HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 506, December 26, 1907a r e91 t: 777- T 'Council Proceedings,. City of Paducah :.. ....... ...:. 190 o � OU C1�roFoceed m tpyr a n l .%nnT.ia. o At 'a called meetinb or 1k beard.. of. Counsilmenaeld.in.IDe aounail Af ember in IDs :.':t; CHal Deoembar 26ID1,1997 and an call of IDe'Pali IDs following answered to ip • ' t IDeir w e Llt dna C - ) , 'rl^c-9d 9nt' P!t.3 rT, •syr rgOdell,,Piur/noy, lbremanr 9erco�P LWnyc Pord, Vasusterc l� ,; 'l J •' 1 IIG I •IlliIL"on end Wlleon,(10) t•. ... N4,W pnq nnu h1w to is r• ,r.t[ 7n+ ;nri !.LG'•i 'K Tc ri•r ':P 'In I�� •��- �fz -:L.V ,fnfi.i n; a•L"); ,^wr;!.+ted ,rf:.vlFi r: w[,rtnTD-,t[„nbRJ' .••1. n' 'ro ffii Jiayer read reasons for mall, to -wit:- Ibare ealled you LopID er ,for IDs utpoee ' or tekittg upas yen deem properp to gin passage to 1h lleenee ordinactoe 1' 6 to Rl 87111 n S -,t., �! ,nl h a t• t.l r +yr R - to t• n rP nr I ,r.( h '• I. Member Vanmetor read an ordinanceentitledv itfm <: r 1 HP(1I T T et rC TU1 1 ,J. o: .. ne . vl.a,j T. ncn d a .;.t '• .."r.. LT ••rn r \} ,i `Jlx : AN On DINAN0f1 PIXINO rAND RRPULATINO 7HR LIORNSH,,AND TRI f �f 1�. n NANNRR, AND FORM OP ORARTINO AND IR9UIN0 SAIN .ON VAR IOUD I.I1A8 OF. i rt RrtJT ZaP. ia,, nl, n BUSI1fRRN, OALLINGN, OCCUPATION@ AND PR OFR SNI ONS IN T119 CITY OP ,.';.1 ; 4. f ie%nl rl 'vj hn, •�'t PA1fU04A, XHNTUOXY, AND PROVIDING THR MAL TiBb FOR THR NON -PAT ,_..IJ .i MRNT TIOIRHOP,AND THR VIOLATION HXRROP. YC nn y ' •9N IT ORIIAIIIRD HY THR OXNRRAL COUNCIL SOF THR CITY or �.. .(/� 7+�y, 1 d. PADIICAR, PSNTUdXY'. l , tiaJ �j rI SgOlION 1 That 'on am after the firYt of 7amtary, t r 190f, anA an the t '+•' '' C� '+ 4mama qay in manh suoosedln6 ynar'th#yrentter, no_prerace,'firm, Rao.- DsM or ocrDarnLlon,ensl l ,engage in vry tiugineeq, Oelll7y orDoo- Trnna,rjt,.4 , JVy.: .. . ... •' >• } �, y !#yealon'hnrnlneftcr mentioned, nntll th#yy here first nhtalnod { ; licence thnrnfore as hnrelnnftnr rrquireds' and nilsll pay the Amount 11 r I r ...... of said 110006 to the City Treemtrer.;. And if not so Paid on or it ff fl ' before the first of February Of each year hnreafter, hey, ` U 1 t r ey, or #yeah C of them 101111ng se to dot eha11'.bn Drocnr•d„d ggnlnat In the 'Pallas— court in the 'city of Paducah, for tlolntlin therAOf, Ae h#yranafter 1 And on the Dre9entet ion of th#y Trosmtrer, ar#yOniDt of. ■Rid pa ymnnt to the City jClark, OR14 ,City Clerk shall thereupon J [�' 1 X. a licence is any person firm oc r„ .f opany or corporation 1 t �I J !, eDDi'y1Qq for'Igaln6tickoeDt as herelnnftrJr PteridM, provided said 17{r I i `,t / ra Person, firm, company or'oorporatlonehall have first •anmplled , with all the Isom rngulnitnb the Im"Usl end* '�` )• grant Ing of such lige♦ 1leanene shell have M. y.•ar for which acme in "oued, J' '5 Y _ �I 4 V Printed C.- stamped on the face of same In large figures, aM it 1 I( , t qtr a4i ehal l.'bo the 'duty of tha Doreon to Ke .same t 3 , +ID posted or otherwise "� a WMosed in, Dome oonsplouous place of. buolneae: where the sJua„ eMll ;1 J at all times be tithln the, public ries 'e. lioenee no 'isauad the Olork shell not' authorize.wW person, `flim, compare or cep., t > } 7, , Y t+v. r r +'� IUi , 1 't_' } I r _.'� ;' t+' ,.tl , y• I ' , 3 t /Y 4e •hE IJ Ttaf{ a "1 l'�"� e7 J} �f", v=I Rf" � r,� f p J( "J t t- ',, 4 C b.3✓�ylfrlJ Il t�t..f1r fr ♦i t b, t;h Mi , rl dK t y f � , :' + r _' ,) � 1 , . L 1 1 _ ' CJs ,. �• _ n. .. . .- ' •. „' `" ' .•MUS l Council. Proceedings. City o! Paducah;'.._...._....,...:r::. :.....:...._:..:._.......190;, poratlon to do Wetness other than those to whop llannao'ars leaded, ..an 'stated npon the faoa of the .lionna% •gm0TI0w� P. Lloenee herein granted or Sesu of under any, or Mn provisions„ •,•::�j �• f' •r'.c of t1164 ordinnroe, shall not be eentenaule or tb•nsferabls, end "• r., shall' not authorise any other pernon, ether than herein mentioned to do any waineas under nail Slaenee, And sh,•rnvar any pm•non, :. ' • II firm, company or norynrntion has noting for him, herl them or !t, y .. •'j �, '"i`�'...a mlb-Mart whose plane of mislneee In seperate and dlntlnot from ','���'• .' the piano of Wetness of the lloensee, than an ad-iltional llonnae'.�i for nooh of eeid sub -agents shall ba roqulret. I , .VICTIM S. Neoh liannna no lamed shell epeoify the name of the portion" firm, oampnny, or oorporetian, to whom It shall be lesund� and " shall designate a pnrLloular phos at whish the buagness shell be. `,,• "�`'-' iI - = `�"• oarriel on, and a llonnoe for any wolneas oonduntad et any par- i tloular or fixed loonllty, ohall not authorlso s trannantion of 't ' ' sueh business by any Individual, oomparry, firm or oo.rporntion, other'' 4 _ • than the one mentionot In the llnan e.Ni t; it •'� '_ 01071011 ♦, ever,' Vernon, firm• Oompeny or eoi9orntlon having a llonnmsl�;,,� I ^' •• ••- -� under the Yrovloinns of this ordlnnnoo shall produne the name what \i ' applying for A re -nasal thnrnof, when requnnted to yroAlen it oy y •''"'p;-�;^i^ - the Linares Ihspeotor or uunioipal officer or mambo of trio POI loo -•�'-•- � i,. Dep ertmnnL, of the City of Padunn h, • ",� 1. nono1 d. All llooMns granted under this onllnarkoe shnII bnnr the - � '• 'i j •.�''e~ • oorrl•nL Ante of iia Sseuaroe, and exanpt an h!ornlnnfter provided, *hell not be Lamed for a period of lnne than one year, from Jorwary'F ' 7 -' }•~ 'let; 10079 end all lionneen shell nxplre on the 33ot Any Of Deoom- 'l,•,•. bor of aaoh Ynar after the Instal of name, end an lens en this - Ik + P •oMlnelnn thnt liocnnee ismA is IF', 7111 force and nffoot, exon91k le attar the let of Jana erY• and before July 1st thle`aeftn*, nhnll be I, ohargOA for In the *ama mnnnmr se.herelnbnforO required an the pro- ' II 1, rets tMal* of the erkouijt of the liaoflee un,Wr thin orllillnnaa, from ,%11. a ,•moi 'the time of the issued of the sere, until the Slot day of Deoamunr- :�`�; I }t.