HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 557, April 20, 1908T Coiuncil Proceedings, City Of'Paducsh,,_.. _ 190 Council Proceed;Afl f fll s At • regular meeting of the O and Of Ceunellmen, Hold to the Counsll Chambers in the Oitiy Hall, in the City Of.'ladus",Oh Gall of the roll the Following answered to their•nous;- e.. vnlc: Lindsay, Bower, Duvall, Carnellison, Foreman, Pori, Kreutzer, Lekoy, Mayer,A Wlleon� and Young. On motion the minutes of the previous meetings, were adapted as read,` On motion •petition Eton Sherrill -King Mill and GUUr Ca, for exemption tram 4aies, and money refunded, for sass, was referred to the FinaneG Committees On motion the City Solicitor, and Ce-Counall, wan requested to push the eulL against Thi �Esat Tennessee Telephone Co. Yp hhalf of the City. On call of the roll by the fellowing tete;- Yoos Lindsay, Bower, Duvall, Cornelliaon, Foreman, Ford, Kreutzer, Lackey, Mayers VaNgtor, 'Wilson, and Young. (I2) . On nation by seeder Lackey, the semi -Monthly report of the last halt or April 1908 for �aalarlen h Eta. wss allowed on sell of the gall by the following vete;-YaaaLlndaa flower, Duval �.�. Z -.a I Yr i 6 Cornellizens Poreman, Port, Aroutzer, Lackeys Mayer, VanNotsr, Wilson, and Young. (I2) O y of the Hack 0rdinanos, to notion Section 8 on pap 5e was Puy up for awawdment'and was lost on sc11 at thac P&U ►y the fellewing vote; -Yeo, lower, .(S') Nays ldndasy, Duvall, Cornsllisorls Foreman, pard„gfaljpsn .:. _. LNksy, M.v:r, vaNpter, Wilson and.Yaung. (II) to :- by member Bawer, ' .. O1k.mGtI",1n amamd ant to the Hack Ordinanao Boundry, was granted on sell of the roil ►y .Ethe following vete;- Yeo Bower, Duvall, Foremen, Kreutzer, Lackey, Mayor, and Wilson, (7) Nays - Lindsay, Carnollisan, Ford, Venllatar, and Young. (S) —”- On motion by umber lAcksy there wen ineartad in the Hack Ordinance, ua.1 In line 5 .. actor the word Street, the following to wit;-, akd or South Side of Jeff. Between 3rd, and nth Street. On motion %hero was striken from the Hack Ordinance, in See. 4.page 3line7 bglnn.t after the word minutos,•with the word abuta In line 7 that part of line17-8-9-IO-II-13-I3-I4 and Iii .,` ending with the ward dismissed. Also line 16 the following words mars stricken out; -'than one'l .0„`.' stop exceeding* beginning after the wort Ezonoding, with the following;-aflftoeY miuutes. iso t consumed including all stops; was added, and the wordsaflfton minutes lain line 16 the nexti. •``!•`. ward 'mad** was striken out. In line IS after the word•haura starting with the wiria►ut end'"'. ending with tho.word stated• in line 19• On notion b umber VasMeter the y gadk Ordinanos was gluon first passage on stall of thal t• re Ll by the fallowing vote; -Yeo Lindsey, Bawer, Cornelliun, Foreman, Ford, Kroutzer, Lackey, .J7In';z• Mayors VonMoter, W11ssn, and Young. (II) Nays Duvall. In notion the rules were suspended on the above Irdlnanse an call of tko roll Is y* the r°;r' .,followimg vote; -Yeas LindsaFr Bowerr Duvalls Foramens Fordo KroutZorr, LacksYr Mayers Vadletar r WSlsan and Yaun (I2 On notion by mentor VWloter, the above Ordlnonea was given second and final passage by title on, call of the roll by the follwing vote; -Yeas Lindday, Bower, Derne1118e11, Porenan, Pard troutZer, Lackeys Mayor, Var,Wter, Wilson, and Young. (II) Nays Duv►l.l. (I) - ----en motion the Roads Adjourned to meet Apr11.2Ist, 1908v0Y% ----------'------ - _`: •s: May 4 1908 ._ oINV= y� 1908 vary