HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 645, August 2, 1909`tl 1 .. lr ,- r' - .. I. .. •.711 < 4 1 C: ...Y-.rn l�. )•..� �.'Y-_��1Y f:l ••; F1'.. �\ •1Y'i ':i:. :'.-C.�1 N,I..'S:C'1... (".i't N..w :."1?1T-\$t•0,•.. .:. ^>•rS(^T.M. .:YI I Council Proceedings,' City of Paducah,'...... 190.-iroc1 -,s ............ i j, ®u 1 A i V V i inc ;s i ___:,! _ At w rewal.ar vMtln* of #h• &,..a of CN,nellmen �. helA In �h� Cn•,�@h.1.:.h.^^, In the •I . " •.•�� 0Ity Hall, in the City of Paducah, Ky.,August 22nd. 1909, Upon 00,11 of the roll the fono0,1ng answered to their n"O&;-P*ramsn, Bowero, Duvall, Homing Lally, Mayer, McCarthy, Vanlmeter,' WaMer, Wilson and Young, (11) On motion the minutes of the previous meeting woe adopted se read, _ 'On motion by member Lally, the City Weigher, was authorized to.purohase lumber to .. . repair the City Scales, same not to exceed $3.00. , "' " "• On motion by the above, the monthly report of the City Treasurer and Auditor, was received and filed, . On motion by the above, The Fsmnce.allowonce, for salaries 6 at*., was alloweed ,.. ..'r; and Lhe Clerk ordered to draw • warrent on the Treasurer for the respeotive amounts, upon call • �" y�"pp all the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Bowers, Duvall, Banning Lally, Mayar,,. _ MoCarthy, Vanl(stor, Wenner, Wilson and Young. (II) - .. On motion by.the above, that Dr. H.P.Sighte and Johnson Bene be allowed $788.50 and $I18.00 respectively for services claimed for extra duty; vaccinating people during the ' ..._. small Pox epidemic, same was not allowed, upon call of the roll by the following ►oto( -Yeas ' "i a wMOOsrL Vanlleter, and Your (4) nave Ferman Bowers. Duvall.' ILuvltn. W,• . r R. , W6 Mel' and Wilson. (7) .. " On motion by the Wove, the balance due J,A.Jewell a Bon for the construction of a , e smoke stack 0,t the Cit Light lent y gh plant, was held up until all claims are paid, upon call of the rollDy the following vote; -1 sae Foreman, Bowers, Duvall, Manning Lally, Mayer,�lc Csrthy, Vanlloter, Wenner; Wilson and Young. (II) ' In On motion by member Vanl(oter, AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING THE NUMBER OF PIRk11EN TO BB." EMPLOYED IN THE FIRE. DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY.wee given first passage, -I upon aall of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Poreman, Bowers, Duvall, Homing Komftssy 1 Lallyg Mayor, MoCarthyg VanKeter, Wenner, Wilson 0,M Young. (II) , " 1 On motion the rules were suspended an the aboveg Ordinance, upon call of the roll by - the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Bowra, Duvall, Hamin, Lally, Mayer, McCarthy, Vanlletor, ". Wanner, Wilson and Young. (II) ._- On motion by the above, the Obove Ordlnanoe, was given second and final pseawge by � ..- title, upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Bovero, Duvall, Ronnie, .i //�'l -'•-- " Lally, Mayor, McCarthy, VanMeter, Wanner, Wilson and Young. (II) On I motion by member VanMater, the Delinquent Tax Collectors Ordinance, was referred )to the Ordinance Comrsittee, nn 0 On motion by the above, AN ORbINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE BEGULATLONS AND ORDERLY GOVERNN MENT OP PARKS, BOULEVARDS, PARKWAYS, PARK ROADS, SfftE TS, AVENUES, A ND OTHERPUBLIC GROUNDS . , UNDER THE CONTROL AND MANAOFAMT OF THE BOARD OR PARK COIWSSLONHRS, was given first pannegi, ..