- of the ynnr following;. and all-lionnnns lemled after the lot dW ;•1 . of Jelly of Orion yonr thin orllnanne 1e in effnot, ,shell be void for 1 'i`�'Y :. •M In the mnnn!!r mml fora heralnbofore Anonrlbod for the !tell utx { ,`• 1• � ', month*, fret, the jut of July to the 31st of Doonabar, alt, In no `, �Y�1 '�,• II` 1 i event shall a frentlonel part of a month be nharead fort. oharse �,,�• `' �• bning.male for full mantno In all evnntal wt unfllre an.td linens* , •I. '. 1r P.,' is grnntM •1br any wexplred part at e>v ynnr in whinh nnil lion noe-.1 - f T 11 ,, "'. r _ 19 grantn'l• the 19piloAnt therefor shall 'tile with the Troamn"":11: ' t'�k;r•. the "'ant ttpe, the wnlnno* for of the City, an affidavit giving ;• �.: •�+' • •;t,y', �i. ;.;:,. ;.� whlth the lloon*e in granted was eoa;alnM, nt,l YyOvldnA hownvor .,!, W. . , that this aeotton oball not Apply to any tempo L'wL im`nns an pro- ' ` + vLt for In thin ordlnnnae, 4N r; .` 5081 Council Proceedings, City of Peducah. 7... 190 .. ' rnAOT[OA G. iny'Dn'*on, fts`,o, no myeny or oorDnrnt Snn deelrin$ U con— "tine bunlnese or profennion for the year 1000, or Any Other ynAr • :'.,1 .'t , ' thorenf or, dnrinZ r.t:e life of this ordlnnnnR, n4gll renes the --' came an or tnfare-the first of February, 1900,,And the fl7rot Aay . J " of �every )nWvpry thm'en1't M• during the life Of thin ordinnnoe � r+'. ,� f II and upon the fnllure to reno'r the 6Ame nn efore"nid, anld licenses • ; -shall DN •'.' Dnnalty Of ten per cent. And *:me *hall be collected -a In the enme wiry and mAnncr An'texna are oollaotet, and the City.. , Treamu!rr 'end Lhn LSnenee 'IneDr+stor aro h!?reby Ltetntetad to see ',;;,•", ,-that the Drorislone.of thin enation are carried out; ant Any pareea„II I' I tnkinp, out A license after rnbruary 1st of Ranh yoer,•And Dayirq r the porkAlty Of ten per Dont before proonrlbed, shall not be inllered,,,. I. from the rnsponcibillfty'ef tine as proVidod hrrelnafter.. -• .; �j� OAOTIOA 7,. NO 00rtlon Of any Runt paid the City Treasurer for Arty ,� 4 '.}.11oonee proridad for undRr this ordinnneer enol ba rnflutdnd to .. a ai i-•; •,�•'-- ' _ Any pnrnon, firm, oompArry, or'00rporntlon so licensed, Or Any .141 'nl Do. for their use or. heneHt •'' F ' ' i For it shall be wµOwful for any Dersonj firm,, nOuPnny or. '' r ooroorntlon whose duty it is under the ordinance of Ma City of <' ' rL •POduoah, Or this ordin-ince, to execute, oornnant 'ponds to Bald `.City, to oneRge in Any businessr calla .i� - ng r'ooauyatlen or Drofneslon '. ' prodded for in thio ordinnnoe, unt11 they or oeoh of thorn have exnantdt s oornnant bond with ayprored surety A so o0rdanoe with `n ,,.�.; ,• the tnna/ and ooMltions of the ordlninao roqulring came, '9ald �, •,'t euretyoh oil be rogeLLrwd to make et ntwmt undo, *,nth W.fore the f h' City 01rA'It,fhnt An, Rhe, they or .St he and holds infre "Imp let • ;f •-Drnperty In YaAue of610W00 nboro examptlon oubject ;v .. .. ... •t.::. to exnautioit` i,+• . :i:•' I "'' and'that all bonds 00 1Itdo..eMU, ue raAde Payable to the City of ' t,M ,, Peduoeh, in the %mount rnquirad by said 'ordlnanca or'ar,tlnmwes ' •• : t 1 of She City of Paducah, when apprOTAd uY the General Omtnoil, fif SICTIOA 0, M eAVm'tlemm�nt of AnYrkind by M ii Y person, f1 mi-dompany or oorporatloJi that he, Ohs; -they Or i}, to angpg*d In Any onlling •, ^' -,.;; If�� , OOanyASinn, Ox' yrafeeniont for the trAneaotion n1• which a lianas - . 1 ti (!t•. er required under this ordinmwe, nha.it be ootyluslrq . nldnnoo of '. '!A '' ; ot;,OoryorstioY. 11eb111t108 of such DAreon� fLrm�4o.. Yay,,Ytannso; thArEthye pe g. r h , t{ 'prorLiM for In this orA_SnAnoe; tt +i 1,: .' '. •'•. �) ! ?AOTIOA-1OA:.; If t. •, .,ri - �' ..' If the 1j" Or onnel br• Inform .� u1' any o.}tleah rpldq' Datil J t.er affldnViVe or try written othtnwent hum arty memira• ,• of too Lloens• 1 ,Car= tten tont Cols ordinnnon Is bnlnz Violated I ` uy Any PtTmon, flrp u� j 1o0taDanY •or •�1 .. r mrporntion, or nrry r-O.loven, rni w7rl nh taw Orn reg. ..ap0nolbin lty , •r I` 1 .It a hall be the•,btty 0f''aa1.1 ifnYo! to Ly»dlntely notify t . firm, cotWnny or OorYoratiun Re offer ijag, i.:. lleenne hnn boon lmrued to J . a At his orfln••, ,within • , DYea7 4 +'� rtreMY'f'nt1• hour", 4t:4 tlr.n to un dooirmt .. { f - ^d In unld nntlOe, anti 'shoe I . omrae`.• under 0th w r .ea. hi ,ci,eh llconnc ahglll not: Ln .r••rnfrul, and _I ( . ..aye,. r,�..y..,,. •��...... _.- u.•M,.w•,.•.r...w.�e.,_..._ww,y,+•.wun�r'.rJr.. �. 1_. , j J 4f 509 Council Proceedin s: Cit of Paducah. g Y . 190. thtly not shoe nmhue'than it nhn1L bn'. th Ant.o nf'thi, mayor to revOke such liannes.:MA it anypnrnon,•_fill, , nnnpMY Or_nUl► ,D0rntlon shell On nonvinted In the Potion anhrt of the r,.lty of Paduorht Y.nntuoky tbr viol"tion of thin OrdLnence,'It nl:nll Lu 'the } duty 0t the uny0i tornvoka na1A liCnmha L•aiwllnt sly: ' 'CKOTI OII 11, A hook she 1.1 bn kept by the OttY TrfulWrnr In whluh attrl0c .y;•:f :� . �'+ i• shall be made under proem' hmafinsot ehor It th'^ 4t e ranoi;,te Oagh day for llonnaa pnld, the nervn place of rnaidnnne anal the ngalrnan ''�y Iul{ the amount received for eenh lionnoe !, t pf the partlos reoelvltlg the_ lloenoe,4nd the Porto •i fn?• r. hint ' such license is leaned. - t • �BKO1I ON. 1P, All 'conAn r'::1ulred paler lhia osdlnanCe shall un a . .`: xenutad �.