HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 543, February 17, 19081 1 ! �•i.���+,r,. `'"}f�.z5^:N'lL�.i.,. r?� !a�cia,.{�,r,. t. �•-a-,�. y.rq;a �wr r;* �oezr .7 Y �, .e: :.� � .i: �.` tir. '; . t 1 n.`.; pf7r ti1.A NMi„ 1`fI RI r l - •!t (�o .(t ! r -..ti , Council Proceedings, City of Paducah.,.:.::,, ... 190 At regular mating of theCeunellmen held In the City Holl# In the City of Pdusah, Ky. Fond r"ry,17th..19OO, On sell of. the roll the following, answered to their name&;- Lindsay,Bswsrl. ^'4 - Duvall, Foreman, Pard, Kroutaer, Wkoy, Mayer, Wilson, and Ysung.(I0). .... ''.. ,On Motion ly'zsu"r:'Lekey,Lthe et►tsmant or'the,PlnenesLOemrittesjt.Hp salrleakete. - was allowed and the.Clerk, authorised te draw warrent fer.same,(YanYetsr some In) On cell of the roll as followsr Yeas LindenYr Bewsrr Duvallr Foreman Fords Kreutzerr WksYr Ma eir1 VenKeter, Wilsen, and Young. (II) .. i .On Motion An ardinanes to amend section threes it An Ordin•nee Entitled, "IVEHICLES was given first ansa •;_ ;, gl ! ge, an cell of the roll as robins; You Lindsay, 8ewerq, ➢oremen,. Fordin, Krouts•r, Laskey, Meyer, VanKster, Wilson, and Young. (IO) Nays Duvall, (I) 'I On motion the rules were suspended, on the above Ordinance, On call of the boll s: by the following vete;- Yeas LlndsayshBowpr, Duvall, Foreman, Ford, Krcutzcr, Laskey, Mayor, l VemYct•r, Wilson, and Young._ (II) ',•� � r- On Motion the above Oddinense, Entitled,"VEHIOLES "sena given second and final psoaq ap Toy tltls,On sail of the roll as fsllews;-Yeas Lindsay, Bower, Foremen, Ford, Kreutzer, Luka I �Mayor, Vsnlleter; Wilson, and Young. (10) Noyf Duvall.(I) 6a'^ 11 �• On notion the action, or the Mayer was .senourd in, of the appointment of James { Campbell Jr. ter the term of four years, an City Sellsltor. .. ... .. i On motion by member Foreman, a communication from the Paducah Water CoAn regsrdlts laying water mains on West Harrison St. was resolved and the Fire Plug ordered put of the rental l list. On call of the roll a. follows; Yue Lindsay, Bower, Duvall, Poreman, Ford Kreutzer, Lacks Mayer, VenWter, Wilson And Young. (11) On motion the report of Chief of Police Jae. Collins was received and filed, after having \sen signed. t�r segs ref rr�gd �, • I Oftise, On m ie trrr �mp ev dent, fo®Sues to report on improving the. Olerk e On motion the retill Coffes House License of Lew@ and Johnson 300 South 9th. St,, i wan transforod to 1132 South IOth. St.ON call f the roll ac follows;- Yoga Lindsey, Bower, Duvall, Foreman, Ford. Kreutzer, Lackey, Mayer, VanKeter, Wilson, and Young. (II);. 'I On motion John Llndenfleld was granted Rttell Coffee House License at 134 Bouch 44h n�� • f 8trcot.s On call of the roll e f Lews;-Yves Lindsay, Bawer, Duvall, Forgan, Ford, Kreutzer, 1 ... !