� upon call of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Foremen, Bowers, Duvall, Hannin, Lally, Mayor, McCarty, VanHeter, Wenner, Wilson and Young, (II) On motton by the above, the trclei were suspended an the above Ordinance, upon *all;":I .. .....,�1. �. of the roll tp the following vote; -Yeas Foremang Bowers, Duvall, Hanning Lally, Mayer, Mo-', Certhy, VenMeter, Wanner, Wlloon and Young, (II) I1 0 G�r6 ,1 Council Proceedings, City`of Paducah..........'__._ ........ :........ _. 190.' -+rw.r....�,...w. r.++ v... ..vn.�.'-u:..sew.�i:px..:�:iic:.w.�1•+,:�"U.i.VA:^;t:L.:3wl.:ti eiL.ti'C ",�t.Y!'�.i. ,'..:� t ''�b On motion the aforesaid Ordinance, ase given second sad final passage, by title, upon Call of the.roll by the following vote; -Yeas Poreman, Bowers, Duvall, H,o-'. non, (ally, Mayer; MoCorthy,VanNeter, Wenner, Wilson and Yount, (II) n W4i�, j1(/y'7gSt,,.:r '' On motion by member Vautet or, an Ordinance ,woe ordered broug!t in for -the _ Improvomont of Fountain Ave, from Monroe Street to Srlable St,for side -walks Curb .LK to 7lonm�a, Gutters. - On mOtlon the Ordinance Committee, was ordered to bring in an Ordinance, for side -walks curb and gutters on -Clay Street from Sth. Street to Pountain Ave„ - i(,Q On motion by member vonMeter, AN ORDINACE FIXING THE SALARY OF THE CITY. TREASURER OF THE CITY OF PDAUCAH KENTUCKY, DEFINING HIS DUTIES, AND DESIGNATING A PLAC3 THAT HIS OFFICE SHALL BE MAINTAINED, was given first pedeege, upon call of the roll.Dy.'I; • the following vote;-YeaeP or man, Bowers, Duvell,.Hannin, Lally, Myer, McCarthy, Ln-., I ;� Motor, Wenner, Wilson and Young. (II)- .» - On motion the rules were suspended on the above Ordinance, upon call of the •.' ., roll ,by the following vote;-Yeae Foreman, Bowers, Duvall,Hamin, Lally, Myer, Yo- :,I . ,..: !. ... arthy, VaniMbey Wanner, Wilson and Young. (Il) - On motion by the above, the above Ordinance, was given. second and final par : .. -„ ;A - - sage, by title, upon coal of the roll by the following vote;-Yeae Foreman, Bowers, W ' - Duvall, Heroin, Lally, Mayor, McCarthy, Veneto' ,Wanner, -Wilson and dung, .(II) On motion by the. above, AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE OFFICE OF CITY WEIGHER'' '�'','���''A" OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH KENTUCKY, FIXING HIS SALARY, BONO, AND DEPINDNG HIS DUTIES.we- V o given first passage, upon call of the roll by the following vte;-Yeae Poremen, Bowers:,,; I. • .: Duvall, Aamin, Lally,� ever, McCarthy, VanMster, Wanner, Wilson and, toung, (II)<_ :-�'•. ;. w-. ..On motion the rules were cuapended'on the above Ordinance, upon call of the '•`'�. roll by the roll by the fol owing vote; -Yee Forman, Bowers, Duvall, Haman, Lally, ^'I _. Myer, mYOCsrtlpr,:Yenl[etarWsmor, Wilson and Young, (II) '. F ' `Cn motion by the above, The above Ordinance, wee given second end final pss- asgs, by title, upon sell of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Pormen, B owers, 1 - �; ...•. :; Duvall, Hannan, Lally, Mayor, McCarthy, VmMster, Wenner, Wilson, and Young,. (II) � •. - ,. ;On motion.by the aboms, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A DEPUTY CITY JAILER BY THE CITY JAILER OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH KENTUCKY AND PROVIDING; �tiy,'• <:: �'S FOR HIS COMPENSATION TERM OF OPKCE BOND AND DUTIEB,vse given first pesagn upon call ••. � [sR "•�'of the roll the following rote;-Yeae Poreman Bowers Duvall Roman Tall Y< r by 6 r e r e y, p r . '/,'� ' • YoCartby, VanMeter, wanner, Walson and Young, (11) - .