- •' to and Payahlo to the City of P1,uap� "•'� "MOM 13., Any ,Vnraon, t1rm, 0o,upSny or aun -a 1. r Jorntlon oftnnd.ing or v10- TII '•- - I` �''.n ' lstLae arty or the provision@ of thin ordlnnneo, .shall be dneryxl • •^i' ..L' = >-•'--•- ,.,v „' ghhiinty of a mledemeanor, end upon nonvletlon LI the,PeduoM: `•,.fOliee Oourt', ;,, nhall bn final In arty pun of not '0 ht� 1 Jeno than V. 00 ,'•'{ nor earn than 10000 for ennh and every effnpne, unlean otherwlne jI • :Y:;:,'� s9anil'Iole117 pmvldat hnrelni end Ott nh Any amid nrdlnnnae is ,,;, Orfnnded or VLOleted Shall be donmrd a seartrr pae onnnr• and thea r City of Paduenb by a Suit in s Court or oompntant JurlM talion, .. ... may rnooTer the.,auount of Bald llueDse r BBOTIox 14. Whentrvnr nny Ainpute Shall arlee between any psroon fir �{ Company or oorporotlon, applying to urry parson for the SonunI of. the 1loenos, or ale to the p.iyunnt to the Olty Treasurer of the r 1. aero nt'roqulrmi under sunh Iinf•neo, It shall be the N,ty Of -•: I Oljy Trenmrm', or the ofrinr•r iocu lag wild llcnnoo, to rarer U. to tAe License InanectOr, end ,mnh llnegpn^nhall,,nnt be 1Souet, tar . � the nmunt rngdred thenfnr 111141m thin orilnanen t» rnnn`ived)rvl 'try the City Treasurer, until .Llntnhoted Co :a do 17y the 1►eyerw; , Y. , h ' - '... �- •+'., , 48000, Or, LIONtta2� vg +,/ ' a , RKOTIOK le. ! lioeneo f':e of Two Thousand Dollars (02000.00) nholl be ;(.'f '1('anrwally. try. Say.. pe71+0n, firm, company or noaporntlan, carrying ant oonduotlng or lae+l -..1 _ .. Rit16 In the 4 ty or Pnrameh, lila 4vf Inman or h _ • A STOOK RROnn OR BUMT SBOP.s h A 8T001 Sit 01CRR On DUOQ;T IDtOD, snail M In the manning of ih J tole oMlnaMo, one who buys, Naito, Solicits, or receives or deltivere orders far thefu 1 f D�ahnuu or sale of turos, •i,•alirlg In t+ A t�g1:lOI Or part:, payment of the price In ndvanoe of whset, Coral eat@, cotton, perk, lard, railroad etnnka Or Wndet or other ^ Rooke or bonds to a buCSneen. r 1.• Q t of .. �.' t: 4500.00 Llos'.11M. '110TI0B 10, 1 11Cnnse fan of T1vu ItunlrW, Dollars (4200.00) Mall be Id + 1 s „ _,r . . ?:•fie..-.t ::y,. -• ... _ ... - - - .. �'!5�, . :-S- 510 , r — >: Council Proceedings, City of Paducah..:...... .:......._..........._......._.:.,.'. 190 yeld anruallY by Any person, firm eampany or corporation, aarryr r,y, on; aoMuotL,g or menlging An the 0111Y of Paduoah,• the. Duel- { y 'neo of: 'LI YONSY ON OHATTHLS.• But this shell no; include benlc■ or OthmO landing money. on74 s ohnttele When done lnoidnntpI to tho'o t < a y• .. RMiDg On Of any Other' blelnOO� $P0O.00.LI3eN3R. pwp , ,1 10TION+IT rr A Moons' run of Two IfundrM Ibllara (4200.00) Mall ba _ r' •'- r - .paid nnnun117 by any pnrnon, flan, oo?mrn@r0r. oerDnrgtlon,'onrry VI ` on, oorvhrntint or mannving in thm City of PMnnnh,• the brni$m0a Of �, I r y, � q r i .. - • A VARY BR MR. ¢150.00 ' IOTi ON is. A linnnnn fan of One NunrlrM and yjft'r Dol.lnrn S .•t= W� ->; ..i '• )f. aholl lx, 91111d anmiallY by an a t Y pnrNtn, Flrn+, b.impnny br ru•rporntlun ) :,aat71 on, conducting or nnnagin;! in thin ritY of :^m«hwnh, the 1 - " r r -• A OLI18 R0011 OR OLUB n0U9`; Nrn:? j - F SPIRITUOUS VINOUA' OR , 'y 33l YALT LSQUORA Aug 30LD Oii OI VSN ARAY I11 A;IY 1,14 11TITY. < + - �- rl + �'Y' y ,�;' • A WIfOLNAALN I1TAI.RA IN SI'IRIT'1OUS, VI!%nrIR OR MAI,T LIQUOTIS 0 •.3NLLIAn On nIVIHD AWAY SPINITIl Olf9 7 :12. .+' q ; IIlnQ7 I ALr LIQ srORS,• 1 + - ' kj ' IN QUANTiTIlln O7 NOT LFSS THAN One: 'QIf1nT., NO I'OP_R. TI'AN TIVfi OALLONB,� 1 ( r( r . .y •NOT TO V. DnUNY. ON TIOC PASIII3g8.• ' t - S ' j , •, MIL1,I110 On OIVIIIO AMAY-13301q, IN QUA`lTITI3R O7 NOT LC39 (� TNAN ONF. DoyrrN 31IAf1TA, Ill .4ULY On I9 POTTL^S,• r { 'f _ • A 13M11f1:nY, 8AFW5;nY MNNy Oa u1::xCY• •• J _( r .. .• ('Chia shall inn lnde�' y . { thm n yrlvlingof uuttl�8 he",bras ` ....nil by aunh lr!%cry, ) r _ �P.• �'t' I ', 'IRUQnI2T8 RNLf INO D DJET0003, VINOUS,. OD I{ALT r•,• ' -P IN QIIANTITI"S:SS TI AN Oi{��IfAL7 PINT, NOT TO I r - 1 I _ HY.aOiI T N 'u j 4 , • , Th1e{ Mannan, hoonv Il* Il L W! r *anted only 1111011 thm 'fit II ' folios 17i3 ezprmm� .,a arW 0�,ntl1l ion .`ioletinn of.-any Unluh, `,r x f i/ ;,. '' i i hall n V1ola41o� �f tnla stairs rv1 mrb]eot nny . our oo ,vinfnt Sng amnn;;to the fine ant out 111', .. Sunt ' \ my ynraon, fi<ao, aomya�tiy orno erntioo I , + rn... , Craniad lion -I r rr,_.hera,wler all net De D^rmittadI t0 eell any byLTltuoue, vlr a '14:` n an Y Aludpq or elnatlon day, Or to nnY 'plan r I II Fi 1 r i yp ' y t" Or In any mnnn.rr hlbit6d1bY la*f j S e „. _.a•uf the Stntn 0T y, t�ckY, Ft or Ordlnanone Of th Y Of Pedu ' �l �afi, ezonyt that iih p•'r'eon ,I [ , `firm, omnPWW or.corp n n, maYl uy!%n 8unrtn , ri '-• r .� / q\a�\ dl Y elmntlon dW , , ) , cell, on the • \"m ' uP 4TILtnn pme0r tlo of o o ar raotlo - ? a _ P ing phYoioian, I - ��'of the Olty or Parb,Oah, in, ,+ y QnaD Linn r�mnra than four (4) an,laEej IA rl ,L:o nnY ono pnrrian�..but it duty Of .shall bn .� /, : Minh pernOn, firm, omoynny or nornnrttion, o,llia, .� v�reparlytion,' to 'file <vlth thm LSonnoo Inapnotorr I'll" manth hetes aJjtnr,� true. an? 0orrr' ooyY ofeaal� anH .,firT t . prnaorlytlon -for-. 'r 3 . tuoua, vinoun, malt lig ' ` ` a I,.vi a S / / rluore,'ftl'lna lip t S n +nAt -" hL nye ar al -r nlnutti,d A.eynr,r Y �� t I rl 1�r { r x.. , - >r °' - •, 1, r i' `r :' r }ley, �p C I f Council Proceedings, City of Paducah,,..190,. I i ', In evanL MAIL Any nN ltuoue, Yl!u�uo nT rtril Sr{unru~ ,»((j ' 1 ` aolA he .� Ip, 4t Any Line by 0rno r1Ntlon or otTnrnloa, br } (f{ vynr, �d+,relui0e0 0f the ynr ,0n,' f r,,l nnlrynny 0r oOTNor4t inn, a =j - •. ,• !1••1 '0 Ing 114410• .. •j �-:.�. -�. �✓-�' ��sQ. �r�.�....( �J-P/1_,.,G/ 9 �� ��--�� �rJ+yam, ��. + `' .. `"� _' /�� r �i�/-+i. QL�.a• ��LIC.'..' N+ /�0.0 Ct✓�� +�� HYD ' ' K aL s 00p 'of LB V, L 7;011e .—•Irl; ! RR nTION 10. A 110- "BO fen Of One 19mdrnA qnl Tllnnty Tlvn llA.lin7•e'I uhnll be pnid Wneally L!' 011y N"^nntl, firm, On; IIAny, PT ' Gor ,ur4t 10n Gnrrytrle An, oOrvtuGLirlg or IannnSir48 in the CSLy of • PR'tMRh, the bilainnee of: :, <��. • OOALOIL!Ol!LBA, •' .•' q," : T ' ; ( Thin ahall not innlude a Goal e11 peddler) rii r Y ) ' ' i' -i �. •�" ,c .t 0100.00 410?Nfii. ` E gAoT10N 90. A llaenae fen of one huivired Dollars . '� 'I (0100 00)'"hall be 1 Il ( Daiq 4mmqlly by any 11 mr-On, fire, 00"Womy or nnrpor•ltiun, oh�ry�; 1 ;` .. !.. 