HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 585, August 17, 1908:.I .Council Proceedings : At a regular meeting of the Board of Councilman, hold in the Coubail Chamber, iRthe City.. • Ball In the City of Padueah, Ky. August 17th. 1900, on *all of the roll thefollowing answered, M •', �' to Moir rumen; -Duvall, Cornollison, Foreman, Ford, Leokey, Mayer, VmMater, Wilson and Young,(8) 't w• Chairman. Lindsay not being p»sent, the Clerk siutounosd the first thing in order, wasto *lest a President Pro Tem, for this meeting, member Laskey was pissed In nomination with out ' v.•,,T��,,•. -oposltion, and on sell of the roll the following announced Lao key when their names were aalled; (`••`• Duvall, COrnellleon, Foreman, Ford, Mayer, Vsnmeter, Wilson and Young, (7) Kreutzer and Bower �• some rovements On motion the Ordinances for $15000006 and �$0,000,Bonds for Street and sid18elksin the DQI� t . ,�r6ppGl�s/{3.i&C4•9ity of Paducah, Ky. to be voted on by thm paopie,was reeonaidered, on sell of the roll. by the oda O'¢O follswing vote; -Tose Duvall, Cornellison, Pord,Kroutzers Mayer'.Wilson No Young. (7) Heys . ,,r t - Wkey, Bower, Foreman and Venveter6 (4) f On motion the minutes of the previous meeting was adopted as aorrsated, l'',;�"Sc.':• On motinn the Mayor was authorized to make a Deed to A;S,E116ott for a lot at 8th, and ♦ : t.,IC Ohio Streets fronting 13 feet on Eight Street, Si On motion by member Young, s request from City Solicitor James.Campboll, that the City pay his expenses to New York and Boston, to obtain evidence in the case against the Feat Tenn,' OCL,r:. Telophana Covpeny, use posponad for a*tion: . On motion byvember VenMeter, the City Engineer, was instructed to offer sir,. Thomas Torian I -a 1#25.00 for a plat of ground at the Intersection of Fifteenth Street for the City.' On motion by member VanVoter, the Semi-monthly allowance of the Joint Finance Committee ., 'for or salarios heto. was allowed and the Clark orderedtodraw warrant for same, on *all of the - i roll by the following vote; -Yeas Lackey, -Bowers, Duvall, Cornalliaon, Foremen,.Ford, Kreutzer, (Mayor, VanMeter, Wilson and Young, (II) + On motion by the above, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING MR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ALLEY RUNNING �Q� r iPROM, THIRTERMTH TO TWELFTH STRF:RT BETWFF?I BEFFERSON AND YONROF. STRFETS, BY GRADING AND GRAVEL( Nom- lU ;ING AND GRAVELIHO, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KY, "a given first peonage, on or11 of 4he roll by' /a�ths following Tose;-Yeas L*key, Bowers, Duvall, Comel;ison, Foreman Aord, Kreutzer, Mayer, ivenMeter, Wilson she Young, (II) On motion by the ebave, theroles.were"suspended, on the above Ordlnanoe, -on call of therio: jby the folowing vote;-Yesu Leakey, Bowers, Duvall, Cornolllnons Foremen, Ford, Kreutzer, #dyer. jVankotor, Wilson and Young. (II) On Mallon by LM above, thesbove .Ordienos mae given second and final passage, by LSLIAI , r i r. ion sell of the roll by the following vote;-Ye*a Lackey Bower, Duve110nCornsllleon, Foreman; //%%�� Q.,.. ,• 1Pord, Kreutzer, Meyer, VenMeter, Wilson, and Young, (II) `✓IA V -4m" r( On motion by the above, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE TRAN3P£R AND ASSIGNMENT OF LICE NSF. I I , ;TO SELL SPLPITIOUS VINOUS AND MART LIQUORS BY RETAIL IN A 6AIAON OR COFFEE. I(OUBF IN THE CITY OF, iPADUCAB• KY. WAS given asoond and final passegg on sell of the roll Dy the fallowing vote; -Ya" n,,ti':.