� Lackey, Mayer, VanKeter, Wils'•n, and Young. (II) On motion the appllsatlen of Herbert Johnson for retail Corte• House Llesnag, Its "1``AA,, 1121 Kentucky Ave, was reffored back to him„as he had not mdevorfldavlt to posting mtleas. On C/�lv sell of the roll as follows;- Yue Lindsay, Bawer, Duvall, Peremen, Ford. ,:Rrout' A, Lackey, Kayert VanKoter,.Wilsen, and Young. (II) f. On motion ly memlcr Duvall the money of Jewell Bras, wan Lord•red refunded, akthalr license had been reacted, at I001 North 6th, St, On seller the roll by the fallowing vote;- ! (II) Toss Lindsay Bass* Duvall, Ferman, Ford, Rroutser, lackey, Moyers VanWter, WSUou, and Y RI ”- - On notion r petition fru Residents of LSttleV111er was ordered filed, thelt 701 queot..bsing. for the, General Couneil nota* [rent any enc license to open Saloon in Littlev11L, '-j �• �) On motion by member Pard G.K.L•Rcy was granted a dead to a let in Oak Grove Coaster I OW call of the roll by the following vote;- Yea$ Lindsey, Bower, Duvall, Foremen, Pak, Kreutzer i a X. Council Proceedin s, Cit of Paducah g y I......_. � 190... JI a �Lsokby, g►yor, VanBeter, Pilsen, and Young:OM (II) f r On metlon a eemplaint from J,H,Hewmon, in regard to a 1K in Oak Ones +.. • _ Cemetary was reforrsd'te Cemetery Csmlttoe and City Engineer 1leehington, i- On motion. a bad }lave On 5th, i.btwson Bresdwsy and,Hye: Are.STreete,was -r/ referred LO Lhr Board of Publie Werke. ..-�;�-='•-'. - `' ,..'- e, on motion L.S.DUBelofBen k Co, request to, ereot s f1rt proof building S �1 book of 4I2 Broadway, was referred to Aire Chlet, City soIneiter, and City Engine- it with power 6s est, On call of the nll' by the following roto; 7gasL lndgay, 5:. Bower, Duvall, Pereman, Acrd, Krsutzor, Laskey, Yayary VenHster,-WIleon, and You- .11 r^,� q lS1 ,lnON notion The Ordinaries Committee was ordered H bring. in an Ordinemee n �r �rlding'for Conerste Side Talks, and Curbing on the East Bids of ISLh.street, ; v ^''between Clay and Trimble streets; b re owners ))I y quirt bf property4n this legality, on <' 'sell of LM roll by the'following vate;,IYese Lindsay, .Bower, Duvall, Poresy,,,Potd Y Kreutzer, Laskey, Yayerp VW[eter,' Wilson, and Young; (II) `r�/I_ Cn'matien a request from the' Cigar Yanlacturiee in this City.te have f.'- ;?Le1r License reduced, was referred to the Lieense.Comittee KW City Sellelter i I en sall.of the roll by the falls, Ong vaH;- Ygao Lindsay Behr, Duvall, Portman, Sx 4 1 `pard, Kreutzer, Lseksy, Yayer, VwMater,. Wilson, And YOumy, (II) - - ort motion she Lead edjeurnad i 1= UX f: '7 L,• .�/('///Rc�M. mar - �y7 qJ/ VIR W644. !: la_. PnaILmJ..f C�.tllwa, r A - h' tit, s t { y r 7Y r I f h =s Y y L I i Y V, ' 41 I 7x I Y/tY C f — ( J t t • 1 t y r Yx C `L1 I i f � ' trf• ! Vill.1 r l 1' i i r` v i r •Y I t i ; Itti �t li r l it i`n-� SX'� r a'.lx:... t�i'a_(.--a, Il LR T' . J t ` L 'M13 �• {° '.S.'' It Y�}`71�v. til •Y-! �t II{ Ur t `V. -^+°r fY*'{t. 11)141 " .r J� t 1!n'. -`a..a.rauCrtlAAt..a".•.� — :aaavl 61raw:,.ww�ew.'.ay..l.) f 41;° � � � . r: Y�,.:1 j ! _ w• r .r,, .. .r..r+... .. VLZ1.