1. ng on, on, Gmtivating or IeanaTing in the nit of P4 - n r � Y IuG;Lh, Che uonlrteeo , of: .i ■ BOALINn ALLRY• + c Rut where Dian than role Atleyn nra unerl LI g41d IAlu.tnrml, fi L , 3 I ({ A. " 0.16.00. ohall Wl,Dnld rnr the }.1rnt rLLlry, and $T. G, 00 for mtah ' edditlonal• Ailey ry , not L0 exnaeA, hownveT,:ylOn, On, i '� RXATINn REMY.• r l' I, 1 r ! • YLY1110 BUTC?WA!1.' e r ,lr.. I J - • RIRINn OAL LQMY OR OTfre� ^L1lLLM I7+1VL C'l„ OR 00H YlA, r ii �. liGnnan of ,16.00 may ua pg1A for emlh nr,ntriwdrwe eo uawA: In Llwtf of tnw enuunl tloonne.• A r 1 ,, ,r' • OPRRA ROU9R.• , 1 y 4 :.. }t ''•• ) I t Zy. ." •. TJ..09 APH COI:PA!R. •( phml not oUrrit ed t1YN7l.•a h'OM Z e .reh Ln„ rrnntaA f •. I+S! She of Padllo M.) .. " 0 � ` ' • TRAn[NO OT ANP OdlPANY OR:. r 0 yT 6. 00 LIOV!1A?d.,. ? HISS r ` }OaCTI OR f A .11n'nnnn fee at' Seventy Pivn 1)011T r0 (476.40) nail be j7 ' i 1 I i !l, ➢etA nrir,vally IO' Any pernna, flti. nor.04ny or aOrfGrntlnn, earrr , .{ oq, non Tinting or mmm -ine in the OStY' 0C Perinnnh, Lha 1A1n1nee6_., - { 512' Council Proceedings, CtY of Paducah ........._..............-....... ....?`.... 190-�,.. -. ` { of • RPTAI1, IO_ P TRAM { • 450,00 LIC NR7.• rc� ' . taw YlftY N' Ooilare 50.00). nhnll I" yald c 'V ACTION PA, A lionnno of a iN } arlm rk1ly by any , ornon, fern, 'pocy,arly or norJornt ion, onrrying on •porrhwting or•Innnnying In thn Oity of PRAvnnh, the u,nlnnee eY-- • • A AA1nT•) • ICW I(AN1IPACTIIRF.R. OR WPOLUALS Il,^•ALRR IN IORlm � •. 'CAR11iVAL9 OR"SVIIRT'PAIRS PRR.DAY.! ma' ' \ s COLD RTORAOR COPPARt On PLANT • 4..F .` • YL90TRia MOOT M=M= OR 'PLAYS.! Whwn-net"oyaYatStltt .,�Under . a�franohle*'granted W the Cityorps%wahij - 1 t s � ;�� ?'^ ``"coniYSLlfrI2•nn �.• � '� �.: , - 011 7..:o ��1...rlh+ic 9r,oP:"' ' . ., .., •, 4 - , - ' •• A' `h` • 8'7LLINO OOnI7R,'•VARRR OR YRRCHANDIM• BY INSTA41J(MNT • •- r D1lt'thin 13avuiw phnll'.inoltldn a•rptall w.rvhanto lloenas)3 ,:( t ! '• PRI7DLRn UAING TWO HORa19'•ANn WA ^H tt�OR 03 .00 PP.P DAY • '; .� x • PRDIV1.11 Or JR vt,4RY 011 ^•fT.CYAOLtA.• -I �_ • • ATF AN Hf1ATINO COPPI T OR PIMMT. • i rl _r,c' •..(.When -/ not n(iwratin0 under a fag ..hlnw yrented-oY the,. ri R 1 ;qa :.city of PAlunnh.) F- ' ,!• VNDIiRTAR•tR.• a i /�•.7 WATC.n 'C(WPANY OR PLART::• 1' ( WhM ,nut overatine 1171Arr n'frinohl Pn fSMted by the 1 .. ` f City of P,n<h,onh.) $ • WIIOLF9AL''. TT:F.9H MEAT MAIM • 9 i l • LIPR IHRURAMOP, 4101IPANY,0 PIRN OR TOnHADO INRURANCR OONPANY.• t .A .• And for ouch nddlt7.nna1'llna of lnrnlranpe oYer'one luso' , 11 parried on try .Pooh-ronpnny, an additional llonnnw fee of , $10.00 'phnll be pall) t _ n � $40.00 G " I110TION T.S. A llaenna f••P of `Y••rty T)nllPra'(450:00) shall Lr yald. •( n 0nrnrn1lY fi anv n.;r,wn, flydr npnnnny or unrUnrnt 1pn, narrylry5'on, • OOndaotlnf or nnnnCing In trP City, of Pndllalh the IAolnese oft - �• I7HI.AROINO PICTUn69, OR 43.00 PPR DAY. - r' I + • Pu DNLHP.H WITH OHS H09,^ AND WAOCH,,OR, 4 S. 00, PDn DAY,• ".A ) �„ t k4 .. /Y35.00 LIOSv9R. .,• I .. Ea OTIOM R4 �A llpnnve'f of thirty Mien Do,ilern 455.00 ehnll on yard J L aY I- I I ,. annuslly by. any P""'On' 'firm, 0oc•VW or•.aorpordtlon ewt'ylme one -• �1� t ' ganduojing or inTralria in tha city of Paduonh, the Wolnese, off ' t. ._ w 1 �r-t�..-. r • I1(9'07 6tITUOUH AID VINOUS LIQUORS. • x e.H 'q�Ii ;;' MANUPACTURIRO OR DEALING IN DRIOY.• - ' ','. tt t . 1• • COAL DPALfJt, • . - , .._ .. OP9R ATINO A IAARiI!AC1'OR'(I1G'PI ARIr CP ANC MIND.•:: i '- .•.• ti /�^'I,1-'� WHOLHHALH-M£RORAYT,,• (RTlaeyt ae,othul•Plne'h'Wso1r1'oDnoitlod,�'• 4..F v .Y 51;1 Council Proceedings. City of Paducah ..-... _ ..... 190 • TOBNAOO x11ARR110UBn.0 ', TOBBAOO YANUPACT!RIRR• 1 ` L '• • C'!1OLi:AALR D,;ALI R IN VIMnAR. v I=R•e1• ( i:rints selling eDlrltumtn, or melt .11gnuru Y quarilty Of not iem: then Onn t r not to :9 - .., till Orenk on thn pro�rt • :A,t I . Y,. 1�A eglrltnn , vd ' or vutlt . . 3 r. liquors, nn Ill or lv nY <p!v 1,l - - ! -. oheli ., ­1'01-nue only L• oo1Q , or plven R•ey folnl' - r itrrin, tJo nau, ` �r nrllC,;1nt nn111nC or i .. ,... L'd vi,y awry a:.rI tn1t 1 1 t nuy 9uRntity .Lir\uul •+�1 /' . Inm, the _r „n t �r/ • 1 x , ,dt^11 L. �inr)i:.H p,,tlty o .d vl..t •n of this 4t cut 1•.. nuutlr>n lnlrt4inn.) t i v I , - •!V'•'- -'. •t•''•v'- $P.5.00 LIOn!!nT' ?�a '_. , FOl `•' Aitor•nm S:+n nfj Tt+enty—flvn 0o1'Larn (gPr, 00) rOTI01I .hill on ,t - , c, ti^, y Delrt`nn,unl.ly 10' R',y person, filu, non,nnI, •,+. „+J.nn, nn,q•yr t •-� . - e, ., t • Snd un. „o:Lb,•,t1ne O- ntnR:'ing. in the nity of Pn.hfnrpt, thn inud- 1100;1 4 +.. ( '` • 1.I WRT, T.,`7D, AOARDINO OR RAIA, BT/81 N.,• <'i• - ( , r ,t • 1)BA1,P,R IN AORIOULTURAL I1•PL!:NUNTB .: p ` • AUOTI ONRRR. • ( or g3.00 ynr n„Y.)- j� F .. � t , J • AUCTION POIIBt:.• .: , �� .} Yi." �' ,, ,•r r t.. • AlOATCLLE OR PIORON ROLE TABLN OR • r np ru y . OTIm,R RL LLAR s 1*' x - •. • BILL POBTRR; • j- • • BOTTUM 01 .BRYIIRAOEB OR IVAM.. , +r '. I�Iv • BTOAAOB DOOR OR WARB HOUBB BI@RE 000718, . .. MORANDIBE ARE STORED ►QR 1fIRR, 't p( • - - irl(t , i , • 1+!'RC!I/•IRI R!: R710MR• r ,. .... .f , r . 4 i ' '� ! t rr • H!fCL'::7Ah: 11 (, L:." I'. i.JirGi !)One AIM POKLR,• • Ltmn,,n nrdyyn• • UICTRIOT I:I:R :170iR n0, • n i '.t' ',:OT'?!C 1'•?.Sn r, r, ;,'i N; • ( ;rima : nr, ngn.•nf in,•?, 40Inr 1 �'iy ITMOhlor �•n:. t.nd. ug rhr Cityof Perivaeh� r�•' +i •' tR108ATRRB. • 1 ' . ! • ORM ff NL611 ATOP • - •; t +r ,r , }: _'J'1!OIY LIN], TAR`d1• L • Ir01nL•. . ^SIL',.` it, L •,, hj VRAT Fi,101FLMR9' a i r r e : r ,:" Ir ,( :rr , 91MROANTILP, AnMOY;•-•. -± t-. . Fe+ ( ,1 .;:,:•'OOY.l:I OR[.nM 4F.R0"/.NT;/ , ; 7 •.i tt+ .y• i 1. � • 4 N3—l'A RitR,• ( }r1Lay>.lu�l ,: nffln ntlhnh•vl) - r. (� � • P:nni yR 04 7`00T2( r � • PORE PACKRR•• ,w , ,tri r RB AL ?."ATA AM rf ,r it ,` •HT OIL R^AIM AND +AO)19U11-AO NT • +.• .1 n ie'�r t L� i. • -70,111i) 1!•40 O.ALIR•• :.9TOC► YARn.• { ":"'• „, �.. Yf �� J /1 • RON" LSNDF.RB OR NOTR BIIAVNRO• I, 1i i r i r r • YAn^).- YARD. • ,. • is r It, r .,, Council Proceedings, Cit ofPaducah.._"....-..._:...._ ; 190, RI AJARD AND BOOL 11X/OOR,,co;h 4abM,• ,. n ,. 