HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 616, February 15, 1909,ogs ,uncil Proceed! Als:regul&r nee I Ling of the Board of Councilmen, hold Ilk the Ct—.1111 Chamber, Im ho'City Hall, In the City.of Paducah, Ky. Pobruary ISth. 1909. Upon call of the roll,,.:..:Y.,: he fallowing answered to their manes;-P9rmon, Severe, H&mIn. KrsutT.ori TAIIY# sCarthy, VartMoterp Wenner, Wilson acid Young. (IT) On notion a somuniewtion from City Engineer L.A.Washington,* in r*Csrd.%4 a plot -of Ground belineing Le R.Y.Lightfoot, was referred. to the Street Comml Duvall am@ In. 6 Oil motion by a tmh*r Tally, th at the City pay ...5 .43 and O.W.KatterjeAn *Pay x25.00 for.improvoments done on the Humbpnds property in Feeley Plate, allowed, upon call of, -roll by the fellowinj vote; 7Ye&o For a man, Sewer, Duvall, Bennis; Kreutzer, Tally, Mayor, McCarthy, V&nMeter, Wenner Wilson and Young, (11) Heys Bower. (I) ..On motion thwt,the Hand of Goo.W.17alters as City Treasurer be seseptedo "a grant ad, upon call of the roll by the following v0ts;7yG&oPorm*n, Bower, Duvallp Havlin, Xroutzor, TAllyp Mayerp McCarthy, VanHator', Wmner,. Wllson�wnd Young. (12) On notion by member Tally, the atmi-monthly w1lewano* of the Joint Finance Corl­ mittes, for eel arias & etc. was allowed and the Clark ordered ;to drww warrant in the Treasurer for the respeativ* . mounts, upon pan call of the.roll by the following vote;-Yo&x, IForeman, Howler, Duvall, -Unnin, Kroutear, Tally, Mayor, McCarthy, VanMeterq Wannerlftlan, oM Young. (12) , L On motion by member VanMot*r, An Ordinanse requiring Saloch kespera,..to be aeoul- wried by a Policeman, when entering thtir VLacen' of bulanass, after *losing J2 oolook Saturday, Night until 5 oolook AzU, Monday morning, was referred to the Ordinanee Commit too. On notion by member Mayeri that:the Piro Department be furnished. with 4000 f Fir, 9 Hose and two patent dorne Collars, was referred to the Fire & Polls* CommIttGe6.,;,.. On Nation by momber McCarthy, a notion In r*gsrd to,Owl.C&ra, was resolved and On notion by zabor.Bower, & motion In teased s. dedicatiori by Mr,Ketterjohn of a street where Broad street aressom Croon Crank, was resolved and filed. On motion by the &bevel & motion in regard tea dedication franc Broad Street to the Mayfield Road, was resolved Q10 filed. On nation by the above, that the Contract of buildings Sewer along Bradshaw's and & dead accepted to Two TAts, Crick be given to M.R.Walke'l;was granted, upon *all of the roll by the following vote; 'A YwasPoroman, Bower, Duvall, Henning Kreutzer, Tally# Mayefg UGC&rthyt V&nueter V or ann Wilson andng You. . (12) On notion by the Aboves that the Contrast for the improvement of the I,@* and Lincoln Buildings for A2195.00 be awarded to Jack Cole, was grantedl upon call of the' L roll by the follow . ingvot*+Ye&a Poreman tflawast Duy►s.1 I Remain, Kroutzerl Tally* Mayor, 9 McCarthy,. V"Mater , ' Wenner Wilson + and Young. (j2) ' On motion by member Young, the% &' motion -indr*g%rd to the Wamen& Club, was.reeeiv a- ........... ad and filed.' ' .•,• •fir <` F t. ! ° 1, ' ' i1t}Ir,'11. t t) Council Proceedings,'.CityofPaducai;,_190 A " •On nation by umber Hannlw, a request from jai :s Oshlsehlaeger, for al transfer of a ? Lot In Oak-Orovs Cemetery, was received and filed. Y the above On motion D that Leta IxrOakr'Orovi': �.OTC, AdditloR be:•seld ,es: follows; -inside :. X30.00 out -aide �.A0, 00 was granted upon sell of the roll by the f01) owing' vOte;-Yeu Foremen, Btwer, Duvall, Hannin, Kroutzor, 1^11y, Moyer, McCarthy, Vanlleter, Wanner, Wllnon andYoung(L2)) VG 7�••'��`�f �'` OR motion by the above, that A6.00 be charged sash Grove, Was referrad to. the Ordi ,. ....-'.. ante Committee. ' On motion by the above, that the Sezton of Oak Grove have the Tress' 1•elnovedfrom �•: Oak Grove Addition, at'odd times, was ratified. On metionby the above, that the action of the Cemetery'Committoc, be coneured-In •In regard to grenting permission to W.F.Pazton to arect a Mausoleum for A,J,Oreif in Oak ..0rove Cemetery, vas granted, - On motion by the above, Boston MAttleon of Oak Grove Cemetery, wan given permieston �• Lc �� to sell the Horne now In use and buy another, upon call of the_roll by the following vote;- AMiL�, Yews Porewan, Rower, Duvall, donning Kreutzer, 1:nlly, Mayor, He Carthy, VmMeter, WAnner, Wilso , .. .J L...__... _ and Young. On.( on motion by the above, a plat of Cak Grove Addition drawn by City Unglnear L. A. u •Washington, was odopted. - On motion by member VanHster, an Ordinance was ordered brought in probhiting persons., from throughing taoeh F. Rte, In the Streets and Alleys'. - OR motion by member Young, ► notion In regard to the 'SLonAorA 011:Co, wan received ,,1„dn, LLL((idi••,•••((G„ C Ind filed, _ I OR motion by the above, City Solicitor Janes Campbell Jr, was instructed to offer Mr. Terlan ^25.00 for property lecatea at the West hhd of Kentucky Ave,upon call of ties roll ! .. by the following vote,-Ysos Foreman, Rower, Duvall, Rannino Kreutrer, Lally, 14, yor, 1AeCorthy, .. i amMster, Wenner, Wilson and Yining. (I2)' On motion by the above, the Ordinance Committee, was Instructed to bring In sn,0rd '+ WtiC 4thagt+ `inenee, regulating the Store,ea of 011., , 0 11 _, I •, '• On motion by the above, the book of Rules of lest year, was adopted 'for'the year 1909,: . On notion by member Kreutzer, the Ordinaoes Committee, was Inotructed to bring in an'. , a�Ordln"as regulating the Fruit Paddlers, un On motion by umber McCarthy, the City Solicitor, was Instructed to employ an Attor no at Hot Springs, to take depositions the Robinson asee, OR motion by member W&nner, the Dedication of an Alley, between Clements oiu '.Neyerc .. •Street, was referred to the Street Conmlttec. »--- —------ »--- --- 0m metlon the Board Adjourned ----------- --- L n Eaov� o E.., wL ( 19(19 G(ri. . '•' ' ..'.... ".L�_ ��.../•�• ,�y_+� Plasidenf Nw,rlA a r . _ .. 1I 1 ' M! ft, F.• )., .<.` P, '.IAV 4„ .r' •'• :. Loi: ( f�.'f,. r,