HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 592, October 5, 1908.. j y Council Proceedings, City of Paducah, _ ... ..... ._... _ 190 r �('• ♦♦ At a regular meeting of the Board of Councilmen, held in phe council Chamber, In10� 0�'r «:`: .: City Hail, in Lhs City of Paducah, Kentucky. October r�th. 1908, on orll of the roll •�[•.• '11L he following answered to their nsmee;-Lindsay, Bower, Du•ell, Cornsilteonr Poromur,' Ford, Kreutzer, Lackey, Mayer, VanMeter., Wilson and Young. (I2) ... . On motion by memeber )aakeyi the Snml-monthly allowmee for the loot halt of Sept••"- � ,�".'. t;•ti JS1t', 0nber 1908, use allowed and the Clerk ordered: to-. drewwarrent on thi Treasure for sem r.;.` . ;pen sell of. the roll by the fallowing rote; -Yeas Lindasy, Bower, Duvall, Cornellleon, . , Pordr Kreutzer..LockeYr Ma err VrnMete`.1., rr Wilson ad Young. (I2)' ) 04, ,remenr On motion by member Lackey, the Honthly report of the City Trsxwrs and Auditor, I wse, reaelved and filed, F ��� -- �� = • 11 On motion by member Tsoke the request Yi quest of A}S.Elliottthst he De sllowea, to pay r ,Lhs City of Paducah, ky: the sum of $ISJ.00in full settlement for the street improve- ' t mentet the propr.,ty located near 9th, and Ohio Streets, the action of the Finance cow"." �♦ �' 'mittee, was codoured-in. t'�t. ': 'Nr•' • '��•,�'I`^`''-`�,'' On motion by Membar VenMeter, An OrAin ace Regulating the Storage of nil, in the VCity of Paducah, Ky, was referred to the C SL y Solicitor to 'furni eh information, in re-,'+: ,�' • O♦ r gsrd to this Ordinance having now in existence s duplicate, and now in offset. On motion by member Foreman, that Side-walks.be putt down from IIth. Street to, theN 11 i b 04w,. Drlf Union Depot, was killed, in not censuring In the action of .the Aldermen. �ff On motion by Lhe-above, that the Rescue Mleelon be granted '`„90.00 a month out of L '' the $750.00 apportionment for Chairety, was loot, upon o911 of the roll by the follow- i• Ing vots;Yeas None, Neys Lindsay, Bower, Duvall, Cornollieon, Foremen, Ford, Kreitzer, I . - sokey, Mayerp VanUater, Wilson .and Young. (12) `- �{.. t! Qn motion by the abolo, that:the City Jail' be furnished, with Two Beth Tube, was i �ost, upod.oall of the ,roll b the followingvote;-Yeas Aower, Cornollieon end Youn .Jt'�i' y r g� Nays Lindsay, Duvall, Foreman, PorO, Kreytzer, )ackey,.Msyer, VanNoter tnd 10toon. (9)'I',,`"' • 1JI On motion by the above, the Monthly report of the Milk and Most Inspector, was : reoeived� and filed. On motion by member Cornelltson, a report from the Paducah water Company, of thr, ixteneion of Lhoir'Msina on Outhrie Ave. beginning 400 feel ,oleo Rsrrison Street from lI!2th, Lo 13th, was resolved and the, . Fire Plugs ordered puton the rental list, �t upon F e'11 of th.• - roll by the following vote;-Yeas,Lindesy, Bower, Duvsll,.Correl).leon, Pore iL �an,- Pordi. Kroutzer, Lacks Ma er, VmMeter Wilson and Y 11 r Yr• Mayor, r at+nS. (I2) l ..On motion by member Kreutter, the Public Impro,•ement ComtltLee, was authorized ,, `(! po�yer Lo sot, to repair the Chimney ea the Farm of the Post Houao.' ',- y),' n• On motion by the above, the Bdb}Son Impro•eneoDaOomd1ttee was. authorized to- r- chase canvass to mako'Deds in the ' City .1911, with power to act.. "POIvA�wM. S� ' On motion by the above, that 9 Fountain be put at I3th. and Tennessee Streets tt .''