HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 651, September 7, 1909. �`.� .{r. rtnM1,Y 1.,Y.: a :>:o i::_rY n".7:� t: rt:-^•i•'i tioM r 'yta •1U0:1'/ •�'1!'.� 4 ..., a \w wµ.M.^n— � to Council Pioceedings,:City.of'Paducah:.:___.....:...:......... _........................ 190' r_ Uouncil. eroceeaur'ia -',At Lknradupurnedneeting of the Board of Councilman, hold in the City Hall, bn the 0cun ^ll' all dumber, in the City of Paducah, Ky. September. 7th, 1909, Upon call of the rot .the fal- lowing ansoared to their name L, -Foreman, Dowsr,Duvall, Hanning Kreutter, Lally, Meyer, ... McCarthy, "Star, Wanner, Wilson and Young, (I2) . -�y1•�,"�pj,�Y,�,. On motion the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read, On motion by mambo rH.snnin, the action of the Public Improvement and'Flnanpo Committee) in regard to awarding rho contract Lor building Lha naw Pirs SC at ion known se {JI SL etion ionto Jack Cole, upon call of the roll by the following vats; -Yeas Foreman, Dower, Duvall, Hsnnin, :I ,.Kreutzer, Lally, Mayor, McCarthy, VarMoter, Wenner, Wilson and Young. (I2 ) d e f S On -notion by :camber VerMoter, the City Clerk ws aallowed $30,00 for copying the old ordinance being revised by Ur, E,H,Paryear, upon call of the roll by Lha following vote;- . - Ysss Norauw�, Dower, Duvall, Hsnnin, Krartzer, Lally, Mayer, He Cert hy, Vamnater, canner, Wildon and Yattgg, (I2) . .l.•�^^H L On motion by the above, en Ordinanoe was ordered brought in for s FF.rry at Clarks River., ,(t/L,.,. On motion by member Duvall, rrenk DUNK was granted s leave of sbaentefor 0Q deyo and v -�-'"t het he spolpt amid to be raid by the CIty, not to exceed the present CITy WEigher'e salary, was -granted, . ON Motion by member HANnin, an ordinance was ordered brought in to pave and ,gutter f Doth olds of I2th, street from Burnett to Trimble Street, : . K. L, On motion by the above, an ordinance was ordered brought In to grade and gravel I4th, STREetand fLs construction of Side walks curb anal gutt erq from DUrnett to TERr111, / ON motion by member. DUva 1, an ordbnanaa was ordered brought to pave Mth, street from /c�„ r •+ CLsy to Trimble street, . On motion by comber HAnnln, an ordlnatns was ordered brought Sn.,to grade and Frsvel /On �yiAl. Flournoy street from I2th. to I4th, street, 'G )Y .� J„A, ,f�,,,,,�, On motlon'by tnrawwwl an ordinance was ordered brought In 1 mproveing 8th, street from Trimble to Burnett street, On motion by member Hsnnin, that the proposition in regard to Ijtht0U4tb.Ssn_Tarr11n t/ •••ddd... TTT .street, being Improved, same was referred to the Public Improvement Co=M as to bee about, j 3 AZ 14-c J contract.' On motion by member Younry that side walks be lsyed rrom 16th. STREat and Trio is to A�A� t '`---7th, Street on the south etde, ems was referred �to the Ordinance commlttan and City Engineer ppII a �,�..�/'�7,.•r✓t� On motion• by member Hsnnln, the Cemetery Committee, was inetnuted to get bids for the, Improvement of the Streats•in Oak Grove Cemetery, I: �A On motion by member Lally, the -Treasurers and Auditors report was received and filed, j L On motion by the shove, the Finance allowance for enlariee ?,*to,, was allowed and the. olark ordered to draw s warrent on the Treasurer for the respective amounts, upon call of 'I- .. the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foremen, Bowers, Duvall, Hsnnln, Kreutzer, Lally, Mayer, Mc CArthyT Vanleter, Mannar, Wilson and Young, (I2) _ 1 i ` On motion by member Vaster, An ordinance PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN AI,LF.f h'YTENDSNO FROM MEY kAS STREET TO PARLEY I•WCE,BEI'WEBS PARLEY PLACE AND CLF3IFNTS STREET ?_' '�-• 1 ,JM!%B DING'AND ORAVELTNO THEREOF FROM A POINT W iME SM4: INTI'ASF:CTS THE WEST PRO BUG,. 1'Y r 652'; Council Proceedings, City of Paducah,........... 