•.. Laskey, Borer, Poreman, Ford, Kreutzer, Mayer, VanMeter and Wilson, (8) Nays Duvall, Cornelllson. iand Young. (3) i OVER. , IV. . . Council Proceedings, City of Paducah. _.......... .._ ....... .190 IOn notion by member Poremen, the action of the Light and Water Committee, was a 4 oonoured Inv In regard,to the •lighting of the CarNgla Library,-.ome to be done, if thete,ia money suffioent co do so. OOn notion by member Foramen, a Dedication was received from.F,M.McGlathe '•� � . 7�S ry for a ''•�60•r00t strip of land running from the Mayfield Rood to The. onion Depot. - On lotion by member Corns111eon, s petition from residents and property owners .l ,near Long Park for three lights in name, wee. ordered put up, and the expense of nano be !` J I1drawn from the Contlnugeni fund, On call of the roll by the following vote;—Yesehaokey,'', aware, Duvall, Cornellsion,Porazon, Pord, Kreutzer,, Layer, VeoMeter, .wileon andYoung.Gr) On motion by member Layer, a oomunicatian from property owners of Plunkett Hill, C/l in regard to Fire proteotion, was referred to the City Engineer and City Solioitor for p Sflrsetigation and refer-. beck. ,.. ,.; On motion by membor Layer, the Hayor was authorized to notify the Standard oil Oe ppto abate the miicense now existing, at Ioth. and Monroe' Streets, in osnouring in the'. 'OX action of the upper Board. :On motion by meAber Duvall, the appllcatian.of J.L. Potter for Ra tail Coffee .Homes � , License, at 637 Campbell St. was Lolled, on *all of the roll by the following vote;— , .,leaeNons, Hays Lackey, Sowers, Duvall, Cornellison, Foremen, Pond, Kreutzer, Mayer, Van' - Meter, Wilson and Young., (II) O� K.�• On motion by member Boremen, J.L.Potter'e money for Retail Coffee House License, l• '. �d^ royes osdereA ra11u40ed, on Ball of the roll by the following vote;—Yale Leokey, Bowers, �•�� Divohl, Cornellison, Foreman, Ford, Kreutzer, Mayer, VanLeter, Wilson and Young. (II) I Ems' '-1„ •(1Gn (�j �_/ On notion by member Ford, a dead was granted Mrs. R.J.Dloke to Lot 66 Block AA in k Grove. Cemetery. On motion by member Pord, a resolution in regard to the covering of'.grares .in. Oak Grove Cemetery, was referred to the Cemetery , Committee. r 111f Q - On motion by memberBowera; a oomuniostion from Geo Bernhard in regard to the �•'w".W,QSmrorage, man rofferrad to the Sewer Committee. ,y on action by member Bowera, a oomplaint from property owners and residents, In �-+regard to the Sewer, .was reforred to the Swwerags Comvittee;nM City E]igincar. On notion by the above, the City Engineer, was instructed to have Sewer build to 'I I 4- /7 cGe Oak Grove Cemetery, on sell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas Lackey, Borers, I , r liusell, Cornelleion, Foreman, Pord, Kreutzer, Mayan VWlater, Wilson and Yong (II)~ On motion the above, a oomuniaeyion from mrs;otue Thomas, was referred to the treat Committee: �� , On notion by member Layer, the Mayor was instructed to have the .Chief of Polios 4. 4 lie dPA,2 i�nforos the ordinance, requiring the Owners or drivers of Automobele to Dare lights 'sa. j; (r Quired, Dy Ordinance. - ,, on motion by member.Formon,.the City Clerk m►e ordered to notify The City Ballot I -�, to bring in an Ordinanos oreating a City Baler.�•. motion the Board Adjourned U-Ity G! `MI.e/CarMitawa '!. u t M� i.i�..�.c, r.u. ,� •au;w9.1 .uuy:�Y. �.rn v '4 1 W,uy,�.:.. k1s_S�.J.dw�.-.-a:i.•:,.yr�i.i.:.F k*t t ...aw.. I.L i:.L.4 C'e. � 4 i ♦q I