,• " J ' t'.0 C. P.Schrtda , 233 North 3.3th. , e . . Palmer Hotel cc k'7,1 ;i'�.. 5th. h Ilroadway..halts, 701 Jackson. ,'.:! 1 :, • ':> / ;✓(U .:i ' i / 7i i •.j,,` Oeo• Se t 1',, It t'� ,R..• Chae'Dsnker,. •a '1, x901 Washington, .;,.,._. • _�. . A, C.)1ltkhell, " 901Borth 9th. •_ solo UG 1 1 W,1t•4ltehell C..' + 1000 North 10th. A, Marc of feky,. '134 Kentucky Are • ' •)' id,e.-+,�' J.L. Potter, of ,I 924 Harris. .. _ e 1.. Sam Stark, 127 South 26d -1 " + 1 •J1-/ f'114T,t'Thaa. Boyle, 900 North 9th W,C.Oray, 107 South 4th, George Backer, .•:::.,1. -... 933 Caldwell, • - .. . �v:ay, ." py B. M. Al len, 105 Broad . ^ ....j., ii, ✓(.( N,E,Cartwright,,...,i .;.1'[i.• 119 Broadway, • J,R,Rothrock, 200 Ky. Ave• L. B. Ragan, t.r� •�, . 115 South 4th • . , .:o . John Ward, 132 Ky., AVM.,> • _ - - y ;, ( e Y. H.Oa1Lgh0rr Trimbler ... • L . +' ) Oeo, W Edwards. 117 South 3rd. Joe T. Quarles, Eget Side of I.C,Paeranl'er Pepot. " + M, D, Campb4l, 106 South 3rd: 1npire State 9urety•Co. 1 i:c,c•4.p.,. ,' .. .. ra4'lvrwsse:aenaq..oe.. �0, D,WSllow, 212 Ky. Ave, ,Adolph k Lee Well,- . Also the following Quart Liquor License; - United Supply Co. 115 k 117 North ltd; Fidelity h Deposit Co, of Maryland., IfI M.Llvingston & Co, 119 h 121 North lot. " /1/: Sea. If, Goodman h Co.106 k 109 North ltd• • / H.Weilt h Bryant, ,. 119 South ltd, J.Y.@tP}ort, John •. Younger �J•A,%, , ' H.Weil F Sone, 113 North ltd, S.W,Well 6 O.B,11111low, Elliott h Bums, 111 South 2nd.Nal. Surety Co. of New Yotk. ,. r A.Hovekrmp h CO. Mill h Bridge Streets.' " Century Liquor Ce:7.25 North 4th.. r�F ... A.Sid, Torrill, 417 Jefferson, • , @me we granted, Upon call of the. roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Power, I' - ` Budde, Duvall, Huwim, Kreutzer, Lally, Leigh, Meyer, NeCarttyr,and Wilson• .. .. ` '•" r On notion b member Duvall A,4,Storwe was Y , , granted s Retail Coffee house .. W 1,1401156 at ldAl Kentualy Ave„ and Bond accepted, subJ56t to the lnornvel. of the City ,V •Bo11 o1 Lor. Upon Ball Of the roll by th0 follo wing*•wtu;-Yeas Foreman, Dower, !tudoe, - "�, ikt vall9.k•nn1n, Harinn, Kroutter, Lalk Mayer, McCarthy, and Wilson, (12)• 1 ., •;a„ On notion by member Budde, thi monthly repolt of the Moab h Milk Inspector, was }•: .re561v0d and filed. .. On motion by member Mayer, J,W, Sellars was granted a refund of, h:.5b over " /--1-. •eses56d for Poll Tax. d•6 Ot 5°�"�'G,?, On notion by the above, Nrr, T:C Looek.wasr grant ed tW.50 for'eror asauuomL on • her property.., ..1,.! ,:.-d Oi notion by the abbvo, Henry' D111shunt was granted • refund of AVA sent% an ever assessment. _ p��-'' y—, .