�.: On mowion the else we» .suspended On theaboveOrdinance, upon Call of the ' 'r•,• • roll'by the following .vote;-yess Pormon, Barre, Duvall, HaR nin, Lally, Map r, No art} • Vangeter, Wenner Wilson and Young, (II) 'I 1 On motion by the above the above Ordinance was given second and final parr 1 - 1 age, �by upon Call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeae Foreman, Bowers,; Duel � .title, Ramin, Lally, Mayer, McCarthy, VanNoter, Wanner, Wilson and Young, (II) •i �rLa••. _.. On motion by the above, AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SAI1Y AND BOND OF THE CITY: r JAILER PRESCRIBING RIS DUTIES AND POWERS,'wens e gi,m first passage, upon pall m roll Dy -Lbs following vote; -Yeas Foreman, Bowers, Duvall, Hamin, Ially,. Msp r, MoCarty -+rw.r....�,...w. r.++ v... ..vn.�.'-u:..sew.�i:px..:�:iic:.w.�1•+,:�"U.i.VA:^;t:L.:3wl.:ti eiL.ti'C ",�t.Y!'�.i. ,'..:� t ''�b ��1, it ; _ .r a ... I, '•� - - 647 Council Proceedings, City of Paducah..,......... .... ...... . ....... .... . ..... ....... .. ....... 190 Ven+Meter, Wenner, Wilson and Young. (II) - ,- -' On mM1Om by the above, the rules were suspended, on the above .Ondinonm, upon 'cell of the roll by the following vote; -Yeas Porem , Bewora, Duvall, HsnnlnLolly, Mayer, ��.., McCarthy, Wenner, Wilson and Young. (II) . •.;,�':: _'_. Nt rotlon by the above, tl:e &boys Ondinaoa, was given second and film pas®pp•• - -' by title, upon well of the roll by the following vote;-Ye&s Poreman, Bowers, Duvall, Hahn in Lally, Mayor, McCarthy, Wenner, WilsonmA YY°�+g, (II). . On notion By member v:ZH r,^6 &treat U t of 14th, & Kantu cky Ave„ was ✓il Y. �J'� QK referred to the Board of Public Works, U n, On motion by member Mayor, the Chief of Pollee m port, was receival ant filed, t A On motion by member Duvall, O,Lsahlss h Co, was granted a Hoto11 Coffee House License and Bond s000ptedi at I2th, and Madison gt„upon coal of the roll by the following. A�•�-[u- vote;-Yeaa Poramen,.Bowere, Women, Hannln, Lally, Mayor, McCarthy, Vanilotsr,. and Wilson (81 .. Mays Duvall, Wanner and Young,. (3) AU/On motion by member Wenner, the monthly report of the Meat &'Milk Ing ector, waw resolved and filed. ��,/./����/0/d_� _ On notion by member Rennin, an Ordinance emending the precent Ordlnenae, m gulet' Sng thed►plaottmomid mBeain Oak Grove Comet”. ' '- Z" on motion by the above, the bid of.Artz & Talbot for laying of pipe. and el6 %inpr� n ,r, d Fiydrugr in O►k Grove cemetery for 1,30; oOr se ratified upon all of the roll: by'the +following voter, -Yeas Poremon, Beware, Duvall, Iirmin, Lally, Mayor, McCarthy, Venust or,'Wenner,Wilson.• and Young. (II) "nn aotlrn by mMber Wanner, that the previous vote takon'in ropard'to Dr. BIght and Boso'e claim for extra early as rendered, was grunted, rn '0A_ On motion by memberLhlkyj.thet the Claim of Dr, gighte and Bice be ellowed,'.wee /k1�h VAgranted, upon all of the roll by the following vote;-YO&e Bowera, Duvall, Hannin, 1A11y, Ijgp,O Mayer,. Mocarthy,-Vonmeter, Wormer; Wilson amd Young, (IO) Neve Poremen, (I) .......:......._.Cn action the Board �P...... G/�9 . t .. .-- A1.)p'. til �� r ♦: ♦ t Ir � � (, IL 1 i u.�5}J{M1•�.. �. 1.0 1f sf, i f. M.o.�...r.r. f 1.+ � ay ...m , •-} . 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