1 •'DUILDTIIO b LOAN OONPARY.• r: , R ,• ";•(AnY «ruon, ftrn, no;•+p •Iny'Or narP,rntion; nenlrtgnpnrnting or _ mnnnging any Building k IoM norpnny sithout firnt lnvin;1 obtninn 5 trtha Linnnno hr,7•cln - gldrnd, nhnll be rined'from 4930.00 to 4100,00 J _ � 4� 1'. - # -. for n^r❑ 'Iny en14 nallAlny A Loan Comp.ny 1" m mnUM,, operntrrl, {, r i revnn1 er gon411, t,) c -"" " ,� � y � .. '+ • rfU00I878 RALLISO BPIAITUOUB.,'TISOUBOS HALT LIQUSN • •[. ', 'IN HOT LRNR RAAN Oaa QUART, NOT TO BE DRUNI UPON TAS QUANTITISS 1 (:'-bat euoh Spirituous, 7lnoun ar:malt 11irtoro'e0td or glrnn'non7 } undcri•.thin lioenso "hall only. be sold or elnli'away 'for mediolnal t4 .. [; pUrpoene, turd. airy drue3let seliltyg or giving emery sviritusuei,7lnoum ' J}` - in Sean then one shall be deaomd mr malt lilluor, ony qunntity Quart gnlilty of n.Violation of thio ordinnnom, end n lairdrrrwuwrr OR -•, [( , a+ r met out in "notion 13) r '•, I4 ."OT tox { oonoo fenOf [ Al ,. To arty Dollnrn (4"0.00) nhsl.tWI paid ... Ly"any, PKroon, rlrm, rorFPnn o y .r onrPorntlon ' , e nrrying nn, non - rill n t Lop or aennetna in thA City f • n Pndu2+h, r tan weinee,f of:. • 1 00HORRT, TANA7AR, RL3I0F17 OF' PRAFORVASCS, r w SiaRO VOCAL AND I71STR UyRtfTAL FIAIAITI aA9,. AID OT, -HR RII`Lmn ;, t ' P!7RFOit11AN0A8, TR 011 45.00 TO VIOO.Ot` ,.1 A13'1JALLY, IN Ttm DIsmr.TION _ OF 'INN MAYOR 43i QO Pnr day. 11 and ( Tote done not r!m „�• r Grno0 a`:nnn,; PPrformono�e 1n n� lion noeQ ` Plaa houoo or txhlbitionm f` or e f 1 ', •. P r armnnons' far rharltaWo or barb. nVols ;. nS Au'Poano, The Nn7or-m y .tn r J dlnnrntloni .hln yrtrmlt al, nll « +rmhm,e onthe 'oirl.-,nnik,� for r D" ) t , 3J. 00 ;in d' �- ' • DSTISO.ROOBPR rrtTH ROUNR ATTAOyrD • 1. _ rF g.. ( Thin dans nJt rLu:Untn hntp)KP, - ;S •• LAUNDRY.' `> r J "1'• F _ rl4 �� r • • TODD RARAHDLBR$.•: . i{q 015.00 LIC4ARg7... .BAOTI ON P7 al0nnoe fon of Fiftnnn .' ,A Doilnzri ( 1p, 00) ehnl.l" on Pnld anquvlly b5'' • any Porr on;..,rirti, nogpany nr oorP1orl111nn oondirotl ar — on,. ! enrrylnC " N! , mAnneltlg In the rlt7 sr. Pmtuo7h,'thn j ' 1n,elrr,"w or t +r ! t a ti • ADV!IRTIRIHO A0LNT1 OW(PA"Y,• f` • ARCIF[T170T.• ... r • "F I I{(r i 7[r }I ry{ °I •. ATTONIIHT AT LAH.• tttJ K,. r `n: F , u4 J .I • RTRRNT BRORrA 6 i q[•9AK9R. • '1 1' -",', 1 ". `4 , r ` t{(y -• OLAIR A0H11T, • iIiHTIBT • .. r } FAITH AOOT09 • 1 ' '•' .� r 41 + 4 t} + • + ! �y ' •-f Kt�4. �: ; , '',a BRLLIAO-uUBICAL rNfiTRUmWTq. • -rJ j ' 1 in 1�:%'t�rF••�F ^,�' �< J 11 I rr't �4 r ' i T088A� �laaga.• 1 1 Ir f t i IIiL`i , r+l 1� j /' � i% �'r+w!v�� t' '�'•) r t` 7w+y '�•Y1441.4n\Y, L..«w. M. .uw.. ."a.yj+lAr - WWr.N. 4wi..ry.,-.v. .. qq • •L b t� Is • A Council Proceedings; City of Paducah,:.: . , 190 • NNWNPAPRIi'Wtrnou! rRINlINo'osPloN—irT�omla,:-'----.''"—"'"" • OOULIRS,• n �' wyt• • CATROPATN,• • PHYSICIAN OR RWONOW.• • S0AAA00 INBPIIOS011.9 • VBTHRIMARY SVROMON.• OR )IRNTIST.6 .. • CLVIL RNOINRRR;• 410.00 LIORNOR.• BROTIOM it.' A lloomee fee of Tat Dollars (410.00) shall us geld '• ��,, snnaally by WW Da'eon,'firm# oom9onY or eorgoratlon, oarryltg on, oonmtoting or osnalry;, In the CStV of Pa.btoah, tha bualneae of r ' r ° ,. 1 i _ r • ROARDINO HOUB11.• Where transient guests are nnterteined.• a; -, it • CHIRPODIST, .+ l • COAL PEDDLRR.O it • i'n. COAL OIL • OASTLE MAM OM TAR a"RETA,• •.00TPRN HIANDRR OR n0A.9TPIA.• ` s '' • OONTRAOSOR.• .. i- j n • OOLLCOTIMO AORNOY.9 yqt i rri • MATINO ROIIRE WITROUS ROOtS.s - j+ , ° "_bir^ • Asn IBALen. • -ly';''�i y, • ° 'S • BOOK EINDRR.• ( Thla shall inolµde printers llannea. t Y ° • OROORRY.• .. .• OPRR ATINO A PUBLIC HAI6.• - y ' r Ma shall not inolude 1100400 Por oihibManol nOROMWtW and shoso.) „ • IIORBR RHOIn OR BLAOKBMISH.• ' Sr nr'`. }. :'.i:r • NLBOTRIQ.KANO.• . r `' tv . .. •. ARLLIM6 TYPRWRITiRB WI SYPWWRISRR RUPPLIDA,• � [ i • JOB PRINTRR.• ( This shall lnnlude hoot -binders I ashes.) y ', • RRTAIL MERCHANT, • OROAM OR PIANO TUN':R.' " " • OPNRATINO A PICTIRM OALLIRY.• `' r t +. •. • PHOTOORAPHER, • ' f • RRLLINO SRwE,10 HACHINRR.• '' • RIR! IRON WORM OR TIN SHOP.• ' , { . r 1 • STOOK DEALER ON MEAT,, •f '� i ' n...a ~.. • TAILOR. • • LIYA STOOK, ACCIDSMT, HEALTH, LIARILITY, PLATH OLAES, ORRDIT, INDRMWITY, BUROLARY, STRAX BOILKR, MARINN OR a' 1 i F.. �. ►IDRLITT AND SURRTY INSURAN4R COMPANY.. fix. � • . `�.� ... � _ i. 4 1 i ✓S Co4ncil Proceedings. City of Paducah, ...................:.................:....._'..:...`.,.... 1901. t ( Rut where one aorrynrry names on mora than Ono of the -.*, ° ,, �' •' above linea of inmlrnnoo, for each additional line over i , t the flrut line an nnrrlod, M additional liaenwe foe of '1 4 F,1.. VIVO Do11ars(415.00) onall'be pnld, Any inmmRnne oompmty ; + -" - < , doolring a llcouse before n=e aholl be ismled, shall 'h ••' a ,.3 ' 1 4.fs f „ first file with tho City Tresourer, a unrifled ntnt.,"ent 1, \ verrlfled by one of Ito ofrlen•a or-agontsy` otntlnp the 1 M:•.,. + {A ,a number and kinds of linea Snouranoe sold aaftpnny pro-'.' _of s p0ee6 to Carry on.) -�• 1 -. .. ' t f- - a...' . {7.00 LISIINSS. _. 1 i S110Ti ON EO ,< A llocnee fee'of seven Do Llare({7,00) shall ue paid Rmxlally tj <, Otto!ryt an herelnnftnr aet out '(. r 1!Y ernly DRnon, flra, mapany or ,t 4, Corporation a&.rring on, nondusting or mmnading: in the city 0f ' y ... ! Fi,dua ah, tn'a;bueLsmo t': _• � "'.. rOi rIRRtTNAf OP. TWO ANIMALS {7.00.6 1j7 , � i. FOR RROOND TF,Af Or TWO ANIMAL8,1.0.00 •^• '� • FOR THIRD TRAM Or TWO ,IMIMALS {0.00•. !J; h1 • 7011 RAOR'ADDITI OVAL TRAM OF T►0 ANINALN {0,00,• I' + I. 1 .r1�•�.. x ! 'w FOR ONS ANIMAL ATTAORRD TO YRRIOLW 40.00* {6.00 LI00NIIN, , • 1 �' d10Ti ON 30,."fA. lionnae fee of Tire Dollars (#6.00) shell, be geld annual- 1 \, '. ^I ,i(lr, exoept ao(Terelnnftnr provided, by every pereon,flrm, ao>'valp.' . . Y• � 003boration,-oarryine on, oon,bmting or in sr managing the Oita 4" , 'sg Padilnah• the following dlalneee: '• � - - �' , r !77 ({SaS.