190 _JLINE OF HEYF.RS STREET TO A POINT WHERE. SAYE INTERSECTS THE EAST E96PERTY LINE OF a - PARLEY PLACE, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAN HENTUCRY,wee given 1+Sret passage, upon eLLl of .: .^, .... ithe roll Dy, the tollovring vets:-Yd&e Foremen, Bower, Duvall, Aai grouLzer, Y Lsll , Mayor, McCarthy, Y&nlleter, Wanner, Wilson and Young. ( � (12) M1 fI On eiotlon by the above; the rules were suspended on the cbovw ordinance, upo' call of t•he.roll b t::e follows .. y ng vols;-Mese Foremen, Bowerf duvLLl, N&nnin, Krsdtzer� .•' Lally„ May", McCarthy, VanYeter, Wanner, Wilson and Young, (I2) Ya�j On motion W the above the. above ordinance was, given second and final posey �~ i by title, upon 6x11 of the Toll by.the Ioloowing vote;-Yssa Foremen, Bower, Duvall, t Hannan, Kreutzer, Lally, Meyer, YO CARTIIY1V&m(eter, Wanner, Wilson and Young, (22) /Ilcbyv%�� Onmotion by member Bower, an ordinance sea ordered Drought in for the t onatruatloh of s concrete aide weak and gutters on Yeyere Street from Parley Place �,.+'''S -'� to ISLnd Crook bridge,. aM on 4th, oLrsoL to Broad street, + (/_��� M .G�`•"'�t 1u -DnmDLSbmJ`Dy. Lhs ,obov6,, a sewer at Clemente and Yspersras referred to the CpAe ; , ordlnmoe oommiLLee, , %�'K-''�'•� h On motion oy the above, shot- a petition from wra Rol Corbett be s.ith drawn isms, was granted. On Action by the above, the Clty'e attorneys vere instructed to proceed with the apes ?' gainet the East Tenn, Telephone Company, to nerreot.an cppeol from the C,S;Court,upon c&l,l of the roll by the following vote;-Yesa Foreman, Bowers, Duvall, H&m,1n,Rroutser -- Lally,er, n MeY r MOC&rE hy,. Wenner, Wilson. (IO)Nays VsnYster and Young, (2). '•. ,�0 On motion by member B&nnin, LhaLthe City Solicitor be allowed any neccseeaYI, 011 D / expense that may srrise In the above case, upon call of the roll by-Lha following vee i -Ysea Foremen, Bowers Duvall, Hamlin, Kremtser, Lally, Mayer, Motlrthy, Worm er,Wllson •<.�q { and Young, (III Nay e VenMeter, On motion by member Ereutser,'a petition tea. wet or, was referred. to t4 e1.t�� lwater company and'water mains ordered; put on the rerifi "fret, =' On motion by member Mayer, the monthly report of the Chief of Police, was 'received-,and filed. . On motion by.the &bevel that concrete floor:DbUsyed in the #4 Piro Station �= and'_the horse steals be repaired, was granted, upon call of the roll by tens following ^^<':^ r 1111 ' .' ;ole;-Yssa Foremen, Bower, Duvall, Honnin, Kreutzer, Lally, Mayer, MOC&rtby,VanI(ster, c •a."}'•..'°•'Wanner, Wilson and, Young, (I2) Qin Moon by member Duvall, the application of J, H, Patter for &retail Dols es Hoitee•at 9th, and Ky. ATO, woo referred to the License Committee, •'• �.• -�� � On motion by member Young, a complaint from James WOSlla was referred to 1' �•• he Board of Supervisors, _ on'motion by the above, & street-light woe ordered placed &&twean 16th, a " 27th: 8t, same was orWrad placed and charged to Lhe continguent turd," - i On motion by member Hannln, a daedwee granted Mrs E, M,Willle to lot # 63 n blook A,A, In Oak Orave Cemetery,, ^ f On motion by'the &bore','the action of the Cemetery Committee, was censured 1 � 1 '� I in, regard letting thecontractto'repair thou-Secsen's residents,'`, M1 I ,i 111 r i n jt. �. i {' � � 5�, , t � �.. `• r F 1�,. ._ � •'tM�JGen't+ ..:•,.7 t.m,at r ,. ,,,e.: ... .. _._... .._ .. .. .. t t l � .. ':.: ,.• '. Council Proceedings, City of Paducah,- _r'-Gi8 190 • On motion by member Wanner, the monthly report oT'the Most A, milk Inepeotor,n e' .. «.•:'''•.. .' ., � " raoeivod and filed,' <<' �•! ^----�--+'r---- --On motion the Board Adjourned----------�-. �---�--��' ' •'S '._F •. .�::e:.i ' .. dno .-" : • I a s -1 .......... • :• J'r�u,w /wrs �/ Gwwwilnuw. 1 3 a� N J. r.: J,• J d Q AL1 ;_r +1.. l , t� t 4lL • `..t: x'ltr...i-Man.-.til_ ... • .-. «.+:..r.: o. 1r.=.% .'.,Yri.<�.r..F—ri' �-....._..--...-.-._. --nr., ..-. .1 ..1 .1 -. - '