•� .Ong motion by the aboyet a con liint from Thee Ceuralor fee.'ever aseertoenti wis'. ' referred �Lo'the Board of Suporvisore. -�=y ++� - On motion by the above Elliott h Burke, was granted • refund for over charge '- i. " on their Liquor,Lison56� �Vpon $all of the roll by the fOlIOWimg Tots; -You Pontoon, Bower, Budde,/ Duvall, H•rm1n, Horten, Lally, Leigh, Mayor, M0C•rthy, ad'WS1 sem, (I2) .. { .. Om_notion by the above, a refiuld of-=`5.55wa0 allowedB,E,jlonnor, for OTer'sas- +!:S1i$t easmsnt.t, n • ,+. > TCCyva ;Ow •gotloq by the above, a complaint from Smith h Davis In 'regard'to Llsons0i.was, a• i ioferred Loth• L156n56'Commlttea, i'� tr.irti on motion by the wbove, • refund of =12,00 was allowed B,F.Jeaos foil over sops•- j-0�� 1. i Om motion by the above, •.refund of C9 25 was allowed J M Wort is fob bvor susar ( t sr`ra_�.F+ v!( I�..b Y3i-rr•ai:: r ! r.. n .. A. r*� �y ] !p : it l,h f • :j' r , - .... -. �3��, ,t "•:..t. �ry�� � 4 `.r n, ; 2 t v' {1 / .... dry ' Of ' .••}. a '( - _ :"� t+ 7 jY �Y' Jt 4 • .<..! , !�}. :. �}°�, ti �.' l y t. �'1 l'�:j:i�l I`l „r!'f. :`!-•t I �. ), COUNCIL- PROCEEDINGS; CIW OFF 4DUCA Om motion by member H►nnin,.►'transfer was granted• from Mrs Annie Thurman to (/ yP,N,Bsglathory&P4 3,w.Iron, to lot 231 Brook -18 in Oak Grov@.Cemotery. r .. '• On motion by the above, a dood was 'granted to Lot 24 In Bloak 42 in 'Oak Prove'.. ICmmeArtt to d.Y.thrfam 'and V,K,Yorrlo. 0m motion by member Kreutzer, Humnel:Broo,s power of Attorney from the Fidelity `6 .Dopoa it! Co, Of Maryland, was resolved and filed, • .. ^ On notion by member Kroutzer, • 11eL1tlon from the P*Aua►h,' Purniturs'Co, for f ba. •tokamption when they organize a now Company, isms was referred to the Ordinance Committee,. e 1 'On. mot Ion by mercer Duvall, that the Cn►ir •Pint a c.omnittse of tlontogather' ~'with hlseoif, to draw up the rules h ate, ,f or the General Counoll to sent on the bait, nights, os granted, wadi the chair •pointed Member Duvall and Leigh, together with tOo. - !City Solicitor, On motion by member Hannlm, the Ordin►hoa'eommittes, was Instructed t' bring 1n �u }— an Ordinsnes, for the Comwtruetlun of ► Street -by grading and groveling :on..I4th, Street .�fr .�frMA11W r Y}- -�trem Burnett to the North Side of the Cemetery, Om motion bjl the above, the Ordlnann COeltti LCas was lnstruaterl to brim in t,M (�p/L � A.f.t Ord Snane• for the Construction of ELotirnoy .Street from 12th, to 14th, Street, by grading .. and graveling. .I) ,•. _—__________..__________.___-On motion the Board /µMourned ---- 7110, df .frufduq J(uanE 4/ W:rnallnun. Tr - r .7 ` t ' rA it t�rA , ..\ i.S e••r 1 -• i i. � 1 ] � `i _ �• � 'IAM [ l ! _ 174 rr t !. f 3« � t .� ••I. � v I' `i :i lU�4•. '_'Q1 •`r1 � 1... r t t1� }. �; ;�J �!'+ + I - '„ 4t1. '.-y 21.J lJ ttlr,.�.�ji i t'f\�, °4htl %> ld A.y.f.�,. M•C L_." 1 1! 1 ! , ' +� ',Il �t �, •;•t• l +i {±4 :r:rt �1..�.[�y. ,,..JR.v, �« c r .n .r"✓n.,l..,.K ..�, w„\�1v:, ., �.4i.i.:. ,. ].j f, e1;1L 4t+ ... -'u.-.