`P�)•' 1r, • DOARDINII fIOUR"11• Whnro transient gunate are rwt antiWtalaed r � r \_{� r (� • �.�. •. NASI"RADN BALL. • F. aah. trill. • . f - „-"•`�. . rr • Hr LW DI.7 ALRR.• ,.:• I r .. li i •<�. 1r �`. `.- r"1 <'-. 1+.. • 001,TIIRS OLRAIIRR.• i. P 'v •: r• ! 1 .\, +1 -qa DANOINO 'ne AC{giR j• gaoh month: M ' 'r'40 ^i .[.1 �.',• M!1 NOIIRa.• , i ,.'I i r1 .. • ,n OSDLRR • i •PAINTFP.• µ - -•�1 < 1 k r i. r ,. ,�• ) 1,,' + • RRLL RINORR, • P.n]• ,1ne� r,r _ 1+ "} ' .. '<� •.• CLUB .ROUf,• Nsf• s0111ng eVlritu0ua,i V1Ac'1'e or ionit llquc.0 3 i �. ^"" Y .-•� '115.00 Pra'Day LICRNR1i• ". 4 rr RIfOTI ON' IIl , 1 -A 1lnnnne ted •>f, tfirnn, do IIIday,,* '•` ({II,00).pnr Al _ 1, *- Dnld by At y ,reri,on, flrm, onhwany or.00ryoraliun, Berrying on, , o .00ndn0ting. or., mnnnglne, in the City pf Parb,,) -nth• woina0n a i i - of. 'L. C 1 t, dy .. 1 • ASTP. OLO(IRn. • 7 ✓,y f ,i 7fI(K `.. x±e _..• AUOT2 ONF?:R p` ..,, sf r.. >fx .A1 r •. DALL T'Di Ot!Iffn RAC1.0 �!4 S, '..r <- (, • OLAIRVOYAYT • e < I r �+ 1 t, r ` 1 • ENLARnINO PICTIMrR,• r ' yr> i _ `�" • FOP.TI"r, T"LL4R.• i r (.�„ } •. RAI,VANIC nAT7RRY.• TFSTFX.- A. MI CROROOPRR.• (vis �� "^- t} \q < t. ',1i •j 1, • NUSOIR TRSTNn.• 4 t Z i° 1 � ' 1, ,i i , 1 • PEDDLP•R. • - - ( } ,. , .._ 1 Y ', i >r. ^ \ •, • "LRROOPR,• 1 _ r OROAN AND PIANO TUNSR.• :'•', person, tYno;: aompnny'br norporetion, Owning, operating. or nnnaging e,mOvine DiOtllre'nh0w ln'tbe Olty Or Padlln Rh, RMtlmk 1 r, ?i i' ri ,1. shall .Dar, annually,-w+olf•lloennm fee so the bny0r shall direst, provided ho+evar, that ne Iinnnoe stl+ll'ba leen Llan $s 004 '^l. '' '1> X. 4 �f Yft v.l, 1( tv, iiia•, t + ''•` a, i ' •.i 1 i14�\ , •i �, .. oLj i r i _ ,aNJ"• •.-...,+��.�....... ,.... ..s..11nlb+.....w...•. ••e ,...... �L-,f< ...•+w<... ,,.u•y .q.. 7711. 11 4 : 517 : �'��k ,, ``Sb"�l ^`'�•1' -�Jr { .� � ,L1+`4 VS ro. {3.00 LIORNIMi' r ,,�•r i \ I' I. r f u �A r. tr every firm �, company or o0rporttlon, a" Ing on, ennduat 4- r 1 Council Proceedings, Clty.of Paducah, `.. ... managing in the City or Padunnh', 19 11 4 : 517 : ro. {3.00 LIORNIMi' r ,,�•r i \ I' I. f u �A r. ' every firm �, company or o0rporttlon, a" Ing on, ennduat 4- r 1 11 4 : 517 : ni ro. {3.00 LIORNIMi' r ,,�•r i \ I' t(W OT;ON 35,. ',j: A^lienees fee of {3,00., shall bo`liald eruslally, >b 1, "yrroon� u �A every firm �, company or o0rporttlon, a" Ing on, ennduat % 5 , .irlg'or managing in the City or Padunnh', f '• l I •,. • BANn1:11 AIICP,• for flrut nhnlr,, nii(I MOO Dar nnmvn for i., eenh adM1ttl0nel ohAlr, r 9_ . .. • PANORNAY, S111NI0 NAO1jIHR, 011 0I1?[LAR ln!nI O4.• ?or too . � .'. i - I, oh nd•IStlm5el .manhtne or Anyinx Mfr my ! And first 1.00 for n„ y . . ��, • WALL PLRA3t111R DOAT9 OR BBIPPB,• Tor rlrrit, anri :)1,00 G,• for -Anh nd,11tlonnl. ei tilt,, $D. 00 LIU'!)IRB,• ,1 _ ': '•t lr:•�. "OROTION ss, A 1lanhoe fen nT Two Ilo 11 r5ru nn nhnl.l be �\ ,I (d"• ) Dnld annual '.. _. '•2 t... '.''r.',, etneyt an horninaftrr yrnvt+lM try- every yeronn, 'fln:,.'mm�prury or .00rpm•nt.tnn l '•,,.,), 1 1n th,+ I , Oily or Pmtunnh,. •.{�, �. • 04NIRn A yklr • +'+:1 ALR DOO. Por OAnh den, 4 + Itr And It ohnll un the .duty of mrnh oanrr to lonkn nu;;lnn(lon r'•/ 1 nftnr yayrvnt of lionnxn fen, to the O1tY Clerk, 6r 'n' rnunln•.rAq _ .t, dog tag, to be nrrnlnhad by' MAIM nl•.rk, tor ylnni•d r;n•n nellnr i I ' _fi?•,1� ger ether nOnurO raatennr nrri1nd the nonk of the Ing, for which - r ', .. .same in 1nnuM, and Coon eyyllo"t Wil mint otntn the I1a00, nolnr, .-. _:�:; (.,�', • i _-,:1,. kind and ur.: 01, mrnh dOg.) 0 5 _ �.;..'• .. (11.00 LIV21r.n 1 ' ENeTION M. A ltnnnnn fnn'of Onn Do11 Ar 01,00)'Ahnll bn'pm1A nnminlly �; - •. .. by every Yarnon, f1r5o, nnm;.wny or nor?nrntlon, owning' a,n'nlu dog, {' -- _;for �wnh flog, In the city of Pnduaah,• auul,lt xhollIe• tJSn IWty •�) ''�-' ``-� of. �:,.. � .;•.i m}oh owner to klnkaoepyllaet ton, gfter. hAywnrlt of 1laongn ''' 77 .• ' fee, to ' ..r r-.• .. the city Clark, for Wnumbnrmi d 48 an8, to be tLrnleheA ),y nA14 , y - � `1 t -„ 41 Olrat, to be ylnrnt on n Collar er.othmr nemu•o rantnanr around ± ' the nook Of t.hn log, for M lah enms is issued, and euoh npollna- / i - ^•.A�,�,...,, ^.l t tion moot wit" the n"109 nolor, kind ant eat of nueh An Tr ,, + �• l :.� {75.00 Li CONRP.. J6 y: 8110 ION �, A Ilona a fen Of,3'evnnty, P1vC Dollars ({76.00) shell be i f •, .- ,paid, eeml-annually by avnry ynr4nn, firm, o01..pmny nr nnryornt ion, {{ -... a .. + ,(1 parrying on, eondunting or ❑nnaging In the City of rnrtunnh'l e I' ' ' i'1 • COPP23 NOUBS OR SALOON.• •i .• ..+;,�, '•., ) x.• ':,.„ Wherein OPirltuous, vinous or mR.1t liquor In nold nL Away given . • ,,.i�^_,, by the drink. Said arum-ennunldlnenao fen mhall be rum and yay- 41 able rneyootivoly on Jemunry lot, and July int of nnch year hero- . ert er, and an1M1 llaenne n}unll only ba gr'anteA Under aha terms and i j.: ,00naitlons heroin e,+t out, and 1f Any yernon, firm •Dorahon oompany or oor-,,, to whom llo,•nna has been grunted oy the City of Pmluneh, ehel ox11 or Orfar for m,Qe any spirituous, vinrnus or emit liquor S ay, oontrary, to anotion 39 hQ nor the Ynyor ehn1l strlotly is -' .r 'r onfor a thu provisions of neotlnn 10 hereof,' t ni 5 l F, f r 4'• 518 Council Proceedin s, -Cit 6' YofPaducah.............__... 190 ` iL POTION' E{t „ It shell by 1,M duty of the City Clerk to lessee all license 3 except ,license to .9011 sylrituousi vinous end mAlt liquor, other- a < r�r'+wi0e than by wholesale, upon DrnRnntetl°n to him of the Treasurer,a renelpt for the amount due upon sense, end.nalQ amount as shown by Al •r- �.r r rY ' said reoolpt, shall be eMorse an the license so SRsuai Ly the ..r / Clerk, and the Saoual or said license Mall authorise the holder ^,�}, •.. thereof to SmoadiRtely oommon°e business theroinder, ` POTION'';. Any porcon,'firm, norpnny or corporation Ann1r1'ng to obtain I'I•, a Ilcnnnn to 6011 eDiritUoµ6, vlhqua or to It liquors by retell, by '�� }f ( the dr", In any coffee house, or onloon in rjrnntitles of not, - �.