^•'• . for watering Stock, was referred .to the Light and Wster,CormelLtes' ),' "'• ,,.On motion by member Duvall,'a drinkingFountain be put at IOthJ and Trimble Strota" T' was referred to the Public Improvsmont Committee, L ,� Mac ♦ - t_ - 'I�' fi-� � ......+r.�tw,�� ➢�t''°` �l'��'4 ',r11si'`.i l�,'1 Y�.�1'�tet} ',v:i.,t♦... n. {``s w° ,. `pry L: rr I -• v l r �ZK^AY'.>NJ..µi4k! yU'P'>c awPs�:1f'• "Pi jr'.a Y. ' ` I . I `5U •':: :,7 ' 'few,. � 1, .; nl +�'nl, ^•._; Council Proceedings, City of Paducah:.....::':.:.. 1:is::..::.............':.: 1 190 _ ..._..... On motion by member Meyer, the monthly report of Chief of Police Joe, Collins, we re- calved end filed.•' 'On motion by rember Bower, the City Eitineor wan instructed to provide some manna for M,Prult to connect with Mr. Agnewla laterial,, at 5th. and Ohio Strees.e. . 0,C[aNd1 j� On motion by the above, the action of the Street Committee, was oonoured-in, In regard a petition from Plunket Hill. � On motion by the above, the monthly report of the Board of Health, was received and filed. In I /J =' -On motion by member Mayor,.a deed woe granted B,P.Saars to Lot 16 Block 44 in Oak Orbvef. _.... ......_. Cemetery. .; 0 �Y�.�,�, L L On motion by member Young, the Ohio Valley Improvement Aeeu, was allowed(e2C0.0 0) Two Hundred Dollars, to be taken out of the Continguent rand, upon call of the roll by the !ellen-' ' ing Vote;—Yo" Lindsay, Bower, Duvall, Cornellison, Foreman, Ford, Kreutzer, lAokey, Mayer, . 1 VenMstar, Wilson and Young. (I2). .. On motion by member Mayer, a complaint from Sam I. Levy for over assessment, was 'referrIad to the Board of Supervisors. , On motion by member Vanveter, ,that the Public Wharf be improved by placing gravel on O crk�.a the drive was wee' Y 8 , ways, granted upon call of the roll b the followin vote; -.Yeas Lindsay, Bower,. 1' .. Duv41, Cornellison, Foreman, Pord, Kreutzer, Mayer, VanMeter, Wilson and Young. (II) Nays Laskey. (I) .. .. my -L On motion by member Young, s petition from the voters of the City of Pr. o - Y du sh Ky. in be-. .. 4i1 + .hslf of the City to purchase^tha.Watar.Worke, by insuring bonds, was received old filed, and the petitioners prayer granted eo far. an It relates to the Water Works. , L„r.cf.•L IliCb�li(`_ly-..`� On moblonrby the abose, An Ordinance for the purchase of the Water Works, was referred) to the Ordinance Comsittee lon.the voters to have right to vote on same, upon call of.the roll. . .I 1 by the following vote; -Yeas Bownr, Duvall, Cornellison, Foreman, Fodd, Kreutzer, Lackey, Wilson, ' f and Young. (9) HAys LSNdeay, Mayer and VanMeter. (3) .. „ On motion by member Duvall, a oomunloatlon from City Enginner Washington, rion referred " to the Street Committee. On motion by member Duvall, the City Engineer was instructed to make an estimate against the•CSty of the Coat of work do be done at IOth• and Broadway, upon call of the roll Dy the following vote; -Yeas Lindaay, Bowes, Duvall, Cornellison, Foremen, Ford, fro•utrer, Emokey, Mayor, yer, vanMeter, Wilson and Young, (I2), L a1M. no .On'otlon by member Cornellison, the Public'Improvement Committee, wag Instructed t � U Lytul ��a„� put up LM 'l1Ao Pountalna that ars not in use. :. 1 .: '..., motion the Board adjourned--------------- ---__-_�__- _ 'SiOFSLFITJ T' 1 % 908,o G , OCT' w 908 0W�z' oc. .,.. .. 4L/ . ZY oar r 11111x11..la•. I• . � 1. 1