+ { lone than one quarts hos morn than five gallons, or beer in reran• :k •., w ti{leo not lees than one Rosen quarts, elihar in bulk Or in bottles or spirituous, vinous or maltliquor in club rooms, Rhnll at Tenet ten days before ,appllontion is ,made therefor, as hereinafter set out, boat one printed notice to be provided by the City atork, at .the DrODoRnA:pla°o.of Lou of applicants -� -• I of. APPllOants intention to make - , 4uD11°eti0; horeforr giving the I ` oharaoter. of.liocnee nppllontlon IN r made for, the uSoinOus adArOgo s[ where applicant intends to 6611, the meeting of the Onne!•sl' Counoll. r and before whloli Doard. Of %he Oenergl Council said. nppllontlon will , r :.•I - + be made, and; at least for other ooples of en1d aeries Mali be { � _ ..,•!,-' posted at, fit inset f0 then' eon Sauous { , � conspicuous places in the City of - '' • . -A I 'h' J 'y PadµonT, and upon applioatlon for 6u°h 11oRn9a -' ea hereinafter set- e Batt,' bO.ing made to .the 0enaral Ouunoil, the affidavit of the epDli— ^ -!. ' d000ass ° L n time .l nae RnA nnnar of posting aeon rwrtlae� + rl �ten�laa by a aopy)'o� eu5h notes, r I f eTali be [Srot-t13eA or 0n0o+.ryany sold application bnfore'sRms May t be none Brad. It Mall also be the Auty of any appllnant So pay . 4 , r fN ' ;to.,ths City Treasurer the 1111,011111, rhea for much license and take ..I his rOoeipt thercfcr, eM Drooent such receipts to the Olty+a Olerk,; .. •makaI11II �. MA eDDllnatlon to the Omr+ral,0ounall on a blank or form, be'Nrnlched by Bald Clerk for nurh Ilicense.0 and state thereon. I�r <� , who said 'eDDl leant propenes to give as surety on his oond, and •' - he address Of the p1Rce Of business, license to do bunlnnes Is Balalied. tor,. and thereupon lostion, to gnthei with said Trade. �,`;ur0r+s receipt and the affidavit of eDDlionnt ere herelnbnforR req 'quired# aM copy of Oal$ nctl0e shall be d at the next . { Present --d , l _ raguliu�,mcetl wi ng Of�eSrihum board of LTO Oennrnl Cmuncill ` and if >r a ' the. disOrntion Of Wald DO 11'd ,. ,. .. eam0 1R granted, and the au1'eir od ' he beryl aooptnA by rboard■nme•ehall inilk, orm >._.:...,_.-. . or JI ' sen ad 1,0+the other OonM of. the General'COUJWU, and If In r the r - ; r dlsoreLlon of. OeM second board same lR greeted end tea surety on he bond soeeDtad.� .. , ;[.. by such second board, It shall be the dvtY of - xr �. I V'.8PPlloont to enter into a bond, SC llann0s to'eell by retail or ;1n a oaffne home, saloon or OluU room In deniredr with sold 0o- .. , } I•� .. If �jj Onpted,: mretYt es aret t JJ Y hereon, with the City PeOuoahs: 1 In the '�, +Y� r'if aur of one. thononnd dollars (01000,00), µ r I oondltional that such ey. o ••-u•s rw..i.'Ka,xaYr..-...r- :...:bur ._. w...,.+.ry .M[....c �„ Council Proceedings City of Paducah, -__ .' 190 11 1 Dliannt wui,knnp�a quite and orderly, hounn, Rod w1.1.1'not per_' s; it i,rlr;mit gNming er riotous or disorderly conduct therein, and Ohgll j - i ' • .I li i' not knep open his enloon,:noffee hou0e or Alltb "on$ nul, nail nor 1 ' } , 1! *' offer for sale grOt.Splrltuoua, vinnuo or melt.liquor, on. any. gunday - `• a)+d oth""w'Sk In All r0APOata OumPly With all'thn ardlnA+J000 of ' -,t7Jn, City of. PnduOnh, NO lime of the COI=. Pwenith Of ►rntuaLy, ro- t.:; lsting to.the "nlling, offerine for hnle or giving away of upir- •! Ituous, vinous or, malt llgttwr,. In env naffOn hounn, nnlonn or ,club r• room, "a long Be geld llnenen "hall pnrn:it a1);)l1n^.Bt t.n d'0 ,', ..}; �•-Ulnin"as,, Find upon viOlntion Of nny Of the nonditionA Of Bald bond �9" amid "am of 31000,00 shall on .forfalted to thn CSL• of a , Pa,Olunh, , r p ' I \ a0 .liVidat.ed Ilgrb'SS!tn, and u!Icll immed tgts,ly UegUmn .1LL0 grul YgYaUlO l{,y •• - h 6 „ ':. to "Rid Clty,. AM o,Dullonnto for ,llOmuln to ne B' tt 11 8;,lrita1011n, vin- • f �ouo nr mglt liquors In ellentitinn not lean than Ond rpinrt, nor •' �'' laorn than flvn Cnllone, ,or rmlt 11 vA - L+' a re in gu•.Intitlnu not leu- than • ....4\=.7 ,±. - �, '.vAw eon^dollenrNBtrte:In Wlk gr'1.n-^Potties, In nddltiun toi- ,uhn:il 1) thrin';OVa bond, bond enter Into that uo llquar Belli uminr onid i linen' -e, %hall bn r"ink on tea pronleas of'aP?linnnt, Put in no- rn � +nv,.nt, 'ahgll the 'rl::ht to. do Wninnen ,indLm Bnld lin, one nor+Wenn G unt 1.1 nnld n)ylingl,t has ax,twtarl Og1d IoM to Lin Innenrr nn,t torp tit y, harnln pronnrl Lnd„ Upon the. onla,),llnnoo by ap.,liunnt. of ,ill the ,'i- _ Oorkdlt}nnn Be till" "nnt.Snn, slid tht, grnntlnr! of ,t}oeneo an npnllM ,•''rI �`° j ' ' tori q' troth DOgrdn of tit:n-nni:nrgl 001111011, t11n Ulty O.l„rk ohAll 6 'Jtr .. flume eunh lln+-nae to applicant, provided Said Spill leant Mall pro- ei)nt to the 01ty Clerk, ti rm-ipt: for the rnimiAt Aon for Bounty �• t �I #F.I• „ ,and nt stn ltornne, to sell In the onr.A m,lnnor, And At the Penn '# • iii `1 pleas, grant nd by'thn nenerel Oounnll, Y 15 gas The appllostlnn of porsons required to, make ngp.11o l Itun jgR0TI011 Jr p ) under section ST, to nail oplrltuous, vinous sip malt liquors, shell' the stgtn„name at the Derean or aorpornllen applying for scion, and if s tiro, the names of each individual, composing veld firm, together . a Y1 Lar 1 1j t` V n^ rn ire ab, and Gllall 1Lrtnor PtaLi, tliaL the r If Y r r L.. anDlloant ggrnee to prrmlt no Cambting on the. !,r,lUi b, on whinh I ' ,i t Onld l.qupr la bold, grid thnt.tho en!,Llonnt'in not dlrnctly or' - r. • �f B, indirectly lntla.�lrotad In pry enc:+rilnq, enmbling room dr:vlmt, or n it r•• d + ,Came, nn:l thrtt thur,+ is not now, nor wilt he. Da•mlt tnnre to ue,. i r _ any mngnn of Sngrgoa ur ef1•oes, co or 1Y•olu h.t A. plane of >aeLlaue, :`•,;}"��1, > : r ' :o or from wily Cgnb]Sng ronin or ,race In whlan any C,O+u.l leg 1.O 11"1- ' ' . •• rind, on and thg2 he will. not L.it or auffor came to uxlet: tent 1 l `s Ons of, the bx)r•;as conditions of the irranting.of Blah ;lla ansa Shell' r� _ , c, 1 . that Lila nil: li0rnt BIT that daring 't hr. life of nuoh lionnne, -tin will ' violute ar, of tae Lnn, pruhlbl.t.ing thu enln of 1191181 e' rnot ;P h •r or Intsxloenta to niarb or til) 1.1rin we ordlnnnoeo Cov,.rming And - W) is r Inont 1111 ne the utile of aplr tanuoi vinoµu or .milt t aly.0 or ,L„otlon days And. that .,aid ny allnan:. will nbAdt by rind roti_ felt .A'11y ot+.a 2vo +Ill lmrn revl,lgting n* rnntrull g only rL �FY rr , .., x�., 9 , uA n,, r � ,s .�� • , 1 71.-7-1774 Council Proceedings; City' of Paducah,....... '._-.......:. 190 . r ut; {ro uel.+i of i,it ltiag of nylrltuouu, vinoo.t or tv71t 11r1uore,T- ' . and'that ahmllA the nVpilo?77t fail•tn live uD to. the farms; aanaltllle end•.s2 iyul at Sono, act out in said .`pplicatiun. togetbnr with all y} Xt"••, 1 yJ QrA1nnnoc6 of the Olt" of Pnduonh, or liana of!thn ntate of re. -• }I•-" , `name tucky that Mall. be considered a violation of the viareer:.ent _+ <+ nntorAd into'; betwron the City and snla aPDllcont, v;hrm grmlted + ;."'4 �5. {'- be ".! ao.ld:llonnae, and thd'linyor shall autnorix!dt,) revoke the llo0nnd " er»nt,:1,' apyllontinn for wliloh In merle, cud n:.rther that a convio- ! _ . tion in thn Pnrblonh Police Court; of the Applicant, -fora violatior 'sf any of the lai+a•.nf the ntnto-of Knntuoky, or 01'41nnnoon of the C:ity,,, +f Fndureh, oontrolinn or r^471ating the sale of nplritxmun, vino+ie '•'! '. " or melt ligvore on 9undAyn or to mlrois or inebriates, nhnll'be .. _ •�primn " fnoin evldnnne, that thin agreement hes been violated, 'And inn 'lo•nA< ,ranted, shall born voKed by the 1!nyor of the ��City of i,aduonh, and the eyDllnatlon nir:nnd by, tho.a'i+pll,!ant shrill be thu •L ' ltho^Sty of Lho l: nyof,'toravakc• •' llorno7, ander i•hu oondltione !; - • 'I'S n thernln met out. • ' BE OSI ON SY, It 16'hereby gnclnred to be unlawful for. Any firm. 1` yaruon, t.' company or 'nurynrntlon exempt thoseen eo1»ll �•� D D 7 DOrmlttrrl w0 to do 1. I rI ~ �•) •� Jr,F .j by law or ordinannnn of the City of:PadnOah,. to carry on, OOM e.,,,. r .7' :: ^",. •:, ... ' • �'� .•duct Or 1vinAge any Ixininam,., On All ❑clay 0+.' La Anil' 1Offnr' for nnlep 1 �'`' any goodn, wares or merahnndimn or bovrengee of any kind on auhrtey - + j in the -City of Paducah, or M null Or offer for cele', any nplrituous,: •� vinous or melt 11 quer, nontrvy'to the lune of the state, Or orrtlnen- ' I ' doe of the Olty of P»rblOnh, And It shall bn the +hcty or thn,unyor ; (; to strictly' enforce the Provisions of e.!Otlon 10, h,zcnof, if thin -I (Z, 5 emotion 1a violated by,any Pernon, firm, anr0mly or eerporntlen, • ! ' - �' ` �� •�;" ' p'anteil n linnnon hsraun,t.m.. •. r. I i �:. _ i' QR OTI ON .40: `., 1n usnefl of roypllnat lona for .ronownl of liconne to cell 'r eplrltvmle, vinm,e or Holt ASr,uora, wham Vvllnant hes not laitted hln lloanoa•to.exylror or where Quid lianneo hue not been ,r revoked bnforn.aypliontion for rnnownl tho"enf io uart0, "..e. panting„ { �. I JY ( n. t of nodose no net out in section S7 nnnl2wun 1":quirnd, ., r rr j' 'lp OS20N {l. All rwnlnA roonJved from llonnoee under thn lirovieions t ill :-i of. r thla oMlnnnoe 'mhnll be paid to the City Troam trey and by- him .• i t . Planarl to the oyedit of the neneral ROvenne Fund of Chs city of I,. . FST 1 r Perlvonh, and shall be used and exDenrtreA de'ray tag �Lhe current � { y ,in r I - "* and'inoidnntal nxpnnoen of oaid City, '• "" All ordinano0o or'prc'tA of Ordlnanoee in oonfllot herr ' C ! with are pereby repeslert, and this, ordlnenoe 'ohall take effmot end be.in fblpe,:from,ord. After. ignuery Int, 190x, t,�i. , ', ,. 13' bottom .raid ordiltslldowas tiYeh its first 71i Faauge aped all of mo »31 )by _ following vote , o7t , Yes! L111ds Orandoll Flournoy, Foraasn, H orriodg, I.aakey, .. ' Pard, 7aNfoLor,'RSSlisl'ro11' sad Mlron,(10), on motion tLo rues was susponded. and it +7 i eaiQ 'ordlnanoo was given its teoona .roadlnQ • and final paseago,, by tills,. 19 on call { , x�., 9 , uA n,, r � ,s .�� • , 1 Y 777 Council Proceedings. City of Paducah.,_:_;:_;_-.` ....:.:..:.. 1�- kr • J� . . _ _ f,•_ at 1 • roll by m e. rallowing roto, Yeas, Undsoy, Cra dell, nourttsy. Nrr,nena ensu, i.asYsy, t letl'i, YsnYeter, •1111eslsen and Filson, (10), _ 1. —on Y{tion bo Board . : x -,: ...nr. ,:'. ,fr':r. .n•'i �l �• +•,^�nna. 'rrr -'t.nra f, ,r. n...r. ^t rJAN 1�- kr • J� . . _ _ f,•_ at 1 • roll by m e. rallowing roto, Yeas, Undsoy, Cra dell, nourttsy. Nrr,nena ensu, i.asYsy, t letl'i, YsnYeter, •1111eslsen and Filson, (10), _ 1. —on Y{tion bo Board r ~" .f lu.'r .tl +. ..fir .�.�>.... i 1 .u.t.--.i.r? +l �tl)•�1 ,.•v..t .'.ti•^iR°.'J: { by a,S J, If _v V lQn». -,: ...nr. ,:'. ,fr':r. .n•'i �l �• +•,^�nna. 'rrr -'t.nra f, ,r. n...r. ^t rJAN ffiD �PPROViIJD filet ' . a;h aierp ', HO: 44 ':,• n4n,;••o ,P ;1 ^^� 9•: J:+fin• 1.0vA,x,j -Lin; •,(JlnI .. . a' ('r:"]O' calif .1f;l :l In ui:F: vnin hto ,,nJJlm,n'1 I.,•p(ttj w.:. v,n I.c;•Nly+ ni lSfl e,'{! ;tn{.. .. . ( nJ t,+,.•. nJ .^nl:•:] ••'I'. 'W h,Vl :.t '!v n ••::7 'tn Arq'mnt'4 uu•1n Vnq 7; YbQ :R 10 , . J .IC +': • , •r rti - q •• ( 1 ra,l olio + t9n rnn rnRt r n. _ n 1 JR7r • xl � tt••r •• 1 , n ':f.` 1+. i1 er)!nr 1 : !r :. Irnr.-, :n n , n. nJ ,V:•• IA ' I _Sf __ _ li _ [ •J 1 '.i •:. 1 r f•:rf> „ , n.. ` �' a '-' f t .YJ! 1 ' O n•. r ] t s. ..y ., .I 1 .' ,'! _ 1 � r a Sfl S .h. 4 5.. •}, 1�•J i J..-'7.rv. �.r %I,t"r :'i .'J.' A�:.1•' , n �'. . .•r rt-: hr � J'.. .r �.�i '' yr '.. .-.. `.•...iY, I:.i r+ ,i'. a Vn ,t: y I -.. 1 -:'. .. y.•,i' „ I t ' .., 1 t •� f J(I, 1+13 y� nl j; r ~" .f lu.'r .tl +. ..fir .�.�>.... i 1 .u.t.--.i.r? +l �tl)•�1 ,.•v..t .'.ti•^iR°.'J: { by a,S J, If _v 'r ' I _Sf __ - !. Rlf,ld .Jot..:).. x.- J [ •J 1 '.i •:. 1 r f•:rf> „ , n.. � r a Sfl S .h. 4 5.. •}, t r ~" .f lu.'r .tl +. ..fir .�.�>.... i 1 .u.t.--.i.r? +l �tl)•�1 ,.•v..t .'.ti•^iR°.